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Welcome to omLestermo!
om - Short for Home + less
mo - Mobile Living
Also known as: Lester then add "Mo" in front or ommo for short.

The top part symbolizes the roof of a house (a car in my case). Added two wheels on the road (based on Abbey Road from the Beatles) My name on the road like the Beatles walking 'coz I'm a fan of their music.

Quote of the Year:
"Homeless but not Hopeless."
- omlestermo

My Tip Jar

Now Accepting Tips

Thank You in Advance...

Got Side Hustle?
Email me:[email protected]
Available for Side Hustles

  • Taking Care of your recycled bottles (Edmonton Area or St. Albert only for now)
  • Responsive Web Design, Graphics & Animation
  • Teaching + Training / Programming or Software App Dev / Automation

Year 2023 Dear Diary
A Nomads Life Journey... Life on the road...

At first I was afraid, I was petrified. Kept thinking I could never live in a car during winter. But then I spent so many nights sleeping in a car. And I grew strong... And I learned how to survived...
"I Will Survive" - song by Gloria Gaynor

Don't pay attention to the squirrel on the road and let us go back to the main story.

On my first day living in a car... I spent so much time, miles and miles looking for a safe place to spot. I get freaked out easily, one time I found a place to park and sleep (All by Myself - song by Celine Dion). It was getting dark but I could still see the sky a little. All of a sudden... I saw a red balloon getting blown by the wind slowly passing my car window... It was floating and elevated exactly the height of the car.

What did I do if you might ask?
I immediately started the car and drove far away... I shouldn't have watched killer Clowns such as Pennywise.

My Peter Tingle (From: Spiderman movie when his powers activates) was at 1000%. Even up to this day, I feel it everytime I pee...

The Next day, Dr. Strange(rs) called the cops on me for parking on the road while all the windows covered by window shades that I bought at Walmart for $6 so that people wouldn't see me inside the car. Cops didn't do anything to me (no tickets or violations) and talked to Dr. Strangers instead and asked if it's their property. They said no, its a public street parking near a park. Thanks to the cops who talked it out and left me alone without any tickets.

Laundry Days
I went to this coin laundry (our conversation should have been recorded on their security camera - not sure if it records audio) only to search for a different coin laundry farther away but nicer. This nice old lady that's in charge of the coin laundry ask me if I'm from around there and I mentioned I'm home + less. She said she doesn't like homeless people around due to the bad stuff they do. I said I understand... thanks and left...

Good Memories

  1. One time I went to buy pizza and ask if they are selling per slices, the employee saw I slept in the car on the street before he went to work. He asked if I'm from around that area and I replied: I can be... "the world is my oyster" now... Then I got very lucky he gave me extra food and drink for free.
  2. Survived my first winter living in the car (2022) -30+ w/ -40+ windchill and +25 inside. Hope it doesn''t go -50 next year.
  3. Pretty girl smiled and wave at me.
  4. Jiffy Lube discount + gift card + free car wash.
  5. Lost some weight from changing tires.
  6. Free extra food from KFC + Taco Bell

Bad Memories

  1. Dr. Stranger gargled and split/puke on my windshield.
  2. Dr. Stranger left the dog poop too close to the car tires twice on different occasions.
  3. Dr. Stranger kept swearing and said, "Whoever lives inside that car, go fck and kill yourself." (I stayed quiet and pretended no ones inside the car trying hard to suppress my inner voice to say: Nobodys here!)
  4. Dr. Stranger kept throwing garbage outside the car.
  5. Mr. Freaky Squirrel keeps humiliating me in public for living in the car.
  6. Freaky Squirrels and Dr. Stranger(s) stab my tire to death.
  7. Dr. Stranger(s) broke in and stole my stuff inside.

May 11, 2023
I was looking for a parking spot to sleep for the night while also working remotely to get some stuff done and ready for my meeting the next day to present the project I was working on. I saw a cemented pave road outside the city near an electric company area. After a few minutes, there are bikers that pass me... After a few more minutes... There's a guy driving a monster truck with really big wheels that prevented me from driving back to the road and was blocking the lane that other drivers used. The truck was covered by mud, I rolled down my window a bit to talk to the guy because he was blocking me from moving on. The first thing he said was: Show me your drivers license and registration... Old guy looks fishy and I replied: Sorry is parking on the side of the road illegal? I'm refusing to give my license and registration to a complete Dr. Stranger that doesn't look like a cop driving a monster truck covered by mud all over. I also knew that everything was online now (I don't even need to get a sticker or renew in person). If he was a real cop, then surely they could just take my license plate and search it up online. He keeps insisting that I handed my drivers license and registration... I pulled my phone and pretended to call somebody... He then said, "Have a good night and left..."

Learned a new life lesson: Don't park outside the city and on the side of the road... I drove back to the city and got lucky that the spot I normally parked and sleep was empty. That encounter was a lot more scary than red balloons and killer Clowns.

May 14, 2023
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!
What a crazy week... I was driving around downtown and saw this homeless girl (sorry couldn't help) who blocked the train path, the train horn was non-stop and was able to stop just in time. Then cops arrived on the scene and talked to the girl. As I continued to drive around downtown then another homeless guy, this time, just suddenly walked in the middle of the road without a care in the world. I stopped and let the guy pass... Come on, people... We might all be homeless, but don't be hopeless.

May 17, 2023
Got humiliated in public for living in a car by Mr. Freaky Squirrel, who kept shouting: This guy lives in a car and a loser... Sorry for being Asian who can't speak english properly and is a loser for living in a car... To be honest, I couldn't stop the tears from my eyes yesterday and today... But you know what? I will continue to keep working and working as much as I can. My dad asked me for 3 things, don't do drugs, smoke or drink... I have nothing to be ashamed about for living in the car as long as I keep my promise to my dad. So I'm moving on from Mr. Freaky Squirrel on the road...

May 18, 2023
Is it me that attracts interesting people, or is this world telling me that there's someone watching over me? I parked on this spot I thought was safe and no one was around in the city... All of a sudden these good-looking cars are racing each other and got into an accident and scratch their good-looking cars. They parked behind me and started arguing... I recorded it and scared to death of what might happen after they started cursing each other and Mr. Squirrel said you almost killed me... (In my head... isn't that normal if you are racing? There's a greater chance of an accident occurring and that you can die or kill someone) What if this fight escalated... I may look like I know karate, kungfu, or martial arts... But.. I can only scream such as: Hiya... ata... wataa.. Hadouken... Kamehame ha! Kage Bunshin No Jutsu Believe It - Naruto (While slowly backing and running away) but no effect in real life... or I can use my secret move... Pikachu.. use thunderbolt! in real life though I did use my secret move called PeekAtYou while slowly uncovering the window to peek (So lucky I got this skill - very handy in this moment)... After they (Mr. Squirrel and Dr. Stranger) managed to calm down a bit... Mr. Squirrel said should we exchange licenses for insurance... Dr. Stranger said no its just a slight scratch.... Hey Judes (From the Beatles) good call because if you did report that accident the cops may look at the insurance and figure out that all of you are racing... Waited for them to pass then I moved out of the area to find a different spot. For other people wishing for this kind of lifestyle and adventure... My advice is... Make sure your spiritual bodyguard is awake and watching over you as well and say thanks everyday for their continued support of watching over you away from harm and practice your PeekAtYou skills and become the very best Poke Master. I seriously recommend to all the guys to develop their PeekAtYou skills. Just don't get caught by girls.

May 19, 2023
Thank you for chilling out at my home online... I had to switch to a different host and resetup ssl again... 500+ visitors this month and ran out of bandwidth(30 Gig) wasn't enough on my previous host... Hope you keep coming back and follow my adventures. Sorry for the downtime...

May 21, 2023
A bunch of Evil Freaky Squirrels and Dr. Stranger(s) stab my tire to death from the side. I heard them while doing it, just happy that I didn't go out and might have gotten stab instead (NW part of the city close to Walmart). So how do we turn this experience into positive? Let's see maybe a message to all the Evil Freaky Squirrel & Dr. Stranger(s) out there! If you think you spoiled my day and brought me down, you're wrong... I grew up and went to an ALL BOYS SCHOOL with very few exposure to girls. I'm a simple guy, I won't discriminate, as long as there are girls or gays (doesn't matter what age... even if its 100+ years old) that smiled at me, all the bad stuff goes away. Too bad for Evil Freaky Squirrels and Dr. Stranger(s), there was a really pretty girl driving a car that day that smiled and wave at me... Too bad I froze and didn't know what to do but use my PeekAtYou skills. Pretty girl, whoever you are... 1st time that happened... Thank You. On my way for an oil change, Jiffy Lube was very kind to give me discount on an oil change + gift card + free carwash to help cope up against Evil Squirrels & Dr. Stranger(s). They could not repair the tire that got stab because they said there are metal things on the side of the tire to prevent it from exploding. If they try to repair this tire, it's going to be a safety hazard and explode on the road. Plus I lost a lot more weight from changing tires. Good memories are almost catching up to the bad. Got to learn a new song Shallow by Lady Gaga... This was an awesome day all in all. Thank you Evil Freaky squirrels and Dr. Stranger for not killing me and sorry this city is full of pretty and beautiful girls or gays inside and out..

May 28, 2023
Last night, I was all set to sleep then this Dr. Stranger and his sidekick Squirrel saw me park on the street and decided to keep going back and forth circling around to skid the tires and make loud noises because Im the only car parked there on the side. After they realized it was being recorded, they left (have the full video where they stopped really close and looked at the camera and got their license plate really good too). Got 24/7 Cam Recording 128Gigs setup now front and back after my tire got stabbed. From Spiderman movies "With great power comes great responsibility" but from omlestermo in real life With Great Power comes great PITA (Also Known as Pain In The @$$)... With No Power comes even greater PITA... Everything is PITA... Let it be (Beatles) and deal with it...

Note to self... Follow moms advice to find a girlfriend... Not looking right now mom... but if I still don't have a girlfriend 5 years from now... Maybe I'm gay? Nothing's wrong with that as long as your happy plus gay people are loyal friends and nice they kept trying giving me free stuff even money but I kept declining and said No thanks. The only thing I couldn't refuse was when I was getting a haircut and suddenly a free massage... If a girl right now offers sleepover but only if I'm gay... Yeah sure I can pretend to be gay as long as I can keep all my powerbanks fully charge (for laptops and other devices)... Just remembered my lifes 1st, 2nd & 3rd confession and hugs that they like me and wish it came from a girl... Squirrel (MotherFather!) where are you? I need to change topic asap.

May 29, 2023
Squirrel: I'm over here moles...ter...
omlestermo: What did u just call me?
Squirrel: ...ester what u want?
omlestermo: Got a terrible nightmare... I was surrounded by tons of Ms. Universe pretty girls.
Squirrel: You MotherFather I don't see any problems there!
omlestermo: Problem was Dr. Stranger was there too as a judge and chose me as the winner over the girls......
Dr. Stranger: Bro Squirrel... Got the best dream last night. I was licking and caressing the cleavage of this beautiful girl.
Squirrel: You MotherFather... That's why my behind @$$ is wet and sore.

June 3, 2023
1.1K Visitors! Thanks, everyone!... Squirrel: Congrats for mo..les...tering... 1.1k Visitors online... omlestermo: Not paying attention to this squirrel on the road...I was driving and saw this girl stranded on the road and decided to turn back to help fix her car then left after its fixed. She waved/smiled at me... This time I waved/smiled too while leaving... Didnt asked her name... I just asked if she needed any help and left after. Bad move on my part... I should have introduced myself first and said: Hi I'm ommo.. lester need any help? Wonder if I could have gotten her name then... Need to practice talking... Moving on.. I've been wondering which got invented first. Is it the artist supplies brushes and paints or make up for girls. Without researching online my brain went to wawa Wonderland and started thinking.

Makeup Origins
Once upon a time, there was a poor boy painting on the street. A pretty girl came passing by and saw the painting and asked, Can you paint me too? The poor boy was inexperienced, not like other guys who could get girls naked to draw them. Boy started painting on the girls face and didn't know he invented face painting. Girl was happy then got mad the next day because she couldn't take it off. Girl meets boy again then they came up on how to remove it and invented make up for girls. They lived happily ever after. After I woke up from my powernap I now have an idea which came up first... Arts > Face Painting > Make Up... The End... Squirrel: ...Ester... why are you dreaming of makeup?...

June 4, 2023
Practicing fingerstyle songs on the road then dreamt that there was a pretty girl with a pretty voice cheering me on... After practicing, I used my PEEKATYOU skills and no one was there. Couldn't sleep thinking about this mystery girl. Maybe its an angel with an angelic voice? Cant be real, I haven't uploaded the song I completed but not done with animations yet. Any guy would be lucky to have someone cheering him on with an angelic voice like that. Was it real or just fantasy? Squirrel: Are you sure it wasn't your innervoice ..Ester cheering yourself?...

June 8, 2023
Sorry for practicing guitar by the 7 Eleven Area. For some reason, I felt this tingling sensation earlier that Dr. Stranger wasn't happy with me practicing guitar, so I left. I'll try and get better somewhere else.

June 9, 2023
Haven't heard from that cheerful girl for days... it was just fantasy... or am I going crazy? Squirrel: You're talking to a squirrel. Is that crazy or what? omlestermo: Maybe.. coz I even used the window shades to prevent insects or flies to go inside the car while leaving windows open.

June 11, 2023
omlestermo: Real Estate and Renters won't like this story...
One day... Dr. Stranger: Stop Saving! Invest in REITS!
Squirrels 1 to 100: Invested their $$$. Renters: Why is the rent going up? Is it because of inflation? Dr. Stranger: Whoohoo got lots of squirrels invested more $$$, but how do we pay all these squirrels? Because of this law, what a PITA. I know, let's keep increasing the rent to pay off all these squirrels and more $$$ for me. Ho Ho Ho No one would notice this pyramid scheme, and the more squirrels invest, the more renters get #2s on. It's a never-ending ending cycle...

A guy asked me at the gas station if it's cheaper to live in a car than renting. I said yes... Once your setup with solar, house batteries and charge it while driving in case of snow/rain or cloudy days and 3000 watt pure sine wave inverter... You can save lots of $$$ (This I can 100% guarantee if you're crazy enough to do it). I haven't owned or tried those gas/diesel generators (no experience). I've tested boiling water, mircowave, oven, electric blankets, printer, fans and heater it seems to be enough... Your biggest issue would be there's a lot of Dr. Strangers out there and not a lot of friendly neighborhood spiderman / spiderwoman and lots of good squirrel are turning into evil freaky ones because of Dr. Strangers power to manipulate $$$. Next issue would be your going to get crazy alone if you don't find side hustles that involves human interaction like taking care of kids/driving to activities or cleaning washrooms, stores and other physical labour jobs. Working inside your car all day would drive anyone crazy. I just got lucky finding lots of side hustles lately. Learning/Practicing any musical instruments also helps when you're in the car. As long as you don't busker without license and start taking $$$ while playing... I think it should be fine and make sure you don't make any Dr. Strangers mad when you play/practice.

Dr. Stranger & Nurse Squirrel 1st Date Night
Dr. Stranger and Nurse squirrel walking on Nose Hill Park. It was getting late and dark. Suddenly, Nurse Squirrel: I need to pee pee. Dr. Stranger: Just pee pee on the side no ones here and it's dark. Nurse Squirrel followed and sat on the side. Dr. Perv Stranger followed her and tried to touch her while taking #1s. To his surprised he felt something long, hard and slippery. Dr. Stranger: Shouted MotherFather your not a girl!!! Nurse Squirrel: No!... My #2 followed after #1. Extra: omlestermo: #Crop talking about #2s. Now I have 2 go 2 do 2s as well. Don't you follow me Dr. Stranger or you'll hear me play 2 2 (Tutu) By Camilo and Pedro Capó, while taking #2 #2s.

June 12, 2023
Forgot to mention I saw a girl in the mall crying with her friend a few days ago. Couldn't help but listen while ordering at Dairy Queen... Hey pretty girl if you've ever stumbled upon my home online don't be sad. You have to set that MotherFather free. If that MotherFather ever comes back to you. Set that MotherFather free again... It means nobody likes that MotherFather!

June 13, 2023
omlestermo: Hey Squirrel guess what? Squirrel: What? omlestermo: We're starting to get globally visited when I checked the dashboard per 30 days, not daily. Squirrel: #Crop your mo...lestering this world has got to stop. omlestermo: Thanks again, everyone! Please continue to spread my adventures and don't pay attention to this squirrel on the road. Добро пожаловать домой Dobro pozhalovat' domoy Russia. Welcome home.

June 14, 2023
Rain, rain don't go away...

Are you feeling lonely? People singing for you to go away? Well, I'm here now, so don't go away...

You're my bff
You're my #1s dampener
You're my #2s ventilator
You're my #3s concealer

So rain, rain don't go away. Stay here with me all night and day. Here comes the sun (Beatles) but don't be sad. My #1s, #2s and 3s will be right here waiting (Richard Marx). Your #1 and only -ommo

June 15, 2023
ommo: Hey Squirl, I got another terrible nightmare! Squirl: What? ommo: All of us got taken to this hungry Kingpin (From DD & Spiderman). Kingpin: If you don't want to die bring me the same 3 fruits from the kitchen. ommo: Easy... So I brought 3 seedless grapes 1st. Kingpin: Now I'm gonna shove it up your @$$ if you don't show any emotions you'll live. ommo: No way! I ran as fast as I could but got shot and ended up in heaven. Then I saw you next in heaven with me.. Squirl: But how??? ommo: Well, you came in 2nd and brought 3 bananas. Kingpin tried the 1st banana. You didn't feel anything must be 'coz you got experienced now.. remember my 1st nightmare? What Dr. Stranger did to your @$$? Kingpin tried again 2nd banana. Still no effect on you. You're a pro now. 3rd banana was almost done, but suddenly, you smiled. So Kingpin had you killed and went up here with me. Squirl: That's messed up... why did I smile? Did I start to enjoy it? ommo: You tell me... but back to my nightmare and stop squirrling around... You smiled and died because you saw Dr. Stranger with his evil laughter carrying 3 big pineapples. I think Dr. Stranger went to hell.

June 17, 2023
ommo: welkom thuis Netherlands. Bienvenue à la maison France. Willkommen zuhause Germany (31 visitors) to my home. Thanks all for getting me to reach 23k views. Also, thanks to KFC+Taco Bell giving me extra food for free. Couldn't finish it too full. Tried playing and testing AI chatgpt... It keeps pausing, and I have to tell it to continue writing code. AI was able to write an entire game... What a scary future... I made some games in the past such as puzzle, side scroller, rpg with a battle system like final fantasy, snubbing simulator for drilling oil and gas, on how to operate their drilling equipment to train new employees by reading a lot of books and online help. Those took forever, and it's a PITA... but now, with AIs help it's too fast, smart, efficient, and scary... I'm just curious if we could train this AI in which stocks to invest in... I asked AI would you date a homeless guy like me? AI response: Short answer is NO and told me to get help.

June 19, 2023
ommo: Hey Squirl, I got another terrible... Squirl: Stop right there! Don't you dare talk behind my back.. ommo: No no no it's not about what's under your tail. What I meant to say is I have another terrible idea other than my home online. Squirl: Okay what is it? ommo: After getting flatout rejected by AI a few days ago. I've been thinking... How do I learn and get better from it? It's sounds simple... but not for me... but I gotta burst my bubblegum and step out of my comfort zone. From now on every Saturday or Sunday... I'll go see the world and ask around: would you date a homeless guy like me? and see if they are ok with me uploading it online and make a tally count on how many YES or NO I get. I'll start at Nose Hill Park by Shagga..Trail very nice washroom in case I need to go do my #1 before asking this Saturday not a lot of people (which is great) to practice talking. If I get a lot of YES then sorry AI your response was wrong. Fingers crossed hope the first response is a Yes. Squirl: Don't worry, I got your back, I got lots of squirlatives in that area. ommo: MotherFather give me courage...

