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Welcome to omLestermo!
om - Short for Home + less
mo - Mobile Living
Also known as: Lester then add "Mo" in front or ommo for short.

The top part symbolizes the roof of a house (a car in my case). Added two wheels on the road (based on Abbey Road from the Beatles) My name on the road like the Beatles walking 'coz I'm a fan of their music.

Quote of the Year:
"A Hopeless Romantic..."
- ommo

My Tip Jar

Now Accepting Tips

Thank You in Advance...

Got Side Hustle?
Email me:[email protected]
Available for Side Hustles

  • Taking Care of your recycled bottles (Edmonton Area or St. Albert only for now)
  • Responsive Web Design, Graphics & Animation
  • Teaching + Training / Programming or Software App Dev / Automation

Year 2024 Dear Diary
OMMO's, EMO's, Lester, omLestermo, mo... Daily Life...


Aug 2, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary: I forgot to mention, maybe I'm getting desperate for love? This true to life story happened not so long ago... I was driving one day... Then I saw her bending over backwards, with tight shorts, skinny legs can be seen and tight white short shirt showing her back and belly button... Looking for something she dropped on the ground... She has long hair pony tailed... I drove past her while she was bending over and all I could do was use my PEEKATYOU skills... A few minutes later, I decided to turn around and drove back to her... I opened my car window and for the first time in forever... I talked and said, excuse me... do you need help? At the same time, the car was playing a song pretty woman walking down the street... except she wasn't walking but bending... Time slowed for me while she stood and faced me... I never ever ducking thought my eyes are gonna go googly ever again... but this time... My eyes including my 3rd eye went ducking googly inside my head... As she faced me while I saw her standing there from inside my car... Tbis hot G with a hot body doesn't end with L but a Y instead... Not a GirL but a GuY... For the 2nd time in forever, I kept swearing inside my head and used up all my brain power to think what to say next to quickly get out of there... I thank God for watching over me and the G ends with Y said help wasn't needed... I said ok... and Zoom zoom... I cannot believe I'm starting to get desperate...

Aug 5, 2024
ommo: Congrats to USA for taking the pretty @N6C G Trophy! 2nd Place Canada and 3rd Place France... Wow, even France now? The close thing again that I came to living in Paris was living in Yaris... Before getting the highroof promaster ram... Dear Diary: I finally shaved my beard and mustache... I'll get a haircut tomorrow... I'm bored of long thick oily pony tailed hair... Need a change of look... and maybe my 6 appeal would go up a little and will meet someone this year if I'm lucky... Next week I took a vacation... Where to go next?

Aug 9, 2024
ommo: Congrats to #586 TWb and all it's allies and academy, special thanks to #590 BxE, #591 M D and all the NONA's (No Names) out there... Even though this .j. sold TWb and risk its own city by using a combined timed assault on its own city... TWb prevailed... Squirling... I had a co worker once, I made a mistake on my job... Clients weren't happy with the results... Co worker came to me and said: Can't you read simple instructions? Is it because you don't understand english very well?... I apologize for my mistake and not following the instructions properly... Our boss found out and my co worker got fired... Even though I said to my boss that it's ok... and agreed that I didn't understand all the english words very well... I couldn't save that co worker from getting fired... Today, something similar happened online... towards a TWb player... I couldn't stop myself from entering the chat as well to try to make that person from .j. to understand that statments like that could easily be misunderstood or have different meanings when used on a different person, race color etc... I tried... I would rather have friends that would correct me when I'm wrong and learn from it or no friends at all... Instead of having people on your side that just let you do whatever you want to do or say... I can live a sigma life than have fake relationships... Squirling... Back then, I said Japanese players are honorable and do the right way... I learned that they can also be blinded by power, greed, or jealousy in times of war... cough... cough... .j. war truly changes people... inside or out...

Aug 12, 2024
ommo: Here's the song as a thank you for your bottles. I like this song because it reminds of new beginnings... Bad stuff happens in real life or online especially during war times... Life goes on and new beginning awaits everyone... Squirling... got a hair cut and once I took off my hat, the girl was suprised and said... such a very long hair... Now that's its short and spikey, I feel refreshed and lighter... I'll be able to do my daily training easier...

Aug 14, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary: I cannot forget what happened last night... I saw a car pulled over and thought someone needed help... I pulled over, walked, their car was playing a loud music... As I walked closer... I cannot believe what I saw... A Gy and Gl are doing it inside their car... They saw me coming as I saw them coming in a different way... o changed to u maybe... The Gy said what's up? In return, I said... Do you need help? Gy said NO... I said ok, continue on... As I moved away back to my car... After I got back in... zoom zoooooom... I hurried as fast as I can away from that scene... Next time... Don't bother checking out cars in night time... Lesson learned...

Aug 20, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary: War is almost over... I learned so much English words during this war such as: Wisp, Catfishes and Golden Showers... Squirling... I saw a girl in the middle of the road again sitting and seems like needs help... I just drove on... Maybe I should start helping pretty @N6C Gs again... Maybe I'll get lucky someday...

Aug 26, 2024
ommo: Thanks for the bottles last week. Havent had a chance to sell or practice a new song yet... War is over on the gov map but still busy...

To be Continued...