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Welcome to omLestermo!
om - Short for Home + less
mo - Mobile Living
Also known as: Lester then add "Mo" in front or ommo for short.

The top part symbolizes the roof of a house (a car in my case). Added two wheels on the road (based on Abbey Road from the Beatles) My name on the road like the Beatles walking 'coz I'm a fan of their music.

Quote of the Year:
"A Hopeless Romantic..."
- ommo

My Tip Jar

Now Accepting Tips

Thank You in Advance...

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Available for Side Hustles

  • Taking Care of your recycled bottles (Edmonton Area or St. Albert only for now)
  • Responsive Web Design, Graphics & Animation
  • Teaching + Training / Programming or Software App Dev / Automation

Year 2024 Dear Diary
OMMO's, EMO's, Lester, omLestermo, mo... Daily Life...


Jan 1, 2024
ommo: Happy New Year!, bored again... Hey squirl! it's been a while... squirl: Happy New Year OMMO! I thought you won't be back 'til 2025 and would do a TIMESKIP?maybe ommo: I do but before I do that, I think I'll give myself a challenge this year to post Jan 1st to Dec 31st 2024 without missing a day... After that I'll probably do a TIMESKIP... Squirl.. It's too cold in Edmonton compared to Calgary... squirl: I concur just like your Love Life... ommo: What? Are you a psychic? How did you know squirl? squirl: I can see your diary and new quote of the year... Are you getting hopeless now? ommo: On the contrary squirl, I think I still have 3-3.5 years left... I forgot how to spell psychic and googled it... Other than that. I learned Singapore and Canadian Dollars are the same... I thought all Asian Countries currency money are below USA and Canada... I learned something new today... then I googled and researched what Singapore girls looked like... Thumbs UP! They are pretty @N6C Gs... Squirling... More countries are finally helping Palestinian in Gaza, I think history will change forever and remember these countries that help prevent Genocide... while also remembering the countries that supported Israel for this Genocide that's happening in our generation... Having multiple citizenship in other countries that help Palestinians sounds like a good adventure... Squirling... I should have fuel up last year... Saw the gas prices today and it went up significantly... Squirling... After my powernap, I saw the face of Dr. Stranger as the Anti Christ. I immediately woke up and was breathing heavily...

Jan 2, 2024
The Story so far... I was dreaming that Squirl and I were in Gaza defending Palestinian civilians... One fateful day, squirl and I are both hiding and defending... Suddenly, squirl went outside with a white flag waving to surrender... Squirl was shouting surrender in Hebrew but then Squirl got shot by a sniper... I threw a smoke grenade, and within the smoke, I tried to get squirl into a safe spot... and I said: squirl! squirl! talk to me! Why did you do thee? squirl said: I saw an IDF soldier and thought he's the ONE. My heart went CODE RED it was like love at first sight... ommo: That's crazy... going outside with a white flag and only pen on you... Why did you even carry a pen? squirl: I thought the ONE would give me his contact info and needed a pen to write it down. ommo: Squirl, let me give you a piece of an advice, there is only 1 of the ONE and its KEANU REEVES from the Matrix... squirl: I already know that and the IDF looked identical to the one. A few hours later.... ommo: So how are you feeling now squirl? squirl: I feel so good now ommo... ommo: That's great to hear... squirl: It was great that the IDF sniper missed and the bullet went through my @$$ instead... ommo suddenly woke up breathing heavily... #2 Dr. Stranger the Anti Christ looked like squirls behind... Squirling... Trinity Carrie-Anne Moss is also the one from the Resurrection Movie... wait a minute... Mind Blown... I think 2 becomes the one means no 1 is an island?... You always need a partner, soul mate, and companion in life? Is this what the movie is teaching me? or after googling 2 becomes 1... It shows up in google. It's a song by SPICE GIRLS 1996 released... I googled Matrix, and it was released in 1999... Does this mean 2 becomes 1 came from SPICE GIRLS? The Movie Matrix and all the series all the way to Resurrection is a fan based on SPICE GIRLS? Too spicy for me...