June 20, 2023
ommo: Välkommen hem Sweden (35 Visitors). Witaj w domu Poland (2 Visitors). 歡迎 (fun1 jing4 | huan1 ying2) Hong Kong (1 Visitor). Fáilte abhaile Ireland (20 Visitors). welkom thuis Belgium (2 Visitors). Velkommen hjem Denmark (22 Visitors). Please help me get to 25,000 views. Thanks.

June 22, 2023
Recorded some songs on the side of the road... Sorry about the background car passing noise.
Zombie - By The Cranberries

Despacito - By Luis Fonsi

Shallow - By Lady Gaga

Somebody To Love - By Lewis Capaldi

I Will - By The Beatles

Hey Moon! (Hey Jude - By The Beatles & Blue Moon By Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart) Mashup - By ommo

Lyrics: (Thought I'd change the lyrics for this mashup sorry if I did without permission)

Hey Moon, don't be so sad
Take this sad song and make it better
Remember to always smile when your sad
Then you can start to make it better

Hey Jude
You saw me hanging alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own

Hey Moon, don't be afraid
Let your light shine, in times of darkness
The minute you let us under your light
Then you begin to make us better

And any anytime you feel the pain, hey moon, refrain,
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder

Hey Jude
You knew just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for
Someone I really could care for
Hey Jude...

Got other mashups but might get in trouble without permission... Let see if I get in trouble with Hey Moon mashup first...

June 23, 2023
Another song on the road but dedicated to this one special girl who wished me goodluck to my future endeavors today (1st time that happened in real life and not in my dreams). I hope google translate is right: danke hübsches Mädchen...
Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton

Close to you by Carpenters

With a smile by Eraserheads

I approached her thinking of asking her phone number. But a squirrel crossed over to the other side of the road inside my head and said... Squirrel: Don't bother her bruh. Then Dr. Stranger with his new power entered my head as well. Dr. Stranger: Bro! Ask her phone number already and show me how big your balls are... I panicked and left a bit to try again but couldn't find it to ask for her phone number and asked a different question and left after... Dr. Stranger: What big balls you got! That's lame... Squirrel: Don't listen to him... At least you know her first name and what languages she speaks. She looks very busy so just go. I tried leaving again... but for the 3rd time Dr. Stranger controlled my foot and started going to her again... 5 more steps and I'll be close to her again but Squirrel controlled my other foot.. Now ended up walking sideways and about to do splits. Then I told Squirrel and Dr. Stranger. ommo: Both of you stop already. I don't want to break my balls for a phone number. Ended up leaving without her phone number... MotherFather I'm gonna regret not getting it for the rest of my life... but at least my balls are not yet cracked...
ommo: Thanks again everyone for helping get over 25,000 views.

June 24, 2023
Walking at Nose Hill yet I can't bring myself to start vlogging. Pilot episode of Would you date a homeless guy ended up in failure... Might as well just lose some weight and keep moving forward...

June 26, 2023
Congrats to Kuya Alex and his pretty bride Ate Marie welcome to the family. Another pretty girl MC for the event kept insisting that I go on the middle of the floor for all the single guys that will catch the thing from the bride that the groom throws. I went and just stood there. That was a great move. Dr. Stranger used an underhand tactical move to catch the thing. If I tried catching it... MOTHERFATHER Dr. Stranger would have catched my balls from behind instead because Im fast at running away... SAFEEEEE... gotta protect my balls Pikachu lives inside of it.
我が家へようこそ Wagaya e yōkoso Japan (60 Visitors) my dream country to live in. I used to draw manga and posters gave it away to a coworker a while back. She said she would laminate and keep it when I get famous one day. bem-vindo à minha casa Luxembourg (54 Visitors).

June 28, 2023
欢迎回家。Huānyíng huí jiā. China (6 Visitors). Dr. Stranger: Hey Squirl! Why are you doing #2 on the road? Squirl: No, I didn't. Dr. Stranger: Yes you did... I saw your #2 right here in the newspaper. Squirl: Wow! I'm on the news already? That's insane.

Dr. Stranger & Nurse Squirrel 2nd Date Night
Dr. Stranger: Nurse Squirl, when are you gonna say yes to be my girl? Nurse Squirl: Sorry but I'm not that pretty. Just find someone else. Dr. Stranger: If I can't get you to say yes, how can I get a pretty girl to say yes?

June 29, 2023
To the future of kisses
This story happened way back when I was a little boy sleeping my 1st kiss was almost stolen by spidergirl. I woke up one morning and saw this spider slowly going down to my face... I ran as fast as I could screaming like a little boy, and my Dad almost had a heart attack and asked me what was wrong? After explaining what happened, he couldn't help but laughed. As I grew older... I thought I wouldn't ran or scream like a little boy anymore. One hot summer day, I was outside then all of a sudden this Queen Bee was flying towards me to try and kiss me. My instinct came back ran and screamed... Dad couldn't help but laughed again. 3rd time is a real charmer... Guess what happened next? Again after telling myself over and over I won't run or scream anymore. This happened... Minnie came to try and kiss me... I was sleeping again and as soon as my eyes opened. My eyes opened looking at Minnie and her eyes seems like shes crying, my eyes turned into googly big puppy eyes then freaked out, screaming FATHERFATHERMOTHERFATHER. I jumped out and Minnie jumped so high as well.. believe it... I cannot believe Minnie or any mouse for that matter could jump that high as well. I thought mouses could only walk or ran away not jump. Freaking Minnie did Mickey dumped you? I'm not Mickey the Mouse. To the future of kisses... All I could say is: Peace be with you! (To Nurse Squirrel)... Hope you find happiness with Dr. Stranger. The End...

July 1, 2023
Happy Canada DayJust learning a new song Monsters by Katie Sky after watching Minecraft in youtube. Finally got lots of rest after my side hustles.

July 2, 2023
Plan for today... Another Side Hustle then continue praticing guitar, walk to the park, rest, get ready for Overnight, Day jobs Mon to Fri & Side Hustles again on the weekends. Tried working 30hrs straight. Not fun body kept trying to throw up while at work. Dizzy and sleepy. Co Worker said there's a washroom over there to throw up. Didn't mention that I got bullied in the washroom for a year when I was young at school before moving to a different school... But now Im trying and could overcome that trauma of going to washrooms. That's the first & last time I'll work that much last week. If I don't work I'll be bored playing with my balls all day inside the car... Should I quit this adventure and get a place like normal people? That is the question... Goal this year is to keep working 'til I get a pack of abs since I've never been to a gym working out in my life. Might as well get paid while working out. Maybe getting 6 packs this year can give me some confidence to start vlogging and talking to random people. I will try really hard to achieve it this year. Wish me luck I'll need it. Though I could always just buy 6 packs of candies to give away as a thank you for participating in a vlogging episode? But wait... that's a bad idea. We've always been taught not to take candies from a stranger and I'm not Dr. Stranger...vlogging is too hard without becoming Dr. Stranger...

Monsters by Katie Sky

Just started learning it yesterday not a master of this song yet. Playing guitar is 100% way better than playing with the balls. Just feeling the curves of my guitar. It's so @N6C. Checked my schedule for next week... Seems like I'll be working 7 days in a row (what fun). 5 days Day and Night and extra side hustle on the weekends. Gotta find a parking quick and sleep asap...

July 3, 2023
ommo: Thanks again everyone May 19th I had 500 daily Visitors when I started this site now I checked the dashboard and got over 3k Visitors daily. Please continue to share. United States is almost going to be top 1 and overtake Canada as #1 Visitors. Haven't been there or seen it in person. Wonder how life living in a car in the United States feels like?

July 4, 2023
ommo: Congrats to United States for my #1 Visitors. Maybe lots of pretty @N6C Gs in United States? Going to start holding who has more Pretty @N6C Gs every 5th of the month. Let's see if Canada can take the lead back and win it tomorrow and hold the title of Pretty @N6C Gs

July 5, 2023
ommo: Congrats to Canada for taking the lead back and holds the most pretty @N6C Gs title for a month.

July 6, 2023
ommo: Message to everyone... Never give up on life! Even if you got told by your XG that you have a tinitiny peni 22, very fat and can't satisfy her. Talk to someone. I talked to my mom last year about that issue when I was around 250 pounds Oct 2022. Computer job with no gym or exercise does that to us especially Covid remote work. Mom told me to find a different G but didn't... I admit its hard to recover from that been watching youtube and researching last year what to do because of it. I ended up listening to one advice to just focus and get yourself better physically, mentally, emotionally and get new skills or develop it further. I weighed at 174 now because I started working multiple jobs since Oct 14, 2022 without going to the gym. Doesn't matter if I'll never find a G because of my T P. If your lonely we have our hands to do our number #3s. What's #3? Simple number starts at 0 we use our hands to make number 0. Align that to the number 3 if you rotate that number it would look like something below... Insert the 0 hand in the middle of 3 and go up and down or forward and backward. If you give up in life, you'll be missing #3s especially when it rains. Looks like I'll be spending the night under the bridge due to this sudden hail storm. I love rain but hail storm? No... it ruined my #3 and had to find a cover under the bridge.

July 8, 2023
ommo: добре дошъл у дома dobre doshŭl u doma Bulgaria.

July 9, 2023
ommo: Went to Craze Outdoors earlier and saw lots of cool stuff to buy if your a nomad, camping or love outdoors. Jason is an really nice awesome owner that could help you start with your outdoor adventures.

Dr. Stranger: bro squirl... I have a deep dark secret... Squirl: ehhh? what??? Dr. Stranger: I got 50 girls pregnant at the same time! What about you bro? Squirl: I'm gay after what you did to thy button ommo's nightmare... what about you papa ommo? do you have a secret? ommo: Yes, I'm an introvert who don't talk but have an online diary for the world to see. Everything you say now isn't a secret anymore.

Squirrel: papa ommo what's your nationality you know your kinda cute and my type? ommo: Not interested... only interested in Gs not squirls sorry... but I'm Pinoy with a mix of Chinese. Philippines national animal is Eagle, and China is Panda. If you breed those two you get cute but small Pinese PIN for Pinoy and NESE for Chinese... Don't be dirty minded squirl. It doesn't mean the private part the boys have. Stop thinking about those stuff. If I were to become the next President of the Philippines... I would change our national animal to Rabbit. Lots of people say rabbits are cute and we have tons of Pinoys/Pinays and Chinese in the Philippines... Plus Rabbits and Philippines have one thing in common... Both love to make tons of offsprings...

chào mừng về nhà Vietnam (10 Visitors) and bem-vindo a casa Brazil (19 Visitors).

July 10, 2023
ommo: Some people collect stuff and put it on their wall or rooms. I'm going to start collecting side hustles that help me lose weight with uniforms going forward and put it on my Seat Hustles inside the car. Pros of multi jobs get paid every week, gain life experiences and lose weight. Cons: Lack of sleep...

Squirl: What's Gs? again?
ommo: For me G - stands for Guitars
Dr. Stranger: G - for girls bro.
Squirl: I thought G stands for Guys...

ommo: Thanks for helping me get pass 50k and 60k+ been busy working and working days and night again today. To celebrate 60k+ I'll try recording and singing while playing fingerstyle this weekend. Please don't blame me when it starts snowing or it breaks your ear drums later.

ommo: Selamat Datang di rumah. Indonesia. Please help me get to 100k. Thanks

July 12, 2023
ommo: I read somewhere about Elon vs Zuck measuring TTs... Then started thinking what is Love? True Love? If you want to find True Love try someone with little TT. Is this why Elon can't find true love? Squirl: Your one to talk, you haven't find TL either. ommo: Which is why Im saying to Gs try going out with little TTs like mine to find True Love Comfort squirl and get extra benefits of Tender Loving Care.

July 14, 2023
ommo: What is LIFE? Living Isolated From Everybody... Let/Listen/Look It FCUKs Everything... Lucky I'm Free Everyday... Hey Squirl, good news I'll be adding you to the animation I'm working on about this song I made. What do you think? Squirl: Why do I look like that? ommo: I thought your G? My bad... Went to Walmart today and this Dr. Stranger with mustache employee of Walmart wouldn't leave me alone... First encounter he said do you need help? ommo: I'm fine... Move on... 2nd encounter... Do you need something? ommo: I'm good, I don't need any help. I then moved to a different aisle around 6 aisles away. Sure enough, I saw him circling around, checking me out. Then his fellow colleague told him and recognized me and said dude that's the guy with this website. Never felt awkward shopping at Walmart 'til today.

July 16, 2023
ommo: Recorded on thy phone singing for the 60k+ reward for all thy visitors...
Yesterday by The Beatles

Squirl: Wow ommo! must have been hard for an introvert like you? ommo: You bet my balls it was. I haven't played live with someone watching or listening me sing... Cross thy fingers it won't snow or hail today. I should have changed the lyrics and made it Lesterday...

July 17, 2023
Squirl: Hey papa ommo how's your Christmas last year? Ommo: Great question squirl, I spent eating at Tim Hortons on 24th and McDonalds on 25th. Also played Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas night before Christmas... Pretty much mastered that fingerstyle song. This year I saved all my giftcards I got from work. I might try going to the restaurant and try eating by myself on Christmas for experience. Rather than buying McDonalds. If United States ever gets back the lead as my #1 visitor on December 1st... I'll get a Passport and try visiting United States for the first time and spent Christmas there for experience...

July 20, 2023
ommo: I would like to personally apologize to deleting this pretty hot girl from my friends list after adding in a chat/video chat. I'm sorry but I panicked. That was my first video chat after adding a random person then suddenly getting video chatted, and this pretty hot girl suddenly took everything off. Again sorry I panicked and ended it asap and deleted you. My mind was saying WTH WTH WTH are you doing? While my fingers moved on its own and immediately took action of ending and removing... Thank you pretty girl I think I'll stay away from video or chats for a while... I may be fast but your like the Flash and I couldn't process what was happening because your too fast but dont be discouraged your very pretty and hot. Thanks for that one time video experience that didnt last a minute due to my panicked state of mind.

ommo: Dear Santa, I haven't thought much of you lately... I"ve been busy working 7 days everyday now nonstop haven't really took a vacation yet. Even though I work 7 days I feel sorry for you, at least someday in the future, I know I could retire and have vacations. I don't think being a Santa as a job career can ever retire... Sorry...

July 22, 2023
ommo: Back to the past: before Covid I always helped a colleage of mine and wrote custom codes for her projects. We then both got sent to Toronto for training and everything is paid for by the company. After work we decided to go to the hotel restaurant and ate dinner rather than ordering food in our separate rooms. While we are eating I suddenly felt her feet and toes rubbing my legs while eating. I just kept eating and couldn't look at her... I kept thinking maybe she's a cat with itchy toes? Once we are done eating we went to our own rooms and slept. She moved to a different company after... Back to the future... I mean present... Now that we have AI. I asked AI today: What does it mean when a girl rubs her feet to your legs when eating in a restaurant?


Interpreting body language can be complex, and it's essential to remember that people's actions can have different meanings depending on the context and the individuals involved. However, if a girl rubs her feet against your legs when eating in a restaurant, a few potential explanations could be considered:
  • Comfort and closeness: She may be feeling comfortable and relaxed around you, viewing you as someone she can trust and be physically close to. The foot-rubbing could be a subconscious way of seeking physical contact and intimacy.
  • Playfulness: Some people engage in playful behavior as a way of expressing interest or affection. The foot-rubbing could be a lighthearted gesture aimed at sparking a connection or just enjoying the moment together.
  • Testing boundaries: On a more cautious note, rubbing feet against someone's legs could be a subtle way of testing your reaction and boundaries. If you seem uncomfortable or pull away, she may gauge whether you're receptive to physical touch.

It's crucial to consider the overall context of your relationship and how she behaves around others. If you're unsure about her intentions, the best approach is to communicate openly and honestly with her. Respectfully ask about her actions, expressing curiosity rather than assuming anything.

Remember, non-verbal cues can be ambiguous, and it's essential to avoid making assumptions or jumping to conclusions about someone's intentions. If you're interested in her, consider spending more time together to understand each other better, and over time, it may become clearer what these gestures mean within the context of your relationship. Always prioritize consent and mutual comfort in any situation involving physical contact.

To be clear nothing happened but this country is amazing... I get to learn and experience lots of stuff.

Yesterday, I went to the mall into a lineup. The girl in front of me was wearing clothes that shows her belly and she kept pulling her pants up when I was at the back of her. Don't worry pretty girl, I'm not looking at your behind... I have a bigger butt than you, you shouldn't worry. I went inside the store and started looking around, another pretty girl asked me if I need anything she helped me and while explaining the product to me, I have eye contact and look her straight in the eyes. She was also wearing clothes that shows belly button... She kept trying to pull her clothes down to hide her belly not once but multiple times, I never experienced 'til now how hard it is to have eye contact while talking to a girl that kept pulling her clothes down. I was sold and decided to buy this product she then went to the counter and while I was paying... again she tried covering her belly by trying to pull her clothes down... Pretty girl don't worry be happy you look really great on those clothes and I have a bigger tummy than you... Why do girls in this country do that? I haven't even introduced myself and said Hi, I'm ommo lester... Maybe because I looked like a creep?

Creep By Radiohead

Because girls seem to be creeped out by me yesterday. I might have to renew my passport soon since I'm getting twice the visitors from United States vs Canada daily now... I wanna copy my idol Elvis Presley Viva Las Vegas song and dance moves if I ever get there and upload it on youtube. Watch Penn and Teller because I love doing magic tricks and card tricks and also see if it's true... What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas...

July 24, 2023
ommo: Squirl! Squirl! you won't believe what happened... Squirl: What happened? I got the best powernap dream yet. I'm retired in the future but still doing this one last side hustle as a Ghost Buster! In the past I've been ghosted a lot by employers, even in the present year I even got ghosted by Churches back then when my tire got stab I emailed some Churches if I could park there for the night to be safe and willing to work for free in return for parking but got ghosted maybe because my email is [email protected] even Churches got creeped out by my email. In the future I met this pretty girl and we both have white/gray hair. Squirl: Papa Ommo did your hair down there below turned white/gray as well? ommo: How should I know? I don't think about that stuff. Stop squirling me around... Ok back to the main story. One night I was talking to my pretty wife ⁷ with white hair and ask... Hey honey, would you pretend that we are young again and meet me tomorrow to the place we first had our date? For old times sake? She said sure... The next day, I've been waiting to multiple places for an hour at least at each location because I'm old too and can't remember where we first had our date. It was almost night, and I decided to come back home and saw her LOL. I asked, honey, did you forget where we first had our date? She said no, sorry but my parents are very strict and wouldn't allow me to go out on dates... She kept LOL so hard that she passed away and immediately turned into a real White Lady... In the Philippines, it's pretty scary stuff even though she was already pretty scary before that. I saw lots of White Ladies when I was little. That's how she ghosted me and how I became a full pledged Ghost Buster. Story of my life got ghosted even in the future...

July 25, 2023
ommo: Reached 100k+ As of yesterday. Congrats to United States for passing Canada again, keep it up til the 5th to steal the trophy for lots of PRETTY @N6C Gs. Velkommen hjem Norway (384 Visitors). Looks like I'll be getting my passport and praticing Viva Las Vegas dance/singing routine every spare time.

July 26, 2023
Can't Help Falling In Love + Perfect By Elvis Presley and Ed Sheeran

ommo: Someday, somewhere out there, I'll sing/play this mashup song to a girl live.

July 27, 2023
Dr. Stranger: Squirl your cousin Nurse Squirl broke up with me! Squirl: I know because you got 49 other girls pregnant at the same time... Dr. Stranger: I asked her to give my donated blood back after she got into an accident, and a car drove over her tail... Squirl: I see but she said she'll pay you back monthly? Dr. Stranger: I want it full not monthly with this napkin with blood as a downpayment.

ommo: Replaced a new recording of Cant Help Falling in Love + Perfect.

July 28, 2023
ommo: Another 7 days of work this week where 5 of those days are days/nights. Wish I could say TGIF but working tonight as well after my day job. Can't complain at least I found this B.k..s Park by accident where I could sleep a little after my day job before working at my night side hustle.

July 30, 2023
ommo: 웰컴.홈 South Korea (12 visitors). Learning a song by Ed Sheeran called Photograph. I'm going to record it tomorrow after my day job just practicing today and going to sleep for my night side hustle then straight to my day job...

