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Welcome to omLestermo!
om - Short for Home + less
mo - Mobile Living
Also known as: Lester then add "Mo" in front or ommo for short.

The top part symbolizes the roof of a house (a car in my case). Added two wheels on the road (based on Abbey Road from the Beatles) My name on the road like the Beatles walking 'coz I'm a fan of their music.

Quote of the Year:
"A Hopeless Romantic..."
- ommo

My Tip Jar

Now Accepting Tips

Thank You in Advance...

Got Side Hustle?
Email me:[email protected]
Available for Side Hustles

  • Taking Care of your recycled bottles (Edmonton Area or St. Albert only for now)
  • Responsive Web Design, Graphics & Animation
  • Teaching + Training / Programming or Software App Dev / Automation

Year 2024 Dear Diary
OMMO's, EMO's, Lester, omLestermo, mo... Daily Life...


Feb 1, 2024
ommo: Thank you everyone for all the tips this month of January... Thumbs Up! Going to try and practice these two songs and record this weekend as a token of appreciation for all your support... It's been busy lately due to exams and studying at the same time while also thinking about other stuff like return to office and remote work... I'm trying my best to multi task everything... So lucky my bday is in Jan Capricorn = Sigma... From this moment forward I'll self proclaim myself as the Captain Bottles/Side Hustler... Squirling... I guess nothing lasts forever... that's just reality...

Feb 2, 2024
ommo: Finally, I did my exam and passed... can now breathe a little...

Feb 3, 2024
ommo: I tried to breathe but I can't, decided to do my laundry today since it smells so bad now...

Feb 4, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary camera that auto records may be awesome but also sometimes depressing... Saw a guy yesterday who puts a hate note into my vehicle wiper, and he got recorded into a video... Guess we don't have the right to park on the street because we are asian and he's white... I don't mind anymore... I would rather park very far away from this Dr. Stranger who thinks he owns the street... Even though some people don't believe in karma, I think it's real... Greedy, racist people who spread hate, may not get karma on the spot but one way or another everything will come back and bite those kinds of people in the @$$... Squirling...
A Mashup to thank for the tips and support...

Feb 5, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, I have a new course and sensei starting today... It's a lot harder now... Squirling... Yesterday rest day I watched this Movie at crave Mr. and Mrs. Smith on my phone, Angelina Jolie is pretty @N6C in this movie, she said she was Jewish in the movie... Today I google searched if she was Jewish and she wasn't... My favorite part was when John Smith self proclaimed he doesn't count how many he has done it [6] with... and said about 50-60 and doesn't want to brag about it... Then Jane Smith said she has done it 312 times... epic comeback... Squirling... Back to Work and Study...

Feb 6, 2024
ommo: Dear God and Canada thank you for making my tuna to $0.97 cents at Walmart! I wanted to buy 100 cans but that would be too greedy... 10 cans is enough for now to last me 25 days plus my sardines and cookies... As long as I have my music and tuna (sorry my other guitar that got stolen I still miss you, had to buy more guitars to replace you 2 acoustic and 1 electric now)... I will survive just with these, I feel so good when I bought tuna for $0.97 so good, maybe I should record another song for tuna... Squirling... I'll also be changing the pretty @N6C Gs going forward... The race will be monthly not overall to give a chance and fair to other countries to win the trophy of having lots of PRETTY @N6C Gs... So far USA is leading this month... Thanks! Squirling... learned that Canada Major Real Estate Empires are collapsing... I'm not surprised... Covid and War have a global effect on everyone one way or another... I should have bought tons of paper towels, tissues and wipes... Those are the first to go, according to the videos I watched in the Institute of Youtube University... I'm going to get tons of degrees from watching youtube... Gotta save for a boat to live in it and maybe I could meet Mr. Jack S at the Caribbean Sea... Ever since I was a little gago boy, we moved a lot from place to place... Even in Canada, I have moved so many times from different cities and provinces...

