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Welcome to omLestermo!
om - Short for Home + less
mo - Mobile Living
Also known as: Lester then add "Mo" in front or ommo for short.

The top part symbolizes the roof of a house (a car in my case). Added two wheels on the road (based on Abbey Road from the Beatles) My name on the road like the Beatles walking 'coz I'm a fan of their music.

Quote of the Year:
"A Hopeless Romantic..."
- ommo

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Year 2024 Dear Diary
OMMO's, EMO's, Lester, omLestermo, mo... Daily Life...


April 1, 2024
ommo: Tax 23% is up... Canadians would now need 3 - 4 jobs in order to thrive in Canada. Squirling... I asked my boss if I can get two weeks before moving back to Calgary... Earlier today, I was told to not worry about the big big boss return to office, my boss would talk to the big big boss to allow me to stay in Edmonton... I hope my boss could convince the bigger boss... Edmonton crime rate is way higher than Calgary but if its our time then its our time, doesn't matter where we are... At least I got something done this weekend fixing vehicles...

April 2, 2024
ommo: Dear God, thank you for allowing me to work remotely and stay a little bit longer in Edmonton... Also, the Gas went up from 151.9 to 159.9 today... My God, who would save Canada? I promise you God, I'll vote for that savior...
Squirling... I've been intrigued and spent countless of hours learning perpetual motion why people are proving that it's impossible... All the existing experiments today won't work because its built in a single dimension... We are currently bound in this universe that constantly tells us, it's too overpowered for our dimension that we call earth... A human that possesses this knowledge will be a God Amongst Men... Squirling... Dear Diary, I wonder if my other self in a different dimension has succumb to the temptation of fallen angels or succubus? Would a few minutes of happiness be worth the cost? I'll just take a powernap and find the answer... Squirling... After waking up, I learned affordability of food, gas and housing is 1000x times better than thinking about Gs right now... China vs Philippines in the sea, both ships collided and Philippines are celebrating that even though China's ship is bigger, it got damaged and got a hole and no major damaged to the Philippines ship... People celebrating in the Philippines and saying don't be afraid are crazy... Do they even know China has nuclear weapons? Just one nuclear... that's all it takes for the Philippines to wake up in reality that they cannot win... Don't rely on American support... USA won't be able to support Ukraine, Israel and Philippines or other countries at the same time... Watch WW1 and WW2 history when Britain tricks other countries to fight war its all in youtube... Watch all the non sense talk of Boris Johnson, he even said on the video for Ukraine not to get fooled or coerced by Russia Peace Talks... Then after war broke out, Boris Johnson quits being a PM... I guess he has done the deed... It's not that hard to connect the dots where Boris Johnson kept campaigning against Russia and went to Ukraine, kept saying in social media videos for Ukraine to not sign and get trick by peace diplomacy... To all the people in the Philippines, wake up and watch Boris Johson in youtube and news on how he talked before Ukraine/Russia war started... Seek the truth with your own eyes... I hope you don't make the same mistake against China... Diplomacy is the way not fighting or being proud that 1 China Ship got damaged or who is scared and who is not... Don't be ducking cupid and rely on other countries... I think all the Arab nations learned something after they also got tricked in the previous world wars... May the Philippines also learn from previous world wars... The world has no other path either with Biden and more fighting will broke out or Trump who said he won't be there for NATO allies. Will NATO survive with the current President Joe Biden or NATO and its allies collapse with Donald Trump after hearing that speech?... Squirling... Ukraine President left the country... Before he said he stays in the country as a leader, now he left his country... Action speaks louder than words... When things gets tough, leave the country? Feb 2022 He said “The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride,” Zelensky told the US... Now its different... I feel sorry for Ukraine... Maybe now he is saying to himself, ammunition and support are gone, time to leave... Should have followed Diplomacy long time ago, but too late for that now... So many young generations died, then a leader just evacuates...

