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Welcome to omLestermo!
om - Short for Home + less
mo - Mobile Living
Also known as: Lester then add "Mo" in front or ommo for short.

The top part symbolizes the roof of a house (a car in my case). Added two wheels on the road (based on Abbey Road from the Beatles) My name on the road like the Beatles walking 'coz I'm a fan of their music.

Quote of the Year:
"A Hopeless Romantic..."
- ommo

My Tip Jar

Now Accepting Tips

Thank You in Advance...

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Available for Side Hustles

  • Taking Care of your recycled bottles (Edmonton Area or St. Albert only for now)
  • Responsive Web Design, Graphics & Animation
  • Teaching + Training / Programming or Software App Dev / Automation

Year 2024 Dear Diary
OMMO's, EMO's, Lester, omLestermo, mo... Daily Life...

Jan 1, 2024
ommo: Happy New Year!, bored again... Hey squirl! it's been a while... squirl: Happy New Year OMMO! I thought you won't be back 'til 2025 and would do a TIMESKIP?maybe ommo: I do but before I do that, I think I'll give myself a challenge this year to post Jan 1st to Dec 31st 2024 without missing a day... After that I'll probably do a TIMESKIP... Squirl.. It's too cold in Edmonton compared to Calgary... squirl: I concur just like your Love Life... ommo: What? Are you a psychic? How did you know squirl? squirl: I can see your diary and new quote of the year... Are you getting hopeless now? ommo: On the contrary squirl, I think I still have 3-3.5 years left... I forgot how to spell psychic and googled it... Other than that. I learned Singapore and Canadian Dollars are the same... I thought all Asian Countries currency money are below USA and Canada... I learned something new today... then I googled and researched what Singapore girls looked like... Thumbs UP! They are pretty @N6C Gs... Squirling... More countries are finally helping Palestinian in Gaza, I think history will change forever and remember these countries that help prevent Genocide... while also remembering the countries that supported Israel for this Genocide that's happening in our generation... Having multiple citizenship in other countries that help Palestinians sounds like a good adventure... Squirling... I should have fuel up last year... Saw the gas prices today and it went up significantly... Squirling... After my powernap, I saw the face of Dr. Stranger as the Anti Christ. I immediately woke up and was breathing heavily...

Jan 2, 2024
The Story so far... I was dreaming that Squirl and I were in Gaza defending Palestinian civilians... One fateful day, squirl and I are both hiding and defending... Suddenly, squirl went outside with a white flag waving to surrender... Squirl was shouting surrender in Hebrew but then Squirl got shot by a sniper... I threw a smoke grenade, and within the smoke, I tried to get squirl into a safe spot... and I said: squirl! squirl! talk to me! Why did you do thee? squirl said: I saw an IDF soldier and thought he's the ONE. My heart went CODE RED it was like love at first sight... ommo: That's crazy... going outside with a white flag and only pen on you... Why did you even carry a pen? squirl: I thought the ONE would give me his contact info and needed a pen to write it down. ommo: Squirl, let me give you a piece of an advice, there is only 1 of the ONE and its KEANU REEVES from the Matrix... squirl: I already know that and the IDF looked identical to the one. A few hours later.... ommo: So how are you feeling now squirl? squirl: I feel so good now ommo... ommo: That's great to hear... squirl: It was great that the IDF sniper missed and the bullet went through my @$$ instead... ommo suddenly woke up breathing heavily... #2 Dr. Stranger the Anti Christ looked like squirls behind... Squirling... Trinity Carrie-Anne Moss is also the one from the Resurrection Movie... wait a minute... Mind Blown... I think 2 becomes the one means no 1 is an island?... You always need a partner, soul mate, and companion in life? Is this what the movie is teaching me? or after googling 2 becomes 1... It shows up in google. It's a song by SPICE GIRLS 1996 released... I googled Matrix, and it was released in 1999... Does this mean 2 becomes 1 came from SPICE GIRLS? The Movie Matrix and all the series all the way to Resurrection is a fan based on SPICE GIRLS? Too spicy for me...

Jan 3, 2024
ommo: Hey Squirl, do you know the difference between Gs and digital passwords? squirl: Gs are like WiFi signal, some relationship are strong or weak just like passwords some are strong and some are weak. ommo: You're on the right track squirl! I think so too, there is no difference between Gs and Passwords. If you have a strong password, you're secured. If you understand Gs, you're also secured. If you have a weak password, you're in trouble... If you don't understand Gs because you didn't think or try enough, you're in big trouble. If you forgot your password or your G, you are screwed... I'm beginning to understand my dads advice to stay single to be happy in life... Some would say happy G = happy life... It could be true but trying to make a happy G forever... Is that worth the cost of a few minutes or sometimes seconds of a happy ending? I think eating chocolates tastes and feels like a happy ending to me... squirl: I get ya bruh, food makes a single person a lot happier... This is why there's a saying: “the way to a man's heart is through his stomach”... ommo: Just make sure you don't get hooked from the food. Squirl: What's your favorite dessert ommo? ommo: Leche Flan... I always ate that when I was a little gago boy, that's why my life turned into Leche Lecheng Life. Leche in English could also mean: DUCK, SUCKING LIFE... Squirling... I was watching how to build a diy submarine since this war seems to keep getting bigger and bigger... Squirling... I was also browsing for a small business to buy and saw a laundromat for sale in Edmonton really cheap but after doing some research and reading in reddit forums... People said that area is full of drugs and homeless... I have no issue with homeless because I'm the same but I have red flags with drugs... Not worth the cost of getting a laundromat for cheap if it's in a dangerous place. I also read that instead of delivering such as food for instacart, skip the dishes, uber and so on.. It's better to setup an llc business and do deliveries for medical things... Going to look on this tomorrow on how to start my own business... It's going to be hard talking to people to get this as an introvert I think... but I'll read and research on it tomorrow... I did become a salesman door to door before... The guy who was training me lied a lot to girls to make a sales... A few hours later I said, this job ain't for me and quit. I learned a lot about making girls laugh on that quick experience... You need to lie to make Gs happy and have a happy life as well... I need more experience on that field. I don't have what it takes to be a great lawyer... I meant liar... Auto correction...

Jan 4, 2024

Are you willing to find out if your a Genius or a UNICORN?
Try and fill in the blanks before clicking the reveal button.

F _ _ K F O L K
B O O _ S B O O T S
_ _ N D O M R A N D O M
P _ N _ S P A N T S
P U _ S _ P U L S E
V A _ _ N A V A R U N A

If you get:
0 / 6 You're a DEEK!
1 / 6 You're GREEN MINDED!
2 / 6 You're RANDO / NORMAL!
3 / 6 You're SMART!
4 / 6 You're VERY SMART!
5 / 6 You're a GENIUS!
6 / 6 You're a UNICORN!

Squirling... Warren Buffett is warning everyone that a huge inflation is around the corner... I'm not surprised for another inflation as long as I have my Mayo, Tuna and Sardines I'm good... economy wars, first one who gets into the great depression loses... Squirling... Russia became the president of BRICS... Another Beatles song playing in my head Back to USSR... I remember when I was still learning hacking and learned from a great Russian Hacker... He was a genius hacker... It gets boring though after you've done it and ends up hacker vs hacker... Also knew a website that just pops up like a bunch of images where a random normal person would think that the website isn't yet setup and just ads of images... Hidden among those images is a code to enter the real site... you won't be able to view the code unless you go through and find the image that contains the code from tons of images one by one. Then, in order to get in, you also have to use a certain browser and key combination to reveal a login and credentials to enter... Talk about very smart or paranoid, I would have never thought of it without experiencing it first hand scary genius hackers... Though I'm grateful for everything and every day that I learn new things, especially about life... Squirling... I saw on youtube Israel trying to get rid of all of Palestinian in Gaza... They seem to want Gaza just for Israel people only. Even if USA is trying to talk Israel out of it, they won't listen to USA anymore... For all the Palestinian or people in Gaza... their current world without a place to escape is sad and wrong... They don't have the ability to flee and protect themselves after all the carpet bombing... What's annoying is that the IDF and people of Israel either got brainwashed by the Prime Minister and mindlessly follow and hate Palestinians or Christians... Is this the will of their God? The People of Israel or the will of one person their Prime Minister to drag this out and get more countries involved? or did Israel and the Prime Minister got manipulated by someone behind the scenes? Now they are trapped into this mess for the world to see... Example: In WW1 after watching youtube videos. I think the West is more of a manipulator in WW1... In Hamas and Israel, my gut tells me the East this time is the manipulator to overthrow the West. I based this upon looking at how HAMAS has planned the attacked, retreats and exactly anticipated how Israel would react and ask for help (the West). I hope it's not for a silly revenge because the west masterfully manipulated a lot of countries in WW1 and make promises... It's interesting to me because it is like chess anticipating what the other is thinking... yet sad because real lives are the pawns and are at stake... Squirling... I also think it's too late for Israel Prime Minister for getting caught in a nest of spider webs and letting his hate get the best of him... Squirling... I'm remembering how I always trade my bishops for opponents' horses because horses are more annoying to deal with in chess back then I kept losing to my childhood friend grandpa with horses...

Jan 5, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, earlier today... A pretty @N6C G stopped me on my tracks and said: Excuse me, I always see you in this area... what do you do? I stopped looked at her and paused... I don't know what to do or don't know what to say... My head is floating looking for some squirls inside my head for some advice... I ended up saying ... She then said, ok good... with a smile and I said, thank you and left without getting her name... Thanks God for letting me talk to a pretty @N6C G in a minute or so... That's like a world record! Squirling... Done my daily walk for hours and hours and hours, 10 push-ups, and 20 squats. My school starts next week for a different career God help me fully master my Powernap and multi tasking skills... Maybe I could work on different careers at the same time... Also can't wait to do surveying for my brother's business this summer... I wonder if I could start a business like Jack of All Trades but a master of none... like fixing cars, replacing alternators, belts, brake pads... and tell the government I earned my degree fixing it from Youtube Academy of Learning Institute from watching lots of youtube diy videos... Squirling... I also learned how to make a diy stun gun from youtube too bad it's illegal in Canada... Squirling... The girl from earlier, whoever you are, thank you for talking and not getting creeped out from a random homeless guy like me. Thumbs Up! Thanks again to everyone hanging around my online home reading my dear diary, congrats to the green highlighted for ranking up with more pretty @N6C Gs for the reds who went down, don't give up keep having more babies and hope its a G, a few decades from now I hope you will also rank up... Congrats again to Canada for holding the trophy of having lots of PRETTY @N6C Gs... To be honest, for some unknown reason, I feel so naked in real life because of this dear diary... Squirling... North vs South Korea might also start a war soon... 2024 will be a year to remember... Squirling... Googled how many homeless per country... Whoever recruits all the homeless for war gets an advantage since we as homeless have nothing else to lose and the only way is to go up the ladder and we can even extend that ladder all the way to heaven...

Jan 6, 2024
This is the real truth trying to train a Squirl... A simple 1 + 1 question is way too hard for an AI Squirl for now... Doing some offline AI testing models and training... Some models are out of this world, AI surely can be used and exploited by people with malice for evil... Not sure how making a law can help if law varies by countries... I asked squirl ai who would win World War 3 and I got asked back in return... Squirling... I'll probably skip walking and exercise today or any side hustles... my whole body, feet and legs are in pain... Squirling... Can't believe I slept for 8 hrs + today... I feel much better than powernaps... Squirling... Now using a different AI Model from llama that is 70 billion (compared to GPT 3.5's 175 billion parameters) on a 32 Gig RAM machine... I still prefer Open source even though its only 70 B compared to 175 B of GPT... It's free and can be run locally outside of the internet and be trained... Squirling... Speaking of FREE, always make sure to read the fine print before getting FREE Stuff... Example: Microsoft Visual Studio might have some free offers... but if your a company that FREE thing changes and not FREE anymore... I think people in the law making industry should change the word FREE... If someone claims and use the word FREE then its FREE without any strings attached... but who am I kidding... this world is full of tricks...

Jan 7, 2024
Just playing with Squirl AI... Congrats Squirl, now you know 1 + 1 and 2 + 2! but you still don't get what is - 4 (my nose for) = You said 0 but the correct answer is for smelling... Squirling... There's an officer asking for help on the Dark Web to hack his body cam and willing to pay $$$... That officer may be in a tight spot to post and offer $$$ on the dark web... Squirling... I'll sell some bottles later, thanks again for the bottles! Thumbs Up!!

Jan 8, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, today is a lot harder... I think I have to take a break from Insta Cart Delivery until I finish school... My body needs to recover on weekends (I think I need lots of sleep on weekends)... To be honest, I never really paid attention to school and studies after a certain experience that happened in my life... After that, I felt like I haven't studied in my life ever since... I got by being lucky and singing eeni mini mini mo for a, b, c, d, e guessing answers on tests... I'll save the story for another day...

Jan 9, 2024
ommo: Thanks for these bottles again! Thumbs Up! Going to sell more bottles later.

Jan 10, 2024
ommo: Food Tip of the day: Sardines + Tomato Sauce + Mayo = Taste so good! If there's a G outthere that also eats the same stuff = Maybe you are the one... Squirling... Used all of these muscle pain stuff and it doesn't seem to be working if your body doesn't get enough sleep...

Jan 11, 2024
squirl: hey ommo how's school? ommo: It's going great squirl... No one found out about my personal online diary yet... I feel like Superman / Clark Kent as his secret identity... I don't think I'll be able to talk really long to people that saw my online diary... Someday, I want to be able to sleep 8 hrs a day... someday... even though I feel like Superman my body feels all the pain and aches... Wanted to get a massage using my benefits from remote work but I'm shy if a girl touches me and I don't have a 6 pack yet... I failed to get a 6 pack last December 2023... but this year... I'll try harder to make it come true... then maybe then I'll get a better chance talking to Gs? A few hours later... I got it in reverse it's Superman that is the secret identity not Clark Kent... It's the same for me... Color | Colour... Tomato | Tomatoe | Ketchup... Squirling... I think I get the excitement/testosterone or whatever you call it that Clark Kent must have felt having secret identity...

Jan 12, 2024
ommo: Thanks for the tips! Thumbs Up!... It's too cold... Squirling... USA seizing more than $300 billion in Russian assets...

Jan 13, 2024
ommo: The engine wouldn't start even with a portable fully charged booster. Doesn't feel like global warming at all...

Jan 15, 2024
The Bitter and Sweet Tree

In the beginning... God created man and woman and was sweet... Luci was jealous of Adam and/or Eve. The next night, Luci started making a plan for Eve. Luci whispered that Eve would find out the truth to this world if she eats the forbidden fruit. Eve got tricked and ate it... The all-knowing God learned what has happened... Did God know this would happen? Adam and Eve got banished from the promise land. Eve became sweeter to Adam to make it up to him, but Adam became bitter... A few thousand years later... To all the Gs out there, no matter how sweet you are, some men's bitterness has evolved throughout the years. They are now called Dr. Strangers, no matter how you try to see the good in them, some are just rotten and pure bitter to the core... Doesn't matter how much sugar you add on a bitter fruit, you will always be able to taste their bitterness... A few thousand years to come... This bitterness doesn't apply to just men anymore... It applies to all Gs... Squirling... squirl: ommo you forgot to post yesterday... ommo: Yes squirl, I forgot and got busy doing other side hustles... After this week and the week after, I need to keep studying for some sort of exam at school. Squirling... So what should the non bitter people do? Should they give up on this rotten pure bitterness Dr. Strangers? I think not, God made us from his good ol sweet side... Though its always better not to talk to Dr. Strangers especially if they give you candy...

Jan 16, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary: Learned today that Drugs in Canada for Medications are way cheaper than USA. USA Florida started buying from Canada. I remember before Canada ran out of cough medicines... I went to Walmart, Superstore, Shoppers, 7 Eleven and other stores and no one was selling any cough medicines. If USA keeps buying from Canada because it's cheaper, would Canada lose and ran out again? Also learned Bank of China did some reversal salary... Squirling... people in youtube asking if Israel has a plan after the war for Palestinian in Gaza... Seriously, It's been months and months when Israel PM and government said they want to be in charge of Gaza. The current government has no plans to live side by side with Palestinians... There is a major advantage for Israel and USA to get that land... What if homeless people started going into peoples home and kicking out the original home owners? More and more are getting homeless each day... I saw another G by the traffic light begging for something and showing her legs during severe winter cold... Why show it? I got legs as well. After doing daily walks everyday, I think I can see my legs getting skinnier and more muscle.. so the only difference is that mine is more hairy than yours... I can't believe she's doing that in winter...

Jan 17, 2024
ommo: Hey squirl, did you know Trump won Iowa by a landslide? squirl: I've heard about it. Why you ask? ommo: I kinda want Donald Trump to win over Joe Biden... The world needs more laughter right now... I cannot wait to watch all the late night shows what they will say about Donald Trump if he wins again... I do think Donald Trump is misunderstood by most people... Just like me I'm always misunderstood... Google, Siri and Alexa can't even understand what I'm saying (very frustrating that the words coming out of my mouth isn't being understood by these technologies)... So I feel like I have more connection with Trump over Biden... Because of this connection I feel I understood Trump when he proposed building a Wall in Mexico border... Not many people get Trump but when he proposed it to the public, what he really meant to say is: Will you be my WALL-et? Not many people also know his favorite song either... It's "Build Me Up Buttercup" song by the Foundations... It's because he love to build things... When he said he wanted to be a DEEKTATOR during his first day of being president again... His rival Joe Biden quickly used this chance and said Trump is lucky that he hasn't seen the Irish inside of him... I think Trump again was misunderstood when he said he wanted to be a DEEK... I think what he really meant to say is that being a president is like being a comedian... Not everyone understands your jokes but half the world loves it... One last thing, we have seen almost all of Trump skeletons in the closet out in the open... Yet people accepted him, isn't this better than hiding the hulk inside of the other candidate? Captain America (wins) > Hulk... Squirling... This ABC company (won't name it) got breached and lost all their data for a certain service... It's because they aren't secured enough... I showed it to my colleagues how anyone could easily steal their users' account info, address, emails, contacts its wide open to the internet... So many clients and users got affected because all their stuff needs to be rebuilt from scratch... They even sent out their passwords using plain text... You can even login into anysite they hosted as admin and make changes due to a certain bug... I wonder if they will pay back all their customers that got affected... Hacking is fun and games as long as you don't do this kind of stuff to other people and just want to learn and make it more secure... I feel sorry for this company and its customers I bet my balls all their customers don't know their user data can be breached without admin access... Also obfuscation is not security...

Jan 18, 2024
ommo: Going to study more to prepare for an exam next week... Squirling... Drones have changed the war, because its cheaper to make... USA is going to have a hard time against Drone Attacks... but what if, someone make an app to detect the drone signals? I've played with RFID/NFC for work purposes and made an app using Visual Studio + RESTful API for an external DB connection to do almost anything on the DB but never played with RF Drone signals or even owned a Drone myself... I hope someone out there already made one, then it should help counter these Drone Attacks? squirl: How? ommo: Well if Drones are way cheaper (thousands) to make than missiles (millions), then if someone can detect these drones that uses some sort of signal, someone could just buy a helium and balloon which is cheaper and attached a EMP device with a mini fan powered by a small battery to move towards the target against Drones passing by? I've watched how to make an EMP device in youtube and it doesn't look hard and anyone can do it... Squirling... I missed the good old days of hacking/modding/decompiling and recompiling (it was so much fun, addicting and nerve racking)... Still staying true to my word never do it again... Squirling... All countries should make IMEI changing illegal because of how easy it is to change and make emergency phone calls without a SIM card, it uses IMEI and location to track who's calling... but since its too easy to change IMEI + Voice Changer + Emergency Phone Calls = It will disrupt the service for people who truly needs it. Though I'm not sure how the government can counter it with people buying second hand phones all over...

Jan 19, 2024
ommo: hey squirl... squirl: what is it? I just saw how China at the sea uses water against other naval vehicles (Philippines)... Maybe USA can learn something from China and develop water guns that uses sea water as well to target drones instead? Plenty of water in the sea to use as an ammo... Very smart of China to develop water guns/cannons... squirl: I wanna see lots of squirt battles as well... ommo: I concur, WW3 should be a squirting battle that only uses water and nothing else...