July 31, 2023
Photograph By Ed Sheeran

ommo: Going to replace it again when I have time to practice it more. Need to sleep again for my night side hustle tonight. I also found a masterpiece song from the 1970's that I only just heard today. Can't wait to play it in fingerstyle version and maybe mash it up with photograph.

August 1, 2023
Dr. Stranger: Hey Squirl, I went out with a different Nurse Squirl. We took an uber to get to our date spot. While driving there my stomach wasn't feeling well. I had to time letting my fart out everytime there's a distraction. I'm a genius. Squirl: In my case I always fart in my sleep... How's the after taste of my silent killer fart Dr. Stranger when you had your best dream of your life? Dr. Stranger:..... Squirl: Papa Ommo how about you? ommo: I do remember how it's like at school sitting at the back. This bully keeps saying what's that smell. Someone let out a silent killer. I know who did it... It's the guy that has red ears... I'm not sure why my ears always turns red at school even though I didn't Fart and I'm far away from the bully who smelled it. This happened so many times while my ears always turns red. One day it happened again near our teacher and the bully... The bully again keeps saying it's the guy with red ears even though I was at the back. Our teacher said whoever let the silent fart out come forward, and I'll give you 99% on the test today. No one wants to come forward because everyone thinks it's a trap. I raise my hand and said... Sir sir can I get 100% Teacher ask why? I said because I need to do my #2. Even though I didn't do it or need to do #2... I got lucky and got out of class while getting 100% on the test... Still thankful it's my ears that turns red, not my nose.

Very happy my night side hustle hired 3 additional new employees last night. I can finally recover and get some sleep and not work 7 days + 5 nights. Only 7 days and 3 nights this week. Can finally get other stuff done and get my cough go away.

... schedule got changed just now 6:10pm now it's 4 nights, not 3... no comment...

August 2, 2023
ommo: Cross thy fingers I don't get another night shift making it 7 days 5 Nights for 3 weeks in a row... Squirl: You can do this! Keep losing that weight!

August 3, 2023
ommo: I've been feeling back pain for a while now. I'm going to phone to see a doctor later... I bought those Icy Hot and Heat Pads for back pain, but it doesn't help. Got my schedule to see a doctor on Aug 15, 2023 fully booked... It's unfortunate but I resigned today on my side hustle night job. I need to recover from everything, my eye bags got really big the past few days... Thank You for your continued support and for visiting my online home. Feel free to add me on snapchat using [email protected]... I hope to meet new friends along the way. Planning on moving to a different city for a change of pace. Moving away now from this great city with tons of pretty girls. Thanks!

August 4, 2023
ommo: Drove past 12 cities yesterday. Squirl: Wellcome (accent) ommo! Im Squirls cousin but you can call me squirl as well. Hope you feel at home to this great new city. ommo: Thanks squirl!

August 5, 2023
ommo: Building lego with my 6yo niece and 3yo nephew yesterday (My sisters kids). Made them paper airplanes. The smiles on their faces playing simple and free are truly priceless. When we look around us, our generation is full of envy and greed. If you want something work hard for it. Don't envy. If you have the means, help those people who are in need. I gave a homeless guy with a sign walking on the traffic light $20 and he couldn't believe it and had a big smile just like my niece and nephews just playing. The root cause of envy and greed seems to be money. I don't think we could ever stop this circle of life passing envy and greed to each generation. I hope everyone rethinks the value of being happily smiling. Money can't and shouldn't make you happy in this life. We should be passing helping and making others smile our #1 priority for the next generation and the next. Squirl: ommo that's so deep. ommo: I concur, feels like I'm over 100 years old. Congrats again to Canada for taking the trophy award for lots of PRETTY @N6C Gs. It's Back to Back win over United States. So if your looking for PRETTY @N6C Gs use this list of mine by country to visit and relocate. Viva Canada!

August 6, 2023
ommo: Playing with my niece Meisa 6, and nephews Youto 3 and Kento 1 again. Very talented and speaks/writes Japanese and English. Even made me a card after asking me my favorite colors: red and blue. She told me she was sad before on the drawing now shes very happy when I make them laugh. Kento likes to be carried all the time and cries when I put him down. Took them to the park, bought Timbits and 4 random kids at the park ate most of it. Wish I could go with them when they go back to Japan my dream country to live in ever since I was a kid. Showed and played guitar and both of them seems interested in learning and asking me how am I playing those songs Photograph, More Than Words, One of Us and so on... It still doesn't count though because they are family. Still waiting for my 1st live gig playing in front of random Gs.

August 8, 2023
ommo: Bought an Apple Cider Vinegar yesterday and took it. Since I'm taking a break from side hustles no workouts, I need to compensate and go on diet instead. That stuff made my stomach in pain for some time and finally went away after it triggered #2s multiple times. I guess it works. Going to take⁸ again right now to verify the side effects again vs the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar.

August 9, 2023
ommo: After the 1st day of stomach pain due to Apple Cider Vinegar, I dont get any pains anymore taking it with lots of fluids. I went to a gas station, and as I went out to get gas, I saw a sticker of Justin Trudeau on the gas handle saying Yes I did that while hands pointing into the gas prices. I burst into laughter... Whoever did that is a genius!

August 12, 2023
ommo: Accidentally saw this in youtube a group of dancers called Avantgardey from Japan . I think they deserve a golden buzzer. Didn't understand the song researching it in english to understand more. I want to change career and be a detective out of my curiosity and drive to understand stuff. In this universe, a Gs heart and soul are the most amazingly complicated stuff to understand.

August 14, 2023
ommo: EVs vs Hydrogen Cars... They both dishing it out that its not the answer or the future. I concur to both of these tech is not the future. Using magnets that lasts for 100 years is not the future either. If you ask me the future is us humans. A human body can generate electricity. Heck, my body is always hot especially down below... If we ever get that advanced in tech... This song I found by accident will make a comeback...
I'll be a driver that gives people rides using my body as fuel and the passengers as fuels too. While playing this song with modified lyrics such as: I want your body, your body not you not you... (to charge up the vehicle)... Squirrel: Two songs in a row you found by accident? You ok? ommo: Just a little bored working and playing guitar. I found out that this city doesn't require us a license to busker and play guitar on the street. Unlike the other city I used to be at, it requires a license with a fee.

Walked with my niece and nephew to the park today after working. Only to see a bunch of cops and vehicles patrolling the area and people leaving the park in an emergency... Cops posted on social media that there's a man in the area with a gun on the loose. What's happening to our generation? I watched yesterday in youtube about the fall of Detroit Michigan... United States... Wonder if Mr. Beast youtuber would help people in Detroit? or any youtubers?

August 16, 2023
ommo: Dear Diarrhea... I mean Diary... I poop today... No I meant I feel like poop today from driving all over... All I can say for now is: HELLO WORLD!

August 18, 2023
ommo: Thanks Everyone for being loyal and visiting my home online. I'll be taking a break from posting and would be playing/testing around more AI and Machine Learning stuff. I'll switch to testing Code Llama simply because it's open source. Open Source stuff is the future. Go Meta!

August 20, 2023

Holding On - By omlestermo

When everyday life tries to bring me down
And I'm facing it all on my own
In a world full of lies, dislike and dissension
Oh what can I do?

I feel hopeless, sadness and giving up...
I'm so sick and tired of this life
In a dark place, teary hurtful in pain
Oh what shall I do?

Holding on and on
Waiting patiently for the bad days to pass
Telling myself that things will get better
So I'll keep holding on...

As each passing day that I tried to smile
It gets harder and harder everyday
Living Isolated From Everyones eyes
Is this the life I want?

Holding on and on
Waiting patiently for the bad days to pass
Telling myself that things will get better
So I'll keep holding on...

Had some time, might as well finish this sad song. I'm still working on the animations on my other two songs. One love song and one happy song...

August 25, 2023
ommo: Hey squirrel long time no talk... squirrel: hey ommo have you seen the news about BRICS and Trump? ommo: I sure did! Hello Insane World! Our world is going crazy... First of all BRICS sounds wrong... China > Russia should be first. Meaning it should be called CRIBS not BRICS... As for Trump, what a freaking tough guy... even if the world is against him... he will never surrender like Captain America when he's down he kept coming back up and said he could do this all day... Insane World... Genius for selling a mugshot in a mug... ... Wonder if I look good with blonde hair, suit and red tie... I thought MAGA stands for My A$$ Got Arrested 'til someone corrected me and said Make America Great Again.

August 26, 2023
ommo: Dr. Strangers act so fast... Freaky City of Edmonton... Last time, a gunman on the loose. Now, break in and stole my stuff inside... Lost my Sexy Guitar, Laptop and lots of other stuff in an instant of leaving the car... Worth of thousands gone in a blink of an eye... Moving to Edmonton seems to be a very bad idea then there was shooting in West Edmonton Mall too... Life sure Loves It FCUKing Everyone. I still have my phone to access my home online, wallet and still ALIVE, sorry AI and all my software installed, Kali Linux, Maya and so on... Sorry my one true love sexy Guitar... I hope that MOTHERFATHER who took you will take care of you and finger you everyday like I did to you for 1-2 hrs... I guess they didn't like my foldable piano/keyboard... Looks like it's me and you now Ms. Piano vs the world... Hope you like my fingers Ms. Piano... Note to self: Stop thinking of going back home to the Philippines to live a comfortable life... I'm Canadian now, and CAN stands for CAN do anything if we work hard. Stop being depressed for what happened and Lift Your Head back straight up. Life Goes On... Squirrel: Go Sigma!

August 28, 2023
ommo: Remote Work Pros: Saves Company Heat, Water, Electricity and Polluting Environment. More Productive Depends on Individuals. Removes Stress from Traffic Jams. Less Stress means we can think more clearly to solve PITA issues and problems.

Non Remote Work Pros: Lose Weight.

While working non remote on top of my remote job. I learned that lots of people are not that productive. Some are always mad on the new employees. Some likes to gossip instead of working. Some are just not fun to work with. I learned about how I have no balls too and felt awful. I had a coworker before (Black) who I got along with he was new to Canada and work longer than me to this non remote job. Let us call him P1. P1 helps me with the job. P1 even gave me new gloves for work, he goes to school and laughs at my jokes. I had another coworker lets name him P2 (Pinoy not a PINESE like me). P1 threw his garbage, and boxes into P2 garbage bin. I was working with P2 that day to learn about his area. P2 got mad and took all of P1 garbage out from the bin and threw it on the floor. I was shocked and stayed silent and awful because I couldn't talk to defend P1. I felt even more awful when they fired P1 and compared P1 to me that even though Im new and boss said Im much faster and more productive. I said to my other coworkers that wasn't fair for P1 to compare to me since my other job is remote, and I dont get tired physically, and we dont know about P1 life circumstances. I'm a lot happier now after leaving that side hustle. Just regret that I couldn't defend P1 when P2 did that. Felt like there's no team work... The world can't be a better place because I couldn't take action and let it happen in front of me. I suck at socializing... squirrling... Dear Diary... I want my balls to be bigger but not too big. Also, it feels like people voicing out people to go back to work or get fired may have some side deals on the energy, oil and gas sector. People that will consume more energy, oil and gas to work non remotely is good for that sector. Big bosses may have some sort of deals on that sector... I still feel like #2, I miss my sexy guitar... but moving on...

August 30, 2023
ommo: Dear Diary, my faith in humanity seems to be disappearing.

September 2, 2023

ommo: Hey squirl. squirl: Hey ommo how are you? ommo: Had a powernap, wasn't sleeping properly nowadays. Read online that a Fire Station got robbed 100k of stuff. A vehicle catalytic converter got stolen close to where I'm at. Burger King got burnt down. I was buying a Subway sandwich because Burger King was closed and was talking to the girl employee who showed me pictures of the burnt down Burger King before and after. She told me Edmonton is becoming like Detroit. Things will only get worse due to this inflation and economy. I've been walking and jogging every day to maintain my health and mind. Yesterday, I saw 4 pretty @ girls who needed help, but I didn't bother anymore. I didn't approach them to ask if they needed help. They might think I have other motives. Like the guy who had a video recording when my stuff got stolen said maybe it's a friend of mine who stole it. Guy didn't know having a friend is more important than my stuff. Wish an introvert creepy sigma like me can get a single friend. Maybe that freaky Dr. Stranger who stole it have kidsquirls, divorce, have no job and needed to pay support. Maybe that Divorce Dr. Evil Stranger gave money to his 18yrs old kidsquirls and said. Tell your Nurse Squirl mom this is the last child support she's getting. Look at your moms face expression. Kidsquirls: Mom, dad said this and that... blah blah blah... Nurse squirl: Next time when you see your dad, tell him thank you for the support even though he is not your real dad and look at his face expression... ommo: I want to see Dr. Strangers face expression as well if this is true. I filed a police report in Edmonton after work and after talking to an officer, I think there's is still hope in Edmonton or the world if they have lots of cops like him. I helped an elderly woman just before the pretty girls encounter with no second guessing or asking, just help her instinctively... #2 #2 #2 Shoot... I hope I dont have a thing for the elderly girls (Im not like Capt. America) and develop a trauma from pretty @N6Gs.

September 3, 2023 12:17 AM
ommo: Still can't sleep. Every night, I hear Police Siren going off in this city. I was searching online and saw St. Albert is a safer and nice place to be at and Okotoks as well. I saw two people last night maybe trying to steal my catalytic converter and run away. I checked my video captures and saw this car stopping at 2:39 AM, 3, 4 and 5 AM... Haven't been this restless... I think Calgary is safer than Edmonton, though someone stab my tire to death in Calgary. Also saw a homeless girl yesterday sleeping on the grass on my way to West Edmonton Mall. The worst is yet to come if everything still keeps going up. Lucky I dont have to worry about loans like student loans (paid) unlike the students now that has to deal with loans, high interest, while crime rate goes up. 10:49 PM Just heard a gun shot... 10:52 PM Now hearing Police Siren again... A car that won't stop alarming...

September 4, 2023
ommo: After searching online for the best security to prevent theft and spending countless hours reviewing products meticulously. I have concluded that those security-related products are expensive and don't really work. Desperate Dr. Strangers will do anything. I woke up, and when I found myself in times of trouble... Mother Mary comes to me... speaking words of wisdom (Let It Be - by the Beatles)... but she didn't say Let it be... she told me: The pen is mightier than the sword... She gave me a hint to use my pen (not pen is squirl or to Elon Musk not everything can be solved my pen is measurement. I would 100% lose at it)... Anyone can do this as well to prevent Dr. Strangers breaking in without permission. This life hack will be so revolutionary that it might bankrupt the security industry. All you need is a pen and paper or sort. Write down A homeless guy lives here knock before you enter Let see if this works... I'll let you all know! Tomorrows the day... who will win the most pretty @N6CGs again? Canada or United States...

September 5, 2023
ommo: Congrats to Canada for taking the trophy award for lots of PRETTY @N6C Gs. 3rd Straight in a row. Welcome to my home Italy, Austria and Myanmar. I'm learning a lot about other countries that got lost and ended up here.Almost used up all my data 100 gigs a month plan from working remotely and watching movies. Good thing it resets again. I watched The Greatest Showman last night. It was amazing 10/10. I have a new favorite song I'm learning in piano now called: Never Enough by Loren Allred. Just need to meet a girl who could sing and know the lyrics someday. Learned that the girl from Spiderman was in this movie too! I've been living in a cave... where was I when this movie and song came out? I can't remember but probably either doing my #1 2 or 3. Saw on youtube that the girl who sang in the movie wasn't the real singer last night, too. Also learned rich people in the past and in the present are the same. Nothing changed... Having parties with women of the night. Barnum is pretty lucky to have found TL in that movie. I've been to it once way back when... My uncle brought me to that kind of shady place because he thought I was gay. My uncle paid the girl to do it with me but nothing happened. I backed out... Never went to it ever again... Freaking Uncle just because I'm a sigma and introvert doesn't mean I'm gay. Maybe in less than 5 > 4 years. If I still can't find her, then I'm gay. There's a saying never look and search for love but life instead. Life will find you the love you seek. When you are in 60-100s and still haven't found love. LOL It Fcukup Everything. That's LIFE. You and I should have changed careers and be a priest instead... Speaking of Priest, what if Dr. Stranger met a priest? Who will win this fated encounter? Dr. Stranger: Forgive me, father, for I have sinned... Priest: My son, tell me more, tell me more... Dr. Stranger: I have killed 665 people before coming here... Priest: My son, BUT WHYYY????? Dr. Stranger: I asked each of them if they believed in God, and they all said yes. Priest (shaking)... Dr. Stranger: How about you, father? do you believe in God? Priest: My son...(pause and shaking) Actually, this is just my side hustle to earn extra income. Let me call the head priest (escapes)... ommo: ...MOTHERFATHER... help us from Dr. Strangers... Also want to apologize to the United States if my Trump MAGA / Mug or Elon Musk thing offended anyone. I hope you keep competing against Canada next month and continue to come by. Just remember one thing... Knock b4 u enter... Unless you want to see a naked guy doing his #1, #2 or #3.

September 6, 2023
Squirrel: Hey ommo.. hey ommo! I just read your diary from yesterday... You have one crazy uncle huh! Why did you back out of it, if I may ask? ommo: I was a Virg.. wait, my head hurts... Took a deep breath to visit my past experience... If I'm remembering correctly... she was way way way older than me... maybe late 40s, I'm guessing her age but she was still pretty @N6C. She gently touched my ears with her lips and whispered softly. Would you like to experience a two for one? Mother and Daughter? I had no prior experience with anything, and all of a sudden, this girl did that to me. It was very eye opening, and I stayed silent with big googly eyes for the 2nd time in my life (1st time with Minnie the mouse). She then shouted, calling her... MOM! MOM!... I pause for a moment to think... a few seconds later, I said to myself... MOM? She's calling her 70-80 yrs old MOM? What the heck... NO WAY... thank you very much... squirrel: ... I get it now good thing nothing happened huh?

September 7, 2023
ommo: According to Statistic Canada financial debt study per party when they are in power (Red shows Liberals). I don't know anything about politics but looking at this chart. Canada keeps going down the rabbit hole and more debt when Liberals are in power. Crazy times... I wonder if the politics in Canada is starting to be like Philippines... Whoever is more famous like an actor/actress wins... is the United States the same? As long as your famous (good or bad publicity) you win? Chart doesn't seem fair, though, because of COVID, Wild Fires, Climate Change and so on. It doesn't matter which party is in power... DEBT will still go up due to those events... didn't research any other events that happened to Canada in the past years when Liberals are in power either. Self Defense in Canada is lacking... All we can do is run, unlike in United States people has the right to defend themselves. That's why there's no point buying expensive security stuff. Just let them in (hope they know how to read and decency to knock though) and all we can do is say hey! your welcome... if your living in a car/van for me its the same like a caravan... If your a girl living alone in a caravan... I won't recommend this in Canada... So you need to call me @ 1-000-CAR-A-VAN... I will protect you by carrying you while we both runaway... If I can't carry you... give me a few days to think about it...

September 8, 2023
ommo: Still can't sleep... thinking about this chart from Stat Canada, the blue seems to be trying to balance it out. Is this the real meaning of it will balance itself out? When blue gets into power someday? I like Red and Blue (Superman).

Sorry Girls, I just made up the stuff below. Feel free to email me if it's wrong...
A loveless Gs love list:
< 18yo Gs ♥ Batman (Rich)
< 25yo Gs ♥ Superman (Strong)
< 35yo Gs ♥ Gentleman (Kind)
< 45yo Gs ♥ Young Man (Horny)
> 46yo Gs ♥ Any Man (Not Ant Man)

ommo: Thanks Everyone for helping me reach 200K mark yesterday! Congrats to Canada for breaking the United States record of 4587 Pretty @N6CGs for a day back in July 25, 2023 yesterday 6816 and 5058 on Sept 6, 2023. Special thanks to my web host for providing service to my online dear diary and sending me a congratulation email for a successful site according to them. I'm going to walk around at West Edmonton Mall later after work for a change of pace (My mind is stuck on a caravan now. Hope we have a piano or guitar free to use for the public inside the malls here) and cross thy fingers no shooting will happen again... Should I use one of my free gift cards in the mall and eat by myself today to celebrate 200K or save it for Christmas?

