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Welcome to omLestermo!
om - Short for Home + less
mo - Mobile Living
Also known as: Lester then add "Mo" in front or ommo for short.

The top part symbolizes the roof of a house (a car in my case). Added two wheels on the road (based on Abbey Road from the Beatles) My name on the road like the Beatles walking 'coz I'm a fan of their music.

Quote of the Year:
"A Hopeless Romantic..."
- ommo

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  • Taking Care of your recycled bottles (Edmonton Area or St. Albert only for now)
  • Responsive Web Design, Graphics & Animation
  • Teaching + Training / Programming or Software App Dev / Automation

Year 2024 Dear Diary
OMMO's, EMO's, Lester, omLestermo, mo... Daily Life...


May 1, 2024
ommo: Its snowing again in May! MotherNature I was just kidding to invest in a filtration to drink your blessings... Please stop this snow already... ok?

Squirling... Doing daily training on snow and rainy day now got me more headache, even though I was regretting last night not bringing my soap and shampoo and shower in a rainy snowy day while no one is watching... but at least I got a free caravan wash from the rainy snowy day... Took my last Tylenol, might have to go to walmart again... I was still laying down with headache and runny nose, all of a sudden.. something came out of my runny nose and I accidentally swallowed it... I was trying to puke it out but it was too late... DUCK... there's always a first time for everything... It was too gross... erase erase erase... delete it from my memory... Squirl: But ommo, you'll eventually remember it someday when reading back your diary... ommo: not now squirl... not now... ok? I guess if I was a doctor, I would say to myself... What's already inside your body that came out and went back in won't make you any sicker... You'll be fine...

May 2, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, I think I'm becoming more and more homeless minded each day.. Like in the real world, where most homeless make the city full of crap... Online, I'm crapping cities within a city #586 (I tried to be discreet about it... intentionally made it my #2s just like #2s in real life)... Now I'm finally getting why cops in the real world doesn't like homeless people...

May 3, 2024
ommo: It's Friday again... 1 more day of daily training... Time to eat more tuna...

May 4, 2024
ommo: So tired, I don't get anymore sleep... Playing with myself is bringing my true homelessness nature which is not good mentally... I kept dreaming of this online 3D G named Olivia... probably because I kept watching and watching that scene a million times... I'm starting to wish she was real... Dear Diary... Am I a hopeless homeless pervert? Why am I more interested in 3D/Anime Gs than real life? why oh why? I think AI is right when I asked AI for a date way back when and AI said no and get some help... This must be fate that I saw 3D Olivia... I'm going to need to take a break and get more sleep... Not good for the health, especially this summer, I still have to help in my brother business as another side hustle... Which should be good to take my mind away from 3D Olivia...

May 5, 2024
ommo: Congrats to Canada again for winning the pretty @N6C G trophy, 2nd prize goes to Ireland, 3rd is USA this time... Canada Gs are pretty scary though... but I guess all Gs are scary better to stick to online, 3D and Anime... Spent all day using my hot air, and soldering tools fixing and changing electronic parts from the motherboard and stuff... ...

May 6, 2024
ommo: Monday... back to my daily life of work and training... Squirling... my colleague went to Italy and our company allows us to work from other countries as long as we login to the current time here in Canada... This is awesome news... Though Canada is already full of pretty @N6C Gs why travel... Dear Diary... Just parked on the side of the road chilling... while rain pours... I ducking love rainy season... You can do anything without people hanging around outside hearing you from the inside...

May 7, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, I saw an angel pass me by... She has black hair wearing a white ribbon behind her head... It must be the ribbon thing because I've never seen a G wear a ribbon for as long as I can remember... I only saw those ribbons in anime Gs wearing it... It could be the ribbon... like a gift that I want to unwrap... I lost the chance to get a phone number... I need to change my own destiny turning into an old perverted man... but wait... for now... back to my 3D Olivia...

May 8, 2024
ommo: Trudeau trying to pass BILL C63, anything we said in the past, present or future gets us in trouble... Jail Time... I don't like what's happening to Canada anymore... Maybe this is why my colleague went to Italy... I need to find a country that let's us post on the internet without going to jail... What an insane PM of Canada... #2 would that get me in more trouble? Even though Canada has the most pretty @N6C Gs in the world. It's not worth the cost going to jail because of BILL C63... What is freedom? That good this is, I'll be able to change my destiny of being an old preverted man in Jail due to BILL C63...