Jan 20, 2024
ommo: Zzzz Zzzz... Just going to sleep a lot and rest up...

Jan 21, 2024
ommo: Finally got 8 hrs of sleep ready for another Mon to Sat week of sigma life... Sunday is for resting to get some energy back... Squirling: Looking into dogs and found something new... Who would come up with such a name? Went to wikipedia to find out more about it... I missed my Dalmatians dogs way back when...

Jan 22, 2024
ommo: Today, I have learned a new dog breed called Shih Tzu (make it into one word remove h and zu) from search and wikipedia... I feel sorry for dogs that are named like this because I also feel the connection of having a name like mine... People giving names like mine and to these dogs probably isn't born as an English speaking native tongue...

Jan 23, 2024
ommo: Thanks for these bottles! Thumbs Up!

Jan 24, 2024
ommo: Finally did my mid exam... Even though I did study I still made 1 mistake... It's disappointing that my singing skills of singing eeni mini mini mo on tough questions isn't working anymore (probably because I've been singing in the car everyday different songs other than this mini mo song and I also sing once a month in the shower since I only take it once a month)... Tomorrow I'll have to finish my work IT Training that is required every year with quiz in the end... It feels like my first aid and cpr training certificate that always needs to be retaken as a refresher that cost $$$... It feels pointless not to have a pretty @N6G in the CPR training and just a doll (SPOILER ALERT... yes you do it with DOLLS not real life people to practice)... Hello World! Squirling and checking for the latest world news using google search... The UN court said the 17-judge panel will give its verdict this Friday... We already know what UN is capable of... Squirling... Ukrainian-born model wins Miss Japan 2024, sparks identity controversy... I think it's not about how you look, it's all about where your heart belongs deep down inside... If you truly feel your Japanese in your heart, it shouldn't matter what this world thinks of you... As for me, I'm still searching where I belong (even though I said Edmonton feels like home)... I'm still searching for something unknown... Squirling... NEW YORK -- Even as Donald Trump seeks his third straight Republican presidential nomination, his live appearances still present an unsolved riddle for many news outlets: How do you cover him? (From google search)... Can't believe they don't know how to cover him... It's so simple, just buy a MAGA-zine and cover him... Though I still prefer a builder as the president of any country over a war supporting president any day... We are still lucky that USA supports Philippines though... Squirling... I think I'm going to West Edmonton this Saturday and eat out to celebrate passing and maybe record a new fingerstyle song a long the way... Squirling... Joe Biden said: "We build in America, we buy in America." Truth to be told... I think this is a pipe dream... Everything is made in China now... Soon, even babies are made in China... This is why its so DUCKING hard to find a pretty @N6 G now because more and more people like Joe Biden doesn't want everything to be made in China... I wish I wasn't a PINESE (PINOY + CHINESE not PEN - IS) and have blue, green eyes (not brown eyes)... I also can't remember the last time I saw something made in USA...

Jan 25, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, why are greedy people seems like vampires to me (soul sucking)? Nothing in this world will satisfy their hunger and become more greedy... Do people become greedy in life? or are Greedy people born that way? Greed truly knows no bounds... I do not know if greedy people can overcome this... Greed affects everyone, doesn't matter if you are poor, middle class or rich... All I can think of and advice anyone is to get away from vampires before they suck the life out of you... Sorry to say eating raw garlic everyday 100% doesn't work on vampires... Took down my ads because it's getting annoying... Squirling... I'll renew my passport this weekend, just in case I need a break and take a vacation outside of Canada if I get burnt out. My first country to visit and I've never been into is USA. Though I sent someone a picture of Trump in a mugshot, and they felt offended... They are from Texas USA who support Republicans and Trump... Learned something new in life... Never show mugshot of Trump in Texas... Squirling... For the past few days, I'm getting more and more visitors from USA over Canada... Thumbs Up! Keep it up and I'll visit USA but not Texas... Mugshot of Trump wasn't meant to offend anyone... Peace be with you!

Squirling... Change of plans, I'll have to go to a walk-in clinic this weekend... I was trying to get a powernap but couldn't and then blood wouldn't stop coming out from my nose / mouth a little... Got severe headache... After a few hours of taking this picture, blood keeps coming out after stopping for a while... I had to use more wipes and paper towels to clean my clothes, pillow, pillow cover, my nose, mouth and face and the carpet that I've used inside the caravan...

Warning: Graphic Content Contains Blood (Nose Bleed) Nose Bleed
This is a true story ever since I was a little gago boy, I kept getting tumors... One time, I had to be brought to the Hospital in the Philippines, they had to perform and remove the tumor and tie me up and hold me down with 8-10 nurses... This is because this MOTHERFATHER DUCKING Hospital ran out of anaesthetics, I was screaming in so much pain... After going to Canada and getting checked by a doctor here in Canada, the doctor gave me some paper works that I had to do some blood tests and scans... This was the time that I passed out because the person taking blood samples had lots of tiny bottles... that was the time I asked if they are feeding vampires... In this world vampires are real and greedy... They might not suck your blood but they sure can suck your souls... Good thing I don't pass out from Nose Bleeds and just at Needles and Blood Bottles... Squirling back to the story to prevent getting squirled... The result came out and the doctor said they found more tumors and would like me to do the same thing every year (blood tests and scanning)... I stopped doing it since Covid... I think I need to start getting checked again... This is to find out what is happening to me... Is this because I ate too much garlic today (2), couldn't get enough sleep, too much work and stress related and not doing #3, or too much studying, I haven't been able to watch anything lately (Korean Shows, Japanese Shows or Anime) just don't have time for it anymore because of school and work... Whatever happens, I don't want to regret not having to kiss a G for a very long time and say I like it or not... I need to find out how much time I have left (knock on wood)... Might have to donate all my gift cards because I failed to go to a restaurant last christmas and ended up with A&W eating two Mama Burgers with Cheese (Not McDonalds from the previous 2022) also have my receipt from A&W Christmas as a memory... Seems to me life is all about training non stop to get better (work, school, life) then in the end... Life will just DUCK us up anyway...

Jan 26, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, It's been 6 hrs 9 mins and my nose bleeds just won't go away... I'm getting dizzy from losing lots of blood... Stuffing my nose with paper towels doesn't seem to work... It's time to close thy eyes and hope it stops... If something happens, I have recorded 3 unique songs in my machine that I composed and made but don't have the big balls to upload... My username on my machine is ommo, my password is @secret...

Jan 27, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, Looks like I'm still alive... True story happened earlier today... I met a black random guy who stopped me from walking, I was still feeling weak because for two days blood wouldn't stop coming out and headaches, back to the story before we get squirled... He gave me a pamphlet about Jesus Christ. He asked me for some free time to talk about God and Jesus Christ... I said yes, we ended up talking about many things... That I stopped going to church, I stopped believing in God and Jesus Christ even though I was raised and go to church every Sunday and a sacristan when I was a little gago boy... I even mentioned look what God and religion does to people Israel and Palestine... After our conversation he ended up praying for me... We said our goodbyes... I turned around when I looked back and searched for him again he disappeared like magic in thin air... What the heck... It not my imagination... It's not a ghost, He's not a ninja I think and I'm not going crazy yet... A few minutes later, blood has stop and now headache is gone... For Real... Believe It (Naruto)... I can't explain it myself either... Maybe I should start going back to church? I'll try tomorrow I guess, wouldn't hurt to go... as a token for making me feel better... I even mentioned this world is for greedy people and I'm getting tired of it... He also took away all my worries... That random stranger is a miracle stranger... Squirling... I gotta change my password because I woke up... my new password is asecret not @ symbol no one would guess that I'll be using such a simple pass...

Jan 28, 2024
ommo: Went to sell bottles today and made $2x.xx thanks. Also learned they don't accept those big water hug bottles... I'll just use it for extra water storage... Squirling... studying for exam again... Squirling... bought a jump starter made in China from amazon, tried and didn't work... Doesn't charge, or powers anything... Returning it tomorrow... Bought it for $6x.xx that doesn't work... Squirling... Biden asking USA to support Israel more and made a vow for their fellow 3 Americans who died from a drone attack...

Jan 29, 2024
ommo: Wow Joe Biden getting sued for supporting Israel... Wonder what Joe is saying right about now? Is it: Let's Biden our time, 'til we find away out of this mess... Squirling... I've tried bitcoin and other crypto mining... It's not for me... waste of electricity, data plan internet and energy... Squirling... The Illuminati of the dark web, where do Eye begin... No comment... Squirling... I found a new song I'm learning to play called At My Worst by Pink Sweats... I'll make this song my new emo song... If someone can love anyone at their worst, even if they have a small... that is real True Love... but be careful though because if it's one-sided and the other person doesn't give a duck... It's not going to work... I can't believe I haven't heard this song 'til today... Need to master this song and add it to my playlist... I finally have a new song to sing as well everyday in the vehicle since no one is around except for my dash cam recording my singing voice... Yes that's right dash cam are awesome, it records video and audio highly recommended for accidents...

Jan 30, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, I just had a moment of enlightenment... It doesn't matter how many tools or screwdrivers a person has to try and fix some screw loose... If a person entire being is made of screws and not just a few screw loose... No matter what tools you use, it's not going to work... It's not worth the cost... Squirling... time to keep studying for another exam... Squirling... My last can of tuna, I refused to buy more because last time I bought it was $1.23 at walmart now its almost $2 for a small can... I also looked at the coffee aisle and everything went up... I guess intermediate fasting won't cut it... Now we need to stop eating every 2 days... Awesome, Canada! I'm seriously going to vote even if there's a lot of people next time... It's not about whether I can afford it or not, its about making a stand with this hyper inflation... I seriously need to find a G, no offense to anyone but I'm guessing and based on my research their you know what I mean smells like fish and tuna... I love eating fish, sardines and tuna... Someday I could sing this song: At My Worst
Can I call you baby? Can you be my friend? Can you be my lover up until the very end? Let me show you love, it tastes so good... Someday baby... I can't afford to lose concentration... Squirling... I got multiple kind of warnings now from my full-time remote work... Trying to get me back to the office... This 3rd time, now I'm force to participate in Q&A for Health & Safety... Even though in Canada H&S made it easier for employees and made rules flexible... Getting it for the 3rd time in different cases seems fishy... I guess there's no point being loyal to a company in this day and age? Either find a new job in Edmonton or go back to Calgary and live in Bakers Park again while going back to the office... Life is surely fun giving us constant stress and worries to think about... Don't get me wrong there are tons of pretty @N6Gs at my work, but I'm a professional... I don't ... coworkers... Squirling... I went to shoppers to return the portable jump starter that I order that doesn't work... Then saw the price of canned tuna 2 for $4. Didn't buy it waiting for price to drop back to 1.23... Then I saw Save on Foods $3.19 each... MOTHERFATHER I guess I have to stop eating tuna for a while... God please bring back the price of canned tuna down again... or give me a G to eat, you know what I heard it smells like tuna... Squirling... BRICS sanctioned USA and UK... Our economy (Canada) is in for a big change as well... Soon canned tuna will be $5 per can...

Jan 31, 2024
ommo: Started learning these two songs yesterday, Never Enough and At my worst fingerstyle... Going easy so far, just need to practice more... Squirling... In our darkest time, we should seek this tiny spark of light... Wherever, whenever... for there always is a reason to smile again... the truth shall set us free... be happy... we are all humans that deserve to smile...

Feb 1, 2024
ommo: Thank you everyone for all the tips this month of January... Thumbs Up! Going to try and practice these two songs and record this weekend as a token of appreciation for all your support... It's been busy lately due to exams and studying at the same time while also thinking about other stuff like return to office and remote work... I'm trying my best to multi task everything... So lucky my bday is in Jan Capricorn = Sigma... From this moment forward I'll self proclaim myself as the Captain Bottles/Side Hustler... Squirling... I guess nothing lasts forever... that's just reality...

Feb 2, 2024
ommo: Finally, I did my exam and passed... can now breathe a little...

Feb 3, 2024
ommo: I tried to breathe but I can't, decided to do my laundry today since it smells so bad now...

Feb 4, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary camera that auto records may be awesome but also sometimes depressing... Saw a guy yesterday who puts a hate note into my vehicle wiper, and he got recorded into a video... Guess we don't have the right to park on the street because we are asian and he's white... I don't mind anymore... I would rather park very far away from this Dr. Stranger who thinks he owns the street... Even though some people don't believe in karma, I think it's real... Greedy, racist people who spread hate, may not get karma on the spot but one way or another everything will come back and bite those kinds of people in the @$$... Squirling...
A Mashup to thank for the tips and support...

Feb 5, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, I have a new course and sensei starting today... It's a lot harder now... Squirling... Yesterday rest day I watched this Movie at crave Mr. and Mrs. Smith on my phone, Angelina Jolie is pretty @N6C in this movie, she said she was Jewish in the movie... Today I google searched if she was Jewish and she wasn't... My favorite part was when John Smith self proclaimed he doesn't count how many he has done it [6] with... and said about 50-60 and doesn't want to brag about it... Then Jane Smith said she has done it 312 times... epic comeback... Squirling... Back to Work and Study...

Feb 6, 2024
ommo: Dear God and Canada thank you for making my tuna to $0.97 cents at Walmart! I wanted to buy 100 cans but that would be too greedy... 10 cans is enough for now to last me 25 days plus my sardines and cookies... As long as I have my music and tuna (sorry my other guitar that got stolen I still miss you, had to buy more guitars to replace you 2 acoustic and 1 electric now)... I will survive just with these, I feel so good when I bought tuna for $0.97 so good, maybe I should record another song for tuna... Squirling... I'll also be changing the pretty @N6C Gs going forward... The race will be monthly not overall to give a chance and fair to other countries to win the trophy of having lots of PRETTY @N6C Gs... So far USA is leading this month... Thanks! Squirling... learned that Canada Major Real Estate Empires are collapsing... I'm not surprised... Covid and War have a global effect on everyone one way or another... I should have bought tons of paper towels, tissues and wipes... Those are the first to go, according to the videos I watched in the Institute of Youtube University... I'm going to get tons of degrees from watching youtube... Gotta save for a boat to live in it and maybe I could meet Mr. Jack S at the Caribbean Sea... Ever since I was a little gago boy, we moved a lot from place to place... Even in Canada, I have moved so many times from different cities and provinces...

Feb 7, 2024
ommo: Thank you for the tip! Thumbs Up! Squirling... saw some wolves and had a staring contests... couldn't get out of the car because these wolves could smell me like tuna and wants to eat me... Can't believe there are wolves in the City of Edmonton... They are not afraid and was circling around while one was staring me in front of the car... I'll upload the video from the dash cam later... Squirling... China vs Philippines in South China sea is getting worse as well... I'm torned because I got bullied a lot when I was a little gago boy in the Philippines by pure pinoys not Pinese... Funny, the result of bullying affected me for so many years and afraid to go into public washroom. When I was at my office in Calgary, I was the last to leave and first to come to the office... one day co worker asked if I turned off the lights in the washroom... I said I had never been inside to the washroom... coz all I do is sit inside the office and work all day... but now, thanks to Covid, I learned how to use public washrooms now... I don't need to hold it in. When you gotta go, you gotta go... it's bad to hold it in...

Feb 8, 2024
Squirl: Hey ommo, what animals are you most afraid of? ommo: cockroach... In the Philippines, they could fly and chase you and are very big... I haven't seen one yet in Canada which is why I love Canada better than Philippines... Too many scary insects, lizards, monsters such as white ladies, kapre and manananggal. I will never forget when I was a little gago boy and it was blackout no electricity... I saw a flying manananggal (succubus like creature) all the towns people carrying a fire chasing after it... My Aunt hurried up and we went inside the house for safety... How about you squirl? Squirl: Just your normal owls, cats and dogs... Ommo: I should also mention my number 1 animal predator that I'm most afraid of... Dr. Strangers... I already fell victim multiple times to these Dr. Strangers in Canada... Squirling... ommo: I have some life advice to any Gs out there looking for a soulmate... If you try to find a Computer Programmer... You'll end up with lots of bugs in your life... A buggy life... If you try to hook up with a Mechanic, You're life will mostly get disassembled like cars... It's gonna be a greasy life... If you get a storyteller... I feel sorry for you... Most story tellers will tell stories how their life was so great before they met you... Squirl: hey ommo, I'm sorry to hear that... Aren't you a programmer/mechanic diy from youtube University/ storyteller? A few hours later... ommo: #2 crap... that's why I can't talk to any Gs properly... A messed up life... Squirling... nothing new in the Philippines... corruption... Current President Marcos and his Father corruption, former President vs Current President... what's new? You can win in politics in this country as long as you are corrupt or famous... The only good part here are the Gs in the Philippines are pretty @N6C as well but like my colleague commented during a meeting in Calgary way back when... It doesn't matter who you do it with... All Gs take pretty much the same amount of time to create babies... I didn't get it as first. A few billion years later... I finally get it... now I do get it... I'm really a turtle... I also asked if you had more than 1-2 relationships in your life time, do you get that hiv/aids disease if you go into a 2 or 3rd relationship? He laughed at me and said no... that's not how it works... He even tried to hook me up with his younger sister... I respectfully declined even though she's hot Caucasian and born in Canada with blonde hair, I don't think I could measure up literally... I'm not in a rush, I still have lots of time left... I'll just focus on what I can do right now... work hard and study... but if Canada goes to WW3, I searched it up in google Canada had a mandatory conscription to join WW1 and WW2... Then I have no other choice to rush before I get sent out into the front lines... but before that happens, I'll post how to get email passwords from Office###... I made one for work purposes when I wrote an invoice creator that calc taxes create the invoice pdf file and send out email using office###... Higher Ups wouldn't share the password security is a pain but its needed... Made a workaround to get any password from it without the need of phishing or tricking people to enter credentials it doesn't need any other people to get passwords from office###... Then showed to colleague how I'm doing and getting password no matter how many tries they change the email passwords because I needed it to send out Invoices that gets created automatically using the app I custom code to clients... We ended using a different mail server in-house that doesn't need passwords, this way I don't have to illegally get passwords to make my invoicing app to still work while #icroso##... patches office### and make it more secure... Earlier today, I showed my colleagues, if they are interested... there's a backdoor into this system that can be used by malicious person to upload .exe and run the .exe file and control the server... I pray that a malicious person won't do this to that company... I firmly believe that no one deserves to get hacked unless you're a scammer or malicious evil person...

Feb 9, 2024
ommo: Looks like I will survive another week... I kept using salonpas and icy hot stuff on my legs and feet... I wonder if my body can keep doing this for another 30 years? I've seen really hard working people that's in their retirement more or less that can do this... Even though he used to be in the military and still works past retirement more or less and is still in shape... If our older generations work this hard, there's no reason to complain how our feet are aching... I may not have any military training, but I can't allow my body to be lazy again sitting on a computer screen... Plus Sunday is so close, I can relax and recover on Sundays... One more day... No pain, no gain... I wonder how hard is it to join the military? Speaking of military stuff, I've seen a commercial on youtube where guys are cross dressing as girls to avoid getting drafted and forced to join the military... then goes off to a bar to drink... then an officer on the military also crossed dress and joins them... Guess no one wants to join or do their duties in the military in times of war... based on that commercial... I'm always prepared. I got my wig ready as well, I bought 3 different wigs different colours, length and shapes... though I don't think I need a wig, my hair is getting pretty long and there's one random Dr. Stranger thought I was a girl from my behind... and tried to hit on me and apologized after for mistaking I was a G @ school... Bro, I'm not gay... this year... or for another 3 years... you MOTHERFATHER...

Feb 10, 2024
ommo: Gas Prices went up the roof... Squirling... Edmonton Oilers seems to have lost from LA...

Feb 11, 2024
ommo: First time watching Super Bowl, I asked if it was some sort of playoffs... Didn't know it's like the finals... Back To Back win... I still don't get the rules of the game... I just like the cheering squads... Squirling... Didn't know Taylor Swift had a boyfriend from Super Bowl 'til now...

Feb 12, 2024
ommo: I finally took a shower this month... Next month again... Dear Diary: I don't really like Mondays... I love Friday and Sundays... Murphy's Law that Anything that can go wrong will go wrong nostly occurs on Mondays... I need to find more motivations... Mondays are tiring... Can't wait for school to be over and focus on other stuff...