Feb 7, 2024
ommo: Thank you for the tip! Thumbs Up! Squirling... saw some wolves and had a staring contests... couldn't get out of the car because these wolves could smell me like tuna and wants to eat me... Can't believe there are wolves in the City of Edmonton... They are not afraid and was circling around while one was staring me in front of the car... I'll upload the video from the dash cam later... Squirling... China vs Philippines in South China sea is getting worse as well... I'm torned because I got bullied a lot when I was a little gago boy in the Philippines by pure pinoys not Pinese... Funny, the result of bullying affected me for so many years and afraid to go into public washroom. When I was at my office in Calgary, I was the last to leave and first to come to the office... one day co worker asked if I turned off the lights in the washroom... I said I had never been inside to the washroom... coz all I do is sit inside the office and work all day... but now, thanks to Covid, I learned how to use public washrooms now... I don't need to hold it in. When you gotta go, you gotta go... it's bad to hold it in...

Feb 8, 2024
Squirl: Hey ommo, what animals are you most afraid of? ommo: cockroach... In the Philippines, they could fly and chase you and are very big... I haven't seen one yet in Canada which is why I love Canada better than Philippines... Too many scary insects, lizards, monsters such as white ladies, kapre and manananggal. I will never forget when I was a little gago boy and it was blackout no electricity... I saw a flying manananggal (succubus like creature) all the towns people carrying a fire chasing after it... My Aunt hurried up and we went inside the house for safety... How about you squirl? Squirl: Just your normal owls, cats and dogs... Ommo: I should also mention my number 1 animal predator that I'm most afraid of... Dr. Strangers... I already fell victim multiple times to these Dr. Strangers in Canada... Squirling... ommo: I have some life advice to any Gs out there looking for a soulmate... If you try to find a Computer Programmer... You'll end up with lots of bugs in your life... A buggy life... If you try to hook up with a Mechanic, You're life will mostly get disassembled like cars... It's gonna be a greasy life... If you get a storyteller... I feel sorry for you... Most story tellers will tell stories how their life was so great before they met you... Squirl: hey ommo, I'm sorry to hear that... Aren't you a programmer/mechanic diy from youtube University/ storyteller? A few hours later... ommo: #2 crap... that's why I can't talk to any Gs properly... A messed up life... Squirling... nothing new in the Philippines... corruption... Current President Marcos and his Father corruption, former President vs Current President... what's new? You can win in politics in this country as long as you are corrupt or famous... The only good part here are the Gs in the Philippines are pretty @N6C as well but like my colleague commented during a meeting in Calgary way back when... It doesn't matter who you do it with... All Gs take pretty much the same amount of time to create babies... I didn't get it as first. A few billion years later... I finally get it... now I do get it... I'm really a turtle... I also asked if you had more than 1-2 relationships in your life time, do you get that hiv/aids disease if you go into a 2 or 3rd relationship? He laughed at me and said no... that's not how it works... He even tried to hook me up with his younger sister... I respectfully declined even though she's hot Caucasian and born in Canada with blonde hair, I don't think I could measure up literally... I'm not in a rush, I still have lots of time left... I'll just focus on what I can do right now... work hard and study... but if Canada goes to WW3, I searched it up in google Canada had a mandatory conscription to join WW1 and WW2... Then I have no other choice to rush before I get sent out into the front lines... but before that happens, I'll post how to get email passwords from Office###... I made one for work purposes when I wrote an invoice creator that calc taxes create the invoice pdf file and send out email using office###... Higher Ups wouldn't share the password security is a pain but its needed... Made a workaround to get any password from it without the need of phishing or tricking people to enter credentials it doesn't need any other people to get passwords from office###... Then showed to colleague how I'm doing and getting password no matter how many tries they change the email passwords because I needed it to send out Invoices that gets created automatically using the app I custom code to clients... We ended using a different mail server in-house that doesn't need passwords, this way I don't have to illegally get passwords to make my invoicing app to still work while #icroso##... patches office### and make it more secure... Earlier today, I showed my colleagues, if they are interested... there's a backdoor into this system that can be used by malicious person to upload .exe and run the .exe file and control the server... I pray that a malicious person won't do this to that company... I firmly believe that no one deserves to get hacked unless you're a scammer or malicious evil person...