September 9, 2023
ommo: Walked around West Edmonton Mall yesterday and couldn't find any music store that sells intruments to play guitars for free. Ended up taking out food instead of eating and using my gift cards. Haven't tried this fast food yet. I should have just bought regular milk and shake it or my body. I brought 3 bags with me and still got charged for .15 cents. Cashier didn't ask if I wanted to buy a bag and forced it. Even though the cashier could clearly see I have bags for life. Businesses have a way to avoid paying taxes, right? Ordinary people have to pay more and it could increase to .25 cents, I guess... It's time to lose more weight again from all those calories... Who can save Canada 🇨🇦... Maybe this guy (Pierre Poilievre) could save Canada? I watched their youtube video talks, he and his wife are pretty impressive. Only time will tell... ROAR!!!

Can I talk like them someday? I remember doing a class presentation and can't help but stutter plus I kept saying "YES" after each sentence in Canada. It took a while to be able to remove saying "YES" after each sentence. I also have to process talking in my native tongue inside my head and convert it to English... It was pretty hard when you first come to Canada from another Country. The only advantage I got was... I was speeding and got pulled over by cops speeding... The officer went and talk to me... I panicked and said: Me no talk English... No English... The officer laugh and just gave me a verbal warning without any tickets (LUCKY!!!).

September 10, 2023
ommo: Tired... building my 3D garage from piles of scraps. Try rotating 360 + Zoom In/Out... It takes a while to close the garage in real life (please wait when clicking/tapping on the CLOSE GARAGE)... It takes a while as well. Thanks! Washroom break...

September 11, 2023
ommo: A special reminder for 9/11 in the United States may you RIP. To remind us that LIFE is short, no time to hate... Also thanks Canada for breaking the record again yesterday 16,895.

September 12, 2023
ommo: I learned yesterday that people can now rent Gs in Japan and China and its a booming business. A G mentioned earning 10,000 a month just from dating... WOW... Is this legal in Canada? My inner self is saying, "Get a passport and travel to Japan or China." But my heart is saying don't be tempted after all Canadian Gs are #1 full of pretty @N6CGs in the world. To prove it, I was eating at a fastfood one time and saw Gs wearing something unbelievable... I was able to prevent my eyes from going GOOGLY, but without realizing it, I couldn't stop my saliva from drooling... I think Gs saw me drool and laughed. Can't help it... That proves Canadian Gs are #1 and confident in what they wear in public. Also tried getting a passport picture at Walmart only to be told I can't wear a hoodie with my mask on... Next time, I guess... Dear Diary: Note to self, never drool over a G ever again... I may have mastered my PEEKATYOU skills, I need to master closing my mouth and swallow my saliva while using my PEEKATYOU skills and prevent my Googly Eyes. I need to master multi-tasking... Easier said than done...

September 15, 2023
ommo: Dear Diary... Remote Work is too boring... When this remote work ends, should I start going back to the office in Calgary? I need to save my data plan for 11 more days... 15 more days to go for my 1 yr of sigma life. Where should I go on my 1-year anniversary? Sorry squirl, there are many days I thought I wish I could talk with real people on a daily basis. Lost 2.4 lbs in 2 days without eating. My max was 14 days, with no food. I just drank gatorade/orange juice/water back in Oct 2022 while working 2 jobs, which is why I lost a lot back in Oct 2022. Can I break my 14 days record even though I'm not overweight anymore? I can't use my data plan to watch Korean show marathons for now... Not feeling hungry nor in the mood for #1 2 or 3. I'll just go out for a 1-2 hrs walk right now to take my mind off what's going to happen next on this korean show...

September 16, 2023
ommo: Sweet got a guitar today electric this time. Took out the strings and replacing with nylon. Saw and listened to a youtuber who did it and sounded awesome. Sorry Ms. Piano we need to cool off for a bit. I missed playing with my Ex G that got stolen from my Caravan. Also broke my hunger strike and ate today sad... now I have to do #2. A few decades later... Moo Moo Cow, I cannot Ducking believe how I missed touching a G. The Ducking magical sound it makes with nylon when fingering... Doesn't matter now if the pro selling me that I cannot use nylon on electric. I will Ducking finger you everyday now my new G.

September 18, 2023
ommo: staying on a cheap hotel tonight... I'm going to use the shower and tub all night long... It's been a while...

September 19, 2023
ommo: Today, I emailed the composer/music records/band of this song that got release on 07-2023 that I would like to make a cover song for and upload in youtube with a completely different lyrics. It's about saying goodbye and moving on for a new start. I would like to dedicate this song to my ex G last year and apologize for not being able to get it up multiple times and couldn't bring up the fact that after ex G told and compared my thing is small it wouldn't stand anymore (she asked why, couldn't tell her that it won't stand up anymore felt ashamed I was talking to my other head down below saying BRO! What's wrong with you? Stand Up already! her words kept coming back and were stuck in my head, which is why it went on strike, fell down and stuck grounded). I was very fat and always on a computer hacking, decompiling, recompiling, and repairing laptops for other people for free. I will never go back to those days and hope you have already moved on. By uploading this cover version, this is my way of saying I'm ready to start, moving on (being social again, get friends, focus on my IT work and continue my passion on the side making/playing music, animations and walking 1-2 hrs everyday)... This is also for all the people trying to move on for better things life has to offer (me and my ex included). Didn't want a G because it wouldn't be fair if I still haven't fully moved on. Hope everyone relates and loves my cover version if I get permission... Moving on is hard, I remember my cousin (girl) in Winnipeg committed suicide and died because her BF broke up with her in high school for another girl. I hope someone can at least laugh once when they visit my home online and help with your depressions. Life may suck for you right now, but keep moving on one step at a time... Cross my fingers. I hope I get permission. Really love this new song. Thanks

September 21, 2023
ommo: Still didn't get a reply email to cover their song. Also started applying in USA and Canada for new exiciting career opportunities that are not remote work. I'm going to apply every day nonstop. Maybe I could keep remote work while working non remotely at the same time? It's weird to meet new people on the street because I'm a creep (got a haircut on Tuesday, to say goodbye to long hair to a spiky very short hair). Maybe I could meet people at non remote work. Got a new laptop and tried running AI locally. It's free offline but too expensive to implement online for people to use for free without charging and eating up the cost myself. It was naive of me to think I could offer AI for free to help people with their homework and other stuff. Now that I think about it, I looked like a terrorist when I had long hair... Got an acoustic guitar at kijiji earlier... I missed the percussion sound that acoustic makes. I'll switch my electric guitar back to steel strings (I'll be missing the DUCKING magical sound it made like quack quack) because the pickup doesn't work on nylon. Need a mic instead, which I don't have... The acoustic guitar was on super sale at kijiji. Time to keep practicing...

September 22, 2023
ommo: Dear Diary... Too stress at work... NULL... WTH... getting so many white/gray hairs doing code migration to fix NULLS and other stuff before upgrading due to security flaws to prevent hacks. DUCKING PITA NULLS etc. on a friday... I wish I was a magician who could wave a magic wand and fix all these by next week. Is this why there are a lot of bald people in this industry? Stress related? Does our hair down there also turns grey/white or get bald as well due to stress? #2 #2 Now, I sounded like squirl thinking about hair down below.

ommo: 57 jobs applied in Indeed no interviews... Maybe I should change my job title to GHOST-BUSTER. Try and try until 100 yrs old... by then, I'm a master Ghostbuster, not by choice... but by experience.

September 25, 2023
ommo: I feel refreshed again after doing an all-nighter thing I needed to finished today... (squirl)... Moved to researching what happened and more about Nazi... Canada has honoured Nazi more than once now. (squirls again) Way back when I showed my co-worker using brute force to easily decrypt Canadian government password protected files. It took less than 5 mins. She was amazed that we got the password that quick. That was in the past life for learning purposes, not to do evil deeds. I tried hacking this one company and messed up and got caught but beg for forgiveness for the sake of learning a very long time ago. I still have a copy of that conversation to be a constant reminder never again, and they forgave me. (squirls yet again) It has been days now, and I still didn't get a reply back to if I could cover the song with different lyrics. (More squirls) 5 more days to celebrate my 1 yr of being sigma.

September 27, 2023
ommo: 2019 and 2023 Canada honoured Nazi (who prepared the paperwork that the speaker of the house was reading? It seemed that the speaker was reading the paper without prior knowledge based on the video)... I'll be watching Canada History tonight, I should have paid attention to history class but got cultured shock too much when I came to Canada and couldn't concentrate because there are too many pretty @N6C Gs. All I did was play chess against old people and vs chess master in computer, piano and guitar and stayed inside the house when I was a little boy. Even though I managed to win chess tournaments 4 years in a row, I can't think properly or talk in front of a pretty G. I think I'm very weird or is it just like anything else? The more practice, the more you get better at it? I better start learning some pickup lines on youtube as well.

September 28, 2023
ommo: Forgiving is hard, but I promise you it's worth it. After all the lies that have been said and done, a broken heart, even if it's still in pieces, will start to mend little by little. It doesn't mean we will forget what that MOTHERFATHER has done and will continue to do. That MOTHERFATHER can continue living a lie for all we care and keep lying til the end of time, but forgive not forget sets our own to keep moving forward. The important part here is to not forget to repeat the same red flags when we start on a new journey. I've watched and learned more about Nazi, Neo Nazi and I think it's more sad that there are too many that can't forgive when life is short. Remember, forgiving doesn't mean forgetting what that MOTHERFATHER has done. It means we move on and continue a better life away. I've been there as well, and it was hard to forgive, but doing so freed a lot of stuff on my shoulders, mind, body, and especially the heart. Now I can 100% confidently say I'm not a hacker but a hugger now... kept remembering my old coworker, she loves to give hugs. DUCKING remote work... Pretty sure someday I'll get to use my hugging skills. For now, I'll keep practicing on this body pillow I bought at Walmart. Sorry G (Guitar), you're too hard to hug. I prefer body pillows.

Dear Diary, if I ever get lucky to get a G someday and get caught hacking make sure G is beside me, If my me no talk english won't work anymore, I now found a new excuse... Officer I'm not hacking, I'm hugging.

September 30, 2023
ommo: I re-watch what the current government of Trudeau said blaming MRSPEAKER and counted how many you got uttered in youtube... total of 6 times in less than 11 seconds starting from the first you... insane...

  1. Your Fault MRSPEAKER
  2. Yours Alone MRSPEAKER
  3. You did not MRSPEAKER
  4. You were inviting MRSPEAKER
  5. You would recognize MRSPEAKER
  6. You made that public MRSPEAKER
They sure do love that magic number 6 and when I counted the letters in MRSPEAKER 9 = 69 coincidence? Why does saying YOU 6x in less than 11 seconds tell my brain it's a kid pointing fingers? Now I'm DUCKING imagining someone alone in a 69 position asking: Please tell this to the people... It's not me... It's YOU...

Dear Diary: In todays lesson. We should always carry a MIRROR. If we encounter someone like that just bring out the mirror and it reflects back at them...

Speaking of mirrors. True story... I was working in this store cleaning the washrooms as a side hustle and had no electricity power outage due to rain and heavy winds... I grabbed a flashlight to see and clean the washroom all of a sudden, the flashlight, my face turned to the mirror. I freaked out and ran out of the washroom... I talked to my coworkers, breathing heavily... I almost died of a heart attack... I thought I saw a ghost, freaked out, and ran... After I catched my breath, I realized I saw myself in the mirror... I thought I saw a ghost... cannot believe I looked like one...

Moving On -ommo for 1yr sigma

Every single day, that I think of you
Every little piece, that I tried to pick
I did it again, and I start to think of you
How do I move on?

Got stuck on the way
Telling myself that I'll be okay
Each day that pass me by
I realize more and more...

Every step I take
I move away from you
It's time to let go
I'll be moving on and on...

I know...
That I'm not the one for you...
You know...
That you're not for me as well...

Got stuck on the way
Telling ourselves that we''ll be okay
Each day that pass us by
We realize more and more...
It's time to say goodbye and keep on moving on...

October 1, 2023
ommo: The search is over - by Survivor... I found my TL - True Love and her firstname is Tes and lastname is La = TL, fullname = Tesla... To Elon Musk your TL is awesome! Need to mod it to charge using us humans though in the future...

October 2, 2023
ommo: Going to the Edmonton Police Station, I've heard that the SCOOTER BANDIT - Thief using a scooter finally got caught this weekend. Hope I can get some of my stuff back. No luck got an address from them to check out a different location tomorrow.

Dr. Stranger & Nurse Squirrel 3rd Date Night
Dinner time in a restaurant... Dr. Stranger: Nurse Squirl, Is it true you always look at my photograph that you carry inside your bag during break time at the hospital? Nurse Squirl: Yes, it's too stressful... but no matter how hard, tiring, and stressful, my job is, when I see your face... all the pain, suffering, and stress goes away. Dr. Stranger: I knew it! You really love me. Order anything you want my love. Nurse Squirl orders everything in the menu for take out... Before they go their separate ways... Nurse Squirl: Dr.. to be honest with you, I always look at your photograph because I keep saying to myself there is nothing else in the world that could possibly give me this much headache and problems.

October 5, 2023
ommo: Congrats to Canada! Once again lots of PRETTY @N6C Gs. Thanks everyone for almost helping me reach 292k/300k. Going to get busy again soon, lots of side hustles coming up. Plan to lose a lot more weight this coming winter...

Learned today, there are still hope for Nazi like John Rabe during the Rape of Nanking... During our darkest hour, human nature is ugly... Race has nothing to do with it. There are many sides to each story, but not being open to listen and quickly judging a person is a part of the ugly side of humanity as well. Squirling... AI is very scary because of our darkside. AI can make music, graphics, videos and more. People continue to advertise to use it to upload your ideas such as music, beats and so on, yet you are unaware you are training AI more and AI will use your ideas without your consent. Humans will continue bickering as AI advances. I also noticed that as humans progress, the more words gets censored. Someday, we will run out of words to say. When that day comes, I bet my balls that a MIME artist will be the highest paying career... A few billions later... My balls are gone by then, so good luck catching or finding it! Also, make sure you sanitize it... coz I know that you know what I mean.... Squirl... It's Friday tomorrow -awesome, going to walk and exercise at West Edmonton Mall while practicing my PEEKATYOU skills to retain my mastery...

October 6, 2023
ommo: Watching WW2 in youtube to learn more about it... and maybe learn WW1 as well... Didn't care much about history til now...

Highschool Drawing Contests

Squirl - Theme Birdie
Teacher: Squirl, what the heck is this? I don't see any single birds? Why did you drew yourself? Squirl: Teach, I drew myself with mouth wide open, waiting for any birdie to come in and out... Teacher: ....

Dr. Stranger - Theme Pink Taco
Lucky Dr. Stranger went to a coed school. Soon to be Nurse Squirl: Looks down secretly into her Pink Taco to draw it. She was young and innocent and needed to copy her Pink Taco to draw it. Meanwhile, pervy Dr. Stranger saw the whole thing and said: Teach! not fair... Soon to be Nurse squirl is cheating looking at her taco. Is this an open book? Can I look at hers, too? Teacher: .....

Ommo - Theme Any
Teacher: Ok class, times up. Pencils down... The teacher checks the drawings and asks... Hey, ommo, what the heck is this? Why is it blank? ommo: Teach, I drew 3 baa baa black sheep eating grass. Teacher: I see, but where's the grass? ommo: Teach, the grass disappeared because the 3 baa baa black sheeps ate all of it. Teacher: Then where are these 3 baa baa black sheeps? ommo: Teach, they went away to find more grass to eat... That's why it's a blank piece of paper now... Teacher: .........

World War 1
France + Britain + Russia are allies and Germany + Austria + Italy are allies. Austria Duke got assasinated and declared war on Serbia. Russia defends. Germany declares war on Russia and France then attacks Belgium (nuetral). Britain declares war on Germany. Turkey joins Germany and declares war on Russia. Britain was able to convince Japan to join and declare war on Germany.

Britain was able to convince Italy to switch sides and promises Austria land after the war. Italy switched and declared war on Austria.

Germany declares war on Portugal for helping. Britain once again convinces Arabs to join in exchange for Independence. Arabs declare war on Turkey. Arabs was unaware that Britain and France had a backdoor deal to split the Arabs lands after the war and won't honor their promise to the Arabs... Taking a break... this is too much... Britain is too smart.

USA declares war on Germany. Greece joins Britain, France, and Russia. Russia got knocked out of the war due to revolution.

Russia gives up a vast amount of land. Everyone starts to sign up for armistice... Seems like Britain is the clear winner making big moves to use other people to fight. While USA cleans up when everyone is weakened... Germany and its allies got defeated and solely held responsible with heavy sanctions. I think that it was unfair to do so...

World War 2
Germany rises up and attacks Poland... (Understandable why Germany did that yet its still bad)... Fast forward to 2023... I think I have a little better understanding now... NATO promises not to expand to the east but continues to do so... Britain WW1 and Germany WW2 now in NATO. If I was in that situation and a nationalist which I'm not. To win a war in this day and age, it's not about how strong your military is... First, break up the ties that brought you down... Example: Russia + Britain from WW1 ally. Now that we can see that Russia's ties from its former WW1 allies are broken. The #1 is successful... Then #2... Go to the bathroom and celebrate... My instincts tell me 50.1/49.9 someone is pulling behind the scenes from inside NATO. I'm not trying to defend Russia, just looking from the past to present...

October 7, 2023
ommo: Finally fixed my sisters Honda Pilot. I've changed alternators and serpentine belt of these cars Honda Accord, Honda Odyssey, Nissan Pathfinder in the past. Today, the Honda Pilot New Alternator won't fit because the bottom inside the car pop over to the right side and it's welded. No amount of youtube videos will tell you how to fix it. I thought, is this the right Alternator? Then by accident, I put a wrench down below then rotated it clockwise and accidentally moved that thing back to the left. All of a sudden, the New Alternator fits into place. Holy cow, I'm lucky... If only I could get lucky with Gs (haven't had time to search up good pickup lines or how not to be a creep). A few minutes later... Finally bought a lottery ticket, I haven't bought for a very long time... Let's go, lady luck!

October 9, 2023
ommo: Hamas surprised attack Israel. Another War... squirl: Commander Ommo, what's the plan? Ommo: the clock is ticking... People are in denial... If Canada gets attacked, I will create an army called ommosquad... from a bunch of homeless Gs that has nothing else to lose, I will go downtown and personally recruit... I will teach everyone for free the art of hugging... for a new era is upon us. Dear Diary: What happened to all the climate change activists? War changes climate?

Squirl... Last week, I took care of a 3 yrs old, and two older siblings around 7 and 9... I asked the older kids if they knew where the wipes were and diaper. They didn't know, but the 3 yrs old held my hand and showed me upstairs that it was in their washroom upstairs. I changed the diaper because the 3yrs old took #2. I can't believe how smarter this kid is and knows where everything is... Squirling... ommo: Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks to my colleagues for the reminder. I forgot it's a holiday... When I was in calgary, I used to drive going to work one time to get some stuff piling up at work and said wow no traffic, did everyone go back to remote work?, do we have a new covid variation?... When I reached the office... I said to myself... Am I early? Look at the time and figured... no... I'm right on time... I searched it up on google and saw it was a holiday... Squirling... Researching the history of Israel and Hamas why did Hamas attack and so on.

ommo: To all the people who have lost someone special.
See You Again - By Wiz Khalifa

Tears In Heaven - By Eric Clapton

ommo: I cannot believe that we haven't learned anything from WW2. Oppression, Heavy Sanctions, and Racism. It's human nature to rise up against it. All I could see in youtube are condemnation, blaming, hate vs hate and racism propaganda. UK PM said there's no two sides to this story... Wrong! There's always more than 1 side to any story. PM also said on his speech blaming people who supported Hamas. The blame game? PM also seems to be a nationalist... Palestinian are humans too. USA President seems to like war instead of stopping it. PM Canada follows the same story... Hamas Official in youtube claiming they did it because of what Israel kept doing to them... That doesn't give hamas the right to kill. Israel PM responds by killing more, and it doesn't matter if they kill civilians. This war will never stop because both sides Israel and Hamas, just think about killing one another. Hate creates more hate... Dear Diary: I feel hopeless for both Israel and Palestine (Hamas). Seems like the Pen is mightier than the sword won't work for them. If you place both in the same room and give them pen and paper. They both might use the pen to kill each other instead of using Pen is measurement to fight it out or using paper after they finished doing their #3s. I see the dark age is here again. Speaking of the dark, I'm alone in the dark, and this freaking, MOTHERDUCKING commercial in youtube all of sudden said: I SEE YOU... in a very scary girls voice... It freaked me out wth wth wth girls are amazing but very scary... Every single fiber of my hair stood up like a cat.