Feb 13, 2024
ommo: Thanks for these bottles! Going to sell bottles this Sunday. Squirling... too tired... gonna take more powernaps... Squirling... After watching a sports game superbowl, I was thinking... What is the difference between a group vs team and leaderships... I think a group of people playing: hoggers, wanna be team leads, no shared accountability and is doomed to fail while a team: sharing is caring (no hoggers), leader recognizes everyones strength and their own weaknesses, shared accountability and are highly successful... If any of the players or coaches starts the blame game... that's a group of misfits and not a team... but lets all be honest here... I don't think guys watch other guys to play... I think guys just watch the cheerleaders... Even at work... to all hiring person: If you want your group, team or employees very productive... hire a pretty @N6CGs... It will work 51% I think... Doesn't fully work on me anymore, once your past puberty, you'll realize that trying to impress Gs are not worth the cost and energy... Just do your own thing that you're good at and passionate about... Don't get distracted by pretty @N6C Gs... My life advice for today... Squirling... wait a minute... If Superbowl has cheerleaders... Does Hockey have cheerleaders as well? I haven't watched a hockey game (all I know is 1 player: Wayne Gretzky) but now I'm curious... Isn't too cold for cheerleaders to be on ice wearing the same outfit like in the superbowl? I'll google and researched when I get the chance... Wonder if all the sports games have cheerleaders? I'm not really into sports, I haven't watched basketball for a very long time just curious now about cheerleaders... Squirling... Breaking News! Hockey got tons of pretty @N6Gs Cheerleaders... Now I get why Guys love watching games even though it's low scoring like Hockey and Super Bowl... Poor Gs Cheerleaders must be paid a lot more to cheer in a freezing cold ice arena... compared to Super Bowl... Squirl: Hey ommo what about Guys that cheerlead? I don't know squirl and I don't plan on learning/researching the answer to that... Ask Dr. Stranger... Dr. Stranger: DUCK YOU...

Feb 14, 2024
ommo: Forgot its Valentines Day... So lucky I don't have to spend a single penny today... I'll just take more powernaps later... My feet and ankles needs more rest... Happy Valentines to everyone that is lucky or would get lucky... Gotta love the peace and quiet and the savings of not buying gifts or roses... Squirling... Just finished my homework already... My brain can relax a little bit but still a bit stressed from my remote work... Squirling... I bought a blonde hair colour, and coloured my hair blonde when I paid and took a shower this month... I messed up my hair... Didn't turn out exactly what I saw from the box... Thumbs Down... Squirling... A 4 Yrs old and 15 yrs old Palestinian girls died while calling 911, IDF Israel soldier let the paramedics to come and help the 4 yr old girl then killed them all anyway... Using a 4yr old girl to bait a non figther... How can a 4yrs old girl fight back against IDF anyway? I've never been into wars or military but what IDF in Israel is getting more and more insane...

Feb 15, 2024
ommo: Yesterday > Lesterday, I bought this Deep Relief, because Salonpas or IcyHot isn't cutting it and my feet and ankles are still in pain from just standing... Today, I was sitting in a yoga 🧘‍♂️ lotus pose to apply the spray to my feet and ankles... This MOTHERDUCKING spray worked too good! All the pain from my feet and ankles disappeared instantly for a moment... The spray accidentally went to my balls because of the sitting pose... I immediately stood up and jump up and down! No pain from my feet and ankles because all the pain went to my balls... My balls are on fire! I didn't know what to do but to keep moving and moving... felt like I learned a new dance monkey move... DUCKING spray... A few hours later... My balls of fire finally went away but my sore feet and ankles are back... This time I'm not gonna sit down in a lotus pose... Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me... Now I know why its called DEEP... It can penetrate deep inside our balls/clothes...

Feb 16, 2024
ommo: Finally Friday again... converting all the automated reports including the excel pop up comments using a script into a PowerBI Online report from Microsoft... Guess higher ups doesn't want a simple excel report using comments as pop up... So far so good, liking Power BI... Thumbs Up! Squirling... Stop questioning Joe Biden people... It's normal to forget a lot of stuff... I forget a lot of stuff, that's why I made my online dear diary so that I don't have to remember... Joe Biden may need a physical diary... What's the shame in using a diary? No one is perfect... I do remember that all of us are born with hair and not bald though... To: Joe Biden, let thy people who hasn't seen a diary in their love life cast the first laugh... Those people are geniuses who hasn't need to take down notes in one form or another... I should have taken a picture way back when at the office even though I had 3 machines 1 a mac, I never used those machines to take notes... I used different coloured sticky notes... Yellow, Pink, Blue, Green... I was getting buried on all the sticky notes and people are coming by to see the stickies... and say stuff like I love your stickies as a short small talk... I'm starting to miss the stickies as well but not the waste of time driving through the traffic going in and out after work through Deerfoot in Calgary... Too much traffic... better spent on working than sitting in traffic right?

Feb 17, 2024
Captain Bottles Strikes Again! Thanks for the continued bottle support and tips... Please keep driking those big milk and donate to me if you like... Spread the word and I'll collect all the bottles in Edmonton... I don't mind getting free money... Thanks... Now gotta finger my G and record as a token of appreciation for your bottles... Next time I was thinking of singing Nobody But You by Wonder Girls but a different lyrics: I want your bottles, your bottles... Thank you... your bottles, your bottles, thank you... your bottles, your bottles, your bottles, your bottles, your bottles, your bottles! While dancing like a monkey... but only if my balls got bigger... My balls shrinked as well I think because the DEEP spray may have anti inflammation properties... and it shrinked my balls as well... Hope its not because I like eating raw garlic cloves everyday to prevent vampires...

Feb 18, 2024
ommo: Here are two quick recordings for the bottles.
Perfect by Ed Sheeran not mixed

Your Song by the Legendary, one and only Elton John

Please keep up the good drinking days and don't forget I'll be there for your bottles...

Feb 19, 2024
ommo: Canada Shrink Flation... where products gets smaller for the same old price of the regular price... Squirling... I just learned today about this crazy person called EPSTEIN and the island... I cannot believe such a person exists and lots of high profile celebrities went to this island... Didn't know about it... This world is crazy, mad and getting worst... Again, life is short... if you want to prolong your existence in this world, isn't better to make it a better place for the next generations to come? Squirling... learning a new fingerstyle song called Pure Imagination... for some unknown reason, I also like this song... Just remember if a Dr. Stranger sing this song to you and say come with me... kick that Dr. Stranger hard in the balls and run away... call 911 if you can so that you won't get sailed away to EPSTEIN ISLAND... My life tip for today...

Feb 20, 2024
ommo: I just learned what Donald Trump said about his daughter Ivanka after google searching and also learned Trump has connections with EPSTEIN... It doesn't take a genius to figure this out... Squirling... saw a compiled video of NASA employees saying they are still trying to figure out how to get pass the radiation belt in order to get to the moon... 2024 with all this AI and tech advancement... they still can't figure it out when the technology back then as powerful as a calculator figured it out and was able to get to the moon... They deleted all the original videos and how to guide to safely travel to the radiation belt... If you could trick people closes to you and let them watch on their screen and made them think its a live feed... you can trick the entire world... I think the calculator just showed... this is how much we would pay to produce this live feed that isn't live... Squirl: ommo you forgot to mention that G could use the DEEP spray against Dr. Strangers... You're right squirl... I recommend this spray... I can 100% guarantee it would hurt so much if you spray it on anyones balls. It doesn't matter how much 6 packs they have or if they work out or if they do their #3s daily to try to get massive big muscle balls... Getting sprayed on the balls hurts like hell... You can also say: Do you want to dance? I'm pretty sure can make anyone dance like monkeys if you spray it on their balls..

Feb 21, 2024
ommo: Respect to Pierre Poilievre for saying Female sports, washrooms, housing and so on should only be for females... Thumbs Up! This way no men could pretend to be females to dominate the sports or cheat the system... Men already got too much advantage example: I could do my number #1 and pee while standing up, without pulling down my shorts and underwear just by grabbing it side to side (life hack my tip of the day)... We can access and pee so much faster than Gs... The only thing Gs can catch up is that if they buy adult diapers... I do not know how napkins works (haven't tested in my life time)... I wonder if they could pee pee with napkins? Then I stand corrected we lose, Gs are much faster #1s... Squirling... never worked out in a gym but I've heard stories where men pretends to be men... saying bro, I'll spot you... while eyes are googly wide and rolling... then some men would say, bro look at my muscles flexing, touch them... Now can I touch yours bro with googly eyes wide rolling... So far I'm lucky I've never experienced it because I don't go to the gym... Too many people and we have to pay $... While we can workout outside with mother nature or alone... Don't get me wrong, I have no issues with other genders... Like I said last year and now that I bought different wigs and hairstyle, I can easily pretend to be G, just need a G to let me have a sleep over to charge all my powerbanks and devices... I also don't get why I don't have an Adam's Apple? I thought all men have Adam's Apple... Does this mean my great great grand papa or mama isn't Adam or Eve? I have no right on the land of Israels promise land then... I wish Israel Settlers would stop grabbing land from Palestinians. But I guess according to their book, its theirs... I hope they don't use the same logic because they have Adam's Apple, they are descendants of Adam and Eve... Squirling... have another test at school this Friday... need to study... Squirling... USA blocks 4th UN calls for peace... time for all the countries to drop out of UN and make a new one called NUNS... Nothing will change as USA keeps veto power and blocks the call for peace... Both HAMAS and the current PM and gov of Israel must be replaced by people who would respect other race and culture... One day USA veto power will no longer matter... I fear that one day USA will get backstab because of how they use their veto... Since this is the 4th time... All countries must be accepting the fate that fool me once or twice doesn't work... 4th time... All countries are a shamed but accepts they are already a fool and cannot be fooled again by USA... Only time tell... 5th time maybe next year while we keep watching more civilians die... Maybe next time IDF will use 1 - 3 yrs old Gs as bait not 4 yrs old... Squirling... Dear Diary... I thought people made a mistake talking about EPSTEIN... I thought they are talking about Einstein... Learned how powerless we are against rich people... and against countries with sole veto power... I wish could unlearn the horrors on what happened on EPSTEIN Island... In this day and age... I think it's better not to trust anyone in this new world upon us...

Feb 22, 2024
ommo: How did that Israel Ambassador got that position? Basically saying Palestinians Kids dying doesn't matter and what matters is Israel kids dying from HAMAS terrorists... During the 4th UN calls for ceasefire... To Israel Ambassador bro, dude, hey you... All race matters in this world! It doesn't matter if we are not related to Adam or Eve or not from Israel... All race has the right to live not just Israel... HAMAS and the one sided view of Israel current government really needs to step down before things get better... Politics is really very stressful... Even here in Canada... Mr. speaker... this and that... one day Mr. Poilievre will bring a map on the debate and point to Trudeau and say: Mr. Speaker would the current PM please point on this map where all the middle class are living? He then hands the map... After spending some time Trudeau keeps searching and searching and points on the map... Then Poilievre finally says... Mr. Speaker... How can people live inside this map? All the middle class people are right in front of the current PM... He then challenges Trudeau in a staring contest to see if Trudeau could actually focus on any issues at hand happening in Canada...

Feb 23, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, Justin Trudeau finally made action and went to Edmonton to try and make a difference for homeless people... Yet, the city and province just keeps going for the negative path instead of working together... I've never seen Canada so divided just like USA... I talked to a colleague of mine on Teams and he said Poilievre doesn't have experience to run the country... While Trudeau no matter how many are angry with him, tried to be level headed and make solutions for our country... Politics are already a PITA while the PM is trying to do his best... One thing I agree is that solar, wind and hydro renewable energy is the future... I lived in a caravan using solar panels for electricity... It works if there's a sun, I can use microwave, boil water etc... but on rainy, cloudy, winter days... where the sun isn't that strong... It sucks... I had to asked the people in library if I could charge up all my gadgets... If we keep using oil and gas and digging from the ground, there's no way it doesn't affect climate change... I think climate change is real and instead of passing this issue to future generations to come... Its better to do something about it now... Now I don't know what to think anymore... On 1 side, Trudeau is now trying yet on the otherside, the critics and I have yet to see the plans for the changes in climate change... I believe there are tons of issues and PITA running a country and no man can do it all at once... Squirling... freaking politics is stressing me out, done my exams... I'll have to do my #3 later... it's been a while... my balls already recovered... Squirling... Canada did very well in times of Covid compared to other countries... Does this count as a positive for the current government of Trudeau? I gotta need to do more research on Canada during liberals in power vs conservatives in power... Just stressed, I think I overworked my mind, body and soul this time... Freaking politics... I need to watch something else instead of what's happening to this crazy world...

Feb 24, 2024
ommo: Did some research 2015 During Harper Conservatives and 2024 Liberals... Both seems to be corrupt but Liberals has more corruption... Squirling... The gas prices here in Edmonton doesn't make sense to me... On one spot Petro Canada it was at 132... then I drove 5 mins to the other Petro Canada it was at 118... Price did not drop for a day but stayed almost a week... then the 132 dropped to 12X yet the other just 5 mins away is still at 118... I'll never get gas to that location that keeps changing gas price like having a tantrum... Squirling... I saw real life Dracula flying at Anthony Henday at night on the highway... I couldn't believe how big and fat that bat is and flying in the winter... I've never seen a bat in Alberta and Winter 'til driving on that highway. How could bat survive winter in Canada? How can that bat be so big and fat? Only one explanation... that's Dracula... Though I haven't google search if bats could survive winter... For real, that bat isn't my imagination... I'll get and see my dash cam maybe tomorrow to check... Unbelievable... first, pack of wolves in the city a big fat bat? What's next? Batman or Wolverine in Edmonton? It's not because I'm feeling under the weather...

Feb 25, 2024
ommo: Got 7hrs of sleep and finally getting better... Just took another Tylenol... Still under the weather... but hope it goes away by tomorrow... Squirling... After reviewing the footage... It wasn't a bat... It was just a big fat owl and researched if owl can survive winter and found out they can... My bad, I thought it was a bat but they are both birds and both have 3 letters owl and bat... Squirling... I did another researched about Alaska and found out the Biden Administration approved more drilling for black gold (oil)... This goes back before HAMAS vs Israel... I think USA is steps ahead... Supporting Israel and drilling Alaska for oil and gas... This evolved Dracula will suck Alaska and environment dry... It doesn't matter about climate change, global warming... It's all non sense now in times of war because other countries will need to drill more to support wars... What's the point of having policies for climate change while turning the other way and support war? Everything in the world needs lubrication... otherwise things will break apart and it would hurt... Even Tesla has a gear box underneath using oil for lubrication... Anything that moves needs to be lubricated to be smooth... Any person who says OIL wont ran out because they could just buy from other countries is a duck... That proves the point that the country ran out and needs to rely on other countries or find another location to dig...

Feb 26, 2024
ommo: I was down for 2 days to rest. Now I'm feeling a bit better. Back to my current daily life of work and school... I went outside saw the gas price went from 118 to 137.9 in 2 days and went shopping and saw food prices went up by $0.50 cents... What happened in two days? Did I miss something... Mad World... Now I feel sick again seeing prices went up... Squirl: ommo I know what happened... didn't PM Trudeau visit Edmonton? ommo: Was the visit false then and instead of helping... everything went up? All these snow... since everything up, wonder if we could drink snow by boiling and using a filter?

Feb 27, 2024
ommo: It took 6 Extra Strength Tylenol all in all to get better again... Sweating in cold and getting dried without changing took a heavy toll on my body... Learned my lesson... I thought I had Covid but its not... Fever is gone now... I was laying down for two days in the dark... good thing I can access everything close to me... My sore throat is gone as well... Squirling... I need to research how to consume snow safely... If humans figured how to turn plants into meat... Why not snow? everything is so expensive now... Yet snow is all around us... A few minutes later... found some youtube videos that you could boil the snow then use some filtration after to safetly drink it or use the snow for bath... Last year during summer, I found this secret place that no one is around and the sprinkler system auto sprays water at midnight in Calgary... My life hack is by using this free water as a shower... Felt so good... It reminds me of taking a bath in the Philippines outside during rainy days with my shampoo and soap outside... One fateful day, I kept using this life hack... something bad happened... very very bad... All of a sudden a coyote showed up and freaked me out of nowhere... ended up now here inside the caravan still wet... I stopped using this life hack because of coyotes... I think coyote is using my life hack to drink free water now... I learned a different life hack how to take a bath somewhere else... but that life hack is for another day... Squirl: why not swim on rivers or lakes? ommo: I do not know how to swim and I have traumatic experiences with water which is why I'm afraid of the water... Also, you never know if Canada river or lakes are safe... Maybe there's alligators, crocodiles, electric snakes, anaconda, piranhas, and so much more... As you can tell, mother nature loves to screw me over and over again even from using my life hack mother nature sent her coyote as a warning... If Palestinians and Israel can't get along, it's like that with me and mother nature... I'm helpless against mother nature... It's better to be safe than sorry...

Feb 28, 2024
ommo: Last night, I saw a homeless girl at the dumpster looking for something... Drove to a different spot 15 mins away, saw two homeless couple at the dumpster as well... I just minded my own business... Not gonna open my window to give cash and suddenly let a girl inside anymore... I learned my lesson... Squirling... I have another life hack for people doing car wash manually not on the automated one those are expensive and for rich people... You can save $ by bringing your own soap and scrub rather than using their own soap and scrub by switching modes... Bring you own collapsible bucket use the soap and the water... This way you can save a dollar or two... Squirling... I was saying before that being a mime would be the future job of humanity... Now the government is adding a new law in Canada that will affect social media, posting, blogging, vlogging... Soon we would be doing mime or hand signs to communicate... I should had studied hand signs and how to be a mime to be prepared for this law they are trying to pass. We would need to become part of Illuminati to convey what we want to say in the future... I just made this image feel free to use and spread... This is what I currently think of inflation in Canada... If you get the real meaning of this image... bonus for you... Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow maybe everything will cost $2 more...

Feb 29, 2024
ommo: I also had this gut feeling that Canada has something to do with Covid. Now that Poilievre revealed that documents Trudeau tried to cover up during covid and so on while admiring China form of government and collaborrating with China in a press conference... Plus other scandals... How would Canadians vote next election? I vote for Poilievre... #2DRAWSOCKS. Squirling... before Covid started, I got sick with covid like symptoms... Maybe I was the ground zero test subject for covid? Is this why I'm immune to covid and just get slight fever for days? or eating garlic daily prevents covid?

Mar 1, 2024
ommo: Earlier today I saw Police Officers with a Police dog maybe checking the neighbors house where the house beside it is where the house gave me tip, card and bottles before... I wonder what's wrong with their neighbor? My first time seeing a Police Dog in real life... I wonder why Police Dogs looks all the same just like in the movies or tv? Why can't they use a dog with a different breed? Haven't researched why yet... My dash cam recorded it... Maybe that breed of dogs are smarter than other dogs?

Mar 2, 2024
ommo: Worst day ever, diarrhea all day and night. diarrhea medicine doesn't work...

Mar 4, 2024
ommo: Finally my stomach is ok again... Unbelievable... I had never diarrhea for as long as I could remember...

Mar 5, 2024
ommo: Lots of spam callers... Just now this cleaning company wants to clean my house... They talk 5 mins about their promo and stuff then ask about your house... 5+ mins later of blah blah blah... I said I live in a caravan... Then they said... ok sir, have a nice day! Squirling... After we moved to a different system, I just showed today that even without admin access, we have complete access to their servers, read and write and access to their other customers... They are now reviewing it and might apply security patches... I hope they fix it soon because our company uses their system... If this get leak... its very bad... because it also handles credit card payments and over 200+ customers because I was able to access other customers, if I can do it anyone can do it, and our company is also at risk... Squirling... Back then I saw a commercial from home depot that they are helping homeless... One day around Oct 2023 I tried applying to different Home Depot as a side hustle... On my resume, I put my make, model, year and license plate as my address... I applied personally and handed my resume to the manager... Manager just laugh and I didn't get a call back no matter how many home depot I applied into... Then there was a Michaels Store close to it, I handed my resume and got hired on the spot... This was the best side hustle ever because there was a lot of pretty @N6C Gs... Feels like a harem... Seriously way too many pretty @N6C Gs... Too bad I don't ... coworkers... Too bad I couldn't get a single phone number back then... Life goes on... I even ask my manager if I could say, hi I'm mo... lester can I help you or add mo on my name tag... but she kept saying no... Its a family friendly store... I thought it would be funny... Squirling... Gas Prices went up even further 146.9, this is insanity... Squirling... Here are the top 3 countries for the month of Feb... Congratulations to USA for taking the PRETTY @N6C Gs in Feb... Is it because of Trudeau and Biden that I got more from USA and Ireland? Just took a screenshot with my phone... Squirling... Still too tired of daily work, school and side hustle... Also thanks for the tips for Feb... I'm gonna need all the tips I could get... Wanted to buy that Cybertruck from Tesla as a wish list... Wonder if its possible to live inside a Cybertruck and its bullet proof...