April 3, 2024
ommo: Thanks for the tips! I'm not shocked that Biden does this... Anti Christ has come... WW3 imminent... This is why P Diddy supported Biden, Clinton and Obama... Demoncraps only choice now to stay in power is war... Anthony Blinken from USA went to the Philippines to rest assured America will help Philippines against China... Don't be fooled Philippines... Pretty sure Blinken will be gone as soon as you Blink your eyes... Philippines is a religious country, just look at what Biden did to American Christians... Biden didn't even go to the funeral of the cop that serves his country on that day and instead proclaimed the Resurrection as Transgender Visibility Day... How can you trust another country in this kind of leader? Squirling... I have no issues with Transgenders as long as everyone respects each other... Maybe on a different dimension, I'm a Transgender as well... Who knows... Sorry but Joe must Go... Having Biden as last name doesn't give you the power to Bide more Time or make people aBIDE from your ways... This is the way > EXIT... Squirling... Jaguar Wright said in youtube that Justin Beiber was wiping his mouth with seminal fluids... That's why he's seems broken and scared of Diddy... Jaguar also spilled the beans on Will Smith, Mike Tyson, Aaron Hall, Julius Ervin's' (NBA) Wife, Nicki Minaj, Drake, Usher... but wait there's more... Jay Z Shawn Carter (lays with men), Beyonce (40+ sex tapes), Usher (STD), Ray J, 50 cents, Rick Ross, Travis Scott, Obama, Lebron James (NBA), Jada, Jennifer Lopez JLO, Ben Affleck... Very disappointed learning Jennifer Lopez from Jaguar... I need a another break, there's more... but its safe to say 90% of Hollywood are a mess right now... I'm gonna find other info on the dark web this week... I'm not gonna watch Hollywood movies anymore... I'll stick with Anime... I don't care anymore what Gs would think of me for watching Anime instead of Hollywood stuff... It took a women like Cassie to come out against Diddy before all the men come out to speak... It's good to know I'm not the only weak one in this world... Most men are weak right now... It all makes sense now why Will Smith slaps not punch with a closed fist... I just learned that today...

April 4, 2024
ommo: Former President Duterte finally admits selling the Philippines land and sea that China is after for 13 Trillion behind everyones back a long time ago... Treasonous Ex President... That's why China has a valid claim on that sea and land... Every leader is corrupt... Its all about $$$... Pretty sure the $$$ is somewhere else by now... Former President only got elected because he promised to clean the corruption yet, he was the most corrupt in the end... Pinoy backstabbing pinoy, nothing changes in the Philippines...

Squirling... Today as I was doing my daily training, a SIDE QUEST appeared before me... At first, I didn't bother and went back to the car... I sat down and the non stop what ifs went to my head... What if that kid needs the book for school, what if that kid is the only one who don't have it at school, what if that kid loves to read new books and been waiting for it to arrive... I then went back outside and grab it, google searched the postal code and figured out why it was sent to the wrong house... It's because the postal code and address are printed wrong... The right address last digit was 0 but it was printed 5... I hope, I don't get in trouble for not minding my own business again and delivered it to the correct house I think... Cross fingers...

Squirling... Now I feel sorry for the USA navy wasting gas, food and resources to help the Philippines only to find out the Ex President sold it to China... Americans probably would say: Ducking Philippines wasting our time...

Squirling... Lesterday, I saw the price of canned tunas and it's now $2.99... Ducking government, even my tuna went up... Even though, I have enough tuna to last 3 months... It still socks seeing the price of canned tuna went up by a lot! Then I saw a bottle drink from Starbucks, it used to be two for $5... Now its 1 for 4.xx almost $5 for 1 bottle...

Squirling... More than 180+ UN workers have been killed so far by Israel in Gaza... They already killed 7 Canadians and kept saying it's an accident... There's no accident when they use children as bait and kill the workers as well... It's pure evil... I may not be a muslim, but I'm pro Palestine... If one cannot see how truly evil Netanyahu is, then they are evil as well... cough... cough... cough... J... Joe... Biden... cough... cough... and what is Trudeau doing for these 7 Canadians that gets killed? Make Canadians suffer more... cough... cough... New minimum wage in Canada is now $17.3 yet Alberta is still at $15...