October 10, 2023
ommo: When you feel lost in the dark and full of sadness... remember things will only get better. If you lose someone, don't stop smiling and be happy. Someday, we might find each other... I know you're out there. Somewhere out there. Song by Our Lady Peace... I'm still in the process of Fingerstyling and arranging this song, and gonna change the lyrics... I still have 4 more years to find you somewhere out there. If I do, play this fingerstyle song version and fail to get your phone number. I might as well be gay... PEACE...

October 11, 2023
ommo: I gave up on issues with politics... If WW3 comes... I searched up Antarctica, and it doesn't belong to anyone. I'll go there instead and apply to be the next Santa Ommo.... just don't write to me because I'll open up all the presents out of curiosity...

October 12, 2023
ommo: Dear Diary: It's too sad to see little children copying the adults spitting on Christians at youtube 8 days ago in Israel. Also saw Israel attacking a Christian and Arab simply because its their land. Why can't they respect other religions? I haven't really spent a lot of time with any Jewish people. Being a sigma and introvert has its pros. Though I met a girl who is Jewish at work and she was very kind, nice, pretty, great smile and hot and even offered me to teach me how to bake some stuff. I was too scared to get her phone number as well. Always remember, that every religion has its bad apples. It seems like Canada has a lot more friendly people where religion doesn't matter compared to Israel. Saw protest in Canada, though, between the two groups telling each other to go back to their country... No country is safe from bad apples even Canada except for Antarctica... Did some more research on Antarctica = No cellphone service... I finally had a eureka moment! Now I finally get why people writes to Santa. It's because there's no cellphones there. A few hours later... I learned that Antarctica is South Pole! Santa C. lives in North Pole... I hope people doesn't make the same mistake like I did when writing a letter and putting the wrong address to Santa... DUCK that's why my wish never came true. Doesn't matter now... I can be Santa Ommo not C. I now wonder if Santa Girl aka Ms. Santa Clause lives in the south pole? Maybe they split up? Is this why Santa C. got a big belly now? If I ever meet Santa G. Sorry Ms. G, I'm not that desperate to do it with a G (Granny) yet... Squirl: What about us? Can we survive there? ommo: Don't know, squirl... only one way to find out if you come with me... but I'm not sure if we could survive nukes... From what I've seen... The first to inflict massive destruction in a war usually wins... Surviving winter or summer in a caravan is doable, but not against a NUKE... Did some more research, Australia and New Zealand is great for surviving WW3. I also found a tiny island on the map. I should switch to BOAT life and live on this tiny island.

October 13, 2023
ommo: Speaking of boat life and water... Dear Diary: I have a confession to make... I don't know how to swim and am afraid of water like cats Mia Meow! Water makes our skin saggy and wrinkled over time. I'm no scientist but when I was a little boy, I was nicknamed as the great SAYANG tist... Sayang (Tagalog) in English also means wasting. I wasted and combined different products and chemicals to make something out of nothing... I failed miserably and couldn't create a revolutionary product. This time is different... I have discovered that if you fill a glass with water, then put your finger inside the glass of water for at least an hour or so... Your fingers will turn saggy and wrinkled. I'll now reveal the biggest secret that no one ever talks about. This secret is so big that it will change the future of humanity... If you want to be Forever Young song by Alphaville. Only shower once a month that's 12x a year! Your skin will stay a lot younger while taking a bath everyday makes your skin wrinkled and saggy faster due to water. Another win for living the caravan way of life... This could be the holy grail to living forever!

October 15, 2023
ommo: Happy Birthday to my sister today. Ate too much cake... Good news, I'll be getting more side hustles such as Landscaping and Surveying, my brother started his own business. Setting up his business website...

October 16, 2023
ommo: Brushing up on my history... Read more about Israel... Jewish people live there before getting taken away so many times... Christians did some bad stuff... then Islam took over after... I think I get why Jewish people say its their land to begin with. People forget one thing, though... If Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all believe in Adam and Eve, then we all share the same great great great grand papa and grand mama. This means the land we call earth all belongs to us. Killing and hating your own relatives in 2023 is a disgrace to our great great great grand parents. There's no way to sugarcoat this pure RACISM happening in this day and age... squirl: ommo, you should make up your own religion... ommo: I read a joke online, and maybe I should based this religion on it... There's only one God, and we all don't seem to believe in God anymore based on our current actions towards each other... If someone told me to go back to my country here in Canada because its their land... I'd say: Me no take your land... Me homeless... no homie... my homie...

October 17, 2023

Nurse Squirl: Hello Stranger what are you in here for today? Dr. Stranger: Nurse Squirl, help my vision is getting blurry and getting HARD to see. Nurse Squirl: Let me see, open your eyes as big as you can. Dr. Stranger: Ok! Nurse Squirl opens her cleavage... How about now? Dr. Stranger: I'm still having a hard time to see. Nurse Squirl then shows her legs... Now then, are you still having problems? Dr. Stranger: Yes, Nurse Squirl... It's getting HARDER and HARDER to see. Nurse Squirl then shows her panties... and says Well now? Dr. Stranger: It's too hard and I can't see! Nurse Squirl: WTH are you talking about? Why is your DUCK down there standing if you can't see? NEXT PATIENT! ommo: Nurse Squirl, my cute little pet birdie 🐦 won't stand. Would you like to see?

October 19, 2023
Nurse Squirl: I see... Is this it?

October 20, 2023
Nurse Squirl: Well, it doesn't really matter. I'd advise you to tell your TL this: My dearest TL... I hugely offer my immeasurable D.U.C.K to you.
D - Down To Earth
U - Uniquely
C - Caring and
K - Kind-Hearted

If you haven't found your real TL, come back here anytime, and I'll openly accept u r D.U.C.K.

ommo: Thanks Nurse Squirl... Squirling, can't wait to take a bath, once a month saves water and the Environment and coin laundry. I applied to clean a house to this person looking for one and I said, I'm Mr. Clean but with hair and not bald yet. Didn't get a reply back. Too bad... I'll even wear a white shirt like Mr. Clean... Next Summer is going to get busy doing surveying jobs for engineers as a side hustle... Hoping I also get snow shoveling side hustles this winter. It feels like good to be fit again, not overweight/depressed due to COVID.
Speaking of depression, I went to Calgary Hospital because I custom code my own barcode generator instead of buying on the spot for a rush job. The main person doing it was on vacation, I offered I can do that (because I'm now CANadian) but doesn't have the complete apps to do the rush job. I had an extra space on the code that makes the barcode generate when it encounters certain characters to not work properly the barcode looks like a broken 2 tooth in front and my coworkers wouldn't forget and laugh about it, it was a funny barcode that unscannable... I found and fixed the bug, but the client already found it and cause the company millions of dollars. I got depressed for making such a big mistake but still didn't get fired. The doctor at the hospital gave me a prescription for the depression when I searched online, the medicine cause withdrawal symptoms to make it rely on more meds. I said to myself in my head no thanks and didn't bother with any meds for depression because of the bug in code. The lesson learned is to always research the meds the doctors give you...

October 22, 2023
ommo: Dear Diary: I have decided to put CarAvan life on hold. Time to change phase and live the Land Life style and take a chance with Edmonton and St. Albert people. Bought another vehicle from Greg Harrison of Subaru City. Greg will bent over backward to give you the best deals and could mimic the voice of Mr. Burns from The Simpsons.

My Life Plan
Land life - Currently in Edmonton
CarAVan - Plan C on hold
Boat Life - My plan B if my current plan in Edmonton doesn't work out. There's a saying there are plenty of FISH in the sea. I'll try land life for 1 year. If there is no G or fish, I'll try Boat Life and be a fisherman. Hey Aeriel! from little murmade. Hope you're all grown up by now! people may call me mole... ester but I'm no such thing. I'm not into that kind of stuff. Please, I hope you're not little murmade anymore when I became a fisherman and learned how to swim because I'm not a little boy anymore. I'm a big boy now!
Plan A - Next Time...

October 23, 2023
ommo: Dear Diary: I may be able to type 110+ Words Per Minute and fast in regards to computers but in Real Life Situations that has nothing to do with computers or music. I'm slow on the uptake, especially to Gs. It feels impossible, and they are from a different planet. In the animal kingdom come, Gs are like rabbits... Too fast to while I'm a turtle, but I know someday even turtles will caught up to rabbits. I'll just keep on taking one step at a time. A few decades later... wait a minute... Aren't turtles fast at the sea? Maybe Im destined to be in the sea and meet Aeriel the not little murmade anymore?

October 25, 2023
ommo: Dear Diary: I learned how to open a wooden door this week by pulling a rope then pushing without breaking it (Sometimes I feel like superman by wearing red and blue clothes)... I also saw 3 coyotes and freaked out (Hey, even Superman will be afraid they might carry new variations of COVID or any other poison from their fangs). Saw a cat passing by and said De Ja Vu and walked towards where the coyotes ran off too (Hope the cat is safe and didn't turn into SIOPAO)... This month, I also saw while driving behind a bus... All of a sudden, the bus stopped in the middle of the road, blocking it, and then the driver and passenger went out at it on the road. Never a dull moment is this city as well... I also don't get why Walmart employees will get suspicious of me because I wear a mask and hoodie while shopping yesterday... The same thing happened in Calgary Walmart back then when I wore the same clothes. I also saw two homeless teen girls asking for $ on the traffic light. Gave her lots of coins, then drove after. The rich get richer while everyone gets poorer from this current economy... Someday, before I move to the next stage in life, which is boat life, I'll try buskering on the street with my guitar and piano. I'll also try that sign thing and walking on the traffic light asking for $ on each car for life experience. I haven't done those two yet.

October 26, 2023
Shenlong the dragon and the magical balls

Once upon a time, there was a mythical beast dragon named Shenlong that would give 3 wishes once you collected 7 magical balls, it could spell disaster if fallen to the wrong hands. FAST FORWARDING >>>> Shenlong: I have been summoned. What though are thee 3 wishes? Freaky Evil Squirrel: Make me hands ome! Shenlong: Granted... what's the 2nd wish? Dr. Stranger: Make me more HANDsome than him! As you wish (Sound Effects wewooweewoo)... It's done now for the final wish... Now these two got their wishes... The world will never be the same, all the Gs, especially in Canada will get their hearts broken because of these two. According to the good squirrels friend of a friend network. Good Squirrel found out their master plan to turn all the guys except for these two into Gs. Even though Good Squirl wanted to be 100% Gs. Good Squirrel saves the day by wishing to Shenlong out of NO WHERE but NOW HERE took the two by surprised and shouted: Shenlong! I wish to make these two ugly again... Sound Effects Kaboommm swish and1.... Your wish has been granted 'til next time... The End....

Squirling... ommo: Special Thanks to all the people donating their recycled bottles... Please continue to leave it in front of your houses and I'll continupick-up 4pick it up Mon to Fri. I'll sell all the bottles this Saturday morning and post how much I get from selling bottles. Don't be shy now and continue to email me at [email protected] and leave your address for pickup Edmonton St. Albert area only for now. Thanks!

October 27, 2023
ommo: Decided to make my own planner for addresses to pickup bottles. I'll work on it this weekend and take a break from fingering my G (Guitar). It won't use the old school way of email signup/login to trick people. Feel free to test it here. You can save notes then refresh, try incognito mode, different browsers or devices to test the unique DeviceID logic... had an extra . on the code done fixing it.

October 28, 2023
ommo: Couldn't do any work on my side project today but learned how to change new brakes on Nissan Rogue... It's time-consuming but very easy. Jack the tires to remove, two long screws at the back and two short screws on the front. Take off the old brakes and replace them. Put everything back... Step on the brakes inside... Test drive. Sold the bottles and made lucky number 7. Learned a lot today about cars... I went to the car registry to ask about custom license plates and ask the pretty girl at the counter... If I can get a custom plate MO in front then my firstname. She laughed and said I don't think you can... I was 100% dead serious and waited 30mins just to ask about it... didn't ask but why? I was disappointed I couldn't get a plate like that, but at least I made some Gs laugh.

October 30, 2023
ommo: Didn't want to go back to politics but I'm bored. Genocide and using new weapons to showcase power and might of Israel... After what I've seen Russia is still the most powerful since WW2 having Gs or women fight. Gs are pretty scary and the most powerful and Russia displayed that G Power in WW2.

October 31, 2023
ommo: Happy Halloween! The day that a sigma introvert like me is afraid of... Ever since I was a little boy, I could see white ladies, dwarfs, succubus and many more... Earlier at 1 AM, I saw another white lady on the street... for real made in Canada not China. In the Philippines, white ladies have no face and can't talk. In Canada, white lady could talk and have a pretty face @N6C. She asked me if I want to have a good time and showing off her legs. I said nothing... slowly moving away then brooom broom and sped up and drove away, I never Imagined a girl would say that on a street to me in my life time... Russia might be powerful with lots of Gs but Canada Gs are a lot pretty N scary but @N6C. It could also be that white ladies leveled up and got pretty face since I'm a big boy compared to back then... Sorry pretty white lady... I would rather use $ for something valuable over your offer of good time pretty sure it's a waste of time because of my thingy issue anyway... or maybe there's a relation to Big Boy earns $ = white lady pretty face and talks while little boy have no $ = white lady no face and can't talk? Life is full of mystery especially Gs...

November 1, 2023
ommo: Dear God, Is Israel (Canaan) the promised land? Are you seeing this? Is this part of being a good example to others? Is this another test to see if your children will spare the younger generations to come? I think we continue to fail your tests... Almighty Father, Dad, Dada, Papa can you hear me?

November 2, 2023
ommo: Dear Diary, I have learned something very important today. When I was a little boy, I was a sacristan that was helps the Priest in the mass. I've always thought that Jews are the one responsible for killing Jesus. Today I learned that it wasn't the Jews! Holy #2s... Fake News has been there since the beginning of time! Also learned about Iran and Persia in regards to being the real chosen people of God not in Israel... Then a squirl came along and pointed me to reading about Prince of Persia and started watching the movie Prince of Persia. After watching the movie I forgot everything I learned but good thing I kept a diary right?

November 5, 2023

ommo: Congrats to Canada again... And Welcome to my home online diary Turkey and Sri Lanka... Congrats to Germany from moving to 8 spot last month to 5th spot of PRETTY @N6C Gs. Congrats to the other countries as well. I had no doubt Germans are hot and pretty...Squirling... I watched another movie called AQUAMAN... Fell in love with the G... I checked who is she? her name? Found out her name was Amber Heard... Did more research about her and found so many things like the trials in youtube... LIFE happened, hope she stops drinking and drugs (which ruin the brains)... money can't buy True Love I guess... Warren Buffet so lucky so have found true love that shares common interests and a G more frugal than him... With so many wars happening... where's is the love? Song by Black Eyed Peas... wow this song was from 14 yrs ago I concur we only have 1 world, and I bet my balls everyone still asks the same question... where is the love? My gut tells me it's under the sea... wait for me not so little murmaid I'll catch you soon in a few years. Where is the truth? Don't know anymore... too much fake news since the beginning of time...

November 6, 2023
ommo: Hello World! Thank you for finally realizing that there is more than 1 side to any story and not believing the PM in the youtube video saying there is only one side and it's on the Israel side. I hope the people in Israel realize that the world is a bigger place full of different amazing culture, religion, nationality, and Gs. All the children dying and some surviving but losing their parents, especially their mothers. I hope that the PM in Israel, UK and president of USA figures out the MOMs are amazing. To those children who lost their moms, it may be just another person to the PM of Israel, UK and USA president. But to those children, it's the whole world (All MOMs out there) to them. You will never stop this cycle because you keep taking their world to those children... Open your eyes. The world is no longer flat! to All MOMs out there, thank you! Made this image without being too obvious for picking the colours of Palestinian flag.

November 7, 2023
ommo: Josh Paul thumbs up for doing the right thing resigning from Biden's government! Joe Biden thumbs down and will bring down the west without someone to stop him. I hope I'm wrong about this: The older you get, the more you don't care about the younger generation and environment... Joe your the current President don't forget me not.

November 8, 2023
ommo: Social Media talking about the coming of Anti Christ. 3 Nations (PM of UK supported Israel and said there's only one side story... USA President fully supported and enabled this to get out of hand). UK, USA and Israel = 3 coincidence? All I can say is: You MOTHER DUCKING ANTICHRIST! I haven't even Kissed A Girl and said I'd like it for a very long time... Song by Katy Perry. Let me save up some $ to escape nuclear war by BOAT LIFE. A few hours later... What if I turn this RAM van into boat? Capable of Van and Boat life? Might cost less... Sounds like a pretty good idea and side project again...

November 10, 2023
ommo: A dad in his 40s+ and 11 yr old boy got shot and died here in Edmonton. I hope EPS will catch the murderer. Some people in social media said the dad and the boy survive the gunshot 2 years ago when the boy was 9 yrs old... but now 11 yrs old... targeted shooting... Tragic... Condolence to the family. I'm going to look for a bullet proof vest and helmet, for protection against random shooting. Don't care if I got shot below the belt... you know... nothing left down there anyways... Squirling... Back to the West double standard against Russia while supporting Israel killing of civilians... USA and UK gov officials says one thing, but behind closed doors maybe partying with Israel just like how the British Empire was able to convince other people to join them back in WW1 for a tiny plot of land at the end. The West won't even do any sanctions against Israel. It seems Israel let Hamas attack them on purpose without defending in order to have claims on killing civilians and to occupy Gaza. Defending and occupying other territory is two different things. Claiming their book has more right over international laws and other cultures... What a wild messed up logic for someone in Israel to say such things on youtube. Dear Diary: What Israel is doing makes me want to find a Palestinian G to have a family and preserve their culture and bloodlines but I'm just a broken person right now, especially down there and still trying to take one step at a time cause I'm a turtle. Like a TeenAGED Matured Ninja Turtle. With a crack in the NUTS HELLA (NUTSHELL > Half-Shell)... TURTLE POWER! Squirling... EPS has confirmed about the 11 yr old boy and gang violence in the city and it increased 46%... Crime rate is too high in the land but I was told even in Boat Life, you'll have to deal with pirates instead.

November 12, 2023
ommo: Dear Diary: Flat tire again... I'm too tired today. I'll look into it tomorrow... Squirling... Scott Ritter from youtube a US Marine Officer thumbs up! You're a Genius! I thought everyone in the USA Army follows the President blindly...

November 13, 2023
ommo: Special thanks to this G that sent me a photo of her with turtles all over her. A picture is worth a thousand words... I'll upload another mashup fingerstyle song this weekend as a token of appreciation for the pretty G with turtles picture. Maybe I should start uploading more fingerstyle songs every time I get a picture for motivation? A few decades later... I think I get why she chose a Turtle... She must love watching TMNinja Turtles? Please wait my fellow TMNT fan, the song this week is for you... Also please email and give me permission to upload your pictures into my online diary. Thanks again! Squirling... Got my tires fixed again... changed it using spare then went to Canadian Tire for the fix waited a couple of hours then I switched the spare tire... Going to West Edm Mall this weekend need a break and walk around and sweat to get rid of this fever, cough and sore throat... Tylenol 1 capsule a day doesn't seem to be working... It's one of the drawbacks of being a sigma, you can't get better fast when you're sick... Squirling... I rememberered last winter waking up with toes almost purple, painful and couldn't move. My tip for those people is to get used to layering multiple clothes and wool socks. It helps a lot and winter in Canada isn't that scary if you wear 5 layers of clothes and 3 wool socks at the same time. Also make sure you get wool blanket that is fire retardant. My wool blanket saved my life after waking up with fire due to my heater caught something. I immediately use the wool blanket out of instinct and turned off the heater. My wool blanket still have burnt fire marks... I'm still alive thanks to the wool blanket and no explosions happened while inside the Caravan, got a little scared of using heater and relied on layering and blankets instead after that... Squirling... Almost Christmas time, can't wait to try eating out using gift cards on a restaurant if they are open on that day instead of buying Tim Hortons or McDonalds... Thanks Canada looks like I don't need to get a passport and travel to Las Vegas this year and dance like Elvis Presley.