Jan 3, 2024
ommo: Hey Squirl, do you know the difference between Gs and digital passwords? squirl: Gs are like WiFi signal, some relationship are strong or weak just like passwords some are strong and some are weak. ommo: You're on the right track squirl! I think so too, there is no difference between Gs and Passwords. If you have a strong password, you're secured. If you understand Gs, you're also secured. If you have a weak password, you're in trouble... If you don't understand Gs because you didn't think or try enough, you're in big trouble. If you forgot your password or your G, you are screwed... I'm beginning to understand my dads advice to stay single to be happy in life... Some would say happy G = happy life... It could be true but trying to make a happy G forever... Is that worth the cost of a few minutes or sometimes seconds of a happy ending? I think eating chocolates tastes and feels like a happy ending to me... squirl: I get ya bruh, food makes a single person a lot happier... This is why there's a saying: “the way to a man's heart is through his stomach”... ommo: Just make sure you don't get hooked from the food. Squirl: What's your favorite dessert ommo? ommo: Leche Flan... I always ate that when I was a little gago boy, that's why my life turned into Leche Lecheng Life. Leche in English could also mean: DUCK, SUCKING LIFE... Squirling... I was watching how to build a diy submarine since this war seems to keep getting bigger and bigger... Squirling... I was also browsing for a small business to buy and saw a laundromat for sale in Edmonton really cheap but after doing some research and reading in reddit forums... People said that area is full of drugs and homeless... I have no issue with homeless because I'm the same but I have red flags with drugs... Not worth the cost of getting a laundromat for cheap if it's in a dangerous place. I also read that instead of delivering such as food for instacart, skip the dishes, uber and so on.. It's better to setup an llc business and do deliveries for medical things... Going to look on this tomorrow on how to start my own business... It's going to be hard talking to people to get this as an introvert I think... but I'll read and research on it tomorrow... I did become a salesman door to door before... The guy who was training me lied a lot to girls to make a sales... A few hours later I said, this job ain't for me and quit. I learned a lot about making girls laugh on that quick experience... You need to lie to make Gs happy and have a happy life as well... I need more experience on that field. I don't have what it takes to be a great lawyer... I meant liar... Auto correction...

Jan 4, 2024

Are you willing to find out if your a Genius or a UNICORN?
Try and fill in the blanks before clicking the reveal button.

F _ _ K F O L K
B O O _ S B O O T S
_ _ N D O M R A N D O M
P _ N _ S P A N T S
P U _ S _ P U L S E
V A _ _ N A V A R U N A

If you get:
0 / 6 You're a DEEK!
1 / 6 You're GREEN MINDED!
2 / 6 You're RANDO / NORMAL!
3 / 6 You're SMART!
4 / 6 You're VERY SMART!
5 / 6 You're a GENIUS!
6 / 6 You're a UNICORN!

Squirling... Warren Buffett is warning everyone that a huge inflation is around the corner... I'm not surprised for another inflation as long as I have my Mayo, Tuna and Sardines I'm good... economy wars, first one who gets into the great depression loses... Squirling... Russia became the president of BRICS... Another Beatles song playing in my head Back to USSR... I remember when I was still learning hacking and learned from a great Russian Hacker... He was a genius hacker... It gets boring though after you've done it and ends up hacker vs hacker... Also knew a website that just pops up like a bunch of images where a random normal person would think that the website isn't yet setup and just ads of images... Hidden among those images is a code to enter the real site... you won't be able to view the code unless you go through and find the image that contains the code from tons of images one by one. Then, in order to get in, you also have to use a certain browser and key combination to reveal a login and credentials to enter... Talk about very smart or paranoid, I would have never thought of it without experiencing it first hand scary genius hackers... Though I'm grateful for everything and every day that I learn new things, especially about life... Squirling... I saw on youtube Israel trying to get rid of all of Palestinian in Gaza... They seem to want Gaza just for Israel people only. Even if USA is trying to talk Israel out of it, they won't listen to USA anymore... For all the Palestinian or people in Gaza... their current world without a place to escape is sad and wrong... They don't have the ability to flee and protect themselves after all the carpet bombing... What's annoying is that the IDF and people of Israel either got brainwashed by the Prime Minister and mindlessly follow and hate Palestinians or Christians... Is this the will of their God? The People of Israel or the will of one person their Prime Minister to drag this out and get more countries involved? or did Israel and the Prime Minister got manipulated by someone behind the scenes? Now they are trapped into this mess for the world to see... Example: In WW1 after watching youtube videos. I think the West is more of a manipulator in WW1... In Hamas and Israel, my gut tells me the East this time is the manipulator to overthrow the West. I based this upon looking at how HAMAS has planned the attacked, retreats and exactly anticipated how Israel would react and ask for help (the West). I hope it's not for a silly revenge because the west masterfully manipulated a lot of countries in WW1 and make promises... It's interesting to me because it is like chess anticipating what the other is thinking... yet sad because real lives are the pawns and are at stake... Squirling... I also think it's too late for Israel Prime Minister for getting caught in a nest of spider webs and letting his hate get the best of him... Squirling... I'm remembering how I always trade my bishops for opponents' horses because horses are more annoying to deal with in chess back then I kept losing to my childhood friend grandpa with horses...