April 5, 2024
ommo: Here are the top 3 countries for the month of March... Congratulations to Canada for taking the PRETTY @N6C Gs Trophy back from USA...

Dr. Stranger & Nurse Squirrel 5th Date Night
Nurse Squirl: Cuzz Squirl, Cuzz Squirl! I had another date night with Dr. Stranger... Squirl: Oh Yah? What happened? Nurse Squirl: We went to a restaurant and after we ate and started talking, I notice that Dr. Stranger had a boogie booger near his mouth, I didn't want to embarrass him, so I said, he had some leftover meat near his mouth. He then used his tongue to grab it then swallowed it whole and said... Thank You! The food here taste so great... He forgot that he didn't order any meat... Squirl: ewewwww...

Squirling... From now on I hereby proclaim to all netizen of the world, I won't buy McDonalds since they support Israel... and I would look at the company first before purchasing if that company support Israel and Netanyahu... This has got to stop, and I need to be more aware as well to not support Israel by buying from companies that support them...

Squirling... This person Sam Shamoun is so smart debating Quran, Judaism and Jesus Christianity... Additional reasons why I don't want to change religion... The following screenshot shows Quran and disturbing verses on it... but we should still respect all religions... Now I get why Israel misbehaves against Islam... but no one has the right, force or kill people just because of religion... Squirling... He also proved to Rabbinic Jew to read their book and counted 3... Trinity... I'm learning so many stuff in this world simply because I'm bored... so bored... I'm so boring... Can't sleep, can't stop thinking about that black random guy who cured my nose bleed and suddenly disappeared way back when out of nowhere...

Squirling... Ashley Biden, Joe Biden's Daughter confirms she got molested and have showers with Joe Biden in youtube... Joe is insane like Diddy... Can't believe Joe won the election... Maybe Trump was telling the truth the whole time...

Squirling... Trudeau kept saying Carbon Tax puts more more money back to Hard working Canadians... This is a lie... The more jobs we have, the more tax goes to the government and no refunds... I really can't remember the last time I got a refund... This government makes me sick to my stomach... I feel like doing #2s everytime I hear Liberals...

Squirling... Ukraine now part of NATO... Joe Biden's plan for WW3... Trump won't make it in time anymore to change the course of WW3...

April 6, 2024
ommo: Fixing stuff and watching youtube how to fix stuff... I need to buy these tools tomorrow... Heat Gun and Soldering Tools...

April 7, 2024
ommo: Spending countless of hours learning about Quran, Judaism and Jesus... I gave up on getting a secret sauce from G... Since war is coming and Canada will have no choice but to help big brother USA and NATO... Canada didn't even bother creating Nuclear Bunkers unlike other Countries... I also learned that in Quran both was mentioned: Prophet Muhammad Parents are in Hell... While Jesus Parents especially Mary in Quran said Mary is a virgin and was chosen above all women of creation... If Jesus was Jewish, why would Jewish people do those awful things to him. Judaism also says he is a false prophet. A few hours later, I found in the Jews Judaism that Jesus called the Jews children of the devil for not believing in him before the alleged resurrection (Jn. 8:39-47)... Also Isaiah 53 is now like a forbidden chapter for Jews, because this Chapter and prophecy before Christ clearly shows Jesus suffered from his own people Jewish and died then God will see this as atonement for the sins of mankind... Now I understand why Jews are squirling this chapter...

Squirling... Russia has announced that Jesus isn't white... Colour doesn't matter... I always carry a picture of her mom. As you could clearly see, she isn't white either... It doesn't matter to me. I think she's pretty @N6C G as well... Squirling... I just learned that God in the past used Iran to take care of Israel... that was B.C. Before Christ... In 2024, Israel killed Iran officials and Iran vowed to take revenge... Would Iran alter its course and learn from History Before Christ in the Old Testament?