Feb 9, 2024
ommo: Looks like I will survive another week... I kept using salonpas and icy hot stuff on my legs and feet... I wonder if my body can keep doing this for another 30 years? I've seen really hard working people that's in their retirement more or less that can do this... Even though he used to be in the military and still works past retirement more or less and is still in shape... If our older generations work this hard, there's no reason to complain how our feet are aching... I may not have any military training, but I can't allow my body to be lazy again sitting on a computer screen... Plus Sunday is so close, I can relax and recover on Sundays... One more day... No pain, no gain... I wonder how hard is it to join the military? Speaking of military stuff, I've seen a commercial on youtube where guys are cross dressing as girls to avoid getting drafted and forced to join the military... then goes off to a bar to drink... then an officer on the military also crossed dress and joins them... Guess no one wants to join or do their duties in the military in times of war... based on that commercial... I'm always prepared. I got my wig ready as well, I bought 3 different wigs different colours, length and shapes... though I don't think I need a wig, my hair is getting pretty long and there's one random Dr. Stranger thought I was a girl from my behind... and tried to hit on me and apologized after for mistaking I was a G @ school... Bro, I'm not gay... this year... or for another 3 years... you MOTHERFATHER...

Feb 10, 2024
ommo: Gas Prices went up the roof... Squirling... Edmonton Oilers seems to have lost from LA...

Feb 11, 2024
ommo: First time watching Super Bowl, I asked if it was some sort of playoffs... Didn't know it's like the finals... Back To Back win... I still don't get the rules of the game... I just like the cheering squads... Squirling... Didn't know Taylor Swift had a boyfriend from Super Bowl 'til now...

Feb 12, 2024
ommo: I finally took a shower this month... Next month again... Dear Diary: I don't really like Mondays... I love Friday and Sundays... Murphy's Law that Anything that can go wrong will go wrong nostly occurs on Mondays... I need to find more motivations... Mondays are tiring... Can't wait for school to be over and focus on other stuff...

Feb 13, 2024
ommo: Thanks for these bottles! Going to sell bottles this Sunday. Squirling... too tired... gonna take more powernaps... Squirling... After watching a sports game superbowl, I was thinking... What is the difference between a group vs team and leaderships... I think a group of people playing: hoggers, wanna be team leads, no shared accountability and is doomed to fail while a team: sharing is caring (no hoggers), leader recognizes everyones strength and their own weaknesses, shared accountability and are highly successful... If any of the players or coaches starts the blame game... that's a group of misfits and not a team... but lets all be honest here... I don't think guys watch other guys to play... I think guys just watch the cheerleaders... Even at work... to all hiring person: If you want your group, team or employees very productive... hire a pretty @N6CGs... It will work 51% I think... Doesn't fully work on me anymore, once your past puberty, you'll realize that trying to impress Gs are not worth the cost and energy... Just do your own thing that you're good at and passionate about... Don't get distracted by pretty @N6C Gs... My life advice for today... Squirling... wait a minute... If Superbowl has cheerleaders... Does Hockey have cheerleaders as well? I haven't watched a hockey game (all I know is 1 player: Wayne Gretzky) but now I'm curious... Isn't too cold for cheerleaders to be on ice wearing the same outfit like in the superbowl? I'll google and researched when I get the chance... Wonder if all the sports games have cheerleaders? I'm not really into sports, I haven't watched basketball for a very long time just curious now about cheerleaders... Squirling... Breaking News! Hockey got tons of pretty @N6Gs Cheerleaders... Now I get why Guys love watching games even though it's low scoring like Hockey and Super Bowl... Poor Gs Cheerleaders must be paid a lot more to cheer in a freezing cold ice arena... compared to Super Bowl... Squirl: Hey ommo what about Guys that cheerlead? I don't know squirl and I don't plan on learning/researching the answer to that... Ask Dr. Stranger... Dr. Stranger: DUCK YOU...