Jan 5, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, earlier today... A pretty @N6C G stopped me on my tracks and said: Excuse me, I always see you in this area... what do you do? I stopped looked at her and paused... I don't know what to do or don't know what to say... My head is floating looking for some squirls inside my head for some advice... I ended up saying ... She then said, ok good... with a smile and I said, thank you and left without getting her name... Thanks God for letting me talk to a pretty @N6C G in a minute or so... That's like a world record! Squirling... Done my daily walk for hours and hours and hours, 10 push-ups, and 20 squats. My school starts next week for a different career God help me fully master my Powernap and multi tasking skills... Maybe I could work on different careers at the same time... Also can't wait to do surveying for my brother's business this summer... I wonder if I could start a business like Jack of All Trades but a master of none... like fixing cars, replacing alternators, belts, brake pads... and tell the government I earned my degree fixing it from Youtube Academy of Learning Institute from watching lots of youtube diy videos... Squirling... I also learned how to make a diy stun gun from youtube too bad it's illegal in Canada... Squirling... The girl from earlier, whoever you are, thank you for talking and not getting creeped out from a random homeless guy like me. Thumbs Up! Thanks again to everyone hanging around my online home reading my dear diary, congrats to the green highlighted for ranking up with more pretty @N6C Gs for the reds who went down, don't give up keep having more babies and hope its a G, a few decades from now I hope you will also rank up... Congrats again to Canada for holding the trophy of having lots of PRETTY @N6C Gs... To be honest, for some unknown reason, I feel so naked in real life because of this dear diary... Squirling... North vs South Korea might also start a war soon... 2024 will be a year to remember... Squirling... Googled how many homeless per country... Whoever recruits all the homeless for war gets an advantage since we as homeless have nothing else to lose and the only way is to go up the ladder and we can even extend that ladder all the way to heaven...

Jan 6, 2024
This is the real truth trying to train a Squirl... A simple 1 + 1 question is way too hard for an AI Squirl for now... Doing some offline AI testing models and training... Some models are out of this world, AI surely can be used and exploited by people with malice for evil... Not sure how making a law can help if law varies by countries... I asked squirl ai who would win World War 3 and I got asked back in return... Squirling... I'll probably skip walking and exercise today or any side hustles... my whole body, feet and legs are in pain... Squirling... Can't believe I slept for 8 hrs + today... I feel much better than powernaps... Squirling... Now using a different AI Model from llama that is 70 billion (compared to GPT 3.5's 175 billion parameters) on a 32 Gig RAM machine... I still prefer Open source even though its only 70 B compared to 175 B of GPT... It's free and can be run locally outside of the internet and be trained... Squirling... Speaking of FREE, always make sure to read the fine print before getting FREE Stuff... Example: Microsoft Visual Studio might have some free offers... but if your a company that FREE thing changes and not FREE anymore... I think people in the law making industry should change the word FREE... If someone claims and use the word FREE then its FREE without any strings attached... but who am I kidding... this world is full of tricks...