Squirling... The west should be prepared... Just got an emergency notice from the government... This is because Russia is not joking about using Nuclear weapons... They are now prepping for it... NATO and the west should have more respect to Russia... freaking Biden, Trudeau and UK PM... I haven't kissed a G yet to just get nuked in Canada by Russia... Western Nation stop it OK? Russia is 100% serious... Canada is in the middle of the map between USA and Russia isn't it? Canada will be used a shield for USA? These socks... Squirling... Gonna record a song this weekend and take a break playing with myself and play with my G... Still haven't decided what song to play...

May 9, 2024
ommo: I'll be eating ham and mayo today... I got tired of eating tuna and mayo, I thought I'd try this and bought at walmart instead... I used to be a cook at two restaurants but I don't cook anymore, not even rice... Just instant noodles, bread and tuna, now ham... I remember my first time cleaning and emptying grease traps... I almost puke... and my first time cleaning washrooms... I missed those times... For some reason customers expressed their gratitude and ask what's the secret how I make it taste so good... It's a trade secret... I'll never forget how this one G said I was the best cook in the world... I always give my all even cleaning toilets... I'm a professional... Even my big boss at the restaurant always wants me to cook his food... So bored, I'll just play with my G again a little to keep practicing... Also been singing everday alone since no one can hear me, I could sing as much as I want... I'm beginning to lose my voice...

May 10, 2024
ommo: One more day of training and I can finally get more rest and practice guitar... I decided to stop playing with myself... It's too tiring... Now I can pick a song to play this weekend...

May 11, 2024
ommo: Finally eill get some rest before monday again... Couldn't breathe because of all the smoke... Forest fire again... Liberals will make sure they blame it on climate change and forest fire... Need to do more research between forest fire before and after Liberals are the government... Squirling... Finally fingered my G again and played some songs... 3D Olivia can't compare to the feeling of fingering my G...

May 12, 2024
ommo: Happy Mothers Day to everyone! Today, I will share my origin story of how I became homeless for Mothers Day special... One day, my classmate who I will not name... but lets just call him Dr. Stranger... I was asking Squirl how to get straight... hair... straight hair ok? not the one on how to be straight... Squirl said I don't know because Squirl isn't straight... I don't know why my hair is curly and curling not straight... Then Dr. Stranger comes along and said... If you masterbate and do your #3, use that thing that comes out and out then in your hair, it will become soft, silky and straight... Sadly, I did that one fateful day... While my MOM was driving me to school, she noticed it and said... what the heck is that on your hair? I said its a new gel... eventually the truth came out... I got disowned due to strict beliefs and became homeless... I hope everyone loves my origin story for the day...

May 13, 2024
ommo: There's a saying when you go woke, you go broke. In Canada though, when you go to Canada, you go broke, when you try to leave, you'll be broken inside and out by the taxman... I think Hotel California song is like Canada, once you get inside, you can never leave... Unless you can pay all the taxes trying to leave... As for me, nope because someday I know the G of my dreams are somewhere here in Canada... Though I can't stop watching Japanese, Korean, Chinese Gs in cheerleaders dancing in youtube... I've been learning this song from Thailand also, Unloveable by MILD... After watching this Belle Nuntita, I started learning this song this past Sat and Sunday... I also realized that it doesn't matter if she used to be a man, if shes now a Transgender I consider her a G and won't care if I date someone like that... Pretty @N6C G... As long as Transgender would also be ok to date a homeless like me why not right? I don't see any problems... Do you? Forgot to mention, as long as her pen is no longer there and no longer than mine... Then everything is fine... Squirling... still trying to come up with my own version of english lyrics to unloveable...

May 14, 2024
ommo: Nothing new today, just listened to the same song Unloveable for 5 hours on repeat... Also watched some youtube Gs in got talent where they have a male voice... 2 voices... Amazing... Also, a few days ago, I accidentally thought the pretty girl was a Female but was a male... What an awkward situation... I had to apologize for being a newbie that can't tell a pretty G from a M... I need to learn more life lessons...

May 15, 2024
ommo: Just watching Boku no Hero Academia 7th Season then going to take a nap before my training later... Woke up, had my 3 hrs of nap or less... Good to go training again...