Feb 14, 2024
ommo: Forgot its Valentines Day... So lucky I don't have to spend a single penny today... I'll just take more powernaps later... My feet and ankles needs more rest... Happy Valentines to everyone that is lucky or would get lucky... Gotta love the peace and quiet and the savings of not buying gifts or roses... Squirling... Just finished my homework already... My brain can relax a little bit but still a bit stressed from my remote work... Squirling... I bought a blonde hair colour, and coloured my hair blonde when I paid and took a shower this month... I messed up my hair... Didn't turn out exactly what I saw from the box... Thumbs Down... Squirling... A 4 Yrs old and 15 yrs old Palestinian girls died while calling 911, IDF Israel soldier let the paramedics to come and help the 4 yr old girl then killed them all anyway... Using a 4yr old girl to bait a non figther... How can a 4yrs old girl fight back against IDF anyway? I've never been into wars or military but what IDF in Israel is getting more and more insane...

Feb 15, 2024
ommo: Yesterday > Lesterday, I bought this Deep Relief, because Salonpas or IcyHot isn't cutting it and my feet and ankles are still in pain from just standing... Today, I was sitting in a yoga 🧘‍♂️ lotus pose to apply the spray to my feet and ankles... This MOTHERDUCKING spray worked too good! All the pain from my feet and ankles disappeared instantly for a moment... The spray accidentally went to my balls because of the sitting pose... I immediately stood up and jump up and down! No pain from my feet and ankles because all the pain went to my balls... My balls are on fire! I didn't know what to do but to keep moving and moving... felt like I learned a new dance monkey move... DUCKING spray... A few hours later... My balls of fire finally went away but my sore feet and ankles are back... This time I'm not gonna sit down in a lotus pose... Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me... Now I know why its called DEEP... It can penetrate deep inside our balls/clothes...

Feb 16, 2024
ommo: Finally Friday again... converting all the automated reports including the excel pop up comments using a script into a PowerBI Online report from Microsoft... Guess higher ups doesn't want a simple excel report using comments as pop up... So far so good, liking Power BI... Thumbs Up! Squirling... Stop questioning Joe Biden people... It's normal to forget a lot of stuff... I forget a lot of stuff, that's why I made my online dear diary so that I don't have to remember... Joe Biden may need a physical diary... What's the shame in using a diary? No one is perfect... I do remember that all of us are born with hair and not bald though... To: Joe Biden, let thy people who hasn't seen a diary in their love life cast the first laugh... Those people are geniuses who hasn't need to take down notes in one form or another... I should have taken a picture way back when at the office even though I had 3 machines 1 a mac, I never used those machines to take notes... I used different coloured sticky notes... Yellow, Pink, Blue, Green... I was getting buried on all the sticky notes and people are coming by to see the stickies... and say stuff like I love your stickies as a short small talk... I'm starting to miss the stickies as well but not the waste of time driving through the traffic going in and out after work through Deerfoot in Calgary... Too much traffic... better spent on working than sitting in traffic right?

Feb 17, 2024
Captain Bottles Strikes Again! Thanks for the continued bottle support and tips... Please keep driking those big milk and donate to me if you like... Spread the word and I'll collect all the bottles in Edmonton... I don't mind getting free money... Thanks... Now gotta finger my G and record as a token of appreciation for your bottles... Next time I was thinking of singing Nobody But You by Wonder Girls but a different lyrics: I want your bottles, your bottles... Thank you... your bottles, your bottles, thank you... your bottles, your bottles, your bottles, your bottles, your bottles, your bottles! While dancing like a monkey... but only if my balls got bigger... My balls shrinked as well I think because the DEEP spray may have anti inflammation properties... and it shrinked my balls as well... Hope its not because I like eating raw garlic cloves everyday to prevent vampires...

Feb 18, 2024
ommo: Here are two quick recordings for the bottles.
Perfect by Ed Sheeran not mixed

Your Song by the Legendary, one and only Elton John

Please keep up the good drinking days and don't forget I'll be there for your bottles...

Feb 19, 2024
ommo: Canada Shrink Flation... where products gets smaller for the same old price of the regular price... Squirling... I just learned today about this crazy person called EPSTEIN and the island... I cannot believe such a person exists and lots of high profile celebrities went to this island... Didn't know about it... This world is crazy, mad and getting worst... Again, life is short... if you want to prolong your existence in this world, isn't better to make it a better place for the next generations to come? Squirling... learning a new fingerstyle song called Pure Imagination... for some unknown reason, I also like this song... Just remember if a Dr. Stranger sing this song to you and say come with me... kick that Dr. Stranger hard in the balls and run away... call 911 if you can so that you won't get sailed away to EPSTEIN ISLAND... My life tip for today...

