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Welcome to omLestermo!
om - Short for Home + less
mo - Mobile Living
Also known as: Lester then add "Mo" in front or ommo for short.

The top part symbolizes the roof of a house (a car in my case). Added two wheels on the road (based on Abbey Road from the Beatles) My name on the road like the Beatles walking 'coz I'm a fan of their music.

Quote of the Year:
"A Hopeless Romantic..."
- ommo

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  • Taking Care of your recycled bottles (Edmonton Area or St. Albert only for now)
  • Responsive Web Design, Graphics & Animation
  • Teaching + Training / Programming or Software App Dev / Automation

Year 2024 Dear Diary
OMMO's, EMO's, Lester, omLestermo, mo... Daily Life...


Oct 1, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, I started my extra training of 60 sit ups a day and logging it at tgm photo wall... Squirling... For the first time in forever, a girl said that she loves this website... Also mentioned that I have autism, nothing wrong with that... There's also one girl when I accidentally forgot to wear a mask and went outside the vehicle shouted... Hey you don't need to wear a mask your cute... Seriously? Unbelievable... Squirling... One day, I was getting a gas for the caravan and this pretty hot blonde girl, her name was Bella asked me out of nowhere stuff like, if I live and sleep there alone... I said yes... Do you travel to differe t places, I said yes... Then she said she wanted to try this lifestyle too... Then the gas finished... I finally got an excuse to get out of that situation... I almost said... if you buy one, you can try it too in my mind... Good thing I said, sorry I have to go bye... I wonder, if I ask for her phone number... would I get it or rejected? Squirling... I really need to be more adventurous, like that time when I got a note that saying everything is open just get inside their house to receive a present... I haven't even met or known this person... So I went back to my vehicle, grab a tiny pen and wrote... No thank you and left... I wonder, what if I went inside? Do I get a cookie and milk? I will never know...

Oct 2, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, I can now feel the pain from doing 60 sit up yesterday... I did 30 earlier and still need 30... Now I understand the no pain no gain thingy... I also have much deeper respect to people with 6 pack abs for doing this stuff everyday... It hurts... believe it... I also now understand why some athletes loses their discipline and rely on bad substances because they can't take the pain... Playing guitar and hurting fingers is 1000% no match for the pain of doing sit ups... Freaking squirls in my head... Why did I even try this challenge for a year? why? Am I this crazy? Duck Me Maybe I'm going crazy...

Oct 3, 2024
ommo: Good News, I found my bluetooth earphones... I watch an anime movie asap and got disappointed... Wasted my time watching... Long story short... A girl engage broke off and went to the guy best friend... After a while the girl went to another guy... The best friend guy cried all over and felt betrayed... The guy best friend came over the one who was previously engage to that girl... Both best friends got dumped by the same girl... The guy cried and cried how he couldn't make her happy and stuff... Note to self when in doubt... Look at what Eve did to Adam... Squirling... I then went to youtube and watch Karens being racists... Even in Canada there are people like that from my experienced... I don't think that will ever go away in our life time...

Oct 4, 2024
ommo: Looks like I owe 70 sit ups now... I'll try to catch up... Maybe I should start taking my vacation days to catch up... I also still owe some songs... I'll record this weekend, pinky promise... It's Friday, everyone needs a break sometimes...

Oct 5, 2024
ommo: Congrats to Ireland for taking the pretty @N6C G Trophy... 2nd Place US and 3rd Singapore, 4th Canada... I finally had time and practice the whole song and will record tomorrow...

Oct 6, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, I woke up this morning and remembered an old dream I had... It was a big dream... Bigger than conquering the world... or a online home on the net... I dreamt of hugging a girl, taking a picture of her hugging me and pretending we use to date... I've been thinking a lot lately if I chose the correct decision during my encounters such as: The Naked Vehicle Incident, A Letter From A Random House, Street Fallen Angels and etc... What could have been if I pick a different path? Would I have someone to hug instead of body pillow by now? I hope that if I get another encounter, that would be the last and I won't need to hug body pillows any longer... Squirling... Here is the Fly Me To The Moon song, finally learned another song and will learn another one... Also have some spare time to do more sit ups, doesn't hurt anymore if we keep on it...

Oct 7, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, I remember my vwry first tim using tissues... It was a dark and rainy might... I had nothing else to do that might and decided to play a basketball game I just bought on sale... After the half time... I was surprised what happened... They added a video of LA Lakers Cheerleaders... The game allows us to keep replaying the video over and over... It was full of blonde LA girls Cheerleaders showing off their ... My head started getting harder and harder... My instinct kicked in and lucky there was a tissue on that dark rainy might... The rest is history... That's why the number use for tissues according to studies is a guys sperm... 2nd is only for girls crying... I 100% agree to this very scientific studies done by professionals... Squirl: Hey, ommo you have typos all over... you must have overused your hands today...

Oct 8, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, I've been singing in the vehicle for a long time today that I almost lost my voice... For some unknown reason I was training my body in the mountains all of a sudden I ended up trying to make a song dedicated to all the people who has a broken heart and to all the guys who has no balls to get the girl been practicing it singing and playing today it's in progress and not complete yet... I dub thee this a soft kinda rock song: Every Day/Night by ommo...

Your chasing him again...
Afterall what he did to you...
Just set that MOTHERFATHER free...

Every day, I will make you laugh...
Coz your smiles worth a lot...

Every night, I'll be by your side...
Loving you every moment
Coz my love for you is real
Every Day... Every Night...

Repeat Chorus 2x
Work In Progress...

Oct 9, 2024
ommo: Thank you for this Card/letter and gift! Squirling.. I think I'm going to skip on my 60 sit up today... Too tired...

Oct 10, 2024
ommo: Had to make some slight changes on my online home it's like moving furnitures in real life around and you cannot seem to make up your mind, what happened today here is the same because I don't have furnitures to move, I thought I'll just do it online... Squirling... skip 60 situps again... Already owe 180 situps, I'll catch up this weekend and also play some guitar...

Oct 12, 2024
ommo: Dear Diary, today I found myself asking girls, AI and researching if girls in real life really do say SMD... Sock My Deek... out of curiosity... I found out that some girls do say stuff like... It doesn't automatically mean they are men in wigs or doing cosplay... That's a hard lesson I learned today...

Oct 14, 2024
ommo: Skip situps again... I owe 340 sit ups... Muscle Pain all over... I used to climb very tall ladders when I was side hustling at Michaels Carrying Frames or Heavy Boxes all the way to the top of the back warehouse... But yesterday was a lot harder even though the house wasn't that high... It's different when you are against MOTHERNATURE... and we all know by know MOTHERNATURE and I don't get along that much... I didn't even have any safety like rope or harness if I fell down... Lesson learned... Safety First and Don't Be Crazy! Good thing MOTHERNATURE wasn't mad at me yesterday when changing old lights to a led lights for a home from someone in India... I got to taste their Tea with some tumeric on it and Chicken Biryani for the first time as well... The taste of the Tea and Food was a little spicy but the taste was great... I need to find my Deep Spray and make sure to cover my BALLS...

To be Continued...