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Please download the sample zip file here to view a collection of automated daily reports that I created using a combination of VB Script, SQL, Progress, Powershell, Task Scheduler, DATA Transformation Service Packages, Bat files and so on.

I have automated different kinds of daily reports that gets emailed to multiple people such as:

  • Employee Productivity
  • Company Productivity
  • Warehouse
  • Low Level
  • Web Online Reports for Accounting and Marketing Departments

Created a powershell and a auto-login with authentication credentials to auto login, read the json and auto download files.

Built a GUI for job tracking, generate pdf invoices that queries different databases such as sql and progress into one and calculating taxes) that gets emailed to external customers.

Created an app for NFC read/writer that queries the db externally and writes the values to the NFC Tag by a user scanning just the barcode. Added poweruser type credential to the app to prevent multiple scans for ordinary users to keep writing to the tag more than once, if this happens the app prevents them and alerts the user that it needs supervisor privileges to rewrite and scan the barcode on the tag again. Includes an .ini file to customize the app.