Feb 20, 2024
ommo: I just learned what Donald Trump said about his daughter Ivanka after google searching and also learned Trump has connections with EPSTEIN... It doesn't take a genius to figure this out... Squirling... saw a compiled video of NASA employees saying they are still trying to figure out how to get pass the radiation belt in order to get to the moon... 2024 with all this AI and tech advancement... they still can't figure it out when the technology back then as powerful as a calculator figured it out and was able to get to the moon... They deleted all the original videos and how to guide to safely travel to the radiation belt... If you could trick people closes to you and let them watch on their screen and made them think its a live feed... you can trick the entire world... I think the calculator just showed... this is how much we would pay to produce this live feed that isn't live... Squirl: ommo you forgot to mention that G could use the DEEP spray against Dr. Strangers... You're right squirl... I recommend this spray... I can 100% guarantee it would hurt so much if you spray it on anyones balls. It doesn't matter how much 6 packs they have or if they work out or if they do their #3s daily to try to get massive big muscle balls... Getting sprayed on the balls hurts like hell... You can also say: Do you want to dance? I'm pretty sure can make anyone dance like monkeys if you spray it on their balls..

Feb 21, 2024
ommo: Respect to Pierre Poilievre for saying Female sports, washrooms, housing and so on should only be for females... Thumbs Up! This way no men could pretend to be females to dominate the sports or cheat the system... Men already got too much advantage example: I could do my number #1 and pee while standing up, without pulling down my shorts and underwear just by grabbing it side to side (life hack my tip of the day)... We can access and pee so much faster than Gs... The only thing Gs can catch up is that if they buy adult diapers... I do not know how napkins works (haven't tested in my life time)... I wonder if they could pee pee with napkins? Then I stand corrected we lose, Gs are much faster #1s... Squirling... never worked out in a gym but I've heard stories where men pretends to be men... saying bro, I'll spot you... while eyes are googly wide and rolling... then some men would say, bro look at my muscles flexing, touch them... Now can I touch yours bro with googly eyes wide rolling... So far I'm lucky I've never experienced it because I don't go to the gym... Too many people and we have to pay $... While we can workout outside with mother nature or alone... Don't get me wrong, I have no issues with other genders... Like I said last year and now that I bought different wigs and hairstyle, I can easily pretend to be G, just need a G to let me have a sleep over to charge all my powerbanks and devices... I also don't get why I don't have an Adam's Apple? I thought all men have Adam's Apple... Does this mean my great great grand papa or mama isn't Adam or Eve? I have no right on the land of Israels promise land then... I wish Israel Settlers would stop grabbing land from Palestinians. But I guess according to their book, its theirs... I hope they don't use the same logic because they have Adam's Apple, they are descendants of Adam and Eve... Squirling... have another test at school this Friday... need to study... Squirling... USA blocks 4th UN calls for peace... time for all the countries to drop out of UN and make a new one called NUNS... Nothing will change as USA keeps veto power and blocks the call for peace... Both HAMAS and the current PM and gov of Israel must be replaced by people who would respect other race and culture... One day USA veto power will no longer matter... I fear that one day USA will get backstab because of how they use their veto... Since this is the 4th time... All countries must be accepting the fate that fool me once or twice doesn't work... 4th time... All countries are a shamed but accepts they are already a fool and cannot be fooled again by USA... Only time tell... 5th time maybe next year while we keep watching more civilians die... Maybe next time IDF will use 1 - 3 yrs old Gs as bait not 4 yrs old... Squirling... Dear Diary... I thought people made a mistake talking about EPSTEIN... I thought they are talking about Einstein... Learned how powerless we are against rich people... and against countries with sole veto power... I wish could unlearn the horrors on what happened on EPSTEIN Island... In this day and age... I think it's better not to trust anyone in this new world upon us...