Jan 7, 2024
Just playing with Squirl AI... Congrats Squirl, now you know 1 + 1 and 2 + 2! but you still don't get what is - 4 (my nose for) = You said 0 but the correct answer is for smelling... Squirling... There's an officer asking for help on the Dark Web to hack his body cam and willing to pay $$$... That officer may be in a tight spot to post and offer $$$ on the dark web... Squirling... I'll sell some bottles later, thanks again for the bottles! Thumbs Up!!

Jan 8, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, today is a lot harder... I think I have to take a break from Insta Cart Delivery until I finish school... My body needs to recover on weekends (I think I need lots of sleep on weekends)... To be honest, I never really paid attention to school and studies after a certain experience that happened in my life... After that, I felt like I haven't studied in my life ever since... I got by being lucky and singing eeni mini mini mo for a, b, c, d, e guessing answers on tests... I'll save the story for another day...

Jan 9, 2024
ommo: Thanks for these bottles again! Thumbs Up! Going to sell more bottles later.

Jan 10, 2024
ommo: Food Tip of the day: Sardines + Tomato Sauce + Mayo = Taste so good! If there's a G outthere that also eats the same stuff = Maybe you are the one... Squirling... Used all of these muscle pain stuff and it doesn't seem to be working if your body doesn't get enough sleep...

Jan 11, 2024
squirl: hey ommo how's school? ommo: It's going great squirl... No one found out about my personal online diary yet... I feel like Superman / Clark Kent as his secret identity... I don't think I'll be able to talk really long to people that saw my online diary... Someday, I want to be able to sleep 8 hrs a day... someday... even though I feel like Superman my body feels all the pain and aches... Wanted to get a massage using my benefits from remote work but I'm shy if a girl touches me and I don't have a 6 pack yet... I failed to get a 6 pack last December 2023... but this year... I'll try harder to make it come true... then maybe then I'll get a better chance talking to Gs? A few hours later... I got it in reverse it's Superman that is the secret identity not Clark Kent... It's the same for me... Color | Colour... Tomato | Tomatoe | Ketchup... Squirling... I think I get the excitement/testosterone or whatever you call it that Clark Kent must have felt having secret identity...

Jan 12, 2024
ommo: Thanks for the tips! Thumbs Up!... It's too cold... Squirling... USA seizing more than $300 billion in Russian assets...

Jan 13, 2024
ommo: The engine wouldn't start even with a portable fully charged booster. Doesn't feel like global warming at all...

Jan 15, 2024
The Bitter and Sweet Tree

In the beginning... God created man and woman and was sweet... Luci was jealous of Adam and/or Eve. The next night, Luci started making a plan for Eve. Luci whispered that Eve would find out the truth to this world if she eats the forbidden fruit. Eve got tricked and ate it... The all-knowing God learned what has happened... Did God know this would happen? Adam and Eve got banished from the promise land. Eve became sweeter to Adam to make it up to him, but Adam became bitter... A few thousand years later... To all the Gs out there, no matter how sweet you are, some men's bitterness has evolved throughout the years. They are now called Dr. Strangers, no matter how you try to see the good in them, some are just rotten and pure bitter to the core... Doesn't matter how much sugar you add on a bitter fruit, you will always be able to taste their bitterness... A few thousand years to come... This bitterness doesn't apply to just men anymore... It applies to all Gs... Squirling... squirl: ommo you forgot to post yesterday... ommo: Yes squirl, I forgot and got busy doing other side hustles... After this week and the week after, I need to keep studying for some sort of exam at school. Squirling... So what should the non bitter people do? Should they give up on this rotten pure bitterness Dr. Strangers? I think not, God made us from his good ol sweet side... Though its always better not to talk to Dr. Strangers especially if they give you candy...