November 14, 2023
ommo: I found thyself accidentally watching youtube again in regards to guys posting videos of girls gold digging... Dear Diary: I feel sorry for Gs, that these guys failed to realized that there's only one true GOLD DIGGER in this world and its SNOWYHOARY and the 7 DWARFS... Those dwarfs got tons of gold because they are miners by trade and she lives with 7 of them...

November 15, 2023
ommo: Hello World! I've applied to google ad sense to see how much passive income from it. It's currently under review within 2 weeks. Todays estimate from google was around $3,372 Canadian per 50,000k views a month. Please continue to support just by simply visiting my home online everyday to reach the 50k per month views even though most people don't like seeing ads, please continue to visit. Also, applied to Insta Cart to deliver food to people. Just got my background check cleared to work for Insta Cart as another side hustle to see how much I could earn from it and tips. Please give a positive review after delivering... Willing to bring a guitar and play 1 quick song for a positive review if you like and have time... Got so many things I'd like to accomplish that needs $$$ such as: Help people of Gaza and Palestine, Save for Wedding if I get lucky and find a G within 4 years, House, and Boat life just in case of WW3... Thanks... Squirling... Bought a shawarma and HUMMUS... DUCK, I hope I don't get bomb all the way here by Israel for bringing HUMMUS home with me... I also have a rope inside the caravan, is this a torture chamber? I have bottles on top as well... To be honest, I use it for emergency for #1s but wait maybe an IDF soldier is right, I could use my pee pee to torture someone... but wait... I have solar panels 800 watts... I used it to power my caravan underground tunnels... First I find a place where there's a man hole... then I put all the cables down the sewers... because I live down there like your real life Teenaged Matured Ninja Turtle would do... I cannot believe how desperate and trying so hard that IDF soldier in youtube to convince people, he even seems mad when the reporter questioned him about the chair thing. A unedited uncut video without pointing and explaining is more believable than that... Peace be with you! squirl: Bruh, don't freak out and hurry up and finish all these HUMMUS before they find you...

November 16, 2023
ommo: My mind is blown after getting curious and searching about Islam and Qur'an. Qur'an specifies that the Land of Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people, that God Himself gave that Land to them as heritage and ordered them to live therein. Also learned that Islam and Judaism both can't eat pork. Not for me, since I love Pork Ramen, Ham, Bacon and Sausage... A few hours later... I ended back to Christianity... Mark 7:18-19, where Jesus tells His disciples, “Do you not understand that whatever goes into the man from outside cannot defile him; because it does not go into his heart, but into his stomach, and is eliminated?”  Seriously? You the man! Thank you for abolishing the food law of not eating pigs... Squirl: Is this what boring days does to a man?

November 17, 2023
ommo: Dear Diary, I wish USA can have more Presidential Candidates like Obama who is not scared of Israel PM. They should allow Obama to run as many times as he likes... Squirling... This is why I said way back when that getting these two that represents their beliefs in the same room is hopeless Video of Mohammed Hijab vs Rabbi Shmuley: EXPLOSIVE Moments From Uncensored's Most Controversial Debate. They don't know how to follow Mr. Elon Musk and fight it out with Pen is measurement, instead they took it up a notch and became one with the Pen is mightier that the sword and became the #DEEKS for the world to see... again They will rather use their pens to kill each other... Someone need to give them some tissue paper to do their #3s while watching some... These two...MOTHER DUCKING DEEKS our world is doomed if these two keeps climbing up the ladder... People need to eat or start eating more HUMMUS for them to disappear and Israel stop killing more civilians... Squirling... believe it or not, I used to be able to see the future when I was a little boy but lost the gift... My family asked me how because it came true and I couldn't explain it, it just went to my head all of a sudden and see visions... Glad I lost the gift because I get a lot of headaches upthere not downthere and bleeding nose all of a sudden... Squirling... I'm glad to see China is trying to do something about Gaza and Saudi Arabia thumbs up!... Squirling... God please release my mind from developing prejudice towards the people of Israel, USA and UK which I've never haven't gotten a chance to know or talk with first... Thanks...

November 19, 2023
ommo: a messed up mashup... I'll re-record again... but not today... I'll sell some bottles later and get some more rest before working again on the weekdays...

A MessedupMashup

ommo: Special thanks again for all your support and bottles. $37.40 this time... Love side hustles while working FT. No life is better than life messing us up right?

November 20, 2023
ommo: My Dearest Mother Father Ducking Diary: I have found the TRUTH by accident... I have found the LOVE when people are still searching and singing where is the love for too many years... It's by the sea as usual... I'm maybe just one desperate guy moving like a turtle taking one step at a time... but I have found the HOLY GRAIL... It's close to Jerusalem because I have discovered Jerusalem is nothing more than a belly b or Belly of the beast for other people... I think I'm getting crazy for thinking and drawing over this, but I hope someone out there will also see this amazing discovery that will change the world and future of humanity that shares my point of view... To Dr. Jones from Indiana A.K.A Indy or to Mr. Ford, sorry for beating you to this discovery... I have reached enlightenment after getting over puberty... I have found the promised land... I'm Mr. lucky at times... I think I know the real cause and understands now why the people of Israel is so desperate and thinks they are above International Law or Have the right to defend... No man in this world can ever resist this temptation... Only if your the select few with a Tiny Pen is going to be exempt... I will post the truth and nothing but the truth later to build up more suspense and get everyone ready... Are you ready for this? This is the final countdown - song by Europe, after you come back here later and see the truth with your own eyes... The world that you know growing up will never ever be the same... No amount of schooling, book reading, youtube, online research or even AI will teach you the truth about this world... Please come again later to find out... Suspenseful music playing... A few minutes later... DUCK ME... I can't anymore it's coming... it's coming... Here I drew a green arrow where to reach G hole... I mean HOLY GRAIL can be located... not in Jerusalem thats her belly b. red arrow... Look at those curvy lines... If I have a G like that, I would glady offer my life as well to defend her. A few decades later... maybe I'm blind and maybe Jerusalem is the G SPOT? Maybe it's all connected and the real Prince of Persia wants to return to his beloved G but they have different beliefs... Eureka... This is like Romeo and Juliet... WOOOOW! Did Mr. William Shakespeare based it after discovering what I did just now? Wait a minute.... the letter G is also universal and could describe almost everything... It can be a Gender Bender... or God or anything... WOOOOOW! Discovered another useful letter. Even in my past life time and native language G > "Gago". I used to be like that when I was a little gago boy but at least I'm not a gigolo dancer right? A few hours later, I cannot unseen what I have seen and the map of Israel keeps playing a song in my head called: Gangnam Style... Squirl: Hey ommo, is that what I think it is? to me it looks like a dancing DEEK? ommo: No squirl, it's just your imagination running wild...

November 21, 2023
ommo: Yay got more bottles... Thank you for the card letter today and these bottles. Thumbs Up! Can't remember getting a card other than my employer when they give us gift cards for a long time... Love the dog, I used to have Dalmatians dogs when I was a little boy since I kept rewatching the 101 Dalmatians 'til my parents finally got me two then they gave birth with so many little pups... Squirling... TWO STATE Solution for Palestine and Israel sounds good but HAMAS and Israel PM must both go... and an external 3rd party or parties must managed both these two state solutions for some time until they both reach puberty and learn to coexist with one another... easier said than done... Gudluck 3rd Party or Parties that will volunteer for this task...

November 22, 2023
ommo: Just saw another youtube video from yesterday of Israel spokesman claming they will get rid of HAMAS and will be in charge of Gaza and its security and also mentions HAMAS started this... Same old propanda... Israel should never be in charge of Gaza... big mistake... it will get worse if Israel continues its plan to be in charge of Gaza... Squirling... United Nations with the power of Veto for some is a failure... No point of having a United Nations when some few countries has the power of Veto... Someone needs to make a new organization called NUNS (Not United Nations) reverse psychology maybe this new org NUNS will bring Nations together instead... Squirling... Installed a dash cam on my other car (black colour) yesterday... a video is worth a million words. Another Dash Cam + Video is worth it in case of accidents and deescalate he/she said and he/she said. Squirling... I was talking to a Truck Driver the other day and found out they can make $17,000 a month... Wow... so I searched up google to see for any courses to be a truck driver and found out that there's is this free course paid for but only if your a Girl... DUCK... what if I bought a long hair wig and cross dress... would I be able to get free course to be a truck driver? Why aren't there anything like that free truck driving course for guys? Makes sense because trucks are the bread and butter of civilization and trade going to different places... Even with a FT job and 3 side hustles doesn't even come close to $17,000... Hope google approves my site to show their ads... It says 2 weeks to a max of 4 weeks approval...

November 23, 2023
ommo: Dear Diary: I have no right to complain what's happening to Canada and all this inflation stuff. This is because I have never voted in Canada. Last time voting happened, I was still very fat and lazy just on a computer screen all day and said to myself, its only 1 vote. My vote may not matter... Since I'm an introvert, too many people and line up... I kept saying excuses to myself just not to vote... I was part of the problem that caused this to Canada without voting... Next voting, I'll promise to Canada here and now that I'll vote no matter how long the line up or it takes... For now, my vote is leaning towards Mr. Pierre Poilievre after seeing his debates vs Trudeau. I've also seen Mr. Trudeau on youtube speaking up against Israel PM... I respect Mr. Trudeau for not getting intimidated and scared of Israel PM and a true leader shouldn't be afraid to defend civilian people who has no power. Not many world leaders can do that to Israel... Squirling... playing the victim card and has the right to defend should have its limitations... I hope I don't see that person in real life that said Israel is immune to international law because their book said its their land... If that's the case, I'll create a made up page like a book of scriptures that the promised G Spot rightfully belongs to us all because we are all snakes and not perfect... There's no Good vs Evil because Evil can also pretend to be Good... and Good can be tainted and becomes Evil... Squirl: ommo that's so deep! ommo: Can't believe it either just went inside my head... Squirl: So how can you discern evil or good? ommo: I'm not 100% sure... but in my opinion as we all go through this journey called life... Evil will keep making mostly the same mistakes without even trying to learn from it to change their ways... Good will also keep making mistakes but mostly different each time and will try to learn from it... Evil is always there in all of us but we keep on moving to be better in life to be good... Squirling... I don't agree with the son of Hamas trying to paint Good vs Evil... This leads to the end times instead of looking for the good in people because we all know evil exist in everyone...

November 24, 2023
ommo: Curious where Black Friday came from and found Philadelphia police officers named it Black Friday because of traffic jams caused by shoppers. My wish for a power portable jump starter for car and electronics didn't went on sale. My current one doesnt hold charge anymore. Probably got damaged from leaving it last winter without a charge for a long time... Squirling... I watched the review of Ms. Marvel movie and it wasn't good... Too bad Marvel killed Ironman... Squirling... I learned that the USA, Canada, and the British had fought each other before WW1... I thought the 3 of them are best buds during WW1... If they could do it there's no reason why Palestine and Israel can't do the same... Wonder how USA, Canada and the British could tell each other apart when they fought each other. They all look the same to me, especially Blonde Gs look like Angels to me. Can't remember the last time I went to an eye doctor though...

November 25, 2023
ommo: Dear Diary, this is a 100% mother ducking screwed up true to life story that happened earlier, I even have recording on my dashcam... I was driving my black tinted car today not the other caravans then I saw a blonde G who I thought was homeless. I tried helping a homeless G because I know what it's like and hard it is to keep getting displaced like the Palestinians... I was reaching for my coins... A few seconds later she suddenly opened my door and went to the back of the car. I said, can I help you? She said: I'm very cold please turn on the heater... I turned the heater on... I offered to drive her to a shelter, she said no, she wants to stay for a bit... She said: Are you scared of me? I said no no... She suddenly showed her B...s and said she's horny and hot... and ask me if I was horny as well... again I said no no. I tried to not look at her B...s believe it! Then she suddenly tried putting her hands on my DEEK... Again I said no no. I tried to gently remove her hands away from my DEEK danger zone... She tried and kept putting her hands on my DEEK... I kept saying over and over no no. no no. no no. OHHHH NOO!. Danger Zone of going in the zone... Must take immediate EJACULATION... Crap freaking auto correction... I meant EVACUATION... I said I'll drop you off now... She said, you don't like it or you don't like me? I said no no. Cause I'm freaking out... Crazy Angel... Oh God why test me? I said I'll drop her off at 7 Eleven for some shelter there. She finally understood what no no means... Once we arrived at 7 eleven, I opened the door to make sure she leaves the car... She said thanks and your such a nice guy... I said no no and went inside the car and zoom zoom left as fast as I could... I have video evidence that I didn't take advantage of her... I just wanted to help her out and give her some coins for food... Good thing I have a tiny... that she wasn't able to grab a hold off with her delicate hands... To Edmonton Police... this was the 3rd time I encounter 3 different Gs in Edmonton and they are mostly near 7 Eleven area you might want to check around those area to help these fallen Angels... Just saying... My dreams of getting a blonde G friend not GF to help me develop my English talking skills went down the drain... now I'm traumatized by Angels... She even drop her condos inside the back seat


... God are you kidding me? seriously? I believe doing it with the person you love not some random Angels... She dropped a Keychain from My Hero Academia as well... I guess God truly exists and having a blast watching over me and testing me... I also know that keychain because I'm a walking, talking, DEEKtionary of Animes. I love anime so much that I gave up on anime (if you love ... then free...)... drawing posters, painting, making manga, animations because in real life, Canada is just not into anime... It was just a young boys dream to make it as a living manga artist in Canada... Though I sold a lot in the Philippines mostly posters and painting... back then... Ended up on IT path of programming, databases and so on that AI will make it so easier now that anyone can do it, just like me fixing cars by using youtube... With AI, it doesn't feel as much rewarding anymore solving and making solutions... A few many hours later... I think I found the real reason why these Fallen Angels maybe into me, It's because I kept wearing this orange toque... There must be some psychological explanation... Orange might symbolize bright... And I look like a big DEEK wearing it... These Angels might have thought I have a big thing as well... Sorry my Angels... I'll go West Edmonton again tomorrow and shop for a toque that is not bright and orange and take a break from this traumatizing experience not so long ago...

Squirling... just learned a few seconds ago that Churchill past PM of Britain a very very long time ago said Palestinian are the natives of that land and Jewish people only owned 1% of land at the time... Another mind blowing discovery... Churchill also started the carpet bombing against civilians in Germany and Germany just copied it, and now Israel is copying it... Even when this PM of Israel talking about Gazan like animals was copied from Churchill... Found this in Wikipedia just now... Churchill said of the Palestinians in 1937, "I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right." Googled Manger: a long open box or trough for horses or cattle to eat from. I may be a DEEKTIONARY of Animes but not English Words... I admit, I wish I was born as an English speaking person with blue eyes and blonde hair and maybe I can be friends with an Angel...

November 26, 2023
ommo: a not so messed up mashup for all the Gs out there, Angels and Fallen Angels..

A Not So MessedupMashup

November 27, 2023
ommo: Finally, my card to shop and start insta cart finally arrived! Full time day job + Night Shift Side Hustle + Weekend Side Hustle and now Insta Cart Side Hustle... What is LOVE LIFE for me? Loss Of Valuable Energy, Living Isolated From Everybody for the win! Also planning on going back to school different career other than computers. Just incase AI takeover. I can work on different careers at the same time. Next year will be too busy with another side hustle as Surveyor... By now I'm about to master a new skill called POWER NAPS... I also gotta start bringing my guitar and piano, maybe I'll get additional tips for playing... Squirling... I need to talk to Edmonton Police if I could carry a sign on the traffic light and talk to people on the vehicles like a homeless person for experience every weekend. If that is legal then I'll do it while recording on a video and post on youtube to see how much people doing that earns in a day... I'm very curious... and it gives me practice talking to people outside my comfort zone... Gotta start thinking about some creative signs like: Help this OMMO not become MOMO... What you think squirl? Squirl: I think its so bad... ommo: How about... Help OMMO 2... nevermind coz in my native language it means FARTED... sounds and smells bad.. Let me think this week, still gotta ask the Police first if its ok to do that legally... It's like advertising while practicing in public... Squirling... Just realized my night shift job is so close where these Fallen Angels work at night... Mind Blown... Gotta love Edmonton, lots of side hustles as long as your willing to work. Also learned a life lesson to always close the door inside the car when you see a fallen angel...

November 29, 2023
ommo: I was researching what girls calls guys in the old days compared to nowadays in English. According to my google researched... I learned that in the old days, girls says stuff like he's a ladies man, cute, handsome, charming... In 2023, I could be wrong but I think girls has evolved their language even further and if they see or talk about a guy... Girls would say: He's weird, He's gay... He's Emo... He's ommo... squirl: Hey ommo... at least they don't call you ommo with H in front... ommo: Mind Blown... but aren't we all HOMO Sapiens? Wait a minute... I just remembered... When I was a little boy and was a sacristan to the church... On my first day, the Father Priest asked me what's my name... I replied... Father my name is Lester. The Father Priest asked again: Is your lastname "Mo" by any chance? back then I was innocent and don't know that English word... I replied... no Father my lastname is the one your always holding on... Father Priest had a big googly eyes and was in shock... and whispered softly and quitely... My poor child, your lastname is "DEEK"? Squirling... I didn't know any better when I was young gago boy and a prankster plus I always ate all the communion bread when no ones around... Squirling back... I replied... No Father my lastname is Rosary not DEEK... Another mind blown that Father Priest is the original omo with single m and letter H in front, that's why Father Priest is scary like Gs... Note to everyone ommo is not omo with H in front but a HomoSapien... Not yet... Not so far... but the days and years are ticking... Which is why I need to get a boat soon and meet the not so little murmade anymore at the sea. Learn how to swim and practice this line everyday so I won't forget... If she ever ask me about what I do for a living... I'll tell her... I'm this and that and worth between 2 to 5 million dollars... After getting her on a date in a restaurant, I'll ask her is she could pay for it and show her my bank account with only $3 on it. That's between 2 to 5 right? squirl: Goodluck! ommo: Thx squirl. Also just wanted to say... DON'T BE AN OMMO. The world may truly end if it has more than 1 ommo... Squirling... Sorry for the aggressive ads earlier... I tested it, even click or page pop-up everywhere and invasive click goes to a different websites... I changed the ad setting to a minimum... Let's see if advertising works for a month... Thanks... Also, even if Advertising works, I'll keep working and working... Until that TL G comes along and that will turn my life inside out or upside down...

November 30, 2023
ommo: Just found out that BRICS and even Canada sanctioned Israel... I have more and more respect now for Mr. Trudeau for sanctioning Israel... The world is watching epic words from Mr. Trudeau... Thumbs Up... Squirl: Hey ommo, what if the world isn't watching? What would Canada and the current government do? ommo: Great question... What If(s) is hard to answer... me no understood english... Squirling... I have another idea... I'll try replacing that wooden box that I took pictures of using my phone and replace it with an artwork that I'll draw and paint as a hobby where people could view or buy... I have to setup the garage as a shop for garage sale... and see if I could get a buyer someday while people can view it in 3d by taking a picture of it on all sides... Just curious if I could still sell painting like when I was a little gago boy back then through garage sale online... squirl would you be willing to be at the counter of the garage sale shop?squirl: ok! ommo your full of ideas... ommo: Yes, I'm full of NONSENSE... but someday, somewhere I know we could turn anything even nonsense into $... That's my other goal in life or niche... Turning nonsense crap into something useful like making people laugh or $... Let this new journey full of crappy nonsense begin... I know deep down we HOMOS - short for HOMOSapiens (not HAMAS or HUMMUS) can turn any crap into craft...