Feb 22, 2024
ommo: How did that Israel Ambassador got that position? Basically saying Palestinians Kids dying doesn't matter and what matters is Israel kids dying from HAMAS terrorists... During the 4th UN calls for ceasefire... To Israel Ambassador bro, dude, hey you... All race matters in this world! It doesn't matter if we are not related to Adam or Eve or not from Israel... All race has the right to live not just Israel... HAMAS and the one sided view of Israel current government really needs to step down before things get better... Politics is really very stressful... Even here in Canada... Mr. speaker... this and that... one day Mr. Poilievre will bring a map on the debate and point to Trudeau and say: Mr. Speaker would the current PM please point on this map where all the middle class are living? He then hands the map... After spending some time Trudeau keeps searching and searching and points on the map... Then Poilievre finally says... Mr. Speaker... How can people live inside this map? All the middle class people are right in front of the current PM... He then challenges Trudeau in a staring contest to see if Trudeau could actually focus on any issues at hand happening in Canada...

Feb 23, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, Justin Trudeau finally made action and went to Edmonton to try and make a difference for homeless people... Yet, the city and province just keeps going for the negative path instead of working together... I've never seen Canada so divided just like USA... I talked to a colleague of mine on Teams and he said Poilievre doesn't have experience to run the country... While Trudeau no matter how many are angry with him, tried to be level headed and make solutions for our country... Politics are already a PITA while the PM is trying to do his best... One thing I agree is that solar, wind and hydro renewable energy is the future... I lived in a caravan using solar panels for electricity... It works if there's a sun, I can use microwave, boil water etc... but on rainy, cloudy, winter days... where the sun isn't that strong... It sucks... I had to asked the people in library if I could charge up all my gadgets... If we keep using oil and gas and digging from the ground, there's no way it doesn't affect climate change... I think climate change is real and instead of passing this issue to future generations to come... Its better to do something about it now... Now I don't know what to think anymore... On 1 side, Trudeau is now trying yet on the otherside, the critics and I have yet to see the plans for the changes in climate change... I believe there are tons of issues and PITA running a country and no man can do it all at once... Squirling... freaking politics is stressing me out, done my exams... I'll have to do my #3 later... it's been a while... my balls already recovered... Squirling... Canada did very well in times of Covid compared to other countries... Does this count as a positive for the current government of Trudeau? I gotta need to do more research on Canada during liberals in power vs conservatives in power... Just stressed, I think I overworked my mind, body and soul this time... Freaking politics... I need to watch something else instead of what's happening to this crazy world...

Feb 24, 2024
ommo: Did some research 2015 During Harper Conservatives and 2024 Liberals... Both seems to be corrupt but Liberals has more corruption... Squirling... The gas prices here in Edmonton doesn't make sense to me... On one spot Petro Canada it was at 132... then I drove 5 mins to the other Petro Canada it was at 118... Price did not drop for a day but stayed almost a week... then the 132 dropped to 12X yet the other just 5 mins away is still at 118... I'll never get gas to that location that keeps changing gas price like having a tantrum... Squirling... I saw real life Dracula flying at Anthony Henday at night on the highway... I couldn't believe how big and fat that bat is and flying in the winter... I've never seen a bat in Alberta and Winter 'til driving on that highway. How could bat survive winter in Canada? How can that bat be so big and fat? Only one explanation... that's Dracula... Though I haven't google search if bats could survive winter... For real, that bat isn't my imagination... I'll get and see my dash cam maybe tomorrow to check... Unbelievable... first, pack of wolves in the city a big fat bat? What's next? Batman or Wolverine in Edmonton? It's not because I'm feeling under the weather...

Feb 25, 2024
ommo: Got 7hrs of sleep and finally getting better... Just took another Tylenol... Still under the weather... but hope it goes away by tomorrow... Squirling... After reviewing the footage... It wasn't a bat... It was just a big fat owl and researched if owl can survive winter and found out they can... My bad, I thought it was a bat but they are both birds and both have 3 letters owl and bat... Squirling... I did another researched about Alaska and found out the Biden Administration approved more drilling for black gold (oil)... This goes back before HAMAS vs Israel... I think USA is steps ahead... Supporting Israel and drilling Alaska for oil and gas... This evolved Dracula will suck Alaska and environment dry... It doesn't matter about climate change, global warming... It's all non sense now in times of war because other countries will need to drill more to support wars... What's the point of having policies for climate change while turning the other way and support war? Everything in the world needs lubrication... otherwise things will break apart and it would hurt... Even Tesla has a gear box underneath using oil for lubrication... Anything that moves needs to be lubricated to be smooth... Any person who says OIL wont ran out because they could just buy from other countries is a duck... That proves the point that the country ran out and needs to rely on other countries or find another location to dig...