Jan 16, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary: Learned today that Drugs in Canada for Medications are way cheaper than USA. USA Florida started buying from Canada. I remember before Canada ran out of cough medicines... I went to Walmart, Superstore, Shoppers, 7 Eleven and other stores and no one was selling any cough medicines. If USA keeps buying from Canada because it's cheaper, would Canada lose and ran out again? Also learned Bank of China did some reversal salary... Squirling... people in youtube asking if Israel has a plan after the war for Palestinian in Gaza... Seriously, It's been months and months when Israel PM and government said they want to be in charge of Gaza. The current government has no plans to live side by side with Palestinians... There is a major advantage for Israel and USA to get that land... What if homeless people started going into peoples home and kicking out the original home owners? More and more are getting homeless each day... I saw another G by the traffic light begging for something and showing her legs during severe winter cold... Why show it? I got legs as well. After doing daily walks everyday, I think I can see my legs getting skinnier and more muscle.. so the only difference is that mine is more hairy than yours... I can't believe she's doing that in winter...

Jan 17, 2024
ommo: Hey squirl, did you know Trump won Iowa by a landslide? squirl: I've heard about it. Why you ask? ommo: I kinda want Donald Trump to win over Joe Biden... The world needs more laughter right now... I cannot wait to watch all the late night shows what they will say about Donald Trump if he wins again... I do think Donald Trump is misunderstood by most people... Just like me I'm always misunderstood... Google, Siri and Alexa can't even understand what I'm saying (very frustrating that the words coming out of my mouth isn't being understood by these technologies)... So I feel like I have more connection with Trump over Biden... Because of this connection I feel I understood Trump when he proposed building a Wall in Mexico border... Not many people get Trump but when he proposed it to the public, what he really meant to say is: Will you be my WALL-et? Not many people also know his favorite song either... It's "Build Me Up Buttercup" song by the Foundations... It's because he love to build things... When he said he wanted to be a DEEKTATOR during his first day of being president again... His rival Joe Biden quickly used this chance and said Trump is lucky that he hasn't seen the Irish inside of him... I think Trump again was misunderstood when he said he wanted to be a DEEK... I think what he really meant to say is that being a president is like being a comedian... Not everyone understands your jokes but half the world loves it... One last thing, we have seen almost all of Trump skeletons in the closet out in the open... Yet people accepted him, isn't this better than hiding the hulk inside of the other candidate? Captain America (wins) > Hulk... Squirling... This ABC company (won't name it) got breached and lost all their data for a certain service... It's because they aren't secured enough... I showed it to my colleagues how anyone could easily steal their users' account info, address, emails, contacts its wide open to the internet... So many clients and users got affected because all their stuff needs to be rebuilt from scratch... They even sent out their passwords using plain text... You can even login into anysite they hosted as admin and make changes due to a certain bug... I wonder if they will pay back all their customers that got affected... Hacking is fun and games as long as you don't do this kind of stuff to other people and just want to learn and make it more secure... I feel sorry for this company and its customers I bet my balls all their customers don't know their user data can be breached without admin access... Also obfuscation is not security...

Jan 18, 2024
ommo: Going to study more to prepare for an exam next week... Squirling... Drones have changed the war, because its cheaper to make... USA is going to have a hard time against Drone Attacks... but what if, someone make an app to detect the drone signals? I've played with RFID/NFC for work purposes and made an app using Visual Studio + RESTful API for an external DB connection to do almost anything on the DB but never played with RF Drone signals or even owned a Drone myself... I hope someone out there already made one, then it should help counter these Drone Attacks? squirl: How? ommo: Well if Drones are way cheaper (thousands) to make than missiles (millions), then if someone can detect these drones that uses some sort of signal, someone could just buy a helium and balloon which is cheaper and attached a EMP device with a mini fan powered by a small battery to move towards the target against Drones passing by? I've watched how to make an EMP device in youtube and it doesn't look hard and anyone can do it... Squirling... I missed the good old days of hacking/modding/decompiling and recompiling (it was so much fun, addicting and nerve racking)... Still staying true to my word never do it again... Squirling... All countries should make IMEI changing illegal because of how easy it is to change and make emergency phone calls without a SIM card, it uses IMEI and location to track who's calling... but since its too easy to change IMEI + Voice Changer + Emergency Phone Calls = It will disrupt the service for people who truly needs it. Though I'm not sure how the government can counter it with people buying second hand phones all over...