Mar 6, 2024
ommo: Today I tried to pick up 3 jug bottles like last time. Last time I learned I couldn't sell it. I didn't want to pick it up this time but I saw a note saying please take it and thought maybe they need someone to get rid of these trash bottles that can't be sold... I came back to pick it up and thought I was helping them get rid of garbage... I ended causing problems for them... they came out of the house and told me its not for me and last time they got charge because I took it and got rid of it... I felt so bad for them, I thought I was trying to help them out but instead causing them problem... Learned something new. Don't take away those big bottles even if there's a note... Sorry about that... I really thought I was helping people out... Learned a new life lesson... but that still doesn't change how I'm feeling that I cause these people trouble for being naive and thinking I was being helpful... These socks... Dear Diary... I think what I'm learning is that to never help anyone unless they call out for you or have your name in a note... I think I'll go with that new life lesson to just don't bother...

Mar 7, 2024
ommo: A 13 yrs G got sexually assualted in a Gs changing room by a 20 yrs old in Edmonton, after his picture was posted online everywhere he finally turned himself in... hope that G can get past that trauma... Squirling a 20+ yrs old body was found, heard some gun shots near Millwoods area Edmonton and EPS is looking for some dashcams to help find the killer... To all Gs outthere make sure to grab their balls and squeeze it or kick it... Its our weakness... doesn't matter how strong they look like... All balls are the same and prone to getting hurt. Canada isn't a safe place anymore... Plus this government... #2DRAWSOCKS... Pretty sure they would let that 20 yrs old out tomorrow to find another 13yrs old G or younger... Again to all Gs outthere, protect your body and soul... only got 1 of those... The current government and environment we have now in Canada's society is messed up... Going to renew my passport and/or apply for a different citizenship... As much as there so many pretty @N6Gs in Canada... The current government is not worth the cost... The government and justice system may changed its mind and lock that 20yrs old for a year maybe but after he commits 1000 repeats of what he has done to that poor 13yrs G mind, body and soul... Squirling... I just watched someone in youtube that there is no such thing as karma, yin and yang... He said the bad people always gets ahead vs good people in this world... This is the truth of this world we are living in... Squirling... I have been contacted multiple times and by other countries to hack again... Sorry but I may not have been born in Canada but my hacking days are over and the thirst for knowledge to satisfy my curiosity isn't there anymore... but if you're a G who needs a hug, just give me a call or email... I love hugging more than hacking... Though I can't remember the last time I hug a Girl but I remember the last time I hugged a Gu.... Crap... Mind Blown... what's happening here... My life and brain is messed up... I need wipes to erase some memories...

Mar 8, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, today the person with the bottle issue with me waited for me to arrive then move his car to block my car from moving and me from going back inside the car... We talked, and I swear I told him I didn't know the bottle replacement here in Canada. I read the note on the bottle to please take it and I thought I was really helping them out getting rid of it even though I cannot sell those kind of bottles... He then took a picture of my license plate... This hustle isn't worth this trouble... Maybe I'll move to a different place? Getting in trouble because of bottle misunderstanding is depressing... Then I also encountered a bunch of cars following me... I hope I didn't cause more troubles... Not sure why they are following me... Today was a scary day... Squirl: hey ommo, do you need a hug? ommo: no thanks squirl, I have my GUITAR to hug everyday... Squirl: I thought you meant you hugged a GUY... ommo: No squirl, maybe that's you... It's just me and guitar and piano on the side going through this messed up life... Squirling... I tried applying for jobs in Edmonton and Nisku and other provinces... If I do get a job in other provinces, maybe it's a good experience... I don't know where I belong in Canada... I was reading some stuff that a lot of immigrants are leaving Canada... I think I'm beginning to understand why... I gotta renew my passport anyway... What I do know is that I already got threatened multiple times to go back to the office in Calgary... Pretty sure I'll lose my job if I don't go back... I'll have to be more active looking for new jobs and move on... I do recall this saying: 3 strikes and you're out.. I already got my 3 strikes warning for not working at the office... rather than waiting for the out moment... I'll have to find a lot more better jobs... Squirling... please stop emailing me about recruiting to hack... Got another one yesterday... I'm done that life... I know someone in Russia and Germany that are 1 million times smarter and real great hackers who helped me out a long time ago... Though I think I already know where their loyalty to what country belongs... Squirling... Just bought 3 new bottles with water to replace the 3 empty bottles I took outside with a note to please take it... I attached a note to again clear up this misunderstanding... My mission tonight is to deliver this 3 new bottles... I attached a note as well... I guess I'm a failure as Captain Bottles side hustler as well... Squirling... USA is on a roll, so many hanging out here... Thanks

Mar 9, 2024
ommo: Took tylenol for muscle pain... What a tiring life... Can I keep this life for another 40+ years? Only time will tell... I thought of making games on the side and call it WHACKOMMO and PACOMMO I already made the full game before and got all the source code and just need to tweak and draw new graphics such as Head of myself, squirl, Trump, Biden, Netanyahu and Trudeau... The game is simple people pick which one they want to WHACKnPAC and I even thought of rigging the game so that if people choose any of these Dr. Strangers Trump, Biden, Netanyahu or Trudeau they will get more points so that they won't pick ommo and the scores will be added and ranked by who people picked... but after what happened on that very scary day... I think completing these games are a bad idea... Murphy's Law, instead of Dr. Strangers will be on the leader board... I might be on the top leader board... then on real life... people might want to WHACKnPAC ommo instead... Guess I'll just stick to music... Dear Diary, I don't want to get #WHACKnPAC in real life. Squirling... Farmers protest in Quebec will also affect Food Prices all over Canada... I hope Canadians will give Poilievre the chance to save Canada... It's sad that talking to a few colleagues of mine in Calgary, they said at least Trudeau has the experience unlike Poilievre in running Canada... I say and 100% concur that Trudeau has the best experience in ruining Canada not running it... Fellow Canadians, immigrants or born in Canada, please give Poilievre a chance even though he doesn't have experience running Canada... I cannot afford to spend $10 for a tiny bottle of juice that's about to happen if Farmers keeps protesting... I'm pretty sure Government will freeze their bank accounts like they did with the Truckers... I may be an ignorant immigrant but even so, I can see how this current government ruining Canadian lives... going back to where I came from is not possible anymore... How can I possibly go back to my moms tummy? Squirling... Gaddafi was killed after making his amazing speech that revealed how corrupt United Nations are and the power of Veto... People doing the right thing in this world are gone with the wind... I think I have double standard too, because I don't like this current world but I do like all the Gs... Squirling... Out of boredom, I searched up Covid Deaths by country... After Poilievre revealed Trudeau and China covid fiasco... 1.2 mil death from covid seems a lot in USA... What Gaddafi said on his speech about medicine, viruses and vaccines is 100% true... People make viruses and vaccines to make money... The online world of viruses and anti viruses is also the same in the real world. It's all about making $... Squirling... back then during April's Fools I created something that locks the computer and ctrl alt del is disabled and any key combinations when users opened up any of their browsers to surf the web instead of working... While disabling all keyboard keys, the users are force into a blue screen and animation that they have to wait until everything gets encrypted... My colleague got scared and immediately turned off his machine. Restarted and never opened up his browser and work instead of web surfing... I removed it afterwards and said it was only for April's Fool... I changed the browser target to execute the .exe file I created while using the same Icon as those browsers because the shortcut of the browsers changes to the icon of the exe file which is why I had to make it look the same so that they won't notice it... During another year of April's Fool, I made an app where I could remotely restart peoples machine from anywhere... Those where my immature days getting the best of me at work during April's Fools...

Mar 10, 2024
ommo: I'm so tired of inflation and shrink flation, I hope everyone's pen is going to shrink as well like mine did... I finally had the balls of courage to take a pic and share online...

  Warning: Graphic Content Viewer Discretion is Advised (Look Ma! How my Tiny Pen Is have become)   Look how Tiny my Pen Is

Squirl: wow ommo... sorry but that's too tiny...

Mar 11, 2024
ommo: An hour ago, I asked for an update about the security hole I found a few days ago... They still haven't fix it... It's a downside of having external 3rd party using their servers that other customers also uses... Instead of owning our own servers, maintaining and securing... We are currently using our own but moving to external 3rd party instead so that we don't have to worry about securing, maintaining and updates which is a pain sometimes we have to work Sat and Sun for major updates and all we get is free food or vacation time and don't get paid overtime but those days are gone because this 3rd party will do everything now... Doesn't work for me, I can't remember the last time I took a vacation or ate at the office... Working remotely is like a vacation already so I rather work more instead of vacation or doing #3s... I was told I can only test on our data and not messed with other customers data because we have a company policy for it... What I saw on the server in USA is like a treasure trove, so many big name companies, schools, universities, gov, other countries like Japan, sports team, credit info, tons of data, tons of csv files uploaded, xml, config and encrypted and obfuscated stuff... Don't worry secret safe with me, I won't sell me soul for $... I hope the USA IT people fixes it soon. Like I said before nobody deserves to get hacked unless your a scammer or doing something bad... Even though USA supports Israel 100%... Any USA company doesn't deserve their data get stolen or exposed... Simply because I saw google pics of USA girls and they are pretty @N6C Gs as well... Don't mess with USA and Canadian Gs... Also obfuscating links as a means of security is not a security. Good thing our system isn't completely live yet on this 3rd party... Cross my fingers they fix it soon... Don't want any Canadian data stolen by foreign countries as well no matter which government runs or ruins Canada... USA and Canada is very lucky to have so many pretty @N6C Gs... Squirling... Is everyone prepared for this 23% tax hike on April 1st 2024? I got another double standard, I don't care if the government increase tax by $500 on alcohol, smoke or drugs like Cannabis... I still don't get why this government allowed it in Canada. I firmly believe the world will be a better place if there's no alcohol, smoke or drugs... As long as the government left my mayonnaise, bread, canned tuna, chicken noodle soup and orange juice or ice tea alone... I'll be okay... Maybe its a good time to buy 100 cans of tuna before April 1st? Hear ye, Hear ye... The Tax Man is coming! The tax man is coming!...

  Warning: Graphic Content Viewer Discretion is Advised (Tax Man)   Tax Man
Squirling... Please don't judge me if I bought 100 cans of tuna before April 1st. You gotta do, what you gotta do to survive... Last time I consumed Milk I got ducking diarrhea, no more milk for me unless its a natural breast feed... My butt hurts so bad from that diarrhea... No kidding or BS, it really hurts after... Believe It!

Mar 12, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, I asked different AI, chatgpt, llama and the local ai squirl I'm still training... Why do our hair upthere turns grey faster than our hair below? I kept getting the run around from all these AI... saying it due to Melanin, Exposure to Environment, Genetics and Blood Circulation... We have got to stop and train these AI better... Let's be more honest to ourselves to help develop AI much better... The simple reason is that our hair upthere is full of stress from life... Our hair down below is full of enjoyment from life... That to me seems a better answer that all AI should come up with short and sweet... Squirling... I saw a youtube video of a couple breaking up because the boy only had 1200 left on his bank account and the girl had 70,000. While the boy had to pay their dinner that cost $400... The girl said boys always have to spend for their girlfriend... Boy then broke up with her... Now I get the song American Women by Lenny Kravitz... Gotta stay away from Gs that will suck your soul, energy and $... Gotta respect that Bro for having the courage to break up with a pretty @N6C G... It's not worth the cost... Just a reminder... If you want to be happy in life... Find someone that is not pretty @N6C... or be a sigma... Squirling... Still can't forget the scary day where the guy was waiting for me in the corner street inside the car, captured on the dash cam when I stopped on the other house before moving to the next house, as soon as I stopped and went out of the car, he drove his car to prevent me from opening the car driver side door and started questioning me without introducing himself... I copied the video footage from my car dash cam... Everytime I drive to this place, I'm scared for my life... I thought that guy lives on this house then the people who lives on that house complained that I didn't do my thing to my superiors... After that, I realized that the guy who pulled that manuever and started asking questions doesn't live on that same house... Who was he then? Good thing the dash cam is running... I wonder if I could ask my superiors if I could stop going to this area for safety reasons? I could show them the video footage... Now I normally drive around first to make sure its safe first... I think my life and safety is worth more than 3 empty bottles... I'll give a copy of this footage to my sister just in case something happens to me... I learned that doing the right thing in this current world will get you killed like Gaddafi... Squirling... Just got off from a meeting and got told to run by what I discovered first to our company internally which I thought I did when I showed how we can access anything online without logging in and have read write access to this 3rd party server that we are moving into... I reported and showed it to the 3rd Party located in USA so that their IT people could close this big security hole so that their data for other customers and our customer data in Canada or USA is also protected... Another example of me thinking I was doing the right thing by reporting this hole only to get told to run by it again before going to 3rd party to protect myself and the company... What a messed up world... Maybe I was better off not telling anybody about this backdoor and let foreign entities do what they want with USA and Canada... God what are you trying to tell me in this life? Now that I think about it, even the justice system always just let the bad criminals who done really bad stuff to other people back on the streets... Maybe that's the best course of action and let the bad security holes rampant online as well... I'm definitely gonna get my out moment soon... 3 strikes due to return to office now this reporting security issues which I firmly 100% believe I was doing the right thing to try to prevent USA and Canadian peoples data get stolen... #LIFESOCKS... Maybe I need to buy new socks instead of wearing the same socks for years and years. Would that change my life? I think it would smell better...

Mar 13, 2024
ommo: At 7 Eleven a homeless G asked me for a smoke... I replied sorry I don't smoke... She then changed the subject, can I get some change then? I replied, sorry I don't have any change with me right now... She tried for for the 3rd time, can u buy me something to eat? I replied Sorry I'm in a rush and have to go... I went out the door of 7 Eleven then she went out and suddenly screamed and said: Go to hell lucifer! I was wearing all red... Wow some people in Edmonton are scary... I ran back and drove away... 7 Eleven employee can vouch for the encounter...

Mar 14, 2024
ommo: Thank you for the sweater, I cannot believe how much it cost... Thumbs Up! I feel rich even though I'm homeless... I'll start wearing it and spray tons of freebreeze if it gets smelly... Squirling... I've accidentally been watching cheerleaders in youtube from Korea and Chinese Girls dancing... Something is wrong with my eyes... I can't stop looking at pretty @N6C Gs dancing... A man cannot be a man without facing trials and tribulations... Is this another trial... Ducking youtube, now I need to face this challenge head on and get it over with... so many pretty asian Gs as well... I gotta medidate and keep telling myself... don't give in to despair or temptation... Another messed up world scenario: In the olden days... If there are 3 men and 1 women = Fight, War, Death... If there are 3 women and 1 man = Headache up or down below... In todays society 2024... If there are 3 men and 1 women... These men just want to be with each other instead of getting the woman who might think these 3 men are useless... If there are 3 women and 1 man... The man just wants to be a sigma and live as a sage... These 3 women have no other choice, even if they try to pay tons of $ to freeze their eggs... That one sagely sigma man is gone hiding in the mountains... This is why the birth rate is way down low... because Gs need to start training like pokemon masters to be masters of their "PUKE/POKE" - tagalog (Vagi#@) in English and catch that unicorn hiding in the mountains... It's the other way around now... What a messed up world... Either these 3 women train to be masters or just party with each other until they reach 30s while their eggs dramatically goes down to 18% chance according to studies while men have no issues at all even at age of 70-80+ according to study... That's the unfair truth women are facing today... If these 4 famous stoic where to time travel into this current society... I'm 100% sure they would say: Please get me the hel out of here... Let me be in peace... All their philosophical understanding of Gs would change... Dear Diary: I got another double standard... Part of me wants to go back in time when men could use our pure imagination to uncover Gs... but part of me can't stop watching dancing cheerleaders on youtube... For now... I do not know the reason why I can't stop watching... Is it because I want to learn how to dance? or I want a pretty G that could dance? or become like one? Oh mighty G, am I a G? Squirl: Yes ommo, you are a G - Gaaaaaago... Gago is a term for boys, Gaga is for girls... Lady Gaga... no comment...

Mar 15, 2024
ommo: Thank you for these bottles! Got 4 plus 2 bags coming... I might get 6-7 bags this week. Even though I tasted failure as a Captain Bottle hustler on the side of hustling and hustling, your continued support is greatly appreciated. I'll record another fingerstyle song this weekend as thanks... I apologize but that's all I could offer for now for these bottles. My balls aren't that big yet to record myself and talk on a camera... I'm thinking of either recording You Raise Me Up song by Josh Groban or After All song by Cher and Peter Cetera. Dear Diary: It looks like Captain Bottles is alive again... Squirling... I just found out today that Gs are going to Home Depot to find their soul mates at youtube... Maybe I should apply to home depot again but in Edmonton and remove my vehicle make model year and license plate as my home address... A few hours later... I think I'll pass... Not worth the cost of applying again and again and get ghosted from the same branded company... My max was 13 times, tried and applied to my favorite store Walmart that keeps rejecting my applications online then I ask them in person and said keep applying online... Squirling... I wish I have the abilty to talk to strangers and make a video and ask older men: what do you think of marriage? I saw this youtube vid of an old guy losing it and saying never get married and stated cold hard facts about why men shouldn't marry... It was funny for me... yet it's true... Squirling... I have finally discovered the secret and answers to our Universe... It's always been there from the start, we just failed to listen to our elders... Universe:
U (You)
N (And)

Even the Universe Ends, nothing lasts forever... This is a mans reality check... Pretty sure I can guess more Gs would think forever lasts forever using reverse mentality... If a G tells me stuff would last forever... I'll be saying what the heck in my mind... that's not living in reality... After a few minutes later... Now that I think about it... The only thing in this world that will last forever is change... Everything changes in one form or another... Let's all be like the water and go with the flow... Except for me, I don't like taking showers... Another double standard... Ducking Dear Diary... As each day passes, I'm learning more and more that I have tons of double standards... Squirling... I just watched Angelina Jolie youtube shorts about the world having double standards... I agree and she's so pretty @N6C... Now I have to research all her movies and watch it...

Mar 16, 2024
ommo: Thanks again! Woke up, sold bottles, got a new hair cut after almost a year of not getting a hair cut... Went to the mall to walk a little and look around... Went to canadian tire for car battery related stuff, also looked around, got gas full tank... Ate and watch a movie from crave on my mobile phone... Aquaman and the lost kingdom... For some unknown reason, Amber Heard doesn't look pretty @N6C anymore but she was @ before on the first Aquaman movie, that's the first time I've seen her... She looked like a messed and stressed out from life in the 2nd movie... I hope she stops drinking and drugs... Not sure if she smokes... Squirling... couldn't find anymore interesting movies in crave...
A thank for the tips and support You raise me up Sweet child of mine...
Added a preview of a different song at the end, that I'll record next bottle selling... I'm thinking of changing to rock songs, then blues or jazz instead of emo songs... Even though my theme for this year is to be emo not elmo...

Mar 17, 2024
ommo: Another boring Sunday which is great, thy body, mind and soul need all the rest I could get... Went to youtube and saw this... Just Dance Video of Rasputin This is the best song and dance I have seen so far... I will learn how to dance like this... Mad respect to the person who dance this in real life to record for a game... Too awesome... I think I found a place that no one could see me dancing and praticing this... Thumbs Up!