May 16, 2024
ommo: I've never been so tired until today... Being homeless is very tiring... I found a new song I could 100% relate called All By Myself... Gonna try and play this maybe at the park this weekend... Maybe it would attract birds, flies, squirls and many more animals...

May 17, 2024
ommo: It's Friday again... I didn't know Monday is a Holiday, good thing I found out today... That's why most of my colleagues took vacations for extra long weekends... So bored, there must be more to life than just work, play, music or anime... Now I need to figure out what to do on the long weekend... Should I do my #2 or #3? For the record, I can't remember the last time I did #3... Someone gave me an advice a few weeks back... There is more to life than looking for Gs... I need to find the meaning to this advice... because even Adam got bored playing with himself and probably asked God, which is why God took something out of Adam and slightly modded so Adam technically plays with himself with another Adam... I meant Eve... Then Eve got bored of Adam and talked to Lucy... Long Story short... Everybody gets bored... I'm very boring... Squirling... I bought a body pillow blank white at Walmart, I should try drawing on it this weekend... Now to pick on a list of anime Gs to draw on it...

May 18, 2024
ommo: Could finally take a break from work and training and long weekend...

May 19, 2024
ommo: Researching Gout, found out that my dad keeps getting gout and couldn't walk properly. According to my research, if a family member had a gout history. I will also have the probability of getting gout in the future... I ate raw garlic almost everyday but still get cough, fkue and headache. I hope I don't get gout as well in the future...

May 20, 2024
ommo: Finished getting 3K gold on 586 for all those cities... Too tiring, its a step and repeat process now to keep getting that reward to save for a rainy day if needed... Might be funny to create a shadow clone jutsu of Naruto someday and raid a city using it... Also found can't raid a low level city on a faction anymore... Need lv 17 cities...

May 21, 2024
ommo: Just saw and heard the speech from the previous World Economic Leader saying he was proud that their program penetrated the government like Trudea. While Poilievre made a statement that the conservatives will have nothing to do with World Economics or be fired... It will be a long road ahead for Poilievre because the Liberals are making sure Canada is down to its knees...

May 22, 2024
ommo: Today I learned how more corrupt this current government is... Mr. Speaker from the House should have been neutral to any party... But Canadians found out, Mr. Speaker was a Liberal payroll...

May 23, 2024
ommo: Thanks for these bottles. Thumbs Up! I'll have to shave my beard and mustache haven't done for months this week, not really motivated to do so... Also might have to delay the fingering thingy because I've been playing with myself again... Too many to login into...

May 24, 2024
ommo: Sold bottles and finally shaved. Got 3 hrs of sleep before training 1 more day and rest... I may have to delay recording a song to get more practice... Sorry for the delay and Thanks...

May 26, 2024
ommo: I missed Lesterday, too busy playing and watching cheerleaders at youtube dancing and anime... I hope my current rank is enough to reach playoffs otherwise I'll have to play some more which only opens on the weekends. Rank 222/256 for Playoffs... I screwed up this month and ran out of data plan 100 GB isn't enough for playing with myself, watching anime and youtube cheerleaders dancing... If blondes are sent down from the heavens, asian Gs such as Chinese, Japanese and Koreans are simply irresistible and I kept coming and watching asian girls... What's wrong with me, Am I starting to get desperate? No way, because someday if I can't find a G, my backup plan is to rent. I'm pretty sure in China or Japan we are allowed to rent a G. Two amazing countries that have rent a G that is not illegal... Also my rank went to 213 for this season playoffs... But now I can't without lagging... I need like 200 Gigs a month plan...

May 28, 2024
ommo: Kept missing daily logs entry... Just rethinking my life goals...

May 29, 2024
ommo: Today, I learned a very important lesson that if everyone tries and work together, people could accomplish greater things than a loner sigma could do. It doesn't matter where you came from... Even though I'm not born in Canada, I hope Canadians can all work together and get rid of corrupt government trying to drive Canada into a 3rd world country... All for one and One for all... Just like My Hero Academia...

May 30, 2024
ommo: Finally decided what song to play maybe tomorrow... Ive been playing lots of puzzle games today...

May 31, 2024
ommo: Still haven't record. May be delayed again. Got Flat tire and going to fix it this weekend.

To be Continued...