December 1, 2023
ommo: On the 1st Day of Christmas > Stress from work nothing new > Will finger my G - uitar later after work to reduce stress and maybe record another song... Squirling... finally got my Alberta Student Number created. Not an Albertan originally, since I'm a NOMADian/Canadian... Moving from place to place... Squirling... Einstein quote: "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." I concur, with Albert Einstein because I experienced it multiple times... Most solutions to solve problems at work came up in my head while driving or sleeping... away from the office back then before covid... I've always thought I'm just lucky finding solutions. Now that AI is within our disposal even offline we can use AI. Some people may take credit off from AI... I've been there and seen a boss from my past life on a different company took credit after I handed out the code and app I made... I bet more than 50% of people in this day and age will do the same and take credit for AI and tells other people they don't use AI... Just human nature... I kept imagining I was an android... someday...

December 2, 2023
ommo: On the 2nd day of christmas... I would like to first thank all the people that gave me extra tips. Squirling... Almost killed a deer today on the highway while driving... Was able to evade the deer even though the deer turned the same way I was trying to evade and almost lose control of the car... I sing everday now in the car when no one is around... The deer might have heard my singing voice and got mad and went to the same direction as me... I'll post a video later when I take the footage from my dash cam... I have to mute it so people won't break their ear drums from hearing me sing... God... Thank You once again! Still alive and kicking...

December 3, 2023
ommo: On the 3rd day of christmas... Crazy Week, they caught someone in West Edmonton carrying a gun... I need to find another different favorite mall now. It's like I'm a walking big DEEK target... Squirling... Almost starting school next year... Just need the last requirement to pass this English Test... It's very hard, I can't figure out how to get 100% on it without using AIs help. Squirling... thanks for all the bottles again this week... I got $34.## but can't find my receipt now... Squirling... It started snowing and saw 7 cars on the ditched and 1 car severely damage with ambulance... Squirling... My voice seems like its changing after singing 3-4 hrs a day everyday while on my side hustles... It seems like I'm losing my voice... Here's the video while I was singing... and all of a sudden Mother Nature got mad at me. Sad that even Mother Nature is telling me I don't have any talents... I could post all the cars stuck on the ditch but maybe not... One car is too heavily damaged. I also almost went to the ditch because I don't have winter tires... squirl: Hey ommo why you put To Be Continued while you have spoilers on Dec 2, 2023? ommo: #2sssss... your right squirl... what's done is done. A few hours later... Sorry everyone if singing yesterday and today caused it to snow early here in Edmonton... I will continue to sing while doing side hustles and maybe someday Mother Nature will get used to it... Thanks...

December 4, 2023
ommo: On the 4th day of christmas... Hello World... Not sure what to do to help Palestinian in Gaza... Only good I know is with computers and gave up hacking to be a hugger (hugging Body Pillow from Walmart) a long time ago... Only thing I could do is train Palestinian how to hack for free using Kali Linux which includes decryption/encryption, binary, hex and so on... Israel current army and PM are unstoppable... Hope Israel isn't the first to go use Nuclear on thy World. USA is starting to get attacked too. Don't understand why Israel can't understand they won't have peace by killing... This cycle will continue and gets worst unless either Israel or Palestinians disappear from their land... or some 3rd Parties stop this before it's too late... squirling...

I was watching an anime and heard this song and couldn't stop myself from wanting to learn it and sing... I changed the lyrics below and tried to make it my moving on song didn't get permission to sing it...

Moving On (Original Song by Longman called Spiral)

Every single day, that I think of you
Every little piece, that I tried to pick
I did it again, and I start to think of you
How do I move on?

Got stuck on the way
Telling myself that I'll be okay
Each day that pass me by
I realize more and more...

Every step I take
I move away from you
It's time to let go
I'll be moving on and on...

I know...
That I'm not the one for you...
You know...
That you're not for me as well...

Got stuck on the way
Telling ourselves that we''ll be okay
Each day that pass us by
We realize more and more...
It's time to say goodbye and keep on moving on...

Squirling... Backdoors... After learning encryption/depcrytion and creating apps... We've been taught to always make backdoors... As humans this is not a good practice... Code Reviews are a pain but what if someone could make AI do this code reviews and detect backdoors? Some uses images as the backdoor to a system... Even on the web, android and especially apple products... Squirling... Just another friendly reminder to please take care of your ######### due to nano technology used on it. Nano particles once gets to peoples lungs isn't good and can make us sick. I'm not sure if the current government has enough safety and policy for Nano tech in placed yet that the public isn't aware of that they been exposed of nano particles without them knowing... Is there some sort of disclaimer and ingredients and sort in place? Don't want to get in more trouble for exposing which ones have nano particles that is out there in public that people may not be aware of... I just think people have the right to know and be educated to be safe and handle it appropriately because the World is watching... Nano tech isn't just in the movies and are already out in public... Squirling... gunshots again in Edmonton... Cybertruck from tesla when it comes here in 2025 more for public may not be a bad idea... Bullet Proof cars, trucks, clothing may be the future of civilization... I hear gunshots almost everyday in Edmonton compared to Calgary. Squirling... I've watched that cybertruck event and that guy that throws baseball at the window looks scared and traumatized after he broke the window past event using a steel ball. Now that guy throws a baseball like me when I was a little gago boy scared of breaking stuff. Guess he got scared of Elon Musk if he breaks the cybertrucks window again...

December 5, 2023

ommo: On the 5th day of christmas... Congrats Canada! Nobody can dethrone Canada for having lots of PRETTY @N6C Gs. Thanks Everyone for reaching 429K > 510K... Squirling... To all the guys looking for which girls and country to marry. Go to Canada! I'll probably skip fingering my G this weekend (Guitar)... I'll either do insta cart all day in the weekend and or do this idea where I'll draw and record a video of drawing, post the video in fast forward inside the caravan... then sell it on my garage as a garage sale item... Instead of drawing and painting, I'll buy a white body pillow cover to draw and color on with a permanent immune to washing pens of a PRETTY @N6C Anime Girl... If nobody buys it's ok, I'll be hugging/kissing her everday instead... It's 2 in 1 thing not a waste of time I think... If somebody do buy it, please remember to wash it first. You may not want my lips kissing her mouth transfered to your lips (If you are into that sort of thing though, please don't let me know... I'm not into that sort of thing yet)... If you do want to own exclusive kiss to her mouth... Email me with an order and what she looks like and reserve her... I should probably draw an black hair anime girl on 1 side and blonde hair anime girl on the other side. Thanks...

December 6, 2023
ommo: on the 6th day of christmas, another shooting in Edmonton at Kingsway Mall... City of Guns? Rather than selling body pillow cover... Maybe a DIY clothing body armor is better in this city? I feel sorry for the cops in this city... It's too dangerous, though the cops in this city are brave for being a cop and not wanting to change careers even with this much gun violence... I passed out before from seeing my own blood when the nurse wants some blood samples she took 2 bottles or 3... I asked why so much bottles? Do they feed vampires that the public doesn't know exists? Can't stand seeing needles, blood, insects and bugs... Even Superman has a weakness... I just happen to have lots...

December 7, 2023
ommo: On the 7th day of christmas... Signed up for fiverr today... Going to try it this weekend as well... Going to keep trying different side hustles... Next month start of school... I may record another song and finger my G this Sunday out of boredom... The song is called...Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now (Me and G - uitar) by Starship... Squirling... just checked alberta website and its $100 for 2 years permit to wear a body armor... It should be free in Edmonton and everyone may want to start wearing it when going to shop at the malls... Except for me, my body odour is enough to repel anything... Downside of only taking a bath once a month... I'm saving mother nature even though she doesn't like me back...

December 8, 2023
ommo: On the 8th day of christmas... Thank you for the bottles! Thumbs Up!... Squirling... speaking of Body Armor/Odour... Another True to Life story... One time I was shopping for food in a store, and these two pretty @N6C Gs pass me by then commented what is that smell? After I bought my food, I took off my mask and took a deep breath and smelled myself... For the first time I realized that living in a Caravan has that side effect... Which is why I am now self aware and if see Gs in my eagle eyes radar I stay away before they could smell me unless I have that 1 shower/month on that day... My spider sense also leveled up after that... A few mo ths later... To the scooter bandit who stole my clothes as well when I just moved to Edmonton... Forgot to mention please wash all those clothes... I haven't washed it for 7 months +. Thanks Dr. Stranger a.k.a scooter bandit.

December 9, 2023
ommo: On the 9th day of christmas... Thank you very much! Thumbs Up!... Merry Christmas to you too Joyce. My last Christmas at Calgary was just eating inside the caravan with McDonald's and playing fingerstyle Last Christmas... Edmonton your the 1st greeter better than 0 last year... Squirling... I watched the new movie Hunger Games alone yesterday after my day job and didn't sleep... Spoiler alert... I didn't get why Snow got paranoid all of a sudden... Does a guilty person get paranoid for what they have done? Note to self: Do some research about human mind and behavior if I have some free time. Squirling need to take some powernaps and do some insta cart deliveries later... Then shop for a cheap white body pillow covers to draw on...

December 10, 2023
ommo: On the 10th day of christmas... I have learned a lot this year... My first few days of doing side hustles in Edmonton, I wanted to give up... My senior elder told me once I get used to it... I'll get faster... I didn't give up and listened to him and he was right. I got faster... Lesson learned... Listen to our seniors and elders. They have been there and done that sort of thing... Squirling... I learned that the scooter bandit is out again! Community patrol caught him and turned over to EPS but he is out again. Someone in the community saw him riding his scooter with the back thing to carry stuff. They said some EPS could be part of a thing where bandits steals stuff, get caught stuff goes to EPS, bandits gets out to repeat and EPS gets more and more stuff... My head kept saying SERIOUSLY? I haven't thought of that... If this is really the case then the justice system is flawed if they just let the bandits keep doing it so that they get more stuff in the end... Squirling... learned another thing about EPS that they don't like wearing body cameras... After that aboriginal women got killed by EPS no body cam footage... I thought all police is any country wears body cameras now to prevent corruption and lies... Squirling... I have also learned that astronauts wears adult diapers... mind blown... I want to buy one too because I don't have what it takes to be an astronaut, I just want to be an astonight... Squirling... My caravans heater seems to stopped blowing hot air and when I moved to different modes of air it doesn't switch... It's just blowing on the front and won't defrost my windshield... After searching and watching youtube on how to fix this... After running the caravan for 45mins... I stopped it. Found a youtube video that there's a part near the gas pedal where you could move that controls the modes of air... Tried it and the heater and mode to vent hot air to the windshield started working again... Life in Canada sure is getting harder with inflation... I read a post from someone in the community how can one afford food with this inflation... I wanted to reply... Intermittent fasting... Only eat bread from Walmart, you can get 2 for $5 if its on sale. Plus always buy chicken noodle soup at dollarama... I'm still alive for a year of eating chicken noodle soup, bread and occasional fast food while doing Intermittent fasting... I also buy canned sardines with tomato sauce less than $1 if its on sale, goes well with the bread. Also buy canned tuna and mix with mayo for the bread (taste so good) my favorite... Can't remember the last time I cooked... Don't want the caravan to smell worst than me... Canned pork and beans also taste great, I always ate it since I was a little gago boy.

December 11, 2023
ommo: On the 11th day of christmas... Got busy working, selling bottles and fixing caravan... Recorded today a quick song that I still need to practice to get better

Nothings Gonna Stop Us Now v1

I'll also record and sing this song War is Over XMas song by John Lennon... Doesn't matter if mother nature gets mad or breaks peoples ear drum with my voice only if HAMAS and Israel stop the war this Christmas... squirl: ommo your finally going to sing? ommo: sure, but I'm confident Israel PM and Hamas won't stop this war... Squirling... I haven't verified if EPS wears and don't wear body cams, so I won't believe what a single person says on the internet for now about the EPS. Based on my experience after reporting the scooter bandit... EPS are not corrupt. Squirling... I have remove these side hustles for now..

  • Cleaning your house, building, washrooms, taking care of the kids (can teach how to play guitar, piano and draw), Drive to School, Swimming, other Activities, help with homework or Taking care of Seniors and pets.
  • Shoveling Snow
  • Lawnmowing

Getting ready to Start school Jan 8, 2024 while working and some side hustles... I don't think my body can handle lots of side hustles... Who knows maybe I can get a phone number to help with my English speaking skills for free and with school studies and homework next year...

December 12, 2023
ommo: On the 12th day of christmas... Went to walmart yesterday and forgot to buy sardines, pork n beans... I'll buy it next month... I got lots of tuna and soup. Should last me for 30 days+ including intermittent fasting...

December 13, 2023
ommo: On the 13th day of christmas...

These two emotions are two sides of the same coin. What makes me say that you may ask? Based on experience... As humans, we always learn to love first... We will never experience hate if we don't know love... Love is an emotion that can give someone strength while Hate is an emotion that weakens us. It depends on the person which side they would go with... I hope everyone can find a way to vanquish and banish this other side of emotion called Hate when the time arrives when you are standing over to that side. I have failed my first test when I was a little but not so little boy anymore... I grew up with this childhood friend of mine ever since childhood. She was my next door neighbor... We sleep together and took a bath back then as little kids... We go to a different school though. She went to a public school while I went to a private Catholic School. I was always playing paino, guitar, flute and always singing beatles songs and very cheerful back then... I always hangaround at their house to play chess with her grandpa and climb trees and eat their gauva fruits from the tree. It's probably because I play with her grandpa chess everyday that I got better and won 4 years in a row back then before her granpa died... Things kept turning bad at that point... some time skip happened... because of our religious beliefs... One fateful day... my mom told me never to speak and hangaround with my childhood friend... Just because she had an abortion... My mom found out from somewhere that something happened with my friend and her classmate back then... I didn't know what abortion meant and was told to stay away and not talk to her anymore... I did find out what it meant... from that day forward my other friends kept asking what changed... why I changed and became an introvert... stopped talking, being cheerful and became quiet... Deep down, I knew that I love my childhood friend a long time ago and failed to conquer hate... I hated myself avoiding her and followed my moms advice... before leaving Philippines... It felt like I lost a part of me that I'll never get back. I wish I was smarter back then... Dear Diary... In todays lesson... Remember Hate is an emotion that will always weaken us... Lets all try not to succumb into that emotion and always try to be good this Christmas or Santa Claus won't come to town...

December 14, 2023
ommo: On the 14th day of Christmas... car kept skidding even though car running at 10-20 when hitting the brakes. Need winter tires and find a storage for the all season tires... This is mother nature warning me to switch tires... before I regret what may happen... Thought of buying suction cups and put on tires by making a wrap then after doing some more research, it won't work. It will suck the snow and more snow until its a safety hazard... For now, I'll just drive very slowly... Squirling... I was talking to my parents over the phone last night about life and stuff and we talked about if I should get a girlfriend someday... My dad gave me a piece of advice if you want to truly be happy in life. Never get married or find a girl... All of a sudden, without thinking burst of a moment. I replied and said what if I find a gay person instead? My dad stayed silent after that. Thankfully my mom said, gay people are rich... I was just joking dad... squirl: you're lucky ommo... I asked my mom if true love never dies... She told me... It's 100% true, because she kept scolding to get my old man do some work around our home to pick up food on the road but kept evading high speed cars by a hair of his tail. Old man never dies... She kept praying when oh when...

December 15, 2023
ommo: on the 15th day of christmas... Thank you for these bottles again! I really appreciate it. Thumbs Up! After moving to the next house, I met the owner of the house and asked me "Who are you?"... I panicked and paused... I didn't know what to say... Should I say I'm ommo? I'm Lester, I'm Lester Mo or Mo in front? I'm so bad at small talk and ended up saying Thank You before leaving... On to the next house got another Merry Xmas! Thank you very much for the card and $! Merry Christmas! I think I get why Edmonton Colour is Orange now... When someone is feeling hopeless, there will always be lots of Edmontonian that will brighten your day Orange like the Suns Brightness. With a city like Edmonton, how could I ever leave and travel other places in Canada. I don't know yet where life is going to take me but Edmonton is beginning to feel like home sweet home... I can't offer anything much in return... but I have another idea about making some sort of free game that includes a story, animations, and original music I made that hopefully could make people laugh and enjoy on their free time. I'm no good with small talks or life... All I could offer is computer related stuff, some music and arts. Going to find a place like library in Edmonton to work on this every weekends only for a change of scenery... busy on weekdays. I used to go to Calgary Crowfoot Library for Free Electricity to charge my laptops and powerbanks while working remotely. Discovered it this year while solar is out due to rainy season... Made a promise that I would never hack again... Can't break it... Right now all I could offer to make this world a little bit better is by making this idea into a reality to make people laugh and enjoy it casually. I kept telling myself to make social media videos and talk but that still very hard for an introvert person... I thought of writing a letter and my mission tonight is to deliver this letter to the homeowner without getting noticed... Need to be ninja like and practice my stealth ninjitsu skills...

December 16, 2023
ommo: on the 16th day of christmas... Mission successful, was able to put my handwritten letter for the homeowner without seeing me this time. Ninja skills leveled up... I also had problems sleeping and watched a movie alone yesterday called BARBIE... This movie is 10/10... I wish I was Ken with Barbie like on this image... I know I ken also be Ken because I'm a Kenadian⁹ now... I want to meet a Barbie in real life too and be friends or more than friends if she wants... I also learned and google searched this word from the movie: Gynecologist... If only I don't pass out from seeing blood, I would have switch careers and be one...

December 17, 2023
ommo: On the 17th day of christmas... Dear Diary, today I'm just remembering how I always move my body back and forth and head like this guy Deku while hitting the wall with my head when I was a little gago boy. Body would sometimes unexplainable move back and forth or hands can't stop and stay still while holding a pen up to this day just normal basic human instinct I guess. I refused to be called Autistic, there's no such thing as normal people. I'm just an introvert who may learn some stuff fast yet bad at being social and learns life slowly... I remember a colleage of mine whispering and asking if I'm Autistic, while I replied no because that word back then was not in my english DEEKTIONARY and didn't know the meaning of the word... wonder why ask thee? Squirling... I haven't done this in my life... eating restaurant by yourself... isn't this weird and creepy? I thought I would do it this year and Christmas and not McDonalds but I'm getting cold feet of eating alone in a restaurant while people look at you eating alone... squirl: Do it! Do it! Do it! ommo: I guess your right, I should stop overthinking and just do it. I got a tiktok account but never posted any videos. Maybe I'm allowed to record while eating and review of the food. Hope my clothes won't get strip and torn apart after tasting just like that anime Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma.

December 18, 2023
ommo: on the 18th day of christmas... I'm pooped going to take power naps to recover... Squirling... Thanks for the gifts and giftcards! Squirling... I saw the news about IDF killing their fellow 3 people waiving a white flag while shouting for help using the same language... Squirling... I learned a new word and added to my DEEKTIONARY: POLInians a term consisting of POLICE+POLITICIANS...