Squirling... I have read and seen where Justin Trudeau is thinking of quitting... I sent him an email and hope he reads the following:

To Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. A True leader doesn't give up, so don't give up being Prime Minister. I believe in climate change and renewable energy. I survive using solar power living in a caravan... but I do think carbon tax is still way too early for Canada. That tax may be the future when Canada adopted a lot more renewable sources of energy but not in the present. Being a turtle is better than being a rabbit, we will all get there but forcing it now where a lot of Canadians would suffer is not the way to go. There is no shame in making mistakes, but listening to people suffering is a true mark of a leader that also listens and grows as a person.

From your worst critic -ommo

Hang in there and hope we also grow together with the people as Canadians... I wanted to see if JT will finally listen to Canadians. I will have more respect to JT for listening to Canadians. There's no shame making mistakes and trying to correct it. Cross fingers April 1st, 2024 tax going up? or would JT says its just an April Fools joke to lighten up Canada? Since everyone is already too stressed out from life... Squirling... I remember our company former CEO who has passed away (RIP) saying something to make a successful business surround yourself with people that knows what they are doing... Maybe that business principle can be applied on how to run Canada better for Canadians... Squirling... To all the Gs out there especially the western culture please we only have 1 mind, body and soul... Take good care of it. $$$ comes and goes but your mind, body and soul cannot go back after crossing that border. It may be another double standard on my part that I watch sometimes for #3s if it gets too stressful... Is there other ways make everyone laugh without having to rely on alcohol, smoke or drugs?... I'll start practicing how to dance and post videos of dancing without talking if that helps... I don't know how to talk and I'm really boring in real life... It's a shame that there are too many pretty @N6C Gs in Canada and USA but men are preferring foreign Gs, giving up on western Gs, or going for the same men instead... The truth is men doesn't want Gs with high body count, drinks alcohol, smoke or do drugs that they can cherish, provide, protect or have a long term companionship with... Men who doesn't care are just lying to themselves or just wants to score and make your body count go even higher... Dear Diary: I don't really care anymore if I don't find a G within 3-4 years from now... I'll just continue learning more songs to play, sing and start learning how to dance without spraying my balls...

Mar 18, 2024
Dr. Stranger & Nurse Squirrel 4th Date Night
One Dark and Rainy Night after Dr. Stranger and Nurse Squirrel had dinner... They drove into a high ground outside the city limits... Dr. Stranger wanted to score inside the car and did everything right... but wait said Nurse Squirrel... Dr. Dr. I'm not really a Nurse... I charge $350 if you want my body and soul... Dr. Stranger, took out the cash and paid Snowyhoary Squirrel... After the Dr. Stranger got what he wanted... He ignores SH Squirrel... A few hours later... SH Squirrel: why are we not going back? Can I go home now? Dr. Stranger: I have to tell you something... I'm not really a Doctor, I'm an over driver and I charge $375 to take you back...

For todays lesson: Never Trust Dr. Strangers... Protect your mind, body and soul...

Squirling... Another real life example I learned today from youtube academy was from Joe Smith $61 Mil down to $3,000 former NBA player... This really shows money comes and goes while his wife had an only ducks account selling her body and soul for only ducks... Even Gs in the Philippines are getting westernized after seeing vids in youtube scamming foreigners... Is there a country left in this world that doesn't have internet, social media, or youtube?

Squirling...Another mail to attend... I used to attend this kind of events but people should stop labeling other people. Nothing is normal anymore and the world is crazy... Squirl: But wait... ommo didn't you just labeled someone the Tax Man or about 2DRAWSOCKS? ommo: crap another double standard... Thanks Squirl! I guess these men youtubers are right... Gs that do drugs, smokes and especially drinks alcohol will pass it on to the next generations and make up some story to validate what they are doing... especially when they have already sold their mind, body and soul there is no going back... Learning a lot of life lessons from youtube academy each day... Squirling... saw another youtube vid that Joe's wife took it to the next level and did it with another man and was proud of it... Gs are too scary... but at least I have my Guitar... I recorded another original song that will go unpublished unless everyone wants their ear drums broken or the world ends... The song title is called: Can I get your number? Pretty Girl... I got inspired to write this song when I was hanging around the park in Calgary walking 1-3hrs to get exercise while walking pass so many pretty @N6C Gs that I avoided eye contact because they might think I'm a creep looking at them, avoiding eye contact is the best route, I still can't forget about that G in Calgary at the mall when I went shopping won't stop pulling her pants and shirt down to hide her belly button while asking me if I needed help about their products (Eye Contact was impossible - my eyes got distracted and also looked down at her hands while trying to cover up multiple times)... I just used my pure imagination playing the guitar live and singing to them... Just like those men in youtube playing and singing to girls without being shy... The other recorded songs are about being homeless, navigating life in solitude, and finding the light... Squirling... Just watched some passport bros at youtube... MOTHERDUCKER a G spoon fed the bro with food to his mouth... I had never experienced that after growing up... There are Gs in this world that will spoon fed a man? Lucky Ducker... I gotta put that on my wish list to experience before I'm gone from this world... If I remember correctly the last person that spoon fed me was my momma when I was a little baby boy... Unbelievable...

Mar 19, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, My momma used to tell me life is like a pack of pokemon trading cards... You never know what you're gonna get... Squirling... one day, I went to my boss place just to hang around... The one where he was trying to get me and her sister together... They both had natural blonde hair born and raised in Canada... He got guitars and drum set... I was playing drums that time and got complimented while playing... I think social media is out of hand... There are still lots of natural blonde hair Gs that are not like the Gs portrayed in the social media in youtube or tiktok here in Canada... Never been to USA so I can't say if its really true or not... To all passport bros in the USA try Canada... Especially the Michaels Store... I 100% guarantee there are lots of nice and pretty @ Gs working there... Squirling... I think all the media should start playing this song by the Legendary Beatles: A Hard Day's Night... This song tells us back then when men works hard and women takes care of them after getting back home... but sadly more and more women changed... Though I think it doesn't matter what country you go to anymore... Don't give up on Blonde Gs just yet everyone... At the end of the day no one is perfect... Be happy if you have a companion in life. I have my G - Guitar... So think this through > what's in your wallet? Squirling... I got something extra special treat to all the passport bros later... After 3-4 hrs... Squirling... 6 hours later... As promised, this one is for all the Passport Bros out there...

  Warning: Graphic Content Viewer Discretion is Advised (3 Gs on top of each other Spoon Feeding Ommo)   3 Gs Spoon Fed

If you download this song that I quickly try to learn just now and recorded, I named it superpi.mp3 take off the . and 3 and I will become super pi.mp3 (Pure Imagination) while dreaming of getting spoon fed, I'll take all the western women that you discarded and give them the respect and love they deserve... Thanks Squirl, for whacking my head and reminding me about my childhood friend... She didn't deserve to get cut off in my life just because of what my momma told me back then and her decision to get abortion... Having a small pen is worth it, I may not be able to write them off because its too small for satisfaction but I got the magic dancing fingers and show them the LOVE... Both men and women are experiencing hard times because Weak Men (like me for now) create Hard Times... As I get older, I will be stronger (sounds like a song of a waving flag), and then it goes back, and then it goes back, back, back back... just like Hard Times, it creates strong men. So when I get stronger I'll create the good times (love of all the western women that you discard for foreign Gs)... I will become the enemy of western men (USA) but it doesn't matter if I get your westernized Gs sweet and sour LOVE... It's worth the cost... Love is more than just physical intimacy. It's a battlefield... For now, I must train in the mountains...

Mar 20, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, I got another confession... There's something I love more than tuna... I love eating leftovers... especially Chinese and Dim Sum... Squirling... Today, I saw a police car stopped near the house where I go as part of my daily training... I'm guessing something is up on that house across the street in the basement... I hope EPS solves that issue... Squirling... Sorry Liberals and Trudeau... Poilievre calling for an Election now is not great for Liberals... This was a great move and timing for Poilievre now that more Canadians are opening their eyes... When liberals own party saying sit down, sit down to their own Kings person to not allow him to talk and disrespects him while PM Trudeau walks out of his own party then Poilievre takes the initiative further by saying that person was in a witness protection program due to fear from their fellow liberals... Nothing is going right for Liberals anymore... Plus another scandal for paying TikTok to create propaganda against Poilievre... All one has to do is listen to the vast majority of people in Canada why is that too hard? Isn't the people that gives the person in that job and it's also the people that could take it away? Squirling... An 80 yr old army veteran from Canada who served this nation almost his whole life told me, his body is about to give out soon... He and I are doing the same daily training... What is the Liberal Government doing for elders, it's people and even who serve their country?

Squirl: hey ommo, how can Canada be a world global leader and invests in other countries when its own country Canada has too many problems? ommo: I do not know the answer squirl, so I had to defer to AI... your cousin Squirl AI told me: bruh, common sense... vote for Poilievre. Just like the Mandolorians are saying... This is the way... While PM asked Is this the way?then Canadians are saying... This is the way out... helping and pointing 👉 PM out the door... Wanted to draw a bunch of them talking in a group when PM in the center asked and pop that question (Is this the way?) then Canadians in a mandolorian costumes and post but I need a break today... no time 2DRAW and illustrate... I need my powernaps... So please bear with me and just use your pure imaginations for now as well... Squirling... Dear Diary: The world is watching... It doesn't matter how smart and great a man is, if he is surrounded by people dependent on that 1 person what to do, if that person leaves, chaos happens... I'm learning this from watching the debates between Trudeau and Poilievre with Mr. Speaker... Squirling... I learned today that the white lady, kapre and dwarfs on our house in the Philippines are waiting for me... I knew it ever since I was a little gago boy... The white lady is waiting for me to come back home my brother said... I can sense her all the way to Canada... White Ladies, Ghosts and unexplained phenomenons such as seeing the future are real.. I've done it but lost the gift of foresight because I became a little gago boy... Thank God... I do not want to have to go through it again... Sometimes windows will just open and close on their own without someone being there... You hear someone walking without someone being there... My bro said, "How come he doesn't experience it?"... A few minutes later... I've come to the conclusion that white ladies are only attracted to introverts not extroverts either that or because I never go out and just stays at home playing music, drawing and watching animes and play chess with gramps next door instead of playing with other kids or childhood friend... I wanted to travel back home and got my photos and would renew my passport in Calgary this month but after what my bro told me today after visiting Philippines that the white lady and my dwarven friends are waiting... I changed my mind... It's not worth the cost to go back to the Philippines to reawaken something like a 3rd eye when I was a little gago boy and see the white lady... I would prefer ladies in real life compared to that white lady without a face back home...

Mar 21, 2024
Squirl: hey cuzz nurse Squirl why are you crying? Nurse Squirl: Cuzz, Dr. Stranger got me pregnant and I don't know how to tell my parents cuzz. What should I do? Squirl: Don't worry Cuzz coz I'll go with you and talk to them... A few hours later... Squirl: Hi Auntie and Uncle Squirl... Cuzz Nurse Squirl has something to say... Nurse Squirl: Mom... Dad... I'm sorry but I'm pregnant... Mom: Made a sign of the cross and asked God's forgiveness... and said to her... Didn't I tell you if a man grabs your BOO BOO, you have to say Dont. Then Dad suddenly said: Baby Girl, I freaking told you to say Stop if a man touches your private parts (Puke/Poke)... When will you ever listen to your mom and dad? Nurse Squirl: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm very sorry... but that's what I said... He did it at the same time so I kept saying... Dont Stop... Dont stop... and now this happened... Squirl silently sneaks out and left... Squirling... I see now that its not about Liberals vs Conservatives... It's Liberals + NDP Coalition vs Conservatives... This is very tough to win for Conservatives... 2 or more parties is always better than 1... I'm not sure anymore if Conservatives can pull this off. Too many weak men to stand up for what is right including me... Guess I'll start lining up on the food bank, I've never experienced it, but curious... Wonder what food I'll get after April 1st, 2024 23% tax hike that affects everything and everyone in Canada and are we allowed to say: Please Sir/Mam can I have some more? After they hand out the goods... Maybe this is for the best... Might as well be like a DEEKTATORSHIP country if nobody could stop this Liberal + NDP Coalition... Squirling... Dear Diary: I don't like being weak...

Another example was March 20, 2024 when I saw Edmonton Police Officers checking out the house... I think somebody finally called the EPS because of the girl always mostly cry and screaming for help on the basement of that house... The truth is that I noticed that around November 2023 when I was doing my daily training... I mostly hear the Girl crying and asking for help, I hear it from that basement all the way to the other side of the street where I normally do my business... All I can hear is that guy and girl are fighting and the girl is crying shouting for help... All I could do is get back inside the car and move on... I kept saying to myself, its none of my business and I don't want any trouble if the guy comes after me if I help... I also don't know the cause... Maybe its alcohol or drugs related issue? I don't like this side of me... I'm so weak... If change is constant in this world, why does it feel like I haven't change at all? When will I get stronger? Hard Times is truly attracted to weak men... I asked AI and AI at the end replied: Its important to remember that experiencing hard times is a normal part of life, and seeking support from others can be a crucial aspect of resilience. Building resilience involves developing coping skills, cultivating a positive mindset, making healthy decisions, and nurturing supportive relationships. With time and effort, individuals can learn to navigate through hard times and emerge stronger on the other side. Easier said than done AI, what if the person is a introvert/sigma?

Mar 22, 2024
ommo: Correction, NDP, Quebec Bloc, Greens and Liberals vs Conservatives... 4 Parties vs 1... Canadians are currently full of weak men in the government... I have no power but getting sick of being weak... Yet those who are in power and voted by Canadians NDP, Bloc and Greens are weak for joining Liberals that wants to cling to power... Food Banks here I come! (After April 1st)... The future of Canadians is getting darker... Squirling... I thought Non Confidence Vote meant Canadians will vote outside of the house... I was ready to come out of the mountains and postpone everything, wait in line just to vote for the first time in Canada... Only to get slapped in the face to see that's not how it works... The mentality of NDP, Bloc and Greens seems to be: If you can't beat them, join Liberals... Squirling... Only Ducks content creator baited a Gay person while bending over to show her private parts... That is so messed up... I asked different AIs and they all said: Gay people are not interested in romantic or sexual relationships with individuals of the opposite gender. Squirling... Hmmm... I think I'm interested in Gs, my new life long dream is to get spoon fed once in a lifetime other than by my momma. I'm interested but I can only afford canned tunas... I think Gs nowadays prefer expensive stuff that's about to get more expensive... It's not worth the cost... I'll rather be in the mountains and eat all my tuna than go in a restaurant... I even accumulated $200 worth of gift cards from work to eat in a branded restaurant not fast foods... I wonder if I could just order for pickup and pay using the gift card online? or order for pickup and pay inside using gift card? Is that weird? Would they charge me for Tips in a pickup order? Do they allow pickup orders? or just keep saving it for a rainy day season... I didn't eat yesterday and was fasting... which is why I'm eating tuna, mayo and bread today... Squirling... Is it possible that even though Poilievre and his Party lost the election of non confidence, this shows the entire world (the world is watching) that the biggest gang throughout the world is the government? Just look how all these parties in Canada Gang Up and voted to make Canadians suffer +23% is a lot... Food for thought...

Hear Ye hear ye read all about it!
I just asked AIs again... ommo: Does kissing make you talk better? AI said that it could improve communication skills... MOTHERFATHER That's why I'm so bad at talking English, Tagalog or talk any at all... I need a kissing companion to be able to talk better... I don't think training in the mountains would get me this skill and master it... Ducking life... Dear Diary: I accidentally found the Secret sauce... to be able to talk better... It's a Gs suh-LY-vuh... Everything makes sense now... Gs are great and bless with communication skills... by kissing and consuming their suh-LY-vuh, they bestow their skills into a man... My God, why did I just figure this out just now in the mountains? Shouting in the mountain, kneeling with hands fist both pointing to the heavens (Speaking My God, My God why have you forsaken thee?): wwwwwhhhhhhyyyyyyy (With both hands shaking)...

Mar 23, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, went to Walmart, Get gas again, Changed Oil good for another 7000 KMs. Watched 5 mins of Batman vs Superman on Crave and closed it, movie doesn't seem interesting... Watched youtube and saw China's economy are falling apart... Real Estate bubble pops and prices falling... Lack of Jobs and lots of unemployed people crying for help in social media... In the meantime time USA migrants, gangs and squatters taking over houses exploiting the broken laws in USA... The world is in CHAOS... It won't matter how rich, wealthy and powerful a person is, desperate people will do anything to survive... We all have 1 life, no matter how rich, famous, wealthy or powerful you are... Pushing people to the edge will cause unpredictable outcomes... Witness protection program seems outdated and useless due to the rapid advancement of the digital age, internet, AI, face recognition and social media... It's a wild wide world... Squirling... 5+ years ago, I made an app where anyone with mobile phones and data could use the camera and it could show the data of that object or person out of curiosity and showed it to my colleagues... Government has access to everyones data & faces from Driver Licenses and so on... All the government needed is a camera that connects to their servers to query and retrieve data of people... This was already possible a long time ago that many people might not know... It's very easy to create your own without the help of AI since the source code is already available online... I'm pretty sure it's illegal for the people without power but not to those people in power... With new technologies such as AR glasses... Now you can truly do this without getting suspicious because you don't have to hold your phone and camera to scan your surroundings... AR glasses is useful for this... Another way is some sort of body cam connected but you need another person working remotely and a communication to the other person on the field... It's crazy if you think you have complete privacy anymore against people with power... Especially Tesla vehicles equipped with cameras and connected to the internet... You can mod the app to use the camera and pair it with your own data collection... It's also possible to duplicate the key card that Tesla uses to unlock and start the cars on model 3 (not sure about other models), Hotel Key cards can be dupe within minutes as well... I have lots programable slates for learning purposes not to be used illegally... Squirling... Just practicing and learning new songs to take a break from this sad mad world... All I request to the people in power, please do not start a Nuclear War... I still want to try kissing a G to get better at talking (and also comment if I like it or not) and get spoon fed... I think Gs are the most complicated and unpredictable beings in this world that we cannot understand but at the same time fascinating... It's a life long mystery waiting to be solved... Squirling... USA government taking your property, freezing bank accounts and so on... New York, New York... I want to be part of it... song by Frank Sinatra... The real gangs are finally exposing themselves... Kevin O'Leary respect to this man for not backing down against his beliefs but 1 person isn't enough that's reality... It seems to be you need to be part of a gang to do something in the world... Otherwise, just live life alone like sigmas...

Mar 24, 2024
ommo: Check Engine lights suddenly appeared on the dash... Life sure loves to mess around with everyone... Squirling: How much have you collected in Carbon Taxes? Yet, Freeland Liberals kept dodging this simple question... What a freaking corrupt government and all it's gang members (other parties that voted to increase 23% taxes)... Also Trudeau moved the Election date so that other parties such as NDP can get their retirement pension plan and be done with it while smiling on how they screwed up millions of Canadians... This socks, even though I can eat, I don't have the appetite to eat everytime I see and hear more about how this Liberal government... USA is in deep trouble as well so Canadians can't ask big brother to save their people from these corrupt gangs... I meant government... Squirling... practicing Sweet Child o Mine the complete song non stop for 2 hrs... time to take a break... Practice for another 1.5 hrs after break... Time to stop fingering my G... Pretty sure the body parts of my G is tired... Especially from the S... A few minutes later... Squirl: S? ommo: Strings Squirl strings don't be naughty squirl... or Santa ommo won't come... Squirling... I just found out today that there was a community for Van Lifers in Calgary that helped and look out for each other... If only I knew sooner... I wouldn't had to keep looking for different streets and get my tire stab back then... Lesson learned... The good old times where during my first winter last year in a caravan, I couldn't move and feel my toes after waking up... Didn't have any wool socks... After buying 6 wool socks and layering lots... It became a lot easier... I really thought that caravan life only exists in USA or other parts of Canada not in Calgary... Squirl: ommo having Flashbacks isn't good a sign. ommo: I know squirl, Flashbacks meant that, something bad is going to happen in the future... Don't jinx thee... I don't want my #1 or #2 to come out yet...

