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Welcome to omLestermo!
om - Short for Home + less
mo - Mobile Living
Also known as: Lester then add "Mo" in front or ommo for short.

The top part symbolizes the roof of a house (a car in my case). Added two wheels on the road (based on Abbey Road from the Beatles) My name on the road like the Beatles walking 'coz I'm a fan of their music.

Quote of the Year:
"A Hopeless Romantic..."
- ommo

My Tip Jar

Now Accepting Tips

Thank You in Advance...

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Available for Side Hustles

  • Taking Care of your recycled bottles (Edmonton Area or St. Albert only for now)
  • Responsive Web Design, Graphics & Animation
  • Teaching + Training / Programming or Software App Dev / Automation

Year 2024 Dear Diary
OMMO's, EMO's, Lester, omLestermo, mo... Daily Life...


Sept 1, 2024
ommo: War ended and now starting again... I thought Ill get a 2 month break and maybe get lucky and find a G... but no... It seems like a farmer minded like me is turning into a soldier with my hotmen... I mean hitmens as my G for life... .j. moved to 587 after GW and some moved to 577... Always planning to spread rumors and yet can't face reality that their leaders not all of them though are behind all of the scheming to betray 586 city... Moving to 587 proves that even further...

Sept 2, 2024
ommo: I login today to work only to figure out 2 hours later that it's a holiday... Squirling... I have tons of respect for .j. players thay stayed to 586 after their other members betrayed the city... Its easier to move to a different city than to stay and right the wrong doings of others... These Japanese players that stayed are very respectable trying to correct the mistakes that their other members did during the first war... It's not fair for them but they are doing it anyway because they have great values they uphold in life. This I'm 100% sure... Those that betrayed and left the city of 586 is still trying to spread rumors around on other cities have little or no principles in life... I'm just glad that not all of .j. are like them... Squirling... I've been googling what a soul mate is... Some people say they won't leave you and be there for you... Some people say... They understand you... Well I say . . . I have no soul mate. I walk alone...

Sept 5, 2024
ommo: Congrats to Ireland for winning the pretty @N6G trophy... 2nd place Singapore, 3rd place USA...

Squirling... If a Goddess of Victory has left and joined the other side #577... There is nothing left but painful suffering... Yet, life must go on even if someone wants you to quit at something and wins for taking the easy road #587... Even if people decides to leave #586... Take one step at a time... Squirling... I used to be like Deku from the anime character and there was another player that kept chasing named Pazuzu... In my language... Pazuzu means to suck and de deku means my breast... I kept trying to run away simply because the two of us would mean to suck my breast... That Pazuzu had scary teeth and would hurt a lot... Those where the good old times... before war and stuff... Squirl: That's not a good sign... having flashbacks in anime/manga means death... ommo: You're probably right squirl... Pretty sure that's everyone's ending, ours might just be a little bit sooner #586... The person that wants me out is probably be happy now... But at least I'll have more time fingering my G again and learn new songs...

Sept 11, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, Its been a while, nothing happening just watching the 911 at youtube and anime stuff... Second war is coming, but it feels like the city I wanted to protect is the same city that I'm helping turn into something like Detroit where people started burning houses and leaving in this case more and more factions leaving 586... Squirling... There is this very smart girl that once told me: Forget about her... Today I was thinking about these words... That's the best line I've heard in a long time... People really do come and go... It's pouring rain again tonight...

Sept 22, 2024
ommo: Thanks for the tips and bottles. Trying to learn two songs, the one I owe way back when... Still busy, had to work Sat and Sunday without pay to finish some projects... Also got sick, maybe because of my allergy to G and hives shows up... Once upon a time, not so long ago, there was a pretty @N6C G that passed by me... I think my allergy to G triggered and I sneezed at her... but good thing I was wearing a mask night and day... So I swallowed all the viruses back to my body and got sick... Squirling... Forgot to mention, I finally did my laundry after 2 months+ I smell great again... Also did some car maintenance... It was a very productive two weeks...

Sept 24, 2024
ommo: Thank You for these bottles once again! I'm still practicing this song called Fly Me to the Moon... Squirling... Been taking medicine for getting under the weather, when I sneeze or cough my chest pain hurts so much... But getting better now especially today... It was dark but I think I saw pretty hot girls out on the streets from a far... Good enough for me so that my unverified allergy to Gs won't trigger...

Sept 25, 2024
ommo: After sweating from my training, I feel a lot better... Took at least 5 days to get better... Also added 20 sit ups everyday... I was told by someone with 6 pack abs to also increase that to 60 a day next week... 20 seems easy for now and can do it non stop... This year seems to have no luck with Gs... Maybe next year before Christmas when I have abs as well, I'll start to get lucky... or maybe get a cat, I hear cats are very lucky...

Sept 26, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, It's pouring rain and windy... I never felt so unwanted and worthless... Keep moving forward I say to myself... I'm a sigma and independent... Don't need to rely on anyone... I can do this...

Sept 29, 2024
ommo: A special letter for that special person...

Sept 30, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, I have learned that a person will only truly realize something that they took for granted once they have lost it... I have lost my bluetooth ear phones and winter is coming... This ear phones provides me the body heat while watching XoX that warms up my head and body... Where have you gone my ear phones?

To be Continued...