Jan 19, 2024
ommo: hey squirl... squirl: what is it? I just saw how China at the sea uses water against other naval vehicles (Philippines)... Maybe USA can learn something from China and develop water guns that uses sea water as well to target drones instead? Plenty of water in the sea to use as an ammo... Very smart of China to develop water guns/cannons... squirl: I wanna see lots of squirt battles as well... ommo: I concur, WW3 should be a squirting battle that only uses water and nothing else...

Jan 20, 2024
ommo: Zzzz Zzzz... Just going to sleep a lot and rest up...

Jan 21, 2024
ommo: Finally got 8 hrs of sleep ready for another Mon to Sat week of sigma life... Sunday is for resting to get some energy back... Squirling: Looking into dogs and found something new... Who would come up with such a name? Went to wikipedia to find out more about it... I missed my Dalmatians dogs way back when...

Jan 22, 2024
ommo: Today, I have learned a new dog breed called Shih Tzu (make it into one word remove h and zu) from search and wikipedia... I feel sorry for dogs that are named like this because I also feel the connection of having a name like mine... People giving names like mine and to these dogs probably isn't born as an English speaking native tongue...

Jan 23, 2024
ommo: Thanks for these bottles! Thumbs Up!

Jan 24, 2024
ommo: Finally did my mid exam... Even though I did study I still made 1 mistake... It's disappointing that my singing skills of singing eeni mini mini mo on tough questions isn't working anymore (probably because I've been singing in the car everyday different songs other than this mini mo song and I also sing once a month in the shower since I only take it once a month)... Tomorrow I'll have to finish my work IT Training that is required every year with quiz in the end... It feels like my first aid and cpr training certificate that always needs to be retaken as a refresher that cost $$$... It feels pointless not to have a pretty @N6G in the CPR training and just a doll (SPOILER ALERT... yes you do it with DOLLS not real life people to practice)... Hello World! Squirling and checking for the latest world news using google search... The UN court said the 17-judge panel will give its verdict this Friday... We already know what UN is capable of... Squirling... Ukrainian-born model wins Miss Japan 2024, sparks identity controversy... I think it's not about how you look, it's all about where your heart belongs deep down inside... If you truly feel your Japanese in your heart, it shouldn't matter what this world thinks of you... As for me, I'm still searching where I belong (even though I said Edmonton feels like home)... I'm still searching for something unknown... Squirling... NEW YORK -- Even as Donald Trump seeks his third straight Republican presidential nomination, his live appearances still present an unsolved riddle for many news outlets: How do you cover him? (From google search)... Can't believe they don't know how to cover him... It's so simple, just buy a MAGA-zine and cover him... Though I still prefer a builder as the president of any country over a war supporting president any day... We are still lucky that USA supports Philippines though... Squirling... I think I'm going to West Edmonton this Saturday and eat out to celebrate passing and maybe record a new fingerstyle song a long the way... Squirling... Joe Biden said: "We build in America, we buy in America." Truth to be told... I think this is a pipe dream... Everything is made in China now... Soon, even babies are made in China... This is why its so DUCKING hard to find a pretty @N6 G now because more and more people like Joe Biden doesn't want everything to be made in China... I wish I wasn't a PINESE (PINOY + CHINESE not PEN - IS) and have blue, green eyes (not brown eyes)... I also can't remember the last time I saw something made in USA...

Jan 25, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, why are greedy people seems like vampires to me (soul sucking)? Nothing in this world will satisfy their hunger and become more greedy... Do people become greedy in life? or are Greedy people born that way? Greed truly knows no bounds... I do not know if greedy people can overcome this... Greed affects everyone, doesn't matter if you are poor, middle class or rich... All I can think of and advice anyone is to get away from vampires before they suck the life out of you... Sorry to say eating raw garlic everyday 100% doesn't work on vampires... Took down my ads because it's getting annoying... Squirling... I'll renew my passport this weekend, just in case I need a break and take a vacation outside of Canada if I get burnt out. My first country to visit and I've never been into is USA. Though I sent someone a picture of Trump in a mugshot, and they felt offended... They are from Texas USA who support Republicans and Trump... Learned something new in life... Never show mugshot of Trump in Texas... Squirling... For the past few days, I'm getting more and more visitors from USA over Canada... Thumbs Up! Keep it up and I'll visit USA but not Texas... Mugshot of Trump wasn't meant to offend anyone... Peace be with you!