Squirling... USA giving migrants $20,000 a month and government jobs... Is it because they will use migrants to vote for them in the upcoming election instead because they are losing votes from native, born and immigrants in the USA? If I drove all the way to USA am I considered migrant and get 20k a month? Joe Biden has lost his mind... Can't wait to see how Americans react... Win or Lose in the election good luck to Trump if he wins and have to deal with this MAGA... Like a trojan horse gifting the other party to have a backdoor if they won, migrants working for Democrats... If Biden wins, goodluck to the entire world...

Trump says: Make America Great Again!

Biden says: Migrant Accommodation Government Approves! Winks 2x

Americans will say: We are ducked...

Canadians will say: Hey, We are ducked 2...

Chinese will say: Yes you are, oh yes you are...We 3... JK

PINESE ommo says: Ducking life...

Mar 25, 2024
ommo: Learned a new life hack today... WD-40 can be sprayed on Alternators as well, it's an emergency repair until I replace it... Going to Canadian Tire later to buy WD-40... Buy/Order new Alternator and replace it when I get the parts and its not cold outside, might as well buy a serpentine belt... Good thing all my mastercraft car tools I bought on sale at Canadian Tire didn't get stolen way back when... Squirling, Finance Minister is 100% correct saying a House is not an asset... It's common sense, an asset simply brings you money like a passive income... A house is a liability if you live in it and pay for it money goes out not in... Even if you rent it out, when taxes keeps going up, chances are renters can't afford it if you keep the rent high due to the taxes, inflation, maintenance fees... and when real estate bubble pops house prices goes down... It's not an asset anymore in this current economy... Apartments waste of money, Townhouses and Condos scams people with special assessments... No wonder homelessness are going up... Squirling... I've seen and heard what the President of Ukraine spoke in CTV news at youtube to what happened to innocent Russians from a terrorist attack. All I could say is War truly changes everyone, from a Comedian Actor to saying such things is thumbs down... It's a miracle that this world got a little better after World War 2... Since war takes away our humanity... I thought there was a saying, if I'm remembering correctly it goes like this:

Unintelligent - Blames and does not forgive
Intelligent - Forgives and takes accountability
Unicorns - Ignores everything

Something like that... Blaming game doesn't work... From Russia's response all they said was that the culprits got found on the way out going to Ukraine... Based on what President of Ukraine has said, its clear that someone is just being used like pawns in a chess game... USA warned Russia before this attack... Someone out there is a spy which is why USA knows about it... Either its James Bond or Austin Powers or Black Widow offsprings... If it's Black Widow (too pretty @N6CG), then everyone won't be able to resist even a UNICORN... Squirling... Ducking Deadpool was able to have a relationship with two of the pretty @N6G on earth and both are blondes?...

Mar 26, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary: You won't believe just happened... As I went to the store Lesterday, I saw two pretty @N6CGs... Both of them came out the store and blondes and we gazed at each other and they smiled and said to each other to come back inside the store... I overheard them and stopped, automatically did that hand gesture and said ladies first without a second thought just like in the movies on how to treat princesses... What's wrong with me? They went in first smiling... Before I bring my open wide arms back, I smelled my armpit... I almost puked... I'm all natural... Now I get why people buy deodorants... I haven't used one for years and years... Can't remember the last time I used one... Good thing the G that cut my very very long hair who said it was too oily didn't smell my hair either... I was afraid she would find out I didn't took a shower for a very long time as well... A squirl just crossed the road... Lets go back to the true to life story from Lesterday... To be short, I went in walking like I was about to do my #2, grab the stuff and left the store... For todays life lesson, always make sure you have deodorant... Armpit smells is no joke... Believe it! Squirling... Russia released videos of the terrorist admitting they did it for half a million rubbles... People will do anything for $ if they are desperate even kill people... Why do they look beat up? This meant that truth serums from Hollywood Movies are fake... There is no such thing as truth serums to make people tell the truth... Squirling... If World War 3 comes, this means Trudeau stays in power, can invoke conscription in the army... I looked into Canadian Army and it doesn't matter what your gender is... Shoot, all my wigs I bought and clothes are useless in WW3 here in Canada... Even Gs can be conscripted... This socks... I thought it was very smart of me to cross dress in WW3 in times of mandatory conscription...

Squirling... Russia finally figured out that the terrorists isn't from ISIS or Islam related... Common sense tells us how Russia/China is trying to help Gaza and Palestine then why would someone from a Islam religion do this to innocent Russians... CIA is very scary... In the past, I was working for an oil and gas company programming and creating those drilling machine simulator so that new employees can get training using a simulator first before going to the field. They hired another IT from USA who claimed has worked for CIA... I left the company for a start up business... After a few months, I heard the oil and gas company I worked for in the past went bankrupt... CIA coincidence? The thing I don't get is that HR Girl from that oil and gas before hiring me asked me to do 25 push ups on the spot to make sure I was physically fit... I did all those push ups to proved I'm fit but to this day... What was the point of proving I'm fit when I just sit down in a computer all day anyway? It doesn't make sense... Was that HR G just playing with me just because she was also blonde and pretty @N6C? Is that even legal in Canada?

Mar 27, 2024
ommo: Climate Change is really hard next to impossible since it would require the whole world to work together not just Canada... It just won't work... Can't even ask big brother USA to prevent killings and stop wars... And veto ceasefires instead to allow more civilians to be killed... Squirling... Donald Trump became a billionaire lots of people supported him, even billionaires are supporting him because if the government can do that to Trump and get his assets, the government can do that to all billionaires as well... Squirling... Just learned about Puff Diddy, the new EPSTEIN... Squirling... Trudeau and Liberals said Poilievre is misogynistic... I googled the word because I don't know what it means... The meaning of MISOGYNISTIC is feeling, showing, or characterized by hatred of or prejudice against women... If this is true then Poilievre would have already been separated or divorced from his wife right? but isn't it the other way around? Crazy stuff... Squirling... Note to self... change and remove everything and just show 3 big dots on the website... When this government pass the bill to prevent free speech... Otherwise end up in prison for life for our opinions in Canada... If we cannot voice out our opinions anymore this site will just display ... Squirling... Now I'm confused, I ignored those fallen angels in the past because I don't have the confidence down there and don't want to get std... Does this mean in Trudeau government, I'm viewed as MISOGYNISTIC? Squirling... Googled Search P Diddy and found lots of info real name: Sean Combs... Did not know Jennifer Lopez had a relationship with him... Puff Daddy is the same as Diddy... Squirling... the world is watching... anything we do online lives on... Squirling... MP Sheer dropped the STUPID word to Liberals on House of Commons... Thumbs Up! Priceless... I wish Conservatives would also say MOTHERFATHER to Liberals... Squirling... I haven't gotten any carbon rebate cheques from the government and kept paying taxes instead during tax seasons where this 8/10 Canadians getting it coming from? It should be 10/10 Canadians getting it and no strings attached... Squirling... Prince Harry is on the a list again from P. Diddy... First he was on the EPSTEIN list and now P. Diddy... Unbelievable... Pretty sure the law doesn't apply on a Royalty...

Mar 28, 2024
ommo: P Diddy not going down without a fight and going to expose everyone including Jay-Z and Beyonce... Wow, who would have thought all these rich people doing crazy stuff... Michael Jackson death is involved as well... Squirling... Trudeau said Conservatives are misleading and lying to Canadians about carbon tax... Sorry Liberals, even though I believe 100% in climate change, it should be a global thing using a donation who believes in it, not forcing people to pay for the pollution they emit... If all the global leaders do that to their own country, pretty sure one country would be in the news by now where people will revolt... Canada is close to it... Squirling... China also got attacked by terrorists... Squirling... P Diddy released freak offs video that involves Jay Z and Beyonce plus Jay Z sleeping with minors... Such a waste of talent, singing voice, music career, and good looks when they just sell their souls in the end (Beyonce)... Just like the singer now in prison R. Kelly of I Believe I can Fly...

Squirling... Today, I emailed and asked my big bosses at work if they could at least give me two weeks to prepare to move and drive back to Calgary (maybe I'll try that van life community I saw on youtube) to return to the office. I got told today, they want me to go and work back in the office by next week... They are discussing and would let me know by next week... Probability of getting fired 100%... I'll have to say goodbye to all the people of Edmonton that helped me out, tips and bottles, side hustles and so on... Thank You... Tried applying to multiple jobs in Edmonton for different positions such as Programmer, Analysts or IT Architect (current) but no luck... Also tried applying to government jobs... Times are hard... No other choice but to move back to Calgary then get fired...

Mar 29, 2024
ommo: I was sitting waiting in the car and forgot its Easter, no work or exercise today... I'll just finger my G. Squirling... I saw on youtube Vancouver gas is at 186.9 holy cow... In Edmonton it went up to 151.9 and would continue to go up... Lucky I'm not in BC... Squirling... Kanye was saying and telling the truth for years and people didn't listen... Respect to Kanye West for shedding light to humanity... Sorry Kanye, I thought you were just crazy from the beginning saying bad stuff to Jay Z, Beyonce, P Diddy and everyone... Squirling... Learning more about P Diddy, learned that Will Smith is also connected to Diddy... P Diddy + Will Smith are tight = Poor Tupac... Also, why did the feds act now? After 20+ years of not doing anything... Did the Feds got Fed up? Higher ups Feeding Feds not feeding $? Does this show Feds and government are so corrupt willing to look the other way for 20+ years? or USA government losing $ which is why they start with Russian Assets, Trump, and now all the millionaire and billionaires? If they aren't losing tons of $$$ to support Israel vs Palestinian and HAMAS, would they still keep looking the other way? Squirling... Usher and Justin Beiber also related to Diddy... Awesome, famous celebs got famous because of Diddy? If Giggity Giggity is a famous line said by Glenn Quagmire from Family guy. What is the famous line that Diddy say to all these famous celebs say when they got entangled or to self looking at the next victim? Does Diddy say: Diddidy Diddidy... or Dignity Dignity... or Virginity Virginity... or Tititi Tititi (Refers to Male Private Part in Tagalog)... or Pukikiki Pukikiki (Refers to Women Private Part in Tagalog) or Putiki Putiki (Lizard Gecko in Tagalog)... Whatever it may be, P Diddy is like a Putiki (Gecko) in my eyes now... The world is watching Putiki... Happy Easter Everyone... To Candace Owens Christ is King and getting fired of it... I Salute you... Nobody should be fired for saying a persons faith and beliefs... Sometimes the world would seem to be crasbing down on you, when you feel like taking it all on your own and can't trust anyone in this world anymore... Breath then take a leap of faith... Money comes and goes but our faith in God is eternal... A company that fires you, because of it isn't worth the cost... A strong PRETTY @N6C G = Candace Owens... Squirling... I googled the average salary of Priest in Canada and its too low... 35K-74K... This 100% shows us they are not doing it for $ but to spread the word of God... Why haven't I realized this sooner? Candace is very smart for saying we cannot serve God or $$$ at the same time that's double standard...

Mar 30, 2024
ommo: Thank You for this gift! I'll be sad moving back to Calgary... I learned a lot and gotten lots of life experiences in Edmonton such as that unforgettable fallen angel who went straight inside the car when I just wanted to hand in some spare coins not to see her undressed and tried to grabbed my thingy but couldn't because its too tiny (always lock the car doors)... I asked my work in Calgary to give me at least 2 weeks so that I could turn in 2 weeks as well as Captain Bottles/the side hustler in Edmonton... I'll find out more on Monday about their decision... Fingers crossed... It's been a very long time since I dressed up on office clothes, black shoes, socks, belt and so on... This time, I have no other choice but to buy deodorant as well... with this inflation and 23% tax hike I wonder how much it cost now? $10 for a tiny deodorant?

Squirling... Finally done fixing both caravan (car and van) what a pain... I injured my left finger and bleeding while fixing all the stuff... Just need to clean, do coin laundry (its cheaper here in Edmonton last I did coin laundry here I spent $8 way cheaper than Calgary), prepare office clothes and so on... Sorry but I can't play guitar until my finger is healed and stop bleeding... I'm gonna need another exercise in Calgary without gym membership... I don't want to be overweight ever again... Squirling... This is insane... Trump said MAGA Make Argentina Great Again... Now the president of Argentina was able to get Argentina's Inflation from 200%+ all the way down to 8%+ by firing all the useless government corrupt people and jobs... While USA under Joe Biden keeps printing more money and getting more debts and Trudeau Canada kept making people suffer with taxes... Next is Rain taxes because of climate change... In the future could be Snow Taxes, Wind/Air Taxes because human breath the Air... Sunlight taxes for using Solar Panels maybe? Biden and Trudeau should learn from Argentina's President... Soon Canadians won't be able to fart without getting taxes in public... I just googled Argentina Girls and wow they have blonde and pretty @N6C Gs as well... Squirling... I just learned today that Trudeau banned Christian Prayers for remembrance day... Sure it has nothing to do with me because I'm an immigrant... Does this make any sense? First, Trudeau allowed a Nazi to be in the house of common and people celebrated then now Canadians can't offer prayers who died serving this country? I think it's too painful for the elders and who have passed protecting this Country and shameful that Trudeau banned Christian Prayers... I'm glad I watched that guy from the house of common speaking up against Trudeau... Tomorrow's the day of the Taxman... I hope Canadians stops getting slap in the face by Taxman... Made this image for Canadians to wake up... Please help spread this image all over the Internet for Canadians to wake up, you can copy, download and post anywhere for free, no taxes, believe it...

Mar 31, 2024
ommo: I forgot March has 31 days... April 1st is tomorrow... Taxman fooled me earlier than expected... Squrling... I just watched P Diddy and Justin Beiber video together... All I could see is how traumatized Justin is in front of Diddy... Even a singer like Justin stuttering in front of Diddy when Diddy asked Justin why is he not hanging around with him anymore... Justin seems like he was talking and looking at a giant PUTIKI (gecko) and doesn't know what to say, Justin couldn't say the truth why he was avoiding Diddy... That video shows us how scared Justin is against Diddy and Justin knows something which is why he reacted like that in the video... Also saw Diddy kept supporting Democrats like Biden, Clinton and Obama...

Squirling... Forgot to mention when I was getting a gas at the station, on the other side of the fuel pump, a man was getting gas as well. He finished getting gas and the fuel pump couldn't print a gas receipt, he told his G inside the car that the machine won't print the receipt maybe it ran out of paper... The G then went outside and looked at the machine... She wanted the receipt, she suddenly got mad at the man and started screaming, do I have to tell you what to do? then go inside and talk to the cashier and get a receipt... She wouldn't stop... The man said, please you don't have to scream all the time then walked to see the cashier... Western Gs are crazy, just for a simple gas receipt, the man got screamed at... Respect to the man for walking away and knows how to deal with the situation... I think getting screamed at in public is pretty humiliating... A relationship that has no respect for both one another is doomed to fail... I hope that man realizes that soon... Squirling... DUCKING Joe Biden rewriting history and changed Easter and the Holy Day for most people into a Transgender Day... while Trump has made it clear and respected God in all religion... DEMOCRATS supported by P Diddy is now looking like DEMONCRAPS... No issues with transgenders except when the day gets rewritten or when G washrooms gets invaded by a man self proclaiming the man is a trans and freaked out the G teens like in that video from social media that went viral... Gender doesn't matter as long as both respect each other... but freaking Joe Biden proclaiming it Transgender day... That's too low... How worst can you get? Maybe using the Nuclear Bomb? If Canada follows big brother USA and changed that holiday day as well... I don't know anymore... Squirling... World War 3 is inevitable, that's the only option left corrupt minded people in power has to stay in power... Squirling... I learned that big word inevitable from watching Marvel Movies Thanos... I had to google searched what it meant...

April 1, 2024
ommo: Tax 23% is up... Canadians would now need 3 - 4 jobs in order to thrive in Canada. Squirling... I asked my boss if I can get two weeks before moving back to Calgary... Earlier today, I was told to not worry about the big big boss return to office, my boss would talk to the big big boss to allow me to stay in Edmonton... I hope my boss could convince the bigger boss... Edmonton crime rate is way higher than Calgary but if its our time then its our time, doesn't matter where we are... At least I got something done this weekend fixing vehicles...

April 2, 2024
ommo: Dear God, thank you for allowing me to work remotely and stay a little bit longer in Edmonton... Also, the Gas went up from 151.9 to 159.9 today... My God, who would save Canada? I promise you God, I'll vote for that savior...
Squirling... I've been intrigued and spent countless of hours learning perpetual motion why people are proving that it's impossible... All the existing experiments today won't work because its built in a single dimension... We are currently bound in this universe that constantly tells us, it's too overpowered for our dimension that we call earth... A human that possesses this knowledge will be a God Amongst Men... Squirling... Dear Diary, I wonder if my other self in a different dimension has succumb to the temptation of fallen angels or succubus? Would a few minutes of happiness be worth the cost? I'll just take a powernap and find the answer... Squirling... After waking up, I learned affordability of food, gas and housing is 1000x times better than thinking about Gs right now... China vs Philippines in the sea, both ships collided and Philippines are celebrating that even though China's ship is bigger, it got damaged and got a hole and no major damaged to the Philippines ship... People celebrating in the Philippines and saying don't be afraid are crazy... Do they even know China has nuclear weapons? Just one nuclear... that's all it takes for the Philippines to wake up in reality that they cannot win... Don't rely on American support... USA won't be able to support Ukraine, Israel and Philippines or other countries at the same time... Watch WW1 and WW2 history when Britain tricks other countries to fight war its all in youtube... Watch all the non sense talk of Boris Johnson, he even said on the video for Ukraine not to get fooled or coerced by Russia Peace Talks... Then after war broke out, Boris Johnson quits being a PM... I guess he has done the deed... It's not that hard to connect the dots where Boris Johnson kept campaigning against Russia and went to Ukraine, kept saying in social media videos for Ukraine to not sign and get trick by peace diplomacy... To all the people in the Philippines, wake up and watch Boris Johson in youtube and news on how he talked before Ukraine/Russia war started... Seek the truth with your own eyes... I hope you don't make the same mistake against China... Diplomacy is the way not fighting or being proud that 1 China Ship got damaged or who is scared and who is not... Don't be ducking cupid and rely on other countries... I think all the Arab nations learned something after they also got tricked in the previous world wars... May the Philippines also learn from previous world wars... The world has no other path either with Biden and more fighting will broke out or Trump who said he won't be there for NATO allies. Will NATO survive with the current President Joe Biden or NATO and its allies collapse with Donald Trump after hearing that speech?... Squirling... Ukraine President left the country... Before he said he stays in the country as a leader, now he left his country... Action speaks louder than words... When things gets tough, leave the country? Feb 2022 He said “The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride,” Zelensky told the US... Now its different... I feel sorry for Ukraine... Maybe now he is saying to himself, ammunition and support are gone, time to leave... Should have followed Diplomacy long time ago, but too late for that now... So many young generations died, then a leader just evacuates...

April 3, 2024
ommo: Thanks for the tips! I'm not shocked that Biden does this... Anti Christ has come... WW3 imminent... This is why P Diddy supported Biden, Clinton and Obama... Demoncraps only choice now to stay in power is war... Anthony Blinken from USA went to the Philippines to rest assured America will help Philippines against China... Don't be fooled Philippines... Pretty sure Blinken will be gone as soon as you Blink your eyes... Philippines is a religious country, just look at what Biden did to American Christians... Biden didn't even go to the funeral of the cop that serves his country on that day and instead proclaimed the Resurrection as Transgender Visibility Day... How can you trust another country in this kind of leader? Squirling... I have no issues with Transgenders as long as everyone respects each other... Maybe on a different dimension, I'm a Transgender as well... Who knows... Sorry but Joe must Go... Having Biden as last name doesn't give you the power to Bide more Time or make people aBIDE from your ways... This is the way > EXIT... Squirling... Jaguar Wright said in youtube that Justin Beiber was wiping his mouth with seminal fluids... That's why he's seems broken and scared of Diddy... Jaguar also spilled the beans on Will Smith, Mike Tyson, Aaron Hall, Julius Ervin's' (NBA) Wife, Nicki Minaj, Drake, Usher... but wait there's more... Jay Z Shawn Carter (lays with men), Beyonce (40+ sex tapes), Usher (STD), Ray J, 50 cents, Rick Ross, Travis Scott, Obama, Lebron James (NBA), Jada, Jennifer Lopez JLO, Ben Affleck... Very disappointed learning Jennifer Lopez from Jaguar... I need a another break, there's more... but its safe to say 90% of Hollywood are a mess right now... I'm gonna find other info on the dark web this week... I'm not gonna watch Hollywood movies anymore... I'll stick with Anime... I don't care anymore what Gs would think of me for watching Anime instead of Hollywood stuff... It took a women like Cassie to come out against Diddy before all the men come out to speak... It's good to know I'm not the only weak one in this world... Most men are weak right now... It all makes sense now why Will Smith slaps not punch with a closed fist... I just learned that today...