April 8, 2024
ommo: Taiwan fired at Chinese vessels for trespassing their sea... China claimed Taiwan is part of China and they have the right. Taiwan didn't think so, after warnings, Taiwan finally shot at the ship, injured some Chinese... It was on the news... All these leaders in the world have no other choice because normal people are waking up and demanding a change in this so called earth... I have never seen a real gun in my life, I hope it stays that way... Trudeau do not invoke military conscription, because Canada doesn't care about genders joining military... All genders will revolt against Trudeau... I haven't trained in the arts of hugging... I'm not ready for WW3...

April 9, 2024
ommo: Been practicing this fingerstyle song with my G (Guitar): Mister Taxman... It goes like this:

Wait Mister Taxman

Oh yeah
(Did you read the email I sent you) Please, Please Mister Taxman
(Why's it been so hard to get by) Oh yeah
(Since I heard from Canadian People)

There must be someone out there
To replace and save Canada
Please Mister Taxman, look and see
Can you resign? and make us happy

I've been watchin' here waitin' Mister Taxman
So patiently, to axe the Tax, or just resign now
Sayin' it's too hard' quit right now

Please Mister Taxman (Mister Taxman, look and see) Oh yeah
(Did you read the email I sent you) Please, Please Mister Taxman
(Why's it been so hard to get by) Oh yeah
(Since I heard from Canadian People)

So many years you tricked us now
I saw the rally outside'  and online
You wouldn't stop to make us feel better
By giving' us more taxes to suffer

Please Mister Taxman look and see (Taxman Taxman)

Please Mister Taxman (Mister Taxman, look and see) Oh yeah
(Did you read the email I sent you) Please, Please Mister Taxman
(Why's it been so hard to get by) Oh yeah
(Since I heard from Canadian People)
(Taxman taxman)

You better axe the taxes, axe the taxes
Oh you better axe the taxes
Please please Mister taxman (Axe the taxes Mister taxman)
Please look and see how people are suffering
You better axe, axe the taxes
Axe the taxes, axe the taxes, axe the taxes
Please Mister Taxman
Will you just step down now the sooner de better
Axe the taxes, axe the taxes
Axe the taxes, please Mister Taxman
Axe the taxes, axe the taxes oh yeah

Original Song: Please Mr. Postman a Song by The Marvelettes (1961)
They are so pretty @N6C Gs back in 1960s even today... This song is so good and covered by many great bands like The Beatles... Squirling... I also finished my own version of Someone Out There by Our Lady Peace last week, I'll play it on the park during summer... Maybe someone will like the song as well and give me thy number...

A few hours later... I think I'm related to Mr. Postman... while Dr. Stranger is related to Mr. Taxman...

April 10, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, I have walked on water so many times in my life now... Back then, when I was a little gago boy in the Philippines... We always pray the rosary everyday and even in the TV it has specific time for prayers... One fateful night, I had a dream... There was white and red symbol in that dream of mine... I spent countless hours and days what that dream meant as a little gago boy... I was at the garden grotto with Mother Mary statue in the center of sort in our house there and a leaf blew at my face... It was shape like a maple 🍁... I had this moment when I finally figured out what's going to happen next... For the past tons of days, months and years... Nothing happened... but wait... after the next day... I finally got news I'm going to Canada... A few days later after the flight... I had some jetlags... A few months later... I finally experienced winter... I saw how the lake froze with my own eyes and tried walking on it... One small step for me, is a big giant step to being a man... So I tried walking on the frozen lake... At first I was petrified... A few more steps... I have finally experienced walking on water for the first time... After all that hyped, it felt like so so anymore... walking on water isn't that special...

Squirling... Liberal Government might be planning on more taxes like wealth tax or increasing GST... All Canadians hard work will just go to Liberal Government Taxes... Carbon Tax already increased by 23% and would keep increasing now additional taxes planned for all Canadians... At first I was proud to be a Canadian but not with this Liberal Government of Trudeau... Being a Canadian socks now... Squirling... I saw another homeless person today at the dumpster looking for stuff or food...