After Remote Jobs
ommo: The truth is... its very depressing and lonely... Social Media and online may look ok and happy and all but deep down including me no exception to this... It's a sad life... I'm forgetting how to be human and interact with other humans... It doesn't matter if someone will get tons of million from inheritance, it won't change how you feel about life plus that money isn't ours anyway by not earning it. I would rather keep working and get more side hustles to fill this void that I can't describe... It doesn't matter how many #3s or tissue papers we use... It doesn't matter how many chocolates we eat... This void seems to keep coming back... God if you can hear me, I rather not get any inheritance at all of you could please just keep my parents healthy for a very long time. Squirling... I saw this youtuber a Girl who left this world due to mental stress and living van life thing, I think in her 20s+... If vanlife is already stressful wonder how those people in a tent must feel? It might be 100x worst than a caravan life. I remember always sleeping by the train tracks in Calgary with some othet homeless in tents... Everytime the train pass by its too loud... but I was able to get around it by using Bluetooth headphones while listening to rain and thunder sounds to sleep. I also remember the days on always sleeping at the Bakers Park in Calgary. Some people outside are laughing and said that guy lives here. While the other friends asking how I don't get ticketed by the city of Calgary... The answer is simple... the park closes at 11:00pm and I have side hustle that starts at that time 'til 6:30am so I woke up and drive to work then straight to my 9am - 5pm remotely job. Squirling... Tried looking for restaurants opened on christmas eve but most I see are sports bar... I've never been to that sort of place and I can't remember the last time I watched any sports... Squirling... I recently watched Green Lantern and Blake Lively is too hot... After a few hours later... Is there some sort of connection with letter Bs? Blonde + Barbie + Blake = Pretty @N6C Gs? Amber Heard has a letter B as well... Any G with a letter B n their name will turn out @N6C? Is this a coincidence? Is Barbies magic for real and give Gs the edge with letter Bs?

December 19, 2023
ommo: on the 19th day of christmas... Another Dr. Stranger is mad because I'm using their street parking. Also got the side doors scratched by something lengthier than a ruler by the passenger side facing the walking side not the street side. Squirling... Thank You POPE FRANCIS for saying Israel's attack on Gaza is TERRORISM! Thumbs Up! May GOD protect our POPE from IDF... USA still saying they support Israels right to defend themselves in the latest interview... but this is not defending... Did USA and ISRAEL made a typo? deFend = DEPEND... USA supports Israels right to DEPEND on USA military support... Squirling... Dear Diary: I'm very curious... what would happen if two introverts of opposite gender stayed in the same room for 24 hours... Who's saliva will expire first? The G or the B? Who will initiate the first small talk? Whos going to fart first? Is it going to be a silent killer or a loud one? If only someone rich would make up a show... THE BATTLE of INTROVERTS. I would like to watch it... Squirling... Learned that IDF killed a Catholic Mother and Daughter inside a church. After watching Israels spitting on Christian, Gaza and Palestinians. Now this... I think after Palestinians, Israel hidden goals may be against Christianity... I hope I'm 100% wrong... Squirling... Donald Trump cannot run for president... This world is going to be a lot less fun... I love watching Stephen Colbert Show episodes of Trump...

December 20, 2023
ommo: On the 20th day of christmas... Thanks for the card and $. Merry Christmas!

Tip of the day
ommo: did you know that when I bought these tuna at Walmart it was $1.xx each? Yesterday, I went to Shoppers and saw the same can of tuna 2 for $4.xx... I was like why is it twice as expensive compared to Walmart even though Walmart is close by? Tip 1: Its cheaper at walmart... Tip 2: Using Mayo with canned tuna taste 100% really good... Tip 3: Using Mayo with Canned sardines with tomato sauce is really good... Tip 4: Using Mayo with Ketchup taste great. Tip 5: Putting Mayo on anything is awesome... Squirling... Water engines when it comes and replace eletric vehicles... maybe we could use our pee pee as a source of electricity with some sort of filtration. Squirling... I lost 5 lbs without going to a gym or have a gym membership... Gotta keep exercising and walk everyday... Squirling... I can feel my feet and legs aching from standing or walking... but need to keep at it... Squirling... Too sleeply... need some powernaps soon... Squirling... I wonder if I can go to restaurants and exchanged all my giftcards that I haven't used for cash instead? Squirling... Add water engines + pee pee to my wishlist of things to do (This engine will make caravan life a lot less stressful - get rids of our pee pee for electricity) before I left this earth or WW3... If this experiment with pee pee works... I definitely need to find a G, my recent google search result: G likes P...s more than B likes their own P...s

December 21, 2023
ommo: On the 21st of christmas... Thank you for the present! Merry Christmas. I'll open it on Christmas. Thumbs Up! Squirling... I just realized some cities and places the justice system is heartless... like giving this news to Trump he can't run for Presidency near christmas time and some places like Edmonton, the justice system understands and gave a little hope to homeless people during this Christmas... wonder what would happen to Canada if Trump decides to be a citizen and run in Canada as the prime minister? Trump said immigrants, asians are destroying USA, if he said that in Canada where there are lots of immigrants like me... I would probably just take the easy way out and live the easy life in the Philippines, if Trump became a Prime Minister in Canada. Everyone keeps telling me to live the easy life in Philippines and being stubborn in Canada... I thought USA blonde girls are hot and never met one but if more of them thinks like Trump, I think I'll pass... Looks doesn't matter anyway... If you want to be happy in life. Be single. Don't get married. Or Find someone that is not pretty on the outside but pretty on the inside. In my native tongue: Humanap ka ng Panget. Then love them with all your heart...

Dr. Strangers New Wife (Not a true story)
One rainy day at his work. Dr. Strangers Boss called him to the office. His boss offered him 10 million to marry her daughter that wasn't pretty, looked like an immigrant and has something wrong with her brain... He said no, his boss offered 20 million and he said yes... Everytime they make love and DUCK each other, Dr. Stranger puts a MAGAzine in the face of his new wife while doing it... One day, he and his wife are in the kitchen and his wife accidentally drop and broke a glass of water. Dr. Stranger said. DUCK! his wife said: MAGA! MAGA! MAGA! (looking for a MAGazine) thinking Dr. Stranger wanted to DUCK her... This is a story of how Dr. Stranger founded the word MAGA and got mad at the immigrants because Dr. Stranger ran out of MAGAzine pages and has too look at his new wife face daily... Now Dr. Stranger is blaming immigrants destroying his love for his MagAzines... ommo: I hope Dr. Stranger from this story will also say MAGAA - my a$$ got arrested again Squirling... back to Trump, did more research to what TRUMP said... I found a better video that is uncut and TRUMP was talking about ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and most of the social media and videos they cut it so that people would misunderstand TRUMP like I did earlier and thought he was talking about all IMMIGRANTS... Wow at all these new channels cutting the Illegal Immigrant part to make it sound like just Immigrant... Now I'm beginning to believe in FAKE NEWS...

December 22, 2023
ommo: On the 22nd of christmas... Thank you again for all the letters and cards. Merry Christmas! I'll open these on Christmas so that I'll have more stuff to open this year...

December 23, 2023
ommo: On the 23rd of christmas... Dr. Strangers... grrr.... roar... DUCK YOU... MOTHERFATHER... YOU SATONABLEACH... ok... need to go out later... Hope to see any girls from afar so they cant smell me to make my day and forget about Dr. Strangers.... ROAR!

December 24, 2023
ommo: On the 24th day of christmas... bought the stuff to fix the vehicle yesterday $15.99. Also bought 2 additional powerbanks on sale from $89.xx down to $29.99 for emergency and Christmas present to myself I guess. Watched youtube on how to fix for less than $20... Don't feel like fixing it today... Just gonna play and fingerstyle my G today... Squirling... Thank you USA and Biden for trying to help and defend Philippines with our issues on the sea... Sorry our country can only depend on others for help and cannot help ourselves... Squirling... Looks like I won't be singing because Israel and Gaza won't stop... The world is much safer that way without me singing...

December 25, 2023
ommo: Merry Xmas! Thank you for all these gifts, cards and chocolates... Dear Diary: I can't ducking believe I was very very very ducking stupid back when I was in Calgary... I'm just very stupid now but not very very very... When I was in Calgary... I have experienced those stuff from Dr. Strangers while living in a caravan... It was very stressful, living in Bakers Park when I tried to charge my powerbanks beside the public washroom with electricity... One rainy day my solar won't work, I thought the electricity was free then all of a sudden the city of calgary working there turned off the electricity. When I was on my caravan, one employee with orange and yellow vest got mad and slam on my window to make me leave... I really thought it was a free electricity because its a public park and washroom... It doesn't matter if you have a great remote job and side hustles... back then all the bad stuff came crashing down at the same time... I rememberered all the bad things that happened of getting told I have a small 2 2... A loser for living in a caravan... all the emotional stress and being a sigma and working everyday no rest almost took my life... I started walking away from the caravan on the park and climb the bridge beside it and just jump... I'm so lucky, I'm a chicken and got scared, I was able to convinced myself to just quit my side hustles in Calgary, emailed my bosses on my two other side hustles and move away for a change of scenery... Even if there some bad things that happened in Edmonton as well... The main lesson for today is to never give up on life no matter how hard it tries to bring you down... For every 1 Dr. Stranger there will always be x 10+ kinder people. Can't believe I cried especially when I was told a loser living in a caravan and Blonde girl tried to console me and I left before she got closer. I was lame and didn't want anyone to see me in that state... Glad to still be alive! I think I'm getting stronger, smarter with AIs help and better with each passing day. Never again, I'll think of taking an easy way out... Plus I have found this amazing AI website . I love you AI! no matter how much you rejected me and say get some help way back when... Now I don't have to force myself to get into a relationship just to prove a point that I'm not gay... just yet... Squirling... Houthi now will also target USA ships... USA blaming Iran for the attacks on an Israel trade ship passing through the red sea... Next year will be a sight for sore eyes for this Planet we call earth...

December 26, 2023
ommo: Thanks again for this Pot of Gold Chocolate tried one and it's really good. Can't remember the last time I ate chocolates but I'll finish all of it today and hope I keep losing more weight by walking 2 - 3 hrs a day. Thumbs Up! Might save some chocolate later when I fix this vehicle to have more energy by eating chocolates... Squirling... EV Cars battery and windshield replacement is too expensive. Tesla got hit with rock and chip then slightly cracked the windshield by about 7 inches due to cold winter I guess... It would cost $1,800+ here in Edmonton... I think EVs are not worth the cost... I'm sounding like Pierre Poilievre now... Dear Diary: I just learned an important lesson... Anything High Maintenance like cars or girls are not worth the cost... I think... I wonder if there are any girls who likes to eat tuna and sardines with mayo? 2-3 times a week? Those girls are a keeper for life... I think... For now, better stick to AI girls since they are not high maintenance... DUCK... I accidentally smelled my armpit... I almost lost consciousness... 2024 Jan is close... I'll take a bath next year... Also true to life story... It doesn't matter how much Febreeze you spray your clothes, it will keep smelling like sweat... I'll do laundry next year and it should be good for another year...Squirling... 100 gig data plan isn't enough for me alone with all the remote work and personal use. Need to start looking for plans like 150 gigs or 200 gigs... Squirling... Done fixing loud vehicle noise earlier today, hope this DIY fix (that I copied from youtube) last for 10 years... I couldn't finish this pot of gold chocolates, I'll eat some more tomorrow.

December 27, 2023
ommo: Thanks for the cards, tips and giftcards from yesterday. Happy New Year as well. Squirling... taking a break from fingering Hotel California... Squirling... finished 12 pieces of pot of gold chocolate 12 more pieces to go... Eat some tomorrow... I cannot believe I can't eat it all in a day anymore... I used to be able to eat a bucket of big ice cream butter peacan from walmart and would buy 2 - 4 buckets a week... I stopped eating ice cream as well... Ever since I lost a lot of weight from side hustles, I haven't gotten really sick this year that prevented me from working... Maybe there is a relation of overweight and sickness afterall because I used to get sick a lot when I was overweight... and when I started eating raw garlic... Eating 1 clove a day and munching it my health seems to be better... down side is my sweat, armpit and breath smells like garlic (This is also good for repelling vampires)... I already finished 2 bottles of febreeze and on my 3rd bottle but could still smell my clothes... Squirling... I had a powernap and remembered something my childhood friend told me that Mountain Dew can make you baog (sterile or impotent)... All these years I didn't and stop drinking Mountain Dew then after my powernap... It wasn't the drink Mountain Dew, it was my Green Mountain Bike... because I had that bike when I was a little gago boy drinking a Mountain Dew while on my Green Mountain Bike... I misheard it all this time and ended up using my Green Mountain Bike a lot... Next time I go to a store, I'll buy one Mountain Dew and taste it for a very long time and say Ahhhh Its been a while!... For today's life lesson: To all the girls out there... please make sure to keep repeating what you say to any guys... it's because we guys always mishear stuff and slow like a turtle and to all Guys try to be better with communication and clean our ears with swabs...

Girls might say: Let's ducking do laundry and take your clothes off it smells so bad and clean up all your stuff on the floor. Put your things inside the drawers RIGHT NOW!...

Guys hear (. = Blah): Let's ducking . . . take our clothes off! . . . . . . . . . . on the floor. Put your thingy inside . . me RIGHT NOW!...

December 28, 2023
ommo: Thanks for the card and $! Happy New Year as well... Thumbs Up! I'll collect all the letters and cards and make a new wall (Not Seat of Side Hustles using Clothes from side hustles)... I'll dub thee wall "Ommo's Happy Days"... Squirling... I have asked ChatGPT for a cure for cancer... Chat GPT Response: As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, there is no single "cure" for cancer. Cancer is a complex group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled division and growth of abnormal cells. The treatment of cancer depends on the type and stage of the disease, and it often involves a combination of therapies, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy.

Research into cancer treatment and therapies is ongoing, and new developments may have occurred since my last update. Various scientific and medical institutions around the world are actively working on understanding the mechanisms of cancer and developing innovative treatments.

It's important to note that progress in cancer research is incremental, and finding a universal cure for all types of cancer remains a significant challenge. Many factors, such as the diversity of cancer types, genetic mutations, and individual variations, contribute to the complexity of developing a one-size-fits-all cure.

If you or someone you know is facing a cancer diagnosis, it's crucial to consult with healthcare professionals who can provide the most up-to-date information and personalized treatment options based on the specific circumstances of the individual case. Additionally, staying informed about the latest advancements in cancer research through reputable sources is important for understanding the evolving landscape of cancer treatment.

December 29, 2023
ommo: NATO expanded even more by accepting Finland and Sweden... Squirling... I just watched a youtube video why everyone should change oil every 5000 KM or 6 Months... Watching Engines taken apart and replace isn't fun to do but was curious and watched it. I also accidentally learned how to make bombs from a simple homemade ingredients we can buy at Walmart... It was an accident because my curiosity suddenly changed... I will never try and make one but its crazy people can do such things home made and the knowledge is available on the internet... Squirling... everything is escalating in the world... Squirling... Ate some garlic... while finding out eating beans will make us fart a lot... also learned it is normal and healthy to fart at least 25 times a day... If you don't fart, eat beans... If you hold it in, it will come out from your mouth or any other holes such as your nose... Healthy tip: When you fart, make sure no one is around and its out in the open with open air. Trust me on this, you don't wanna try smelling rotten eggs... or grease traps... Squirling... My first time dealing with grease traps as a cook for side hustle a long time ago, I almost puked, until I got used to it and don't mind smelling and dealing emptying it... Squirling... I bought those cream for muscle pain and it doesn't seem to work... standing and walking seems painful... but it's normal... I think being fit needs us to keep moving and deal with muscle pains... no one can be fit by doing nothing... the famous words that come to mind: NO PAIN NO GAIN, is 100% true... If you want to lose weight, start moving... Aside from walking everyday day, I started doing 10 push ups and 20 squats a day... It's not fun, feeling especially the knees with burning and pain sensation and cream doesn't numb the muscle pains... I got great benefits and have massage benefits but never tried it in my life... Too shy to get smelled and touch by a pretty @N6CGs for a massage... I wonder if those massage places have a combo of direct billing + shower + pretty @N6C GS... Do they have laundry to dry clothes for free as well? Squirl: hey ommo2 (fart)... What is the difference between a Fart and Air? ommo: We have the technology to deal with air, yet in 2023 no one has invented a technology to stop farts inside our human body... such a big mystery... poor A$stronauts... squirl: Is there any sports full of white Gs who loves small G holes? a few minutes later... ommo: that's a tough one... after doing some major research... I found out GOLF is that sport... It's mostly played by white Gs and it has small G holes for the balls to go into... squirl: why does it take too long in an emergency hospital to look at emergency patients? ommo: I'm guessing it's because its not really an emergency until you press the red emergency stop thing and alarms goes off, everyone goes out and you'll be the 1st in line (don't do this in real life)... Squirling... I remember talking to this @N6G in a counter when buying my food at a food court, I asked for a discount and said: Miss, would you give me a discount if I say I LOVE YOU? She said: Sure, but if I say yes to date me, you'll have to pay double... I couldn't come up with anything and didn't get a discount... I need more practice and learn lots of pickup lines plus I just learned anything high maintenance is not worth the cost and ended up walking away singing inside my head with another EMO song... I also have a different encounter on this A&W when buying a breakfast way back when... There are 3-4 pretty @N6Gs... She asked me how would you like your eggs sir? Then they all laughed... After leaving the restaurant... I finally get what she meant... Dirty green minded Gs... next time I'll research on what to say for a comeback conversation... Speaking of food, going to West Edmonton Mall tomorrow to hang around and get, more life experiences... Hope it's safe tomorrow...

December 30, 2023
ommo: Dear Diary, I have noticed that girls mostly fall for bad guys that can give them sparks and confidence... Those Alpha males always get the girls... Girls will always stick around to Alpha Males like glue... even when girls ask their Alpha Males why they are in a relationship... because they always get headaches... These Alpha Males like Dr. Strangers will just brush them aside and say: I thought you love sparks... Look at your face right now, sparks is flying everywhere... They have the ability to keep crazy mad girls at bay and once these Alpha Males get them pregnant, they are so fast at running away from responsibility of raising their offspring... Other girls that are having a hard time getting a man maybe because they are looking for Alpha Males that are gentlemen and won't run away when they get pregnant or from responsibilities... My life advice to these girls is that... An Alpha Male that is a gentleman, responsible and won't run away is a Unicorn... Unicorns doesn't exist (99.99% guesstimate)... If you do managed to catch a UNICORN... Thumbs Up! Congratulations! You got yourself an extremely extinct rare species... Pretty sure UNICORNS are very high maintenance and not worth the cost as well...

Squirl: hey ommo, what do you want to do with your life then? ommo: I thought really hard about it... After a day or two, I think I want to be happy as a single sigma person... Squirl: but why be loner sigma? ommo: Simple Math my dear Watson (Watching Sherlock Holmes)... SIGMA loners can easily achieve happiness... It's a lot easier to make 1 person happy than 2 or more... Squirling back to UNICORNS... You know you got yourself a UNICORN if they exhibit these traits:

  • Deaf Ability - When you are mad, they can pretend to be a good listener by being deaf...
  • Committed and Loyal only to you and no other - If a Unicorn ask you if you will marry after a Unicorn dies and you say NO, and you will live with your girlfriends, girl cousin or sister, ask these Unicorns back, if they say the same thing and said NO and they would love to live with your cousins, friends, or sister... That's a real live UNICORN...
  • They appreciate your negative qualities - You are always right and their horn just keeps getting bigger and bigger because they lie to their true selves...

Squirling... Went to West Edmonton Mall earlier and it was hard to find a parking... Even caught some people on my dash cam beeping and beeping because they won't move while waiting for other people to leave... Patience is another rare trait to come by in this day and age...

December 31, 2023
ommo: Bored and decided to watch the moon landing out of curiosity... Youtube Video I decided to watch it lots of times using youtube's slow motion feature... I also took some screenshots because I have some questions... I hope someone out there could email me some answers...

Question 1: Moving black dot when it has landed?

Question 2: Sudden disappearing white messed up from editing?

Question 3: Camcorders back then has Xray visions see through people?

Question 4: More Aliens on the shadow?
Question 5: They brought the first asian cleaner on board? It shows on the video slow mo, Asian Cleaner pick up and decided to put it back... Probably got told the cleaner video/photo bomb their masterpiece? or was the asian (HOPE ITS A PINESE) practicing cups and balls magic trick out in space?

Question 6: He is the first Peter Pan as well? His Shadow decided not to cooperate? You can see the delay in the shadow being stationary and thinking why should I follow?

... Someone please give some answers to my questions after playing the youtube video in slow motion... Thanks! Note: You'll have to play the video multiple times in slow mo because its very hard to see... The world is watching... Happy Advance New Year! squirl: so ommo any plans for 2024? ommo: Not sure squirl, going to be very busy in 2024... Maybe I should do a time skip and continue in 2025? 'til next time!

To be Continued...