April 4, 2024
ommo: Former President Duterte finally admits selling the Philippines land and sea that China is after for 13 Trillion behind everyones back a long time ago... Treasonous Ex President... That's why China has a valid claim on that sea and land... Every leader is corrupt... Its all about $$$... Pretty sure the $$$ is somewhere else by now... Former President only got elected because he promised to clean the corruption yet, he was the most corrupt in the end... Pinoy backstabbing pinoy, nothing changes in the Philippines...

Squirling... Today as I was doing my daily training, a SIDE QUEST appeared before me... At first, I didn't bother and went back to the car... I sat down and the non stop what ifs went to my head... What if that kid needs the book for school, what if that kid is the only one who don't have it at school, what if that kid loves to read new books and been waiting for it to arrive... I then went back outside and grab it, google searched the postal code and figured out why it was sent to the wrong house... It's because the postal code and address are printed wrong... The right address last digit was 0 but it was printed 5... I hope, I don't get in trouble for not minding my own business again and delivered it to the correct house I think... Cross fingers...

Squirling... Now I feel sorry for the USA navy wasting gas, food and resources to help the Philippines only to find out the Ex President sold it to China... Americans probably would say: Ducking Philippines wasting our time...

Squirling... Lesterday, I saw the price of canned tunas and it's now $2.99... Ducking government, even my tuna went up... Even though, I have enough tuna to last 3 months... It still socks seeing the price of canned tuna went up by a lot! Then I saw a bottle drink from Starbucks, it used to be two for $5... Now its 1 for 4.xx almost $5 for 1 bottle...

Squirling... More than 180+ UN workers have been killed so far by Israel in Gaza... They already killed 7 Canadians and kept saying it's an accident... There's no accident when they use children as bait and kill the workers as well... It's pure evil... I may not be a muslim, but I'm pro Palestine... If one cannot see how truly evil Netanyahu is, then they are evil as well... cough... cough... cough... J... Joe... Biden... cough... cough... and what is Trudeau doing for these 7 Canadians that gets killed? Make Canadians suffer more... cough... cough... New minimum wage in Canada is now $17.3 yet Alberta is still at $15...

April 5, 2024
ommo: Here are the top 3 countries for the month of March... Congratulations to Canada for taking the PRETTY @N6C Gs Trophy back from USA...

Dr. Stranger & Nurse Squirrel 5th Date Night
Nurse Squirl: Cuzz Squirl, Cuzz Squirl! I had another date night with Dr. Stranger... Squirl: Oh Yah? What happened? Nurse Squirl: We went to a restaurant and after we ate and started talking, I notice that Dr. Stranger had a boogie booger near his mouth, I didn't want to embarrass him, so I said, he had some leftover meat near his mouth. He then used his tongue to grab it then swallowed it whole and said... Thank You! The food here taste so great... He forgot that he didn't order any meat... Squirl: ewewwww...

Squirling... From now on I hereby proclaim to all netizen of the world, I won't buy McDonalds since they support Israel... and I would look at the company first before purchasing if that company support Israel and Netanyahu... This has got to stop, and I need to be more aware as well to not support Israel by buying from companies that support them...

Squirling... This person Sam Shamoun is so smart debating Quran, Judaism and Jesus Christianity... Additional reasons why I don't want to change religion... The following screenshot shows Quran and disturbing verses on it... but we should still respect all religions... Now I get why Israel misbehaves against Islam... but no one has the right, force or kill people just because of religion... Squirling... He also proved to Rabbinic Jew to read their book and counted 3... Trinity... I'm learning so many stuff in this world simply because I'm bored... so bored... I'm so boring... Can't sleep, can't stop thinking about that black random guy who cured my nose bleed and suddenly disappeared way back when out of nowhere...

Squirling... Ashley Biden, Joe Biden's Daughter confirms she got molested and have showers with Joe Biden in youtube... Joe is insane like Diddy... Can't believe Joe won the election... Maybe Trump was telling the truth the whole time...

Squirling... Trudeau kept saying Carbon Tax puts more more money back to Hard working Canadians... This is a lie... The more jobs we have, the more tax goes to the government and no refunds... I really can't remember the last time I got a refund... This government makes me sick to my stomach... I feel like doing #2s everytime I hear Liberals...

Squirling... Ukraine now part of NATO... Joe Biden's plan for WW3... Trump won't make it in time anymore to change the course of WW3...

April 6, 2024
ommo: Fixing stuff and watching youtube how to fix stuff... I need to buy these tools tomorrow... Heat Gun and Soldering Tools...

April 7, 2024
ommo: Spending countless of hours learning about Quran, Judaism and Jesus... I gave up on getting a secret sauce from G... Since war is coming and Canada will have no choice but to help big brother USA and NATO... Canada didn't even bother creating Nuclear Bunkers unlike other Countries... I also learned that in Quran both was mentioned: Prophet Muhammad Parents are in Hell... While Jesus Parents especially Mary in Quran said Mary is a virgin and was chosen above all women of creation... If Jesus was Jewish, why would Jewish people do those awful things to him. Judaism also says he is a false prophet. A few hours later, I found in the Jews Judaism that Jesus called the Jews children of the devil for not believing in him before the alleged resurrection (Jn. 8:39-47)... Also Isaiah 53 is now like a forbidden chapter for Jews, because this Chapter and prophecy before Christ clearly shows Jesus suffered from his own people Jewish and died then God will see this as atonement for the sins of mankind... Now I understand why Jews are squirling this chapter...

Squirling... Russia has announced that Jesus isn't white... Colour doesn't matter... I always carry a picture of her mom. As you could clearly see, she isn't white either... It doesn't matter to me. I think she's pretty @N6C G as well... Squirling... I just learned that God in the past used Iran to take care of Israel... that was B.C. Before Christ... In 2024, Israel killed Iran officials and Iran vowed to take revenge... Would Iran alter its course and learn from History Before Christ in the Old Testament?

April 8, 2024
ommo: Taiwan fired at Chinese vessels for trespassing their sea... China claimed Taiwan is part of China and they have the right. Taiwan didn't think so, after warnings, Taiwan finally shot at the ship, injured some Chinese... It was on the news... All these leaders in the world have no other choice because normal people are waking up and demanding a change in this so called earth... I have never seen a real gun in my life, I hope it stays that way... Trudeau do not invoke military conscription, because Canada doesn't care about genders joining military... All genders will revolt against Trudeau... I haven't trained in the arts of hugging... I'm not ready for WW3...

April 9, 2024
ommo: Been practicing this fingerstyle song with my G (Guitar): Mister Taxman... It goes like this:

Wait Mister Taxman

Oh yeah
(Did you read the email I sent you) Please, Please Mister Taxman
(Why's it been so hard to get by) Oh yeah
(Since I heard from Canadian People)

There must be someone out there
To replace and save Canada
Please Mister Taxman, look and see
Can you resign? and make us happy

I've been watchin' here waitin' Mister Taxman
So patiently, to axe the Tax, or just resign now
Sayin' it's too hard' quit right now

Please Mister Taxman (Mister Taxman, look and see) Oh yeah
(Did you read the email I sent you) Please, Please Mister Taxman
(Why's it been so hard to get by) Oh yeah
(Since I heard from Canadian People)

So many years you tricked us now
I saw the rally outside'  and online
You wouldn't stop to make us feel better
By giving' us more taxes to suffer

Please Mister Taxman look and see (Taxman Taxman)

Please Mister Taxman (Mister Taxman, look and see) Oh yeah
(Did you read the email I sent you) Please, Please Mister Taxman
(Why's it been so hard to get by) Oh yeah
(Since I heard from Canadian People)
(Taxman taxman)

You better axe the taxes, axe the taxes
Oh you better axe the taxes
Please please Mister taxman (Axe the taxes Mister taxman)
Please look and see how people are suffering
You better axe, axe the taxes
Axe the taxes, axe the taxes, axe the taxes
Please Mister Taxman
Will you just step down now the sooner de better
Axe the taxes, axe the taxes
Axe the taxes, please Mister Taxman
Axe the taxes, axe the taxes oh yeah

Original Song: Please Mr. Postman a Song by The Marvelettes (1961)
They are so pretty @N6C Gs back in 1960s even today... This song is so good and covered by many great bands like The Beatles... Squirling... I also finished my own version of Someone Out There by Our Lady Peace last week, I'll play it on the park during summer... Maybe someone will like the song as well and give me thy number...

A few hours later... I think I'm related to Mr. Postman... while Dr. Stranger is related to Mr. Taxman...

April 10, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, I have walked on water so many times in my life now... Back then, when I was a little gago boy in the Philippines... We always pray the rosary everyday and even in the TV it has specific time for prayers... One fateful night, I had a dream... There was white and red symbol in that dream of mine... I spent countless hours and days what that dream meant as a little gago boy... I was at the garden grotto with Mother Mary statue in the center of sort in our house there and a leaf blew at my face... It was shape like a maple 🍁... I had this moment when I finally figured out what's going to happen next... For the past tons of days, months and years... Nothing happened... but wait... after the next day... I finally got news I'm going to Canada... A few days later after the flight... I had some jetlags... A few months later... I finally experienced winter... I saw how the lake froze with my own eyes and tried walking on it... One small step for me, is a big giant step to being a man... So I tried walking on the frozen lake... At first I was petrified... A few more steps... I have finally experienced walking on water for the first time... After all that hyped, it felt like so so anymore... walking on water isn't that special...

Squirling... Liberal Government might be planning on more taxes like wealth tax or increasing GST... All Canadians hard work will just go to Liberal Government Taxes... Carbon Tax already increased by 23% and would keep increasing now additional taxes planned for all Canadians... At first I was proud to be a Canadian but not with this Liberal Government of Trudeau... Being a Canadian socks now... Squirling... I saw another homeless person today at the dumpster looking for stuff or food...

Squirling... I was also curious about Prophet Muhammad in the Quran and learned that according to their book, and history... Muhammad tried to kill all Jews to conquer, rape, and did awful things to the Jews (To me this sounded like Genocide in the old days or like Hitler)... Now I understand why Jews are like this, this wasn't the first time it happened to the Jews... Then According to Quran, Allah punishes false prophets by severing their aorta (life artery)... On their book, it also stated how Muhammad died from a Jewish Girl using poison on the lamb she served because Muhammad killed all her family... Before Muhammad and his followers died first from the poison, he said the poison felt like his aorta was being severed... One thing I learned from this is that Gs in the olden days even now with western Gs... Never ever messed with them... back to anime Gs for me... Thank you very much... Anime Gs are the best! Because they can't put poison in thy food (tuna)...

Squirling... Now I understand a little bit more of what kind of predicament the people of Israel - Jews had been carrying... But it still doesn't give anyone the right to inflict more hate to this world...

Squirling... Trudeau said this April 15, 2024... People would receive some money from the carbon tax rebate in our bank accounts... I don't believe this anymore...

April 11, 2024
ommo: I was in the car listening to a radio when all of a sudden this song got played... She's always a woman to me... I kept singing this song today for more than 2 hrs, using all my voice singing at the top of my lungs while training on the side... Then I researched who sang it and it was by Billy Joel... I went to youtube and found more songs by Billy Joel Greatest Hits Hollywoody, I've neverheard of this guy and now I'm going to learn lots of his songs and play it as well... I learned a lot from this song She's always a woman to me... Gs are simply amazing... Too bad, I'm no G... Going to start learning these songs first: She's always a woman to me, Just the way you are, Piano Man, Honesty, Uptown Girl... Can't believe I accidentally found new awesome songs by this artist in a radio... Very lucky, no one could hear me sing... Squirling... googled what Uptown Girl means... and finally get it...

April 12, 2024
ommo: I googled and asked AI what religion meant. Even AI can't really comprehend its true meaning... They refer Religion into such things as social, supernatural, a set of beliefs, so on and so forth... As for me,  what God is telling me (notice that I'm saying God not Jesus to refer to everyone) is that God has taught me that religion is self respect... Thy true kingdom is inside of everyone... Our hearts and body is the true kingdom (hearts) and temple (body). By learning self respect, we would then be able to show more of it to others... Everyone's mind (soul) could be corrupted... thats the reality of being a human but don't let that temptation go through deep into your heart and body. For thy soul may never be in peace for eternity... This is my understanding of any Religion in this world... I hope, this holds true no matter what culture, beliefs or anything else a human was born into... Religion = Respect Once respect is gone to thyself and everyone then that religion becomes false...

April 13, 2024
ommo: Nothing new but another diarrhea today... I should start eating bananas again... Maybe its the intermittent fasting causing my stomach or the lack of sleep...

April 14, 2024
ommo: Iran decided to retaliate against Israel... Back to the west if USA, Canada or UK decides to join...

April 15, 2024
ommo: These socks... Trudeau said April 15th people will get rebate from carbon tax and I still didn't get it... Then top it off with paying taxes again and no refunds for so many years... This government is too corrupt... Trudeau will continue to destroy Canada...

April 16, 2024
ommo: It's official, I spent countless hours checking and checking my bank account and no ducking carbon tax rebate! Squirling... Thanks for this gift card... Thumbs Up! I gotta start using my other giftcards but no time and not compfy going out to eat inside a restaurant... So tired today lack of sleep and daily training and didn't eat yesterday... I almost fell asleep so many times while driving... Going to take some powernaps now... Squirling... I just noticed the bread that I'm eating today was expired 3 days ago... Couldn't finish the bread at walmart due to fasting... Now I hope I don't get another diarrhea and lose more weight... These government taxes won't let me properly eat anymore... Since I don't feel hungry anymore and can't stomach all these taxes, inflation and shrink flation...

April 17, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, I freaking thought snow is over... I was so happy to see there's no more snow... Then when I woke up Lesterday, I saw snow again... MOTHERNATURE... Squirling... I have to go to walmart later because I ran out of sustenance... Need bread and drinks... I still have tons of tuna... Squirling... Government Budget 2024 is out... Canada will be a 3rd world country soon according to this budget 2024 release by Liberal Government... To everyone thinking of moving to Canada... research what this Liberal Government is doing... All your money will just go to this gang of Government incharge of Canada... Squirling... USA Feds released video of Will Smith and Diddy doing ... on Justin Beiber... Poor Beiber... Now I get why Justin tried to stay away from Diddy and got scared on the other video... Baby baby baby oh no, Like Diddy diddy diddy noooo, like Willy willy willy noooooo... I thought you guys are guys... guys... Squirling... I think Usher should speak up for giving Beiber to Diddy... I saw a picture of before and after of Justin Beiber... Its awful what happened... Diddy and Willy can really messed up anyone... Maybe Jada knows what really happened to TUPAC... Squirling... Finally Justin Beiber Mom is suing... She should sue everyone in Hollywood for messing Justin Beiber! I feel sorry for Justin being a victim of Hollywood... Can't imagine the trauma of what P. Willy Diddy can cause to everyone especially young kids... Squirling... Going to walmart soon, note to self: Use deodorant just in case...

April 18, 2024
ommo: Thanks for these bottles again... Thumbs Up! I'll sell bottles this Saturday and record songs this Sunday... Squirling... I've been practicing more songs for the summer, Lesterday was snow day and today no snow again... MOTHERNATURE... Did all Gs inherited this constant mind changing nature from MOTHERNATURE? I'm curious and wish I could ask or talk to a G and their mind on this subject as a subject matter expert... Squirling... today someone called the cops for a suspicious activity where I train... Cops left... Whoever called the cops, you might have wasted tax payers money and gas of those cops...

Squirling... I watched Ex Muslims in youtube and some said, if you are new muslim, you are just starting Quran... Once you understood Quaran all the way to the end, you'll be an Ex Muslim... I did the shortcut and learned what happened to the Prophet Muhammad getting killed at the end... No doubt, all his teachings is double standard... No offense to anyone, that's just my opinion... Dear Diary: To be honest, I wanted to be a muslim a long time ago as well... There's some mysterious aura surrounding the girls covered except their eyes... I wanted to uncover each and every part of that clothes... It seems like unwrapping a present, you never know what you're gonna get... So hot and mysterious... I'm curious how many layers of clothes they have under it...

April 19, 2024
ommo: Cannot believe it's Friday already... Time is passing by so fast... Forgot to mention, I didn't get diarrhea for eating bread expired 3 days past it's expiration date... Unlike milk... Also when I went to Walmart and made sure to use a deodorant... I didn't see any pretty @N6C Gs... Maybe I attract Gs with the smell of not using deodorants... Next time, I won't use deodorant and check if this statement is correct... Squirling... Jagmeet Singh NDP is so corrupt like Trudeau... He just wants his pension... Everyday is politics it affected Canadian lives so much now... Squirling... Iran gave a warning to Israel that they will attack and Israel couldn't defend 100%... Now Israel just launched an attack back at Iran without any warning and dealt massive damage to multiple cities... I said it way back when in this diary of mine... Whoever attacks first for real without giving any warnings will win in a Nuclear era... Israel will not listen to USA... When will this world open their eyes... Netanyahu will never listen and abandon his power... Now that Iran suffered massive damages from F16... Things will be a lot harder for the world... Netanyahu wants WW3... It's the only thing left for him to stay in power... Just like Biden and Trudeau... To stay in Power WW3 is their only hope... DUCK me, buying wigs and clothes doesn't work here in Canada in an event of military conscription... Unlike in Ukraine, Gs are not allowed to fight in war so other men tried this wig hack and clothes... Squirling... Even Trudeau Liberal party is turning against him when this new budget got released and his fellow Liberal said its the worst budget in 4 decades... Time to embrace Canada turning into a 3rd world country... Thanks to Singh and Trudeau...

April 20, 2024
ommo: Thank you God, I know you're watching over me because just now I saw a lot of pretty Gs walking down the street... and I didn't use deodorant... It's on my dashcam... Thank you for helping me proved to the world that not using deodorant and be natural attracts G encounters... Squirliny... while I was driving, it just came to me and now I understand why Muslims are allowed to marry tons of Gs... because they might see hey beautiful eyes, marry me... After they get married and he unwraps his G like present... after that like a kinder surprised egg... he moves on to find another present to unwrap... he kept trying and trying... some just don't have any luck at all... If this offends anyone sorry, this thought just came out of nowhere...

April 21, 2024
ommo: Wanted to buy a Cybertruck when its available in Canada before but not anymore... It got safety issues and lots of problems, not even bullet proof... It was hyped... Now Tesla is going under and EVs are not the future... I also gotten an advice to never buy first generation vehicles since it will have tons of issues... Squirling... Sweet Child O' Mine to thank for the tips and support...

April 22, 2024
ommo: I saw a youtube video that if we get the covid vaccines our immune system will get weaker after two or so years... I'm fully vaccinated and I think I'm starting to get weaker and weaker... from thinking about taxes and this Liberal government...

April 23, 2024
ommo: Finally did laundry, the smell started making me puke... I can breathe again for another month or so...

April 24, 2024
ommo: Going to take a nap, just very tired today...

April 25, 2024
ommo: Too sick today, throat is too sore, headache and slight fever... Cannot believe I'm getting sick too much this year... Could it be? Just eating bread, and chicken noodle soup... No veggies or rice is affecting my overall health?

April 26, 2024
ommo: Still feeling under the weather, took tylenol for 3 days now... Also, got another diarrhea... This year is not looking good... Working tons of job last year took its toll on taxes... Not worth the cost...

April 27, 2024
ommo: Thank God, I survive again my daily training and could rest this weekend and recover from this sickness... I have two tylenol left... I'll just sleep all day and night...

April 28, 2024
ommo: Throat hurts just by swallowing my saliva... Mucus won't stop coming out of my nose... I don't see anymore snow but still got sick... Canadian Mother Nature is really unique... Also I already finished that pack of Fisherman's Friend for sore throat and it didn't help...