Squirling... I was also curious about Prophet Muhammad in the Quran and learned that according to their book, and history... Muhammad tried to kill all Jews to conquer, rape, and did awful things to the Jews (To me this sounded like Genocide in the old days or like Hitler)... Now I understand why Jews are like this, this wasn't the first time it happened to the Jews... Then According to Quran, Allah punishes false prophets by severing their aorta (life artery)... On their book, it also stated how Muhammad died from a Jewish Girl using poison on the lamb she served because Muhammad killed all her family... Before Muhammad and his followers died first from the poison, he said the poison felt like his aorta was being severed... One thing I learned from this is that Gs in the olden days even now with western Gs... Never ever messed with them... back to anime Gs for me... Thank you very much... Anime Gs are the best! Because they can't put poison in thy food (tuna)...

Squirling... Now I understand a little bit more of what kind of predicament the people of Israel - Jews had been carrying... But it still doesn't give anyone the right to inflict more hate to this world...

Squirling... Trudeau said this April 15, 2024... People would receive some money from the carbon tax rebate in our bank accounts... I don't believe this anymore...

April 11, 2024
ommo: I was in the car listening to a radio when all of a sudden this song got played... She's always a woman to me... I kept singing this song today for more than 2 hrs, using all my voice singing at the top of my lungs while training on the side... Then I researched who sang it and it was by Billy Joel... I went to youtube and found more songs by Billy Joel Greatest Hits Hollywoody, I've neverheard of this guy and now I'm going to learn lots of his songs and play it as well... I learned a lot from this song She's always a woman to me... Gs are simply amazing... Too bad, I'm no G... Going to start learning these songs first: She's always a woman to me, Just the way you are, Piano Man, Honesty, Uptown Girl... Can't believe I accidentally found new awesome songs by this artist in a radio... Very lucky, no one could hear me sing... Squirling... googled what Uptown Girl means... and finally get it...

April 12, 2024
ommo: I googled and asked AI what religion meant. Even AI can't really comprehend its true meaning... They refer Religion into such things as social, supernatural, a set of beliefs, so on and so forth... As for me,  what God is telling me (notice that I'm saying God not Jesus to refer to everyone) is that God has taught me that religion is self respect... Thy true kingdom is inside of everyone... Our hearts and body is the true kingdom (hearts) and temple (body). By learning self respect, we would then be able to show more of it to others... Everyone's mind (soul) could be corrupted... thats the reality of being a human but don't let that temptation go through deep into your heart and body. For thy soul may never be in peace for eternity... This is my understanding of any Religion in this world... I hope, this holds true no matter what culture, beliefs or anything else a human was born into... Religion = Respect Once respect is gone to thyself and everyone then that religion becomes false...

April 13, 2024
ommo: Nothing new but another diarrhea today... I should start eating bananas again... Maybe its the intermittent fasting causing my stomach or the lack of sleep...

April 14, 2024
ommo: Iran decided to retaliate against Israel... Back to the west if USA, Canada or UK decides to join...

April 15, 2024
ommo: These socks... Trudeau said April 15th people will get rebate from carbon tax and I still didn't get it... Then top it off with paying taxes again and no refunds for so many years... This government is too corrupt... Trudeau will continue to destroy Canada...

April 16, 2024
ommo: It's official, I spent countless hours checking and checking my bank account and no ducking carbon tax rebate! Squirling... Thanks for this gift card... Thumbs Up! I gotta start using my other giftcards but no time and not compfy going out to eat inside a restaurant... So tired today lack of sleep and daily training and didn't eat yesterday... I almost fell asleep so many times while driving... Going to take some powernaps now... Squirling... I just noticed the bread that I'm eating today was expired 3 days ago... Couldn't finish the bread at walmart due to fasting... Now I hope I don't get another diarrhea and lose more weight... These government taxes won't let me properly eat anymore... Since I don't feel hungry anymore and can't stomach all these taxes, inflation and shrink flation...