Squirling... Change of plans, I'll have to go to a walk-in clinic this weekend... I was trying to get a powernap but couldn't and then blood wouldn't stop coming out from my nose / mouth a little... Got severe headache... After a few hours of taking this picture, blood keeps coming out after stopping for a while... I had to use more wipes and paper towels to clean my clothes, pillow, pillow cover, my nose, mouth and face and the carpet that I've used inside the caravan...

Warning: Graphic Content Contains Blood (Nose Bleed) Nose Bleed
This is a true story ever since I was a little gago boy, I kept getting tumors... One time, I had to be brought to the Hospital in the Philippines, they had to perform and remove the tumor and tie me up and hold me down with 8-10 nurses... This is because this MOTHERFATHER DUCKING Hospital ran out of anaesthetics, I was screaming in so much pain... After going to Canada and getting checked by a doctor here in Canada, the doctor gave me some paper works that I had to do some blood tests and scans... This was the time that I passed out because the person taking blood samples had lots of tiny bottles... that was the time I asked if they are feeding vampires... In this world vampires are real and greedy... They might not suck your blood but they sure can suck your souls... Good thing I don't pass out from Nose Bleeds and just at Needles and Blood Bottles... Squirling back to the story to prevent getting squirled... The result came out and the doctor said they found more tumors and would like me to do the same thing every year (blood tests and scanning)... I stopped doing it since Covid... I think I need to start getting checked again... This is to find out what is happening to me... Is this because I ate too much garlic today (2), couldn't get enough sleep, too much work and stress related and not doing #3, or too much studying, I haven't been able to watch anything lately (Korean Shows, Japanese Shows or Anime) just don't have time for it anymore because of school and work... Whatever happens, I don't want to regret not having to kiss a G for a very long time and say I like it or not... I need to find out how much time I have left (knock on wood)... Might have to donate all my gift cards because I failed to go to a restaurant last christmas and ended up with A&W eating two Mama Burgers with Cheese (Not McDonalds from the previous 2022) also have my receipt from A&W Christmas as a memory... Seems to me life is all about training non stop to get better (work, school, life) then in the end... Life will just DUCK us up anyway...

Jan 26, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, It's been 6 hrs 9 mins and my nose bleeds just won't go away... I'm getting dizzy from losing lots of blood... Stuffing my nose with paper towels doesn't seem to work... It's time to close thy eyes and hope it stops... If something happens, I have recorded 3 unique songs in my machine that I composed and made but don't have the big balls to upload... My username on my machine is ommo, my password is @secret...

Jan 27, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, Looks like I'm still alive... True story happened earlier today... I met a black random guy who stopped me from walking, I was still feeling weak because for two days blood wouldn't stop coming out and headaches, back to the story before we get squirled... He gave me a pamphlet about Jesus Christ. He asked me for some free time to talk about God and Jesus Christ... I said yes, we ended up talking about many things... That I stopped going to church, I stopped believing in God and Jesus Christ even though I was raised and go to church every Sunday and a sacristan when I was a little gago boy... I even mentioned look what God and religion does to people Israel and Palestine... After our conversation he ended up praying for me... We said our goodbyes... I turned around when I looked back and searched for him again he disappeared like magic in thin air... What the heck... It not my imagination... It's not a ghost, He's not a ninja I think and I'm not going crazy yet... A few minutes later, blood has stop and now headache is gone... For Real... Believe It (Naruto)... I can't explain it myself either... Maybe I should start going back to church? I'll try tomorrow I guess, wouldn't hurt to go... as a token for making me feel better... I even mentioned this world is for greedy people and I'm getting tired of it... He also took away all my worries... That random stranger is a miracle stranger... Squirling... I gotta change my password because I woke up... my new password is asecret not @ symbol no one would guess that I'll be using such a simple pass...