April 29, 2024
ommo: Paid my taxes... What I learned from last year to this year was working multiple hustles 3-4 including FT sat sunday no day off is not ducking worth it... I need to start playing with myself more than working my @$$ off this year... Squirling... Saturday early morning around 1 AM, while I was doing my daily training... These two pretty @N6Gs are walking around... All of a sudden the other G said to me, would you like some of this? then shw turned around and showed me her butt... I ran away and drove as fast as I could... Didn't know what to say back... She caught me off guard... What the heck is wrong in Canada? Both G are laughing when I ran away as I drove as well... Even though I was feeling under the weather and sick, my instinct kicked in and ran away... Someone upthere really loves to play with me... Squirl: Can I watch when you play with yourself? ommo: Sure Squirl, you can watch out for Dr. Strangers who wants to play with me... I'll be waiting in 586... Squirling... I started drinking water again today... I think juices and Ice tea is making my health weaker... I stopped drinking water for 1 year or so and now getting sick a lot... Gotta invest in a filtering water system so that I could drink snow next winter time... Free water on winter...

April 30, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary: I'm starting to get better now just a slight headache, fever, mucus on nose and sore throat is not that painful unlike a few days ago... Also gotten more sleep... Just uploaded the wrong file to the wrong site that I'm maintaining...

May 1, 2024
ommo: Its snowing again in May! MotherNature I was just kidding to invest in a filtration to drink your blessings... Please stop this snow already... ok?

Squirling... Doing daily training on snow and rainy day now got me more headache, even though I was regretting last night not bringing my soap and shampoo and shower in a rainy snowy day while no one is watching... but at least I got a free caravan wash from the rainy snowy day... Took my last Tylenol, might have to go to walmart again... I was still laying down with headache and runny nose, all of a sudden.. something came out of my runny nose and I accidentally swallowed it... I was trying to puke it out but it was too late... DUCK... there's always a first time for everything... It was too gross... erase erase erase... delete it from my memory... Squirl: But ommo, you'll eventually remember it someday when reading back your diary... ommo: not now squirl... not now... ok? I guess if I was a doctor, I would say to myself... What's already inside your body that came out and went back in won't make you any sicker... You'll be fine...

May 2, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, I think I'm becoming more and more homeless minded each day.. Like in the real world, where most homeless make the city full of crap... Online, I'm crapping cities within a city #586 (I tried to be discreet about it... intentionally made it my #2s just like #2s in real life)... Now I'm finally getting why cops in the real world doesn't like homeless people...

May 3, 2024
ommo: It's Friday again... 1 more day of daily training... Time to eat more tuna...

May 4, 2024
ommo: So tired, I don't get anymore sleep... Playing with myself is bringing my true homelessness nature which is not good mentally... I kept dreaming of this online 3D G named Olivia... probably because I kept watching and watching that scene a million times... I'm starting to wish she was real... Dear Diary... Am I a hopeless homeless pervert? Why am I more interested in 3D/Anime Gs than real life? why oh why? I think AI is right when I asked AI for a date way back when and AI said no and get some help... This must be fate that I saw 3D Olivia... I'm going to need to take a break and get more sleep... Not good for the health, especially this summer, I still have to help in my brother business as another side hustle... Which should be good to take my mind away from 3D Olivia...

May 5, 2024
ommo: Congrats to Canada again for winning the pretty @N6C G trophy, 2nd prize goes to Ireland, 3rd is USA this time... Canada Gs are pretty scary though... but I guess all Gs are scary better to stick to online, 3D and Anime... Spent all day using my hot air, and soldering tools fixing and changing electronic parts from the motherboard and stuff... ...

May 6, 2024
ommo: Monday... back to my daily life of work and training... Squirling... my colleague went to Italy and our company allows us to work from other countries as long as we login to the current time here in Canada... This is awesome news... Though Canada is already full of pretty @N6C Gs why travel... Dear Diary... Just parked on the side of the road chilling... while rain pours... I ducking love rainy season... You can do anything without people hanging around outside hearing you from the inside...

May 7, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, I saw an angel pass me by... She has black hair wearing a white ribbon behind her head... It must be the ribbon thing because I've never seen a G wear a ribbon for as long as I can remember... I only saw those ribbons in anime Gs wearing it... It could be the ribbon... like a gift that I want to unwrap... I lost the chance to get a phone number... I need to change my own destiny turning into an old perverted man... but wait... for now... back to my 3D Olivia...

May 8, 2024
ommo: Trudeau trying to pass BILL C63, anything we said in the past, present or future gets us in trouble... Jail Time... I don't like what's happening to Canada anymore... Maybe this is why my colleague went to Italy... I need to find a country that let's us post on the internet without going to jail... What an insane PM of Canada... #2 would that get me in more trouble? Even though Canada has the most pretty @N6C Gs in the world. It's not worth the cost going to jail because of BILL C63... What is freedom? That good this is, I'll be able to change my destiny of being an old preverted man in Jail due to BILL C63...

Squirling... The west should be prepared... Just got an emergency notice from the government... This is because Russia is not joking about using Nuclear weapons... They are now prepping for it... NATO and the west should have more respect to Russia... freaking Biden, Trudeau and UK PM... I haven't kissed a G yet to just get nuked in Canada by Russia... Western Nation stop it OK? Russia is 100% serious... Canada is in the middle of the map between USA and Russia isn't it? Canada will be used a shield for USA? These socks... Squirling... Gonna record a song this weekend and take a break playing with myself and play with my G... Still haven't decided what song to play...

May 9, 2024
ommo: I'll be eating ham and mayo today... I got tired of eating tuna and mayo, I thought I'd try this and bought at walmart instead... I used to be a cook at two restaurants but I don't cook anymore, not even rice... Just instant noodles, bread and tuna, now ham... I remember my first time cleaning and emptying grease traps... I almost puke... and my first time cleaning washrooms... I missed those times... For some reason customers expressed their gratitude and ask what's the secret how I make it taste so good... It's a trade secret... I'll never forget how this one G said I was the best cook in the world... I always give my all even cleaning toilets... I'm a professional... Even my big boss at the restaurant always wants me to cook his food... So bored, I'll just play with my G again a little to keep practicing... Also been singing everday alone since no one can hear me, I could sing as much as I want... I'm beginning to lose my voice...

May 10, 2024
ommo: One more day of training and I can finally get more rest and practice guitar... I decided to stop playing with myself... It's too tiring... Now I can pick a song to play this weekend...

May 11, 2024
ommo: Finally eill get some rest before monday again... Couldn't breathe because of all the smoke... Forest fire again... Liberals will make sure they blame it on climate change and forest fire... Need to do more research between forest fire before and after Liberals are the government... Squirling... Finally fingered my G again and played some songs... 3D Olivia can't compare to the feeling of fingering my G...

May 12, 2024
ommo: Happy Mothers Day to everyone! Today, I will share my origin story of how I became homeless for Mothers Day special... One day, my classmate who I will not name... but lets just call him Dr. Stranger... I was asking Squirl how to get straight... hair... straight hair ok? not the one on how to be straight... Squirl said I don't know because Squirl isn't straight... I don't know why my hair is curly and curling not straight... Then Dr. Stranger comes along and said... If you masterbate and do your #3, use that thing that comes out and out then in your hair, it will become soft, silky and straight... Sadly, I did that one fateful day... While my MOM was driving me to school, she noticed it and said... what the heck is that on your hair? I said its a new gel... eventually the truth came out... I got disowned due to strict beliefs and became homeless... I hope everyone loves my origin story for the day...

May 13, 2024
ommo: There's a saying when you go woke, you go broke. In Canada though, when you go to Canada, you go broke, when you try to leave, you'll be broken inside and out by the taxman... I think Hotel California song is like Canada, once you get inside, you can never leave... Unless you can pay all the taxes trying to leave... As for me, nope because someday I know the G of my dreams are somewhere here in Canada... Though I can't stop watching Japanese, Korean, Chinese Gs in cheerleaders dancing in youtube... I've been learning this song from Thailand also, Unloveable by MILD... After watching this Belle Nuntita, I started learning this song this past Sat and Sunday... I also realized that it doesn't matter if she used to be a man, if shes now a Transgender I consider her a G and won't care if I date someone like that... Pretty @N6C G... As long as Transgender would also be ok to date a homeless like me why not right? I don't see any problems... Do you? Forgot to mention, as long as her pen is no longer there and no longer than mine... Then everything is fine... Squirling... still trying to come up with my own version of english lyrics to unloveable...

May 14, 2024
ommo: Nothing new today, just listened to the same song Unloveable for 5 hours on repeat... Also watched some youtube Gs in got talent where they have a male voice... 2 voices... Amazing... Also, a few days ago, I accidentally thought the pretty girl was a Female but was a male... What an awkward situation... I had to apologize for being a newbie that can't tell a pretty G from a M... I need to learn more life lessons...

May 15, 2024
ommo: Just watching Boku no Hero Academia 7th Season then going to take a nap before my training later... Woke up, had my 3 hrs of nap or less... Good to go training again...

May 16, 2024
ommo: I've never been so tired until today... Being homeless is very tiring... I found a new song I could 100% relate called All By Myself... Gonna try and play this maybe at the park this weekend... Maybe it would attract birds, flies, squirls and many more animals...

May 17, 2024
ommo: It's Friday again... I didn't know Monday is a Holiday, good thing I found out today... That's why most of my colleagues took vacations for extra long weekends... So bored, there must be more to life than just work, play, music or anime... Now I need to figure out what to do on the long weekend... Should I do my #2 or #3? For the record, I can't remember the last time I did #3... Someone gave me an advice a few weeks back... There is more to life than looking for Gs... I need to find the meaning to this advice... because even Adam got bored playing with himself and probably asked God, which is why God took something out of Adam and slightly modded so Adam technically plays with himself with another Adam... I meant Eve... Then Eve got bored of Adam and talked to Lucy... Long Story short... Everybody gets bored... I'm very boring... Squirling... I bought a body pillow blank white at Walmart, I should try drawing on it this weekend... Now to pick on a list of anime Gs to draw on it...

May 18, 2024
ommo: Could finally take a break from work and training and long weekend...

May 19, 2024
ommo: Researching Gout, found out that my dad keeps getting gout and couldn't walk properly. According to my research, if a family member had a gout history. I will also have the probability of getting gout in the future... I ate raw garlic almost everyday but still get cough, fkue and headache. I hope I don't get gout as well in the future...

May 20, 2024
ommo: Finished getting 3K gold on 586 for all those cities... Too tiring, its a step and repeat process now to keep getting that reward to save for a rainy day if needed... Might be funny to create a shadow clone jutsu of Naruto someday and raid a city using it... Also found can't raid a low level city on a faction anymore... Need lv 17 cities...

May 21, 2024
ommo: Just saw and heard the speech from the previous World Economic Leader saying he was proud that their program penetrated the government like Trudea. While Poilievre made a statement that the conservatives will have nothing to do with World Economics or be fired... It will be a long road ahead for Poilievre because the Liberals are making sure Canada is down to its knees...

May 22, 2024
ommo: Today I learned how more corrupt this current government is... Mr. Speaker from the House should have been neutral to any party... But Canadians found out, Mr. Speaker was a Liberal payroll...

May 23, 2024
ommo: Thanks for these bottles. Thumbs Up! I'll have to shave my beard and mustache haven't done for months this week, not really motivated to do so... Also might have to delay the fingering thingy because I've been playing with myself again... Too many to login into...

May 24, 2024
ommo: Sold bottles and finally shaved. Got 3 hrs of sleep before training 1 more day and rest... I may have to delay recording a song to get more practice... Sorry for the delay and Thanks...

May 26, 2024
ommo: I missed Lesterday, too busy playing and watching cheerleaders at youtube dancing and anime... I hope my current rank is enough to reach playoffs otherwise I'll have to play some more which only opens on the weekends. Rank 222/256 for Playoffs... I screwed up this month and ran out of data plan 100 GB isn't enough for playing with myself, watching anime and youtube cheerleaders dancing... If blondes are sent down from the heavens, asian Gs such as Chinese, Japanese and Koreans are simply irresistible and I kept coming and watching asian girls... What's wrong with me, Am I starting to get desperate? No way, because someday if I can't find a G, my backup plan is to rent. I'm pretty sure in China or Japan we are allowed to rent a G. Two amazing countries that have rent a G that is not illegal... Also my rank went to 213 for this season playoffs... But now I can't without lagging... I need like 200 Gigs a month plan...

May 28, 2024
ommo: Kept missing daily logs entry... Just rethinking my life goals...

May 29, 2024
ommo: Today, I learned a very important lesson that if everyone tries and work together, people could accomplish greater things than a loner sigma could do. It doesn't matter where you came from... Even though I'm not born in Canada, I hope Canadians can all work together and get rid of corrupt government trying to drive Canada into a 3rd world country... All for one and One for all... Just like My Hero Academia...

May 30, 2024
ommo: Finally decided what song to play maybe tomorrow... Ive been playing lots of puzzle games today...

May 31, 2024
ommo: Still haven't record. May be delayed again. Got Flat tire and going to fix it this weekend.

June 2, 2024
ommo: I missed another day, I was playing guitar and thought I was recording then fell asleep... When I woke up, instead of fingering my G, I was scratching my balls... Joke aside, sorry I'm too busy on online stuff and I have a spot in the playoffs now. Next week is the end of qualifiers, should be ok if I dont play and record instead... Squirling... I thought I was cured but my nose won't stop bleeding all day today...

June 3, 2024
ommo: Thought I can do a diy and fix tire and it exploded while driving. Almost died today driving... ... My first tire explosion while driving...

June 4, 2024
ommo: Went to Canadian Tire after work to get a new tire... I always go yo this store buy not anymore. Everytime I get a new tire and replacement it cost over $200 for 1 tire... I googled and found a tire shop and got it done there for half the price $80 for tire and $20 to install... From this point forward, I'll never go to Canadian Tire for tires... Tire Shops are way better and cheaper...

June 5, 2024
ommo: I haven't been much actively posting and today was surprised... Singapore took the number 1 spot and title from Canada for pretty @N6C Gs last month, 2nd Place USA and Canada 3rd place. Squirling... Go Edmonton Oilers!

June 6, 2024
ommo: Gonna play and record Knockin' On Heaven's Door by Guns and Roses this weekend for the past bottles that I owe without playing due to games and anime. This song is also speacial to what almost happened to me when tire suddenly exploded on the highway while the vehicle is running at 110+. Losing control while driving on a highway is a very scary experience...

June 7, 2024
ommo: One more day, I can finally get some rest... and play with my G all day this weekend and record some songs...

June 8, 2024
ommo: I was able to get some practice today and fingered my G. Here's a new song I've been practicing for 3 weeks now. Hope you like it...

The Twinkler Song by the Stars...

June 9, 2024
ommo: No kidding around this time, here's a song to all the people who could relate to this song that's has seen a glimpse of the door...

Squirling... I thought I would seriously have died without kissing a G... No kidding... Exploding tires on a high speed highway to hell... I guess God still has a plan for me... To watch more Anime and Games! Amen to that... Life is boring and short, time to watch more anime and use up all my data plan again... When I got depressed a long time ago... seems ages ago, Anime save me from depression like Gintama and all the anime comedies... Trust me... Gintama is the best cure for being lonely! I hope they keep making more seasons of it...

June 10, 2024
ommo: Same old start of work and training day... with a little fart while driving...

June 11, 2024
ommo: same thing again but raining while training and watched more animes... Every drop of rain reminds me that life goes on... Every time I breath reminds of my smell... Every move I make no one is watching... I'll just watch myself tonight... Again and again....

June 12, 2024
ommo: Another training day while raining, I'm starting to not like the rain because all these worms comes out while I'm walking and can't help but to tip toe instead of walking normally. I don't mind getting wet, free shower but the worms are grossed...

June 13, 2024
ommo: I might have to play another song this week to get some time off a little from games... Made it to the qualifiers for playoffs but pretty sure I won't make it to the next round... What song to pick and play this week...

June 14, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, today I played with my G again with 3 to 4 songs before I watched some youtube videos, Israel vs Palestine is still not over, Trudeau is still the same, Watched AGT auditions, Anime and its last day of training again...

June 15, 2024
ommo: Today I saw a motorcyclist had an accident in the highway too much traffic, the motorcycle was torn in half got it recorded on my car cam, police and ambulance... Road is slippery and raining and that person decides to use motorcycle in highway... I also thought that if something happens and tire explodes again... no one would miss me... which is maybe a pro side... Also kept thinking what it means to be a sigma... People will always fail expectations its better not to expect anything at all and keep carrying on whatever you are into... Squirling... I remember my classmate who was a DEEK in nature kept showing his DEEK to everyone in class (all boys) especially to the gay people... Long story short... He was a DEEK with 100x the DEEK bigger than mine but his life was also cut short in a motorcycle accident... May He Rest In Peace... Dear Diary: For todays lesson... Don't be a DEEK... PS... That classmate of mine should have been to the world record because he could use his DEEK like a lasso cowboy capturing their prey... I couldn't believe he could do that lasso thing circling back and forth with his DEEK.... Too amazing... Again... RIP my friend...

June 16, 2024
ommo: Nothing new, just forfeit playoffs and feel asleep... Sleep is more important...

June 17, 2024
ommo: Almost forgot again... Today is nothing special, just work and train...

June 18, 2024
ommo: Another ... too busy work, train, play and watch animes...

June 19, 2024
ommo: Auntie died... RIP... She was the best, she always makes me play her big old school piano when I was a little gago boy, she was really great at piano too... Squirling... Yesterday some elders during my training prevented me from doing my thing... They even blocked and did it on purpose... Im not doing this training for money, its actually not worth it, I'm doing this because I was thinking about the elders... but maybe its time to change things up... Some people are just beyond being human incapable of thinking about others...

June 20, 2024
ommo: Thank you for these bottle... Still thinking about moving to another city... I need more days to decide what to do... Squirling... Had an eye infection today, need to get check this weekend... Too much screen time...

June 23, 2024
ommo: Finally got some rest and my eye are getting better. Missed a couple of days as well... I slept all day this weekend and watched animes... I'll have to postpone playing a new song next week.

June 24, 2024
ommo: It's Monday again................

June 25, 2024
ommo: My month and day got messed up sorry about that, too much watching ran out of data plan again... Squirling... Too bad Edmonton was so close from a history comeback on hockey but ran out of gas. There's always next year...

June 26, 2024
ommo: Fixed typos, and nothing exciting happened just work, work and more work... Still need to think of a song to play again... Squirling... Its raining again while training...

July 1, 2024
ommo: Happy Canada Day. Couldn't record or play with my G, I'll try again this week. Busy with some stuff fixing car and so on... Dear Diary, In these past few weeks, I learned that Girls are the most hard working people on this planet... They can do anything added with tons of emo and passion... I could never hope to be like them... Squirl: Why is that ommo? ommo: Because if there's an option between working, training or being lazy... I chose being lazy in my free time compared to girls even from the way they type online they always take the extra mile to select a proper EMOJI... Where a typical lazy male doesn't do...

July 2, 2024
ommo: It's pouring rain today while training again... Busy at work too...

July 5, 2024
ommo: Congrats to USA for taking the pretty @N6C G trophy, 2nd Canada and 3rd Ireland... Thanks for your continued support, I haven't been too active lately due to dealing with some Mafia 5 8 6 stuff... With War and stuff life is busy with the same old thing everyday... Thanks... Squirling... Earlier I had an encounter with a cat suddenly crosses the road like Squirls do... Almost hit but was able to step on the brake then the Cat looked at me and I looked at the cat and our eyes met. I was thinking WTF cat? Wonder what the cat was thinking? A few hours later, it turns out, that this cat gave me some warning and was able to see the future...

July 7, 2024
ommo: Here's the song as a thank you for your bottles. Also, this song is dedicaded to the young kid died riding a bike to school... Someone here in Edmonton hit and run the kid and left him to die on the street where the hospital is close anyway. It was 2 blocks away from where I was... I hope karma gets to that person that hit and run a kid with their car. If you don't turn yourself in... I don't wish this for anybody... but karma will get you sooner or later...

To be Continued...