April 17, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, I freaking thought snow is over... I was so happy to see there's no more snow... Then when I woke up Lesterday, I saw snow again... MOTHERNATURE... Squirling... I have to go to walmart later because I ran out of sustenance... Need bread and drinks... I still have tons of tuna... Squirling... Government Budget 2024 is out... Canada will be a 3rd world country soon according to this budget 2024 release by Liberal Government... To everyone thinking of moving to Canada... research what this Liberal Government is doing... All your money will just go to this gang of Government incharge of Canada... Squirling... USA Feds released video of Will Smith and Diddy doing ... on Justin Beiber... Poor Beiber... Now I get why Justin tried to stay away from Diddy and got scared on the other video... Baby baby baby oh no, Like Diddy diddy diddy noooo, like Willy willy willy noooooo... I thought you guys are guys... guys... Squirling... I think Usher should speak up for giving Beiber to Diddy... I saw a picture of before and after of Justin Beiber... Its awful what happened... Diddy and Willy can really messed up anyone... Maybe Jada knows what really happened to TUPAC... Squirling... Finally Justin Beiber Mom is suing... She should sue everyone in Hollywood for messing Justin Beiber! I feel sorry for Justin being a victim of Hollywood... Can't imagine the trauma of what P. Willy Diddy can cause to everyone especially young kids... Squirling... Going to walmart soon, note to self: Use deodorant just in case...

April 18, 2024
ommo: Thanks for these bottles again... Thumbs Up! I'll sell bottles this Saturday and record songs this Sunday... Squirling... I've been practicing more songs for the summer, Lesterday was snow day and today no snow again... MOTHERNATURE... Did all Gs inherited this constant mind changing nature from MOTHERNATURE? I'm curious and wish I could ask or talk to a G and their mind on this subject as a subject matter expert... Squirling... today someone called the cops for a suspicious activity where I train... Cops left... Whoever called the cops, you might have wasted tax payers money and gas of those cops...

Squirling... I watched Ex Muslims in youtube and some said, if you are new muslim, you are just starting Quran... Once you understood Quaran all the way to the end, you'll be an Ex Muslim... I did the shortcut and learned what happened to the Prophet Muhammad getting killed at the end... No doubt, all his teachings is double standard... No offense to anyone, that's just my opinion... Dear Diary: To be honest, I wanted to be a muslim a long time ago as well... There's some mysterious aura surrounding the girls covered except their eyes... I wanted to uncover each and every part of that clothes... It seems like unwrapping a present, you never know what you're gonna get... So hot and mysterious... I'm curious how many layers of clothes they have under it...

April 19, 2024
ommo: Cannot believe it's Friday already... Time is passing by so fast... Forgot to mention, I didn't get diarrhea for eating bread expired 3 days past it's expiration date... Unlike milk... Also when I went to Walmart and made sure to use a deodorant... I didn't see any pretty @N6C Gs... Maybe I attract Gs with the smell of not using deodorants... Next time, I won't use deodorant and check if this statement is correct... Squirling... Jagmeet Singh NDP is so corrupt like Trudeau... He just wants his pension... Everyday is politics it affected Canadian lives so much now... Squirling... Iran gave a warning to Israel that they will attack and Israel couldn't defend 100%... Now Israel just launched an attack back at Iran without any warning and dealt massive damage to multiple cities... I said it way back when in this diary of mine... Whoever attacks first for real without giving any warnings will win in a Nuclear era... Israel will not listen to USA... When will this world open their eyes... Netanyahu will never listen and abandon his power... Now that Iran suffered massive damages from F16... Things will be a lot harder for the world... Netanyahu wants WW3... It's the only thing left for him to stay in power... Just like Biden and Trudeau... To stay in Power WW3 is their only hope... DUCK me, buying wigs and clothes doesn't work here in Canada in an event of military conscription... Unlike in Ukraine, Gs are not allowed to fight in war so other men tried this wig hack and clothes... Squirling... Even Trudeau Liberal party is turning against him when this new budget got released and his fellow Liberal said its the worst budget in 4 decades... Time to embrace Canada turning into a 3rd world country... Thanks to Singh and Trudeau...