Feb 26, 2024
ommo: I was down for 2 days to rest. Now I'm feeling a bit better. Back to my current daily life of work and school... I went outside saw the gas price went from 118 to 137.9 in 2 days and went shopping and saw food prices went up by $0.50 cents... What happened in two days? Did I miss something... Mad World... Now I feel sick again seeing prices went up... Squirl: ommo I know what happened... didn't PM Trudeau visit Edmonton? ommo: Was the visit false then and instead of helping... everything went up? All these snow... since everything up, wonder if we could drink snow by boiling and using a filter?

Feb 27, 2024
ommo: It took 6 Extra Strength Tylenol all in all to get better again... Sweating in cold and getting dried without changing took a heavy toll on my body... Learned my lesson... I thought I had Covid but its not... Fever is gone now... I was laying down for two days in the dark... good thing I can access everything close to me... My sore throat is gone as well... Squirling... I need to research how to consume snow safely... If humans figured how to turn plants into meat... Why not snow? everything is so expensive now... Yet snow is all around us... A few minutes later... found some youtube videos that you could boil the snow then use some filtration after to safetly drink it or use the snow for bath... Last year during summer, I found this secret place that no one is around and the sprinkler system auto sprays water at midnight in Calgary... My life hack is by using this free water as a shower... Felt so good... It reminds me of taking a bath in the Philippines outside during rainy days with my shampoo and soap outside... One fateful day, I kept using this life hack... something bad happened... very very bad... All of a sudden a coyote showed up and freaked me out of nowhere... ended up now here inside the caravan still wet... I stopped using this life hack because of coyotes... I think coyote is using my life hack to drink free water now... I learned a different life hack how to take a bath somewhere else... but that life hack is for another day... Squirl: why not swim on rivers or lakes? ommo: I do not know how to swim and I have traumatic experiences with water which is why I'm afraid of the water... Also, you never know if Canada river or lakes are safe... Maybe there's alligators, crocodiles, electric snakes, anaconda, piranhas, and so much more... As you can tell, mother nature loves to screw me over and over again even from using my life hack mother nature sent her coyote as a warning... If Palestinians and Israel can't get along, it's like that with me and mother nature... I'm helpless against mother nature... It's better to be safe than sorry...

Feb 28, 2024
ommo: Last night, I saw a homeless girl at the dumpster looking for something... Drove to a different spot 15 mins away, saw two homeless couple at the dumpster as well... I just minded my own business... Not gonna open my window to give cash and suddenly let a girl inside anymore... I learned my lesson... Squirling... I have another life hack for people doing car wash manually not on the automated one those are expensive and for rich people... You can save $ by bringing your own soap and scrub rather than using their own soap and scrub by switching modes... Bring you own collapsible bucket use the soap and the water... This way you can save a dollar or two... Squirling... I was saying before that being a mime would be the future job of humanity... Now the government is adding a new law in Canada that will affect social media, posting, blogging, vlogging... Soon we would be doing mime or hand signs to communicate... I should had studied hand signs and how to be a mime to be prepared for this law they are trying to pass. We would need to become part of Illuminati to convey what we want to say in the future... I just made this image feel free to use and spread... This is what I currently think of inflation in Canada... If you get the real meaning of this image... bonus for you... Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow maybe everything will cost $2 more...

Feb 29, 2024
ommo: I also had this gut feeling that Canada has something to do with Covid. Now that Poilievre revealed that documents Trudeau tried to cover up during covid and so on while admiring China form of government and collaborrating with China in a press conference... Plus other scandals... How would Canadians vote next election? I vote for Poilievre... #2DRAWSOCKS. Squirling... before Covid started, I got sick with covid like symptoms... Maybe I was the ground zero test subject for covid? Is this why I'm immune to covid and just get slight fever for days? or eating garlic daily prevents covid?

To be Continued...