Jan 28, 2024
ommo: Went to sell bottles today and made $2x.xx thanks. Also learned they don't accept those big water hug bottles... I'll just use it for extra water storage... Squirling... studying for exam again... Squirling... bought a jump starter made in China from amazon, tried and didn't work... Doesn't charge, or powers anything... Returning it tomorrow... Bought it for $6x.xx that doesn't work... Squirling... Biden asking USA to support Israel more and made a vow for their fellow 3 Americans who died from a drone attack...

Jan 29, 2024
ommo: Wow Joe Biden getting sued for supporting Israel... Wonder what Joe is saying right about now? Is it: Let's Biden our time, 'til we find away out of this mess... Squirling... I've tried bitcoin and other crypto mining... It's not for me... waste of electricity, data plan internet and energy... Squirling... The Illuminati of the dark web, where do Eye begin... No comment... Squirling... I found a new song I'm learning to play called At My Worst by Pink Sweats... I'll make this song my new emo song... If someone can love anyone at their worst, even if they have a small... that is real True Love... but be careful though because if it's one-sided and the other person doesn't give a duck... It's not going to work... I can't believe I haven't heard this song 'til today... Need to master this song and add it to my playlist... I finally have a new song to sing as well everyday in the vehicle since no one is around except for my dash cam recording my singing voice... Yes that's right dash cam are awesome, it records video and audio highly recommended for accidents...

Jan 30, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, I just had a moment of enlightenment... It doesn't matter how many tools or screwdrivers a person has to try and fix some screw loose... If a person entire being is made of screws and not just a few screw loose... No matter what tools you use, it's not going to work... It's not worth the cost... Squirling... time to keep studying for another exam... Squirling... My last can of tuna, I refused to buy more because last time I bought it was $1.23 at walmart now its almost $2 for a small can... I also looked at the coffee aisle and everything went up... I guess intermediate fasting won't cut it... Now we need to stop eating every 2 days... Awesome, Canada! I'm seriously going to vote even if there's a lot of people next time... It's not about whether I can afford it or not, its about making a stand with this hyper inflation... I seriously need to find a G, no offense to anyone but I'm guessing and based on my research their you know what I mean smells like fish and tuna... I love eating fish, sardines and tuna... Someday I could sing this song: At My Worst
Can I call you baby? Can you be my friend? Can you be my lover up until the very end? Let me show you love, it tastes so good... Someday baby... I can't afford to lose concentration... Squirling... I got multiple kind of warnings now from my full-time remote work... Trying to get me back to the office... This 3rd time, now I'm force to participate in Q&A for Health & Safety... Even though in Canada H&S made it easier for employees and made rules flexible... Getting it for the 3rd time in different cases seems fishy... I guess there's no point being loyal to a company in this day and age? Either find a new job in Edmonton or go back to Calgary and live in Bakers Park again while going back to the office... Life is surely fun giving us constant stress and worries to think about... Don't get me wrong there are tons of pretty @N6Gs at my work, but I'm a professional... I don't ... coworkers... Squirling... I went to shoppers to return the portable jump starter that I order that doesn't work... Then saw the price of canned tuna 2 for $4. Didn't buy it waiting for price to drop back to 1.23... Then I saw Save on Foods $3.19 each... MOTHERFATHER I guess I have to stop eating tuna for a while... God please bring back the price of canned tuna down again... or give me a G to eat, you know what I heard it smells like tuna... Squirling... BRICS sanctioned USA and UK... Our economy (Canada) is in for a big change as well... Soon canned tuna will be $5 per can...

Jan 31, 2024
ommo: Started learning these two songs yesterday, Never Enough and At my worst fingerstyle... Going easy so far, just need to practice more... Squirling... In our darkest time, we should seek this tiny spark of light... Wherever, whenever... for there always is a reason to smile again... the truth shall set us free... be happy... we are all humans that deserve to smile...

To be Continued...