April 20, 2024
ommo: Thank you God, I know you're watching over me because just now I saw a lot of pretty Gs walking down the street... and I didn't use deodorant... It's on my dashcam... Thank you for helping me proved to the world that not using deodorant and be natural attracts G encounters... Squirliny... while I was driving, it just came to me and now I understand why Muslims are allowed to marry tons of Gs... because they might see hey beautiful eyes, marry me... After they get married and he unwraps his G like present... after that like a kinder surprised egg... he moves on to find another present to unwrap... he kept trying and trying... some just don't have any luck at all... If this offends anyone sorry, this thought just came out of nowhere...

April 21, 2024
ommo: Wanted to buy a Cybertruck when its available in Canada before but not anymore... It got safety issues and lots of problems, not even bullet proof... It was hyped... Now Tesla is going under and EVs are not the future... I also gotten an advice to never buy first generation vehicles since it will have tons of issues... Squirling... Sweet Child O' Mine to thank for the tips and support...

April 22, 2024
ommo: I saw a youtube video that if we get the covid vaccines our immune system will get weaker after two or so years... I'm fully vaccinated and I think I'm starting to get weaker and weaker... from thinking about taxes and this Liberal government...

April 23, 2024
ommo: Finally did laundry, the smell started making me puke... I can breathe again for another month or so...

April 24, 2024
ommo: Going to take a nap, just very tired today...

April 25, 2024
ommo: Too sick today, throat is too sore, headache and slight fever... Cannot believe I'm getting sick too much this year... Could it be? Just eating bread, and chicken noodle soup... No veggies or rice is affecting my overall health?

April 26, 2024
ommo: Still feeling under the weather, took tylenol for 3 days now... Also, got another diarrhea... This year is not looking good... Working tons of job last year took its toll on taxes... Not worth the cost...

April 27, 2024
ommo: Thank God, I survive again my daily training and could rest this weekend and recover from this sickness... I have two tylenol left... I'll just sleep all day and night...

April 28, 2024
ommo: Throat hurts just by swallowing my saliva... Mucus won't stop coming out of my nose... I don't see anymore snow but still got sick... Canadian Mother Nature is really unique... Also I already finished that pack of Fisherman's Friend for sore throat and it didn't help...

April 29, 2024
ommo: Paid my taxes... What I learned from last year to this year was working multiple hustles 3-4 including FT sat sunday no day off is not ducking worth it... I need to start playing with myself more than working my @$$ off this year... Squirling... Saturday early morning around 1 AM, while I was doing my daily training... These two pretty @N6Gs are walking around... All of a sudden the other G said to me, would you like some of this? then shw turned around and showed me her butt... I ran away and drove as fast as I could... Didn't know what to say back... She caught me off guard... What the heck is wrong in Canada? Both G are laughing when I ran away as I drove as well... Even though I was feeling under the weather and sick, my instinct kicked in and ran away... Someone upthere really loves to play with me... Squirl: Can I watch when you play with yourself? ommo: Sure Squirl, you can watch out for Dr. Strangers who wants to play with me... I'll be waiting in 586... Squirling... I started drinking water again today... I think juices and Ice tea is making my health weaker... I stopped drinking water for 1 year or so and now getting sick a lot... Gotta invest in a filtering water system so that I could drink snow next winter time... Free water on winter...

April 30, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary: I'm starting to get better now just a slight headache, fever, mucus on nose and sore throat is not that painful unlike a few days ago... Also gotten more sleep... Just uploaded the wrong file to the wrong site that I'm maintaining...